Why hasn't there been an official rpg released in the harry potter universe?
It's fun, campy and has a large weird fanbase that'd buy it.
I know the films were dull but at least the books were good and interesting.
Why hasn't there been an official rpg released in the harry potter universe?
It's fun, campy and has a large weird fanbase that'd buy it.
I know the films were dull but at least the books were good and interesting.
For the same reason Wendy Pink, co-creator of Elfquest, resisted the Elfquest RPG - her initial response was "people are going to be playing as my characters?".
It's a reasonable fear. Licensed RPG properties have a tendency to focus on the shown and known characters and plotlines, with very little resources for telling other stories in the same setting. This is shown by the use of main characters as pregen examples, guides dedicated to playing through the series as a campaign, and the fact that most fans are familiar with the series and characters.
Star Wars clears the bar, as it (to the best of my knowledge) explicitly focuses away from the main characters. Firefly/Serenity barely cleared the bar, thanks to room for other stories being baked into the setting. Red Dwarf, barely again, mostly because the devs pushed making your own characters, and the episode guide tried to break episodes into bits you could steal for your game. I haven't seriously looked at Star Trek RPGs, so I can't tell you much there.
Elf Quest... Did not truly pass the bar.
The same issues plague harry potter. We have a limited area of canon (but fantastic beasts is expanding it), with a limited span for really exciting adventures in the classic style, and the source material focused on an epic adventure (everybody wants to fight old moldy nose, not clear giant, illegally imported, rats with acidic saliva from the hogsmeade basement). The last point is the usual issue with LOTR games -somehow, the game focuses on curb stomping Sauron, even if the group started as ERPing drunken barmaids in Hobbiton.
To really succeed at getting the OK from JK, an HP RPG would have to have a new school, with built in background issues that the group can use, and no canon beyond that point (maybe a school year update every now and then).
It's been attempted before but the main problem is how vague Rowling left the magic. It literally doesn't have enough structure to make a system out of the magic, and the rets of the setting alone isn't enough to supplement/compensate for this lack.
How do people cast spells in HP? They need a wand, they need to know the words, and they need to know the gestures.
Fine basics, but needs more details. Can you get exhausted and 'run out' of magic. The books seem to imply so, but it's never explicitly stated how or what it's linked to. Lets say it's endurance, but then Mcgonagall wasn't exactly Beefy McLargehuge and she was TERRIFYING in a spell duel. So it it mental stamina/wisdom? Then what do you tie everything else to?
Then there's the proliferation of what you'd call SoS or 'save or suck' spells in DnD. Petrificus Totalus and Stupefy are pretty much an OHKO, as are a ton of other spells, the most famous being Avada Kedavra of course, and there's nothing to stop you from spamming them. There's no reason in lore why they didn't spam them...
So yeh, cool lore, not so adequate spell system. And if you don't focus on the spells, why are you even playing Harry Potter anyway?
Not to mention that if you wanted a school in a different region and if you wanted it to be interesting, it couldn’t just be a copy of Hogwarts (looking at you, ilvermorny).
Hogwarts is explicitly one big joke about British boarding schools and British Boarding School stories. An American school should reflect what is specific to, in my opinion, American public schools. I’d have multiple govt funded schools around the country to a max of 10, some of them clearly superior or inferior in funding, staffing and results, in order to demonstrate the disparity in the system.
Rowling made it worse with Pottermore. Apparently wands are a yuropoor thing only. Other countries use different props. African wizards use no props at all.
>African wizards use no props at all.
The unforgivable curses can’t generally be spammed because you need to want them to work for their own sake, not for some other motive.
Wanting to try out Avada Kedavra wouldn’t be enough to make it work, according to Barry Crouch Jr, you need to actually want that person dead just because.
Wanting to hurt someone out of revenge also isn’t enough, as Bellatrix Lestrange said. You have to want them to hurt because you want them to hurt.
And overriding someone’s free will...is this not mind-rape? It’s really disturbing how in the last book, HP himself pulled it off perfectly on his first try on impulse. No wonder he became a magic FBI spook: being a part of the machine makes his want to override another’s Will legit.
The villains of HP are people who can walk into a room of people they’ve never met and fire any one of these off. Azkaban is, ostensibly, full of those kinds of people, who must be seriously fucked in the head. The kinds of people who would
>kill you just cuz
>torture you just cuz
>force you do what they wanted just cuz
Also you’d have to involve cliches and tropes endemic to The American High School Story.
Think Mean Girls, or a John Green book. And fuck now I really want Friday Night Lights but with magic.
>black kids getting quidditch scholarships and coming out of school basically learning nothing
Any kid with an athletic scholarship, really. But you may have black communities be a little more welcoming to their magically-active brethren - not only do the more religious ones see them as a source of God’s miracles, but being open with them means sticking it to The Man and his Statute of Secrecy.
There are plenty of Harry Potter video games. The issue is that relatively no one plays RPGs. It's barely a profitable venture for the monolithic game in the genre: D&D, a two man operation mostly funded by being attached to the same company as MtG. What are the potential sales goals for a HP RPG? 100 copies? 1000?
I think it's safe to assume that Harry is a poisoned well and more than a little screwed in the head by virtue of being a phylactery and his rather horrible experiences the first 18 ywars of his life. Which makes his effort of being a good man admirable but easy to see how he could pull off dark magic easily.
I mean he did grow up in an abusive household that was made even worse with his presence (phylacteries in HP can make people act worse than they normally would in their presence). Cycle of abuse and all that
Because it would be the kind of shitty RPG you may get from one the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Like clockwork
>They need a wand, they need to know the words, and they need to know the gestures.
Even that's up in the air half the time. There's plenty of instances of dudes just using magic without words, or even without wands.
Yeah but most of those examples of non wand magic still require some sort of focus, like Griffindor's sword Or Mad-Eye's cane to work. As for the use of spells without incantation, it's explicitly stated to be an advanced technique in the books and only done in the movies because it's more visually impressive to have them firing spells rapid fire
>God Tier : The stranger.
I loled. It is literally masturbation of the higest order. Camus was an insufferable cunt.
Harry potter videogames focus exclusively on adventures of Harry and Co. It's basically an interactive movie, not a world/character builder
Grindelwald did it in Fantastic Beasts, and that’s canon.
You replied to pasta.
>Grindelwald did it in Fantastic Beasts, and that’s canon.
Remember this moment in thirty years when HP's become a sprawling corporate franchise, with an Expanded Universe that makes no sense.
What sort of mechanics would you use for shit vanishing as a young wizard?
t. Ashamed ex-hardcore-fanboii
>not recognising pasta
Even if it wasn't the Clifford version of the image (which is shameful on his part) there's no excuse
M8, it never made sense.
It worked in books 1-3, where it was whimsical and self contained enough for the cracks to fly under the radar, but the moment the wider wizarding world became a thing, it started getting obvious that Rowling was writing by the seat of her ass. The patch jobs in later books only made things worse, and the less said about Pottermore the better.
Like what the actual fuck?
there's not enough world building, consistency and plotlines.
Pottermore is Rowling's magical realm that she uses to answer fan questions.
Otherwise known as the place that proves how vital editors are.
Quite right Charles old bean
There's no such thing as a magical core or mana, despite what fanon would have you believe. It is very much vague.
I'm not one of those "I like X but hate X fanbase" types, all fan bases are shit but harry potter is the exception. I can't stand harry potter fans they are the worst of the worst.
tumbler, weebs, R&M and speed runner autism al rolled into one.
they do not need yet another avenue to LARP in they have enough.
Fans being obsessed with Magical cores in particular baffle the fuck out of me. There is literally no reference to it at all.
Same with Ancient and Noble houses. It was mentioned literally once, and that was mocking how up their own ass the Blacks were; it didn't denote some nobility that everyone else, including the snob incarnate Malfoy family, seemed to mysteriously forget about everywhere else.
I will never, ever understand why the wizards in this universe all act like fucking oblivious aliens when they've co-existed with Normies for all of human history.
On the other hand, shitting where you stand and just magicking it away sounds exactly like the stuff a typical D&D wizard would do.
Book 6, lake in the cave, Dumbledore tells Harry that his magical power is nothing compared to Dumbledores
What other gems from Pottermore are there?
the first book is a genuinely good story for kids. Introduces a whimsical world hidden away from our own, reflecting how the "adult world" is hidden from children. It's full of little details to make it believable but doesn't look too closely at anything to leave plenty of room for the imagination.
Every book after that is a blatant cash grab with the only impressive feature of them is that she managed to ret-con the gaps as well as she did with out having the whole thing fall apart.
What's a magical core?
I don't recall that.
I remember Dumbledore saying his blood was more viable for the "sacrifice", and that he was more magically skilled, but not more inherently powerful.
Perhaps it's a translation error somewhere down the line?
Wands in the Harry Potter universe have cores of things like Phoenix Feather, Unicorn horn, etc. its implied to be very important and part of making the wand work, but isnt really expanded on in the books.
In the actual series, it's the part of a wand that makes it work.
For some utterly bizarre reason, certain fans interpret it as some inherent part of the wizard and it being the Harry Potter equivalent of a power level.
There's also typically some kind of personal connection, or at the very least that sort of thing can occur. A big deal was made early on how Harry's phoenix feather came from the same bird as Voldemort's: Fawkes
Does this mean that HP India is cleaner than real world India?
How does that make any sense? So a wizard is only as powerful as his wand?
No. The wizard is as powerful as his knowledge and ability to execute that knowledge allow him to be.
Different wands do offer minor advantages in certain areas, the original example IIRC being James' wand being more inclined to transfiguration, but that's a pretty insignificant point since the wand chooses the wizard; James himself was adept at it, so a wand suited to it chose him.
Wands took off with the fans because it means there could be billions of "unique" wands out there for their own OC.
It's the fat white girl version of Nagashi Bloodmoon's blacksteel katana.
Except they’re so obnoxiously isolationist that wizards in the 90s can’t figure out pants, and need to be informed what a gun is (“a kind of metal wand muggles use to kill each other”)
>books were good and interesting.
See the problem is unless they're all just sitting around by themselves in a fucking cave for all eternity then they should understand all of these things.
But the background lore explicitly states wizards have always lived among muggles.
Speaking of which, I wonder what the Magic Supremacist assholes think of the fact Muggles went to the Moon by themselves. Knowing Rowling, if she ever addresses it then either she'll reveal von Brauhn was a wizard or the wizards can go to the Moon whenever they want, they simply don't because "lol it's just a dead rock".
The crown fucking jewel has to be Rowling making the blood purity correct.
See the whole point of the whole pureblood/halfblood/muggleborn/mudblood thong was that it didn’t actually matter who you were from - anyone could just randomly develop magical talent. The Blacks and the Malfoys did make sure to concentrate their magical talent through strategic inbreeding, but squibs are still a thing (muggle born to wizard parents).
But then in Pottermore, Rowling says that no, magical talent really is genetic, every wizard has a magical ancestor somewhere, it’s just really recessive. So that means the pirebloods are right insofaras their goal to keep wizard population free of muggle dominant traits. What’s more, it makes her self-insert Hermione less impressive because she’s no longer just some nothing girl who did her homework and did better than anybody, she has the same leg up as anyone else I’m the wizarding world and is therefore not representative of muggles.
This forces Slughorn’s question about her possible relation to a famous potion-maker named Granger to be seen in a completely new light. Hermione proudly answered that no, she’s not related, she’s a muggleborn (that is to say she’s riding on no-one’s Family-genetic coattails). Except she totally is.
IIRC the nurse mentions "magical core exhaustion" or some such in the third book when some Dementors get too close to Harry.
That never made the slightest bit of sense.
Wizards are based in central fucking London, how are they so gut-wrenchingly retarded? Fuck, the blitz should have put some holes in diagon alley.
My take on pottermore is like my take on lucas's random changes to star wars.
Fuck the lot of them. Han shot first, Hermione is pure muggle blood, Dumbledore is straight.
Statute of Secrecy was signed in 1692, so that’s probably the last time they had any real contact.
I mean fuck the Moon, they’re all up in a tizzy over Grindelwald and Voldemort, and nobody brings up Hitler or atomic weaponry?
It's one of the things that Rowling simply didn't think through.
It might make a hint of sense if the wizards were entirely disconnected, to the point of practically having their own plane of existence, but muggleborns exist and they're shown to keep in contact with their parents.
Even one muggleborn, or even half blood, getting into the ministry should be enough to stop people being absolute spastics.
>Wizards are based in central fucking London, how are they so gut-wrenchingly retarded?
Apparently, that wizard in the first movie just casually reading Hawking over his tea was confirmed by Rowling as American. Maybe it's just the limey ones who are so goddamn stupid.
>confirmed by Rowling as American
Y tho.
The George Lucas comparison is very apt. This is on par with randomly adding rocks for no reason.
>nobody brings up Hitler or atomic weaponry?
I'm still waiting for Rowling's inevitable and thoroughly tasteless update on wizard victims of the Holocaust.
Setting was cool and I feel like a Harry Potter like adventure could work as a setting but the magic rules were very vague. People need to remember the reasons why the books were so popular was not because of the magic, JK Rowling was just good at creating a world, writing interpersonal drama and coming up with mysteries for the characters to solve but her books were always light on combat and fights.
Fans interpreted it as a metaphysical 'core' that produces all the magical power existing within the wizard's body.
Isn't the wizard shown to not understand pants in GoF meant to be a really old foreigner?
I swear I've seen this same pasta on every single board I've been on at some point, it's kinda amazing.
Old, but not foreign.
Definitely not so old that he missed two millennia of trouser wearing
Pants arent a fucking math problem user and wizards aren't lobstermen with no understanding of human anatomy.
Because it's entry level shit for plebs and plebs only know D&D.
Why the fuck did Rowling feel the need to elaborate on how wizards shit? I'm pretty sure Tolkien never dedicated a paragraph to the shitting circles of Rivendell.
Apparently it isn't that they don't get modern muggle fashion, but they purposly dress that way in protest of the laws preventing them from wearing robes.
"You want me to wear muggle clothes? Fine, I'll wear some fucking muggle clothes." *dresses like the 60s and 70s threw up on them*
She was too dumb to think of chamberpots (something she actually wrote in the fucking books) or Outhouses.
I'm just saying, he's an old fogey surrounded by people who clearly DO know what pants are (evidenced by the fact they keep politely insisting he wear them so he stops drawing attention to himself) who chooses to wear dresses because they're the closest analogue to the robes he's used to. I don't see old wizard's struggle with getting pants on as any different from a Westerner struggling with how to tie a kimono.
This isn't what that other user meant. He's talking about "magical cores", the fanon mana equivalent. You have a magical core inside you that gives you power and the size of it dictates how much magic you can do before you get tired.
That’s just British wizards. The Ministry of Magic is a shadow govt for the British isles.
US would have like The Department of Parahuman Affairs or Majestic-12
To continue the kimono analogy, It becomes less understandable if you find out he'd been living alongside Japanese people, people raised by the Japanese and Weeaboos for most of his life.
>American wizards during the 1920's were more modern and could fit into muggle society better than English wizards from the fucking 90's
You think Rowling just really hates the English?
Rivendell is very clean. We only shit in designated shitting circles. Even then those whose shit smells the worst use outhouses that are kept clean for foreign visitors like Men and Hobbits.
No, I mean why the fuck do we need to know how shitting is done in Hogwarts?
Attention, probably. It's generally why she does anything these days.
At the time she was getting plenty of it from answering fan questions on Pottermore, so she was probably answering whatever question came, regardless of how dumb it was.
>I swear I've seen this same pasta on every single board I've been on at some point, it's kinda amazing.
It's a good multi-board pasta because its subject matter isn't specific to one board. Lots of people on different boards consider themselves to be well-read intellectuals, so it doesn't need to rely on board-specific memes to get replies, and once it lands a single reply, more people start tripping over themselves to show everyone else what intellectuals they are.
Not as much as she hates the Welsh.
>how much does she hate the Welsh?
She hates the Welsh so much she couldn’t resist calling the Welsh sheepfuckers in her children’s fantasy story.
Within even the most contumelious Englishman is a deep, burning desire to not be English. It's only natural when you're descended from a bunch of sheepfuckers upstarted by the Romans.
Unless you're Lindybeige
>She hates the Welsh so much she couldn’t resist calling the Welsh sheepfuckers in her children’s fantasy story.
Wait, what?
Don't forget about the germans.
Or the norse.
Or the normans.
Or the french.
Or the dutch.
Or the spanish.
Or the germans again.
Or the germans a third time.
Or the germans AND the french together.
Another component in English self-loathing is probably the fact the only superpower in the world today is a former colony who told them to fuck off.
That's what the masses want.
Dumbledore's brother has a criminal record for it.
Yes, and?
>The depressed intellectualoid's masturbatory fiction tier list
This man needs to provide sauce.
And this man needs to stop believing he has a grasp on history or genetics.
Considering Grindelwald was pretty much Pureblood Hitler and probably the head of the in-universe Thule Society. Every non-jew in the concentration camps would likely be a mudblood.
>who chooses to wear dresses because they're the closest analogue to the robes he's used to.
As if London hadn't been full of indian and chinese clothing shops since the 60's. Hell during the 80's all he had to do was walk through Camdem and pick some goth garbs.
>I know the films were dull but at least the books were good and interesting.
The books were horrible. I didn't even read the entire 1st book because it was boring as fuck
I often wonder if whoever made that list was being sincere or came up with it just for shitposting purposes. Most of it is in line with the pseudo-intellectual wanker's tastes, but:
>Great Gatsby at God-Tier
>Twain and TKaM at Shit-Tier
is too fucking stupid even for Veeky Forums.
The Dumbledores are canonically Welsh. Albus’s older brother Aberforth was convicted and served time for “inappropriate charms on goats”. His Patronus is a ram.
When a 10-year-old fan asked what that meant at a panel, Rowling basically said “you’ll get it when you’re older”
>served time
Is Azkaban the only Wizard prison or is it just their version of Guantanomo? Like if you get popped for shoplifting or some shit, do you get thrown into the hole full of soul-eating monsters alongside the terrorists and serial killers?
There are actualy a bunch of people in North America(scourers descendants) that have magical ancestors but lost the ability duo to marrying with muggles.
It pretty much means that Voldemort was the hero, and Potter the villain
It wouldn't be "intellectual" if it didn't conflict with the notions of quality of the general academic.
No there’s apparently a regular prison, just like there’s “magical law enforcement officers” and aurors.
Literally Google it.
Superior RPG 1d4chan.org
>Hogwarts is explicitly one big joke about British boarding schools and British Boarding School stories
Do other countries have equivalents of this?