By the glory of both the God Emperor of Man and the might of the Imperium I declare that a regiment will be made in this sector, and your planet has been chosen
First roll:
>Regiment Classification d10
By the glory of both the God Emperor of Man and the might of the Imperium I declare that a regiment will be made in this sector, and your planet has been chosen
First roll:
>Regiment Classification d10
Other urls found in this thread:
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Navy Armsmen: Experts in void-combat, they'll defend the ship or take the enemy's
Navy Armsmen huh? Not what i had expected from you sorry lot!
>Recruitment Criteria d100
Rolled 98 (1d100)
roll d3+1 times on the chart again
So roll a d3
Rolled 2 + 1 (1d3 + 1)
is it 3 rolls or 2 rolls? I never really understood 4chans + [number] mechanic
Rolled 34, 18, 23 = 75 (3d100)
It's 3. It's 1d3 + 1. So 1, 2, or 3 + 1.
In this case, 2 + 1.
Let's se what the data slate tells us about where you all come from
>Nobility: Bought their commission for honor and glory.
>All female [m/f ratio adjustable]
>re-roll the last one or we will get 2 all female
Rolled 36 (1d100)
>Priesthood: They venerate the God-Emperor in his soldier's aspect.
Looks like you have much to learn out in the void, far away from the upper hive spires and chapels to the God Emperor ladies, and Jenkins in the corner.
Onto the next table:
>Nature of Recruitment d10
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Standard conscription: Average or above-average citizens recruited from all levels of society (in this case all levels of (mostly) females from the Noble and Priesthood societies).
Now let's make this ancient Cognator to tell us where you are from
>Home World d100
Rolled 40 (1d100)
Feral World: They fight like wild animals in the Skyfather's name.
Feral worlders eh? You don't look so feral to me!
>Home World Predominant Terrain d100
Rolled 81 (1d100)
Rolled 36 (1d100)
Dead World: Able to make full use of the technology required to survive in such places.
Alright, now I am impressed (I imagine a noble and holy society class that rule over the feral worlders on their dead world)
>Regiment Core Units (d100)
Rolled 75 (1d100)
Could have guessed it myself with you being naval armsmen after all (I hoped for armoured to get better use of my picture)
>Specialization (d10)
Rolled 16 (1d100)
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Fuck, wrond dice.
Close Combat
I like it, brutal and effective. Reminds me a lot of the Administratum on my own homeworld.
How much do you lot pray to the Emperor, a lot I hope!
>Loyalty Rating (d10)
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Heretical: This regiment has abandoned the truth of the Emperor
>Special Equipment (d100)
Rolled 4 (1d100)
Traditional Weapon
let me just collect myself a bit, I'll let the cognator do this one on automation
>Regiment Creed (d100)
Rolled 48 (1d100)
For the Emperor: Fervent belief in the Imperial cult and the righteous mission of the Imperium fuels this regiment.
Alright, now I am confused, which one is it?!
>Regiment Friends (d100)
Rolled 9 (1d100)
Rolled 67 (1d100)
We have faith in the Emperor, but in a heretical way?
Adeptus Arbites
Seems logical that your are close ties with those who control the rabble when they get uppity
>Regiment Enemies (d100)
Rolled 62 (1d100)
Rolled 97 (1d100)
Chaos Space Marines
Alright time to wrap this up
>Feral Worlders - backward savages
>Dead World - world too inhospitable to live on without tech to keep us alive
Are we the daughters of techno barbarian chiefs or something?
>Regiment Classification
Navy Armsmen: Experts in void-combat, they'll defend the ship or take the enemy's
>Recruitment Criteria
Nobility: Bought their commission for honor and glory.
All female [m/f ratio adjustable]
Priesthood: They venerate the God-Emperor in his soldier's aspect
>Nature of Recruitment
Standard conscription: Average or above-average citizens recruited from all levels of society (in this case all levels of (mostly) females from the Noble and Priesthood societies)
>Home World
Feral World
>Home World Terrain
Dead World
>Regiment Core Units
Drop units
Close Combat
>Loyalty Rating
>Special Equipment
Traditional Weapon
>Regiment Creed
For the Emperor: Fervent belief in the Imperial cult and the righteous mission of the Imperium fuels this regiment.
>Regiment Friends
Adeptus Arbites
>Regiment Enemies
Chaos Space Marines
I imagine that the nobles and priests keeps the population in line by keeping them in a tribal state inside perhaps giant mega habitats in order for them not to unsurp them from their power
I imagine us like an amazon kind of people. Women are brutal killing machines while men are some kind of shamans which follow them in battle. Also, I would suggest some swaping. Maybe exchange the Loyalty Rating to Undisciplined or Unorthodox, to fit the "Fight for the Emperor" part.
Yeah I agree on that, it doesn't really make sense with our current setup
So far we have warrior and priestly caste feral worlders who join the hosts of the Skyfather in the void of night to return the sun each morn.
So how did our amazons come into being? Clearly our bronze age society experienced some major ecological and societal collapse, exasperated with the coming of the Sky People with their magicks and riches. When the Imperium's Governor kept to his space station, a colony of sorts formed around the shanty towns and bazaars of the spaceport bringing in the cheap food and materials our world is now entirely dependent on.
The Governor, desperate for any way to stave off boredom and make any profit at all from his stupidly poor subjects, tried to recruit native domestics and artisans to his staff, make a real tourist trap out of the whole thing. As a sidenote, he requested literate servants.
Too bad his translators were really pretty shitty. The natives of the colony heard that the voice of the Skyfather had demanded a tithe of the priestly caste, those who read the secret words and carved speech into stone and clay. The problem was that the little village had become something of wretched hive of scum and villainy.
The high-castes who made their residence there had engaged in unclean acts such as trade and money-lending, or eating grox-meat, or generally had their fortunes and lands made obsolete by the Imperium. Besides many of the camp's notables were woman of all things, being trapped out of man's work, they became early adapters and worked in the small workshops that attended to the tramp freighters that came by. Such was no place for those who kept to the old ways and maintained the rigid holy castes.
So then how was a devilish place to supply what the Skyfather demanded? It took several riots and murdering all the livestock to wash away their sins before it was made clear that the Governor wanted menials literate in /Gothic/. That being woman's writing it was now obvious that what the Skyfather demanded was a new caste.
Combat-wise it's clear cut. We drop onto their ships and assault them in melee.
Our home world Dexacius IX is a wild and cold outpost. Humanity lives in big citadel like hives. The nobles have this ritual of womanhood. When they turn 15 all nobleborn females have to venture out onto the surface alone (inter-hive travel is normally done in underground tubes) and may not return until they killed one of the many dangerous wild beasts that roam the icy plains of Dexacius IX.
A new caste of those who understand the Sky People, who can use their magicks, and would be all female.
Accidentally causing a new religious schism (and one crusading against what the missionaries had already stamped as correct) was not the Governor's plan. Fortunately for all involved a Naval taskforce, critically low on manpower and willing to take literally any warm body, showed up in the nick of time. The Governor emptied his station of fanatics and the boarding she-warriors were able to save the ships from the chaotic wolfpack that hunted them down.
The furious techno-barbarians learn by leaps and bounds but are still technically enemies of their planet's Imperial Cult (and the superstitions picked up from the Voidsman mixed with their own animist myths don't help)
Good stuff! I feel that we be onto a Hua Yuan style goldmine here of creativity
What do we do about the big elephant in the room? Being heretic is not an easy task to burden, especially when you are still in love with the Emperor.
Put it on the Ecclesiarchy and Administratum. The Imperium demands stability and the status quo for the most part, if a strain of fervent God-Emperor happens to include a component of the peasant's religion, like "fuck these crippling taxes and noble estates! No property, communalism for all!" or "fuck these gender roles and bullshit dowries! Free love for all!"
then what little shit the Ecclesiarchy gives about internal planetary affairs is going to be on the side of the orthodox and the conservative.
So they don't do anything to stop the local reactionaries from genociding the radicals and the mark in their reports "heretics died the end".
In our case, the pattern broke because our amazons survived to spread among the stars, but those little reports on "heresy" still exist and now actually matter.