I fucking hate boomers
Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.
Just bought your mom, who cares? maybe she'll reach to my nuts.
Nice trips expect the crash to be 1-2 months after tax returns.
You forgot to post your girl pic.
sounds exactly like my dad
more like
>boomers swarm to coinbase
>don't understand how wallets work and lose their money
>blame everyone but themselves
>demand the government regulates crypto
>the government starts regulating it
>the whole reason it exists is now gone
>value goes to nothing
>"I told you kids this would happen. In my day we didn't need all this technology. I just gave the manager a firm handshake and I bought this million dollar home in my 30's".
Boomers wont be allowed to panic sell, normiebase limits on new users will stop them from doing it
we can't have flags but pajeets can have bots
fuck you mods
>the government starts regulating it
>the government can regulate monero
yeah, its all about privacy coins now
this is why casuals were banned from the market after the great depression
checked and keked the guy called it pretty fucking well.
lets have some hodl memes to get us through this year
the government doesnt need to regulate any one particular coin. the government just needs to regulate us banks from dealing with any site that handles crypto.
a sudden market exit will occur by the 99% of users who dont feel like committing felony money laundering
prices will dip to all time lows where it will dwindle and die.
dont think for one second that the us cuckvornment cant ruin this entire market with the flick of a pen.
>blaming boomers for your failures
lol get gud
>the government can make buying crypto illegal
fuck off nigger
are you not educated in how boomers set up the entire economic system solely to give them a good retirement at the expense of the following generation? i'm serious--if you don't know about this then you should do a little research. they really, really fucked us, mate
noice trips bugga.
alright well ill you fuckers one thing.
>boomercucks cant into crypto because they cant even find a n excahnge to convert usd to btc
>they think coinbase is a scam givi ng your information away. kek and reep faggots.
what failures? KYS boomer
all the governments need to do is close off fiat gateways.
please explain how they are going to do this.
and, no, "Senator Dickshits is going to draft 'buttcorn is now illegal' onto a napkin and sign it with his asshole" is not an answer
would be pretty funny if that is exactly how it goes down though.
wouldn't mind that
the normies might run, but the rest of the world and us basement dwellers will probably go ahead and keep going on with crypto.
There are ways they can do shit. For example it used to be legal to buy liquor in Louisiana at age 18 but the feds didnt like that so they changed the law that funded highways to exclude states with a drinking age below 21. They can't ban it but they can make it impossible to operate an exchange by just adding a ton of regulations
>They can't ban it
so you admit this, finally
>but they can make it impossible to operate an exchange by just adding a ton of regulations
binance is operated out of hong kong, nigger. the US can't touch them
looks like your fudding didn't work
They had better do it quick then, because with more crypto getting fiat pairings and with overseas exchanges they can't do it that way for long.
If it's not a bubble then the price won't crash you fucking retards. That's the definition of a bubble, that it can crash based on market movements.
Everyone who thinks "muh boomers" can crash crypto just admitted they think bitcoin is a bubble without even realizing it because they literally don't know what a bubble is.
Not for long.
The jews can't resist the gains we're seeing.
Once wallstreet takes the bait, they will control the politicians for us.
Regulating Crypto will be impossible.
Crypto isn't a bubble, but bitcoin is way over priced.
way too late to put the genie back in the bottle now.
decentralised exchanges make all this moot
yes, and Mega was outside of US jurisdiction too - how did that work out for kim dotcom? They can tell banks they can't deal with exchanges, if you think somehow the government is powerless to fuck with the markets you are actually retarded
>the only coin with an actual use-case is more overpriced than literally useless coins
>eth and ltc have no use case
Please kys.
>how did that work out for kim dotcom?
pretty well. he's back and bigger than he was
>They can tell banks they can't deal with exchange
i already said:
>and, no, "Senator Dickshits is going to draft 'buttcorn is now illegal' onto a napkin and sign it with his asshole" is not an answer
so "hurr the gov will just tell the banks to suck they dicks" isn't an answer. try again, sweetie
Sure, but what about the literally useless coins i was talking about? Cardano is worth more than LTC
You know how old most boomers are now? They are retired. What dumbfuck millennials constantly call boomers are GenX
so you're actually retarded
>ad hominem
looks to me like you have 0 arguments.
take a look at some of the countries that have outlawed bitcoin. list them here, go ahead.
I'm not saying some shit coins are over priced and some actual coins are under priced, I'm just saying bitcoin is over priced for what it is.
you dont have to "outlaw bitcoin" you fuckin brainlet. You just have to make it next to impossible to exchange it for fiat. Sure, you will still have a black market just like you do for drugs, but the days of "muh gainz" will be over
so kim dotcom was completely broken and destr--
oh wait he's a multimillionaire and his site works better than ever.
also, binance is in china. are you saying that the chinks will let the US seize chinese assets?
i thought you had arguments?
Replace the boomer faces with screaming pink wojaks and I'll buy.
>I'm just saying bitcoin is over priced for what it is.
Again, bitcoin is the coin with the biggest actual use case BY FAR. If it's overpriced, then 99% of coins, including ETH and LTC are overpriced.
say it with me
>reddit spacing, imagine my shock
>hur dur the US has relationship with china
never mind i did it for you;
>You just have to make it next to impossible to exchange it for fiat
you keep forgetting to explain how the gov is going to do this, sweetheart
>Sure, you will still have a black market just like you do for drugs,
>but the days of "muh gainz" will be over
are you saying that drugs and other black market activities aren't lucrative endeavors?
nigger you have been flailing around in this thread providing 0 arguments and the "arguments" that you try to provide fall flat.
>hur dur the US has relationship with china
nice reading comprehension, jamal
w-whats in there?
user I think you need to talk to a psychologist
Seriously, do you really think china will let the US seize anything IN china, has that ever even happened?
wolf.foundation videos. charting and trading techniques
looks like you lost
his 3k discord subscribers are cocksuckers that come on here and shill shitcoins. they will report the link so be sure to reup them if you can
enjoy your gains in china then. How are you this stupid? Are you going to fly to china and then cash out there and then try to bring cash through customs? The government sucks at a lot of things, but then dont suck at fucking you out of money
lol you ran out of non-arguments and now the newfag boomer is posting reddit images in response. you are just embarrassing yourself now.
We already said monero. Try to keep up, grandpa
>physically cashing out crypto gains
You ARE new holy shit
oh that's right, because you can pay your mortage with monero
>falling for the mortage scam
you dumb motherfucker
>what is monero
>what are local exchanges
try reading the thread you're shitposting in
EAT SHIT grandpa. We are coming for your pensions
like i said, there will still be some ways around it, but good luck finding someone local that will give you 100k in cash for your monero. Your plan only works if you're a poorfag that thinks 1k is a lot of money
top fucking cuck. being shitty with your money is your problem, not mine.
why do you defend the jews so much while you literally signed a death pact with them. Ahhahahhhahahahhaha
so you either live with your parents or rent, which is it poorfag?
only boomers would be retarded enough to take a loan they know they can't afford to pay back those stupid motherfuckers
they're notorious for digging retarded holes they dont need to dig in the first place if they were smart enough
lucky for you im a poorfag that thinks 1K is literally no money, I try to keep 5K and above in my bank and it's always rising because I'm happily not in debt unlike the boomers
>shifting goalposts
we're done here. you already lost, you dumb nigger
Ya id watch more congressional meetings if there was butthole dexterity going on
Obligatory “idiocracy was a documentary” post
this thread
>lives with parents
i bought a house with a VA loan faggot. and yes i have paid my home loan woth crypto gains already. fuck off, old bitch
>i was in the army and sheeeeeiiit, now im crypto rich house guy
at least larp as something cool
>ad hom
you have 0 arguments
i dont ever want to leave
>n-n-no y-you're just larping! It can't be true!
>implying a country that stifles technological growth is worth returning to
Good meme boomer, enjoy having your social security raped by migrants while millennials take their nerdcoins and brains overseas
c-c-c-combo breaker
>it's afraid
9/11 my sides are bleeding
t. Brainlet
How about you have a look at China you uneducated dumb fuck. Protip: exchanges are banned but localbitcoins is flourishing.
>i was in the army and sheeeeeiiit
i don't see how this is not believable. a significant percentage of people were in the army because of benefits and wars. I served 4 years as a mechanic and got out with
>free bachelors with monthly stipend
>VA hone loan
>preferential hiring in gov jobs
a lot of people just join the mil for 4 years just for the school and home loan, senpai
do you get "hi i would just like to say thank you for your service" alot?
>I'm just going to take my toys and go to china!
no because i don't have the faggot veteran license plate, i don't wear my old gaudy and gay unit t shirts, and i don't talk and attentionwhore about it in public like a faggot
>mfw i could buy all the people in this image for less than half of a bitcoin
go back to /pol/
Yes, the whole GI bill thing was the lefts extremely successful way to get a huge portion of the population to start using guvment gibs, but this faggot lives with his roastie single mom
so much anger...what happened over there user...what have those eyes seen
why are you still here?