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Your biggest Board Game regret?
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Your biggest Board Game regret?
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First eurotrash being trash
>how about I influence my fist with your face
Poe's law incarnate, I'm not even sure who, if anyone, you're actually trying to satirize. I guess that's the virgin/chad meme in a nutshell.
do you think it's possible to roll back to a non ironic state. I can't imagine it.
Co-op master race reporting in
Any good WW1 games?
To the guy thinking Star Realms is 100% random within a human vs human environment, it's not random. Your available opening, middle and lategame strategies change depending on what gets flopped in the trade row and what your opening hand is depending on being first or second.
Ask away what you want to know about PvP Star Realms because there's a vast amount of strategy depending on deck style built and Power vs Authority vs Discard/Draw vs Scrap builds.
>Your biggest Board Game regret?
Purchasing Dominion with several xpacks all at once, game was shit
Deluxe edition of Twilight Struggle. The game's great but the one guy who I played it with in college is no longer in contact and nobody else wants to.
MTG is one big regret in general.
>Biggest board game regret
Got into gaming because I was a poorfag and I figured out a modest investment would be justified many times over in dollars/hour ratio.
I've now spent around $5,000 and 75% of that are games that got played once.
>game was shit
Now tell me about how the game is solved and how you only need to buy money to win.
Wings of War WW1?
Whatever that damn little co-op is called where you can't talk to each other while you all succumb to shellshock and PTSD?
I didn't play anywhere enough to 'solve' anything, it's just boring and shitty, and the downtime is insane.
Is the second game The Grizzled?
>MTG is one big regret in general.
I doubt I would have gotten into tabletop games at all if I didn't start with MTG. With that said, maybe I would have gotten into another hobby, or worse, drugs or some other shitty thing.
Never take things for granted and appreciate even the smallest positive thing in your life, because it could always be way, way, worse. You could have been born a starving African child
That's the one.
Secondary market is your friend, you should be able to recoup a fair margin liquidating played-once games that weren't right for you/your group. Even abjectly shitty ones -- you bought them for some reason so there's probably another sucker out there willing to take them off your hands at a discount.
Find a board game group at your LGS.
>the downtime is insane
- it's a 2 player game. It's shit with more.
- Stop using the +Action cards if you hate engines.
What's your favorite eurogame and what's your favorite burgerspiel?
I've not spent anything close to that. But the secret to getting games played more than once is to stop buying new fucking games. When all you have are the same games, then you'll end up playing them over and over, assuming they don't suck shit because you have bad taste.
I can't tell if you're mad with for responding to or with for responding to .
Being an unlovable twat as a child and not enjoying all the board games my family tried to get me to play. They even had good taste!
>biggest board game regret
first purchase being MTG: Arena of the Planeswalkers, what a fucking awful game
either Paths of Glory or Quartermaster General: 1914, I haven't played either so I can't comment on them, but the QG system is pretty comfy
I met my friend who runs a LGS that got me back into board games through my former housemate who I met during a short-term contract job while I was between permanent jobs that got me into MTG before I moved in with him, I don't regret blowing the money that I did on MTG since it lead me to this
Argent: The Consortium
>first purchase being MTG: Arena of the Planeswalkers, what a fucking awful game
Man I play MTG and even I steered clear of that. Also my game store's copy of that game hasn't even had the cards opened on it yet so that shows you that nobody has walked in and sat down to play a game of that yet.
post those curves lads
only started using bgg around this time last year so I've only rated stuff I own/played more than 5 times
>Gets marketed as a 2-4 players game
>It's actually shit at 3+
>Screw that let's crank the shit up to 6 players with the second xpac
>Only fun in it is chaining action and comboing to play something that isn't hurrr I play 2 Golds and a Silver hurrrrr
>Makes it insanely unfun for the opponents who gets to see you masturbate your deck
>Only fun for them is that they get the chance to do the same to you during their turn
Anyone from around Savannah GA all the way to Beaufort SC?
this is why Thunderstone was more entertaining
I rate pretty much every game I play. I think it's reasonable to have an average about 6-7, since I like more boardgames than I don't.
Personally I found it even slower and less interactive, with the relative (to Domi) lack of thindecking and comboing makign it evne more of a slog
I think the only game that took the deckbuilding meme and made a nice experience out of it is Puzzle Strike (I hear great things about Clank but I never played it)
Puzzle Strike is just a mess. The game is "balanced" because at no point does any player do anything even mildly interesting.
>Puzzle Strike
>Playing any Sirlin games
Redpill me on Scythe, Veeky Forums. Is it really worth it?
If you want a mid weight euro game with some interaction and you like the theme you'll love it. If none of the above is true or if you go into it thinking of it as a 4x/war game you will probably hate it.
I think that's fine as long as I never give him money.
Sirlin doesn't make bad games, he just has disgusting business practices.
I don't get what you mean. Puzzle Strike is full of both strategic (how do I build towards my victory condition) and tactical (how do I play my crashes toi manage counters, bonus money and optimal deck cycling) choices. The different characters, how they interact with the arrow system and the possible matchups mean that you pretty much can never go "just buy purples LOL" If you find it boring then that's your opinion, but you really can't say it's empty as an objective statement.
I didn't say it's empty I said it's uninteresting. Every action you take has so little of an effect on the game state that they all feel basically irrelevant then eventually, mercifully, someone wins.
Kemet is better. Fuck Scythe with that pretentious giant map shit when you're not gonna beat on each other
>implying Kemet is even remotely similar to Scythe
The simple decision of wether to counter-crash or not could mean being or not being at a +1 card advantage for the rest of the game.
It could also mean that if you have miscalculated the number of Combines your opponent can play before you can cycle the Crash you didn't use back you could either lose or survive at a 9 pile and be able to crash something back.
Every small decision in PS builds up to the finish. The game state is made entirely of them, including as I said hand size. It's like saying "LOL Terra Mystica, who sends priests right, +2 cult has so little of an effect on the game state!"
You've been trying to shill this game unsuccessfully for like a dozen threads. Let it die already.
Scythe is a medoicre game sold entirely on the theme. It's not worth it. It's not a valuless game, or one that it's impossible to draw amusement from, but it is long, dull, overproduced, and pretentious. If you want a middling interactive, limited randomness area control game play Inis. If you want a good game about developing your powerset to sieze control of a map and claim your victory points, play Kemet. If you want a long, grand 4x game with unique player powers and strong lore (for a board game), play Twilight Imperium. Scythe tries to be all these things and it fails. It fails to do all of them well, it fails to do any one of them well, and it fails to provide enough from its theoretically broad reach to be worthwhile in its own right.
>Implying a blowjob by a 10/10 model isn't better than getting assfucked by a metal pole with spikes laced with AIDS even though they aren't remotely similar
I don't rate them, I'm a lazy ass mofo and I really don't care about getting my opinions crunched into statistics
I'm actually looking to trade my Thunderstone Advance sets before the new edition comes out.
Whatever you say.
It's a good game and more people should be playing it. You can download a print&play version without giving Sirlin a cent, so fuck off with your "shilling".
I've been talking about a boardgame in boardgame threads, shocking right? You know what else has been coming up for a dozen threads and more? Dominion. If we get talking about deckbuilders, I'll bring up Puzzle Strike, not because I derive sexual pleasure from thinking about you buying it but because it's honestly the better game to come out from the genre.
Or, you know, recommend me a better deckbuilder, I'm open to suggestion.
>implying there aren't masochists out there who would take the pole 100 percent of the time
Your strawman still managed to be shit, amigo.
>Whatever you say.
Good job rolling over for your superior, soyboy.
I don't think the new edition doesn't really replace the old one, like how the original Thunderstone is less forgiving than Advance.
But if you just don't like Thunderstone anymore and want to get rid of it, go ahead
>I'll bring up Puzzle Strike, not because I derive sexual pleasure from thinking about you buying it
Sirlin, pls.
it's a bit skewed since I rate each standalone game in a series (ie. Nightfall, Thunderstone, BattleCON) but I've rated almost every game I play
>has rated 40/125 games a 9
It's about perceived value. If I get rid of it before the new edition comes out, I'll be able to get a better deal. If I sit on it too long it'll probably lose value, especially if the new edition proves to be better.
hows Mansions of Madness 2nd ed.?
Pretty cool app based video game. Too bad they included a bunch of plastic and cardboard to drive the price up.
So, I asked in a previous thread how one might play a "two player" hex-and-chit game solo, but it went unanswered. I'm still not quite sure.
Do you just literally play both "players" as normal? Wouldn't the element of surprise be nonexistent? How would employing a specific strategy be even remotely possible if you already expect it?
Am I missing some kind of dice and table driven AI or am I simply overthinking this.
I sincerely do not understand.
Not one, but two copies of Siege of the Citadel and a baggy of loose pieces. My group played it once and lost interest.
Having only bothered with BGG for a short time, I've yet to rate games I've played but don't own, so this has yet to be dragged down by ratings for the likes of Munchkin and Cosmic Encounter.
Heck, I don't think I've even rated all the games I own yet.
Maybe he's really cautious about his purchases? These days there's no shortage of reviews/videos/playthroughs/online platforms like tabletop sim for any boardgame, you can have pretty solid idea what you get long before paying for it.
Yes you play both as normal. Yes the information is now open. You can make it fun by devising two strategies (one for each faction) and forcing yourself to stick to those strategies even if information you shouldn't have would make it seem like a bad idea.
Maybe. These graphs without accompanying pics of collections aren't really that useful when I really think about it.
And then the fucked it up on every level imaginable before making two expansion sets that fuck up even harder. Thanks Hasbro.
Heroscape, and worse it's not compatible terrain. Heroquest would never be combined with MtG, the only way to combine Heroquest is MORE HEROQUEST
Has anyone tried this yet? (Pathologic board game, that’s a Russian copy)
Also what’s people’s opinion on completely asymmetrical board games?
AotP's terrain was the goddamn worst. Not only did they include all of four (4) raised terrain pieces in the core set, the paper boards aren't even reversible. The worst part was that the one thing the game could have really needed (more terrain) was a WALMART EXCLUSIVE. The screwed the pooch so hard on this. It's what happens when greed meets incompetence. A deadly duo for sure.
Pathologic the videogame?
It’s also a board game now, the devs keep doing side projects to make people not hate them for taking a long time with the game.
A few things occurred to me while considering this graph of mine. One was "That's a lot of 10's". I know why the low tail of the chart is truncated, but 4 10s out of 53 seemed excessive, especially when on MAL where I can do a similar look at my own ratings habits, I'm sitting at more like 2/80. I looked over the 10's and realized that of the four, three could absolutley be dethroned: they're not perfect, they're more like 9's or even 8's that upgraded to 10 by being Best In Class. I've gotten nothing both better and comparable but it's not just possible to surpass the current 10 (that's ALWAYS an option) but if something did I would bump the current 10 down
Also the fact that the graph is almost but not quite symmetrical tilts me good.
Weird, is it good or an awful cash in?
They only played the computer version of Star Realms, which has different rules.
Star Realms roolz
I was actually coming here to see if anyone has played it, there’s some youtube videos of it and it’s on table top simulator already but I haven’t gotten chance to get a group together for it.
From what I’ve seen it looks fun, gives “escape from aliens in outer space” kind of vibes with it mostly relying on mind games and the winner situation not being exactly straight forward.
what rules are different in the physical version?
They should make a version called "Magical" Realms, if you know what I mean.
pretty much what said, I'm pretty careful with what I buy nowadays, most of the garbage that I did purchase was early on in my collection building (like I mentioned earlier about MTG: Arena of the Planeswalkers being my biggest regret) and I'm making an effort now to get rid of them (those marked in red) and considering a few more to get rid of (those marked in orange), but otherwise I'm pretty happy with most of what I have, even the "low-tier" games like Coup and ONUW which don't take up much space
Looks pretty legit. I'm really careful about what I buy as well but I rate everything I play so I have a bunch of low ratings. Why get rid of Gears of War?
>Dragon Pass, Mushroom Eaters, Cave Evil, and Psycho Raiders
fuck you, user. you fucker.
How's Warhammer Quest without expansions and more importantly how's Trash Lords and Ferox?
is why you're poor
not sure what this says about me
perhaps that I don't care about bgg
>Gears of War
I've been caring less about co-op in general, and I never cared about the theme (I legit bought it purely on the basis that the game is mechanically sound for a co-op) so I figure I might as well get the number of co-op games down to a minimum and make back at least 75% of what I paid for it so I can pick up Valley of the Kings sets instead
>low ratings
most of my ratings are for games I own since I've had little time to go to board game meetups and play cult-of-the-new trash due to demands of work. I'm also pretty lenient with rating co-ops despite my decreasing interest in them, since I can still appreciate the mechanics and I stick with the BGG rating system
are you in Melbourne? I'm happy to play with people who have patrician taste
as far as I'm aware there's no expansions for WH:ACG, I hate the shitty rulebooks and no mid-weight game should need a 10-page FAQ on BGG explaining basic shit
Ferox has some incredible artwork that shows homages to Cannibal Holocaust but focusing on the actual game, it's an interesting highly asymmetrical 2P game where one person plays as the film crew and the other plays as four cannibal tribes. the film crew needs to traverse five regions and they have to kill cannibals in order to proceed, while the cannibal player has to manage which cannibals he sends out as they have a different chance of successful hits, but there's less of the aggro cannibals. the most novel mechanic is the Rage system, where there's a shared pool of resources and you pay the other player to play cards but you can never go below 1
>Trash Lords
stupid fun, incredibly RNG dependent but games never feel like they go for too long. discarding booze to start fights with other players is hilarious and the rulebook encourages getting into the theme so yelling out "I'm gonna smash ya cunt" has never felt more appealing
Thoughts on Ironclad? Not shilling, looking for some games like Deep Space D6. This seems like a complex take on it. And the solo is a big deal. The early no paid reviews are good plus that 80-90s aesthetic. I think i may back, despite ks bs. so yeah, Thanks!
It is on ks, with posted rulebook.
>Your biggest Board Game regret?
Buying games simply because I saw them on Tabletop
I still play Smash Up and Takenoko. Infact they are some of my favourite games.
>watching Tabletop
I have no idea how anyone could find that shit entertaining
>Redpill me on Scythe, Veeky Forums. Is it really worth it?
Terra Mystica is better in every way.
Probably Carcassonne and x-wing. I have gotten a chance to play Forbidden Stars yet but my hunch is that I'll love it (would you classify that as burgerspiel?)
There unique victory conditions for the campaign scenarios like win by drawing 7 cards in a turn or have 5 bases in play or more trade federation opponents, also the ai in these scenarios can be driven in part by the color of the next card flipped to trade row, and there are various levels of luck involved with some of them but I think it forces you to explore strategies beyond the standard trade and scrap early then build into attack or life gain depending on trade row draw
I'd love to incorporate gravity land into my next 5e campaign
Jokes aside, how's Heroquest? Is it truly worth the hype some people give it of is it more of a nostalgia thing?
Also, what's sellswords like?
Heroquest is pretty classic. Not terribly deep but it's fun and the terrain is huge on customization. You can look up videos on Youtube, it's not very difficult to understand but it still rewards strategy and is fairly competitive. Wouldn't recommend getting into it now because lolhasbro. As bad as Arena of the Planeswalkers was you can often find it for as little as $5 at your local discount stores so you might as well give it a shot, just try not to let it poison your view of the series as a whole.
I watched a few episodes of it before it became big. I stopped because all they would play were these intro level gamer games at the time and Wil was fucking obnoxious and looked and acted kinda gay
>people still confusing Heroscape and Heroquest
Really tickles my autism
Heroquest is what pretty much any other dungeon crawl is: just off the mark from what you're actually looking for. It makes for a nice change-up for a RPG group night, but the value comes from the players and the story, not so much the game itself.
Heroscape is a very fun arena game, and the terrain is so wonderful, but the system again isn't all that deep. Add to that the setup and tear down is fuck awful, and the sets go for ludicrous prices due to fanboys? It's a con game, find someone running it at an event you're attending and sign up/ask to play. Hopefully they will have spent 12 hours setting up 3 crates of terrain for an epic battle beforehand.
>Jokes aside, how's Heroquest?
It's crap. It was boring even when I was 15. (Never bothered to finish a full game and just used the minis as action figures.)
>Also what’s people’s opinion on completely asymmetrical board games?
I absolutely love them. Notably Labyrinth: The War on Terror is one of my favourites
having a crack at TI3 on friday. everyone has read the rules and watched a howto play video in preparation. Is there anything to remember? any tips or hints to make it run smoother?
Get a substitute for the tech cards, they're horrible. A printed tree players can mark is ideal.
If you have expansions, consider chucking Imperial for Imperial II or Bureaucracy.
Also consider stealing a map from SA's archive instead of dealing out tiles and building one yourselves, or at least using SA's map creation rules. A good map goes a really suprising long ways towards making the game faster and more fun.
Those are probably the easiest suggestions I'd throw out without knowing more, like playercount, expansion availability, and what kind of game length/intensity you're shooting for.
Limit the number of variants you use. In particular no representatives, no mercs and no fiddly shit players forget about anyway (space mines, leaders, shock troops for example)
Use the alternative set of Strategy cards found in Shattered Empires to discourage turtling. Remember that with that set you start with 2 Political cards in hand and the VP goal is lowered by 1 (victory at 9 or 13)
6 players, no expansions, high intensity/fun with a short/moderate play time.
wasnt planning on adding any variants for first time.
> no expansions
I can't recommend printing out SE's Strategy cards and using those enough. They really give you the experience TI should have given right from the core box.
> Board Game regret
Buying Trains. The game is good, but the theme is so lame nobody ever wants to play it...
The quickest way to speed the game up is to play with 4, because then you can reasonable squeeze down to a two-ring galaxy or equivalent, cutting a couple rounds of buildup off the game.
Also conducive to high intensity games.
At six the best you can do is try and keep the pace of people's turns moving quickly, and repeatedly remind people to be focusing on their objectives and denying them to opponents, as opposed to just empire building for its own sake.
And yeah, user's suggestion of proxying in the SE cards wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, if a bit of a pain in the ass. My biggest worry there would be bad proxies comparing poorly with the original components and that turning people off a little, but if you don't think that's a problem for your group or you can do a decent job of it, I'd do it.