How do you space marine?
Space Marines
With the best legion
Either Aliens-style 'Nam grunts with steel pots and pulse rifles, or Forever War space troopers in combat suits and hand lasers.
Heinlein's jet-jumping mobile missile platforms are cool but not conducive as player characters for the games I like running.
>>>>space marines
How does it feel to be second best?
Machines are the future!
I'm cool with that.
If you're asking about homebrew chapters, I'm not really sure how I space marine.
I know I built them as a Dangles successor and also used lots of BT bits.
But aside from Teutonic warrior monks turned to 11 that love using heavy weapons with their infantry, I'm not sure. I don't have much fluff for how they act when not in combat. They care more about their people because the rarely leave their homeworld due to it being a tomb world (something they found out 1000 years after their founding), so their recruiting base is constantly under threat.
I guess
>we're stoic to the point of being tsundere towards our people
>but standing vigil at the walls of your home town/hive is a rite of passage for the not-currently-deployed for a reason.
I like Colonial Marines for something more realistic but Space Marines (40k) are cool too.
>Colonial Marines
I hate being the "well akcshually" guy but the Aliens marines are just as gimmicky as Space Marines. They look cool, don't get me wrong, but why would a space-born infantry force wear 20th century fatigues and steel pot helmets instead of environmentally-sealed combat suits? I know Hadley's Hope was terraformed and had breathable atmosphere but what happens if they're boarding a space station or asteroid facility?
Because the marine corps gets shitty hand-me-down equipment. Meaning your wet-dream "Environmentally-sealed combat suits" are hot, uncomfortable, heavy, and interfere with vision/movement. Marines aren't going to wear them if they don't have to. Guess what? On Hadley's Hope they don't fucking have to.
Aesthetics. It's the reason why they still have CRT monitors even though it's the future. Despite the looks the equipment they carry is quite sophisticated under the hood, the smartgun for instance. If you can find it the Colonial Marines handbook is a fascinating read.
Angry motherfucking berserkers sealed in power armor, cranked the fuck up on combat drugs, and pointed in the direction of the enemy
So nam grunts and nam grunts. Two great tastes that taste great together
to be fair, legit first contact explorers apparently don't wear enviro gear in the aliens universe, so why should the marines?
>to be fair, legit first contact explorers apparently don't wear enviro gear in the aliens universe
gawd, Ridley Scott is such a hack
What do you mean by realistic? No, seriously - sometimes people mean only the practical and utilitarian stuff, sometimes they just mean copying what has historically been done and proven.
Hey it’s my long lost brother with melanin skin.
How’s life.
Marines should be staffing naval vessels and be participating in landing and boarding actions.
They'd get fairly good equipment (sealed combat suits, automatic shotguns to maximize damage while minimizing damage to bulkheads during boarding/defense actions, or otherwise heavy-caliber automatic rifles for landings).
Prolonged land campaigns are operated by weaker army soldiers, who just get body armor and basic assault rifles. Overall, think the difference between Wolfenstein: The New Order's heavy soldiers and the basic rifle infantry.
It was James Cameron at this point
And cartographers can get lost when they have the map they made in their wrist console and just don't use it. Fucking hell Prometheus was a trainwreck.
>in Prometheus the people exploring an alien planet immediately take their helmets off
>in Covenant they never bother wearing helmets in the first place
I don’t know which is worse.
Holy shit I forgot how fucking tight those Weyland-Yutani soldiers looked.
prussian memes don't hold up so well against swarms of glorious american steel
I'm pretty sure the crew of the Nostromo wore space suits when they went to see what was going on with with the space jockey.
They did.
He's talking about the newest movie, where the crew of the Covenant just waltz down to an uncharted alien planet in their fucking street clothes. It goes as well as you would expect.
>They look cool, don't get me wrong, but why would a space-born infantry force wear 20th century fatigues and steel pot helmets instead of environmentally-sealed combat suits?
Whose to say they don't use the latter if the mission requires it?
>uncharted alien planet
that already tried to kill them on the way down, mind you. and is swampy, lush, and has an active distress beacon
>ctrl+f no starship troopers
I am disappointed in you Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums for the most part hates this movie
Veeky Forums hates this movie the same way it hates gay sex.
Which is to say: we say we hate it, accuse others for liking it but secretly love it (telling ourselves it's okay because we're being ironic)
Deny it if you must, it just makes you more closeted.
Hating on Starship Troopers is ironically one of the gayest things I could image.
Personally, I'm pretty open about it. I don't really agree with Verhouven's politics but if you're going to satirize the Heinlein novel you can't really do it any better than this.
Why are you setting up an argument that makes everyone on Veeky Forums gay and in denial?
Even better, why do you assume that everyone here has actually experienced Starship Troopers and made a decision for themselves, instead of being told about the horrors of gay sex by some weirdo on the internet?
>like starship-trooper/Starwars/Colonial Marines-esque mass infantry and psudo-WWII tech just with lasers and shit.
>can't abstract the thought about how realistically this is a terrible idea.
>why the fuck isn't all military things, terrestrial and space combat, replaced by infinitely superior drones
>all my players just go "Oh, so, Star Wars but different?"
I mean both I guess, they copy designs of actual marines and have very practical equipment.
It boils down to how cheap human life is.
There's still places around the world where thousands poorly trained dudes with AKs is preferable option to dozens highly trained specialists with state-of-art gear.
I like my space marines dropping from orbit only to land and proceed to jump kilometers at a time tossing nukes like fucking candy.
Starship trooper marines are fucking amazing.
As a comically misunderstood, enthusiastic, every-man.
Those suits were so cool. The more I look at it the less sense it seems to make sense, but still cool. Like some sort of Big-Daddy winter-warrior with a pulse rifle.
Use the Colonial Marines
How's it feel to have no emotions you autonomy-less robocunt?
Also chek'd
If you don't have your Space Marines performing balls-to-the-walls awesome orbital drops (even if only in extreme circumstances) you are doing it so very wrong.
I love drop pods, although bonus points if your guys are so tricked out they don't even need them to survive the fall.
What's this from?
Genocidal Organ, its a decent watch.
pauldrons, it's all about the pauldrons. you let your pauldrons do all the work for you
>Veeky Forums hates this movie the same way it hates gay sex.
>Which is to say: we say we hate it, accuse others for liking it but secretly love it
no homo, amirite?
Generation Kill in Space.
Mostly just USMC shenanigans/complete idiots based on the guys I know from the Reserves.
Like the one super swole jewish officer that everyone just keeps shouting OY Veeeeey at, or the the Super lanky SGT that's competent but just kind of moves 2spoopy for real life, or the clearly out of his league soft-shoe academic with an autistic obsession over firearms (me).
What said, same reason real world marines don't wear MOPP suits unless they're worried about chemical weapons and shit. In combat you want a little needless shit to wear you down, or screw with your awareness and whatever the fuck not, and putting on a whole environmentally sealed suit is gonna do just that, and do so needlessly if you're not in a dangerous environment.
Fuck all this shit, I unironically love Starship Troopers, it's fucking amazing.
>Delta in space
You can't tell me that wouldn't be an interesting as fuck campaign.
It sounds hilarious, and since the average player character is about as retarded as delta, it works on that angle too.
More strawmen than a do-it-yourself burning man.
>If I had a rocket launcher, I'd make somebody pay!