Who could take a concentrated injection of Nurgle's rot to the heart and live?
A Primarch? The Emperor? A perpetual?
Who could take a concentrated injection of Nurgle's rot to the heart and live?
A Primarch? The Emperor? A perpetual?
Emperor/Ephrael Stern, Guilliman is testament that Primarchs dont have the spiritual strength to survive that since Rob was almost killed with some weak Slaaneshi poison which might not even be warp based, for all we know the poison could have been designed by Fabius Bile.
Old One Eye
Darkseid is.
Isha does that daily user.
necrons maybe
She takes a shot of Nurgle's rot to her cervix though.
I like that last one.
>another power level thread
Kaldor Draigo.
Necrons don't really live to begin with.
But then neither does The Emperor
My cat did... so far
That Greg Knights badass leader dude
Oops this wasn’t about the paint was it?
This was hypothetical huh?
It's about whatever you want it to be
Im stil amazed there is no rule 34 on this yet.
In my headcanon I use for games, Nurgle's diseases are not biological, they're related to the warp and so are "magical".
This means biological well being (health) has nothing to stop its diseases, and at the same time countermeasures would only work if they are psychic related. (So a Librarian can cure Nurgle better than an Apothecary)
I also do this to justify the existence of Tyranids and Nurglites in the same universe at the same time, since Nurgle is psychic based and Tyrannids are biology based.
So Any very powerful psychic could combat Nurgle's rot, and any nurglite corrupt enough can breathe and rebreathe it with no problem
H nearly died of a regular virus
Emps, Probably Old One Eye, Maybe some serious high end ork warboss, Perpetual would die and come back, primarch would die
Why does my cat insist on trying to drink from my old paintwater. It won't harm them right?
This is probably bait, but if it isn't, enjoy your dead cat. Maybe not right away, but eventually.
By this logic, a culexus assasin would be completely unaffected.
Anyone who has good enough blood filtering to get rid of that shitty paint before it can poison them.
I thought the paint was supposed to be non-toxic.
mine does that too, i try to stop it, but it's probably not harmful.