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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Ok so what is your favorite way to smash items together?
Iji Nanomaster
I see we have a few WoD jumps. Are all those claimed by the same person? I ask because I would interested in making a Requiem for Rome jump. I feel it is different from the base VtR jump because it is an extremely different time period with different covenants and everything. If not, that is cool too, didn't think it would hurt to ask.
Studying them and making my own composite in my super tricked-out workshop.
Iji's Nanomaster and using JotW's Crucible and Dark Cloud/Recettear to move enchantments and properties over to other items, respectively.
Stupid question, would cultivation/soul empowering stuff allow me to improve my psyker abilities?
No. Seems alright to me.
Is "indigo" blue, or purple?
It's neither, it's its own color. It's no more blue or purple than orange is red or yellow.
They are not claimed by one person. I think you're probably fine, though maybe ask the guy who made the V:tR jump. I think it was Manyfist, right?
Blue, definitely some form of blue.
If they're improving the strength of your soul, then yes they should improve your psyker abilities (assuming you're talking about the ones from 40k).
Nah, most of them have been made by different people. Should be no problems.
Indigo comes before violet but sfter blue on the color scale.
Other than the Celestial Cocaine from Sidereals are there any good ways to Enlighten a mortal?
If not are there any good OOC perks for it?
That's a good idea. Well, if he is around consider this my formal asking.
You OldBee fantards can suck my wangus. I'm here to stay.
Fine, but don't act like a bee-otch about it.
>I'm here to stay.
Who the fuck is OldBee?
I am. Thank you user.
Hey, I vaguely remember you saying Black Blood Demon Weapon companions don't take up a slot. Is that a thing?
Enlightened in Exalted just means the ability to wield supernatural energies. There's tons of stuff throughout the chain that can do that. One of the easiest is Aura from rwby.
Enlightened Essence is also a mutation, so anything that can grant mutations can give it to mortals.
I dont understand
Don't tell me how to live my life like an-onsignificant busy body.
We don't talk about OldBee fucking shit damnit!
Yeah dude, they'll act as part of you for however long they continue to be your black blood weapon. If you separate them somehow though they're back to normal companion rules.
OldBee sends his regards.
Eh, it sounds at least as different as Neverwinter from Forgotten Realms. Go for it! And someone make us a Baldur's Gate jump!
Sidereals could use an update.
What are all the seduction perks? Does anybody have a list?
>We don't talk about OldBee fucking shit damnit!
You don't get to tell me what to do. Pesky Bee.
In Exalted terms, you mean? Yeah, there are plenty of ways. If you're doing things fast, Solars have a couple of charms to do it instantly. Alternatively, anything that can grant mutations (including Lunar weirdness, biomagitech, some Infernal charms, some spirit charms, and the Wyld) can impart it, though usually slower and at greater risk or cost. There are also some drugs other than Celestial Cocaine that can do it. There's a thaumaturgical ritual that can do it, too. And there's always just learning to channel Essence all on your own, it takes a while but can be taught.
Tell him I'll remember to tripletap next time! Fucker won't stay down.
Everything can be a seduction perk if you're... Brave enough? Not sure what I wanted to say, here.
...But can we still Import them? Would such a thing bring them back to normal forever, or would it be possible for them to just go back to being our blood, altform style?
If you take Grigori Soul as a Monster Cat, will you have nine of them or only one?
I tell people what to do all the time and you're no different Ric-the lewd picture poster-rod
For imports, as long as they're part of you, nah. They're essentially an extension of you as part of the option.
For the other thing? Never been asked that before. . . . Hmmm, I'd say they could become your blood again, but they probably wouldn't get the special allowances anymore since they're technically unbonded.
If you take Grigori Soul with monster cat, you'd get nine of them.
So got any art projects jumpers?
The Generic Harry Potter Fanfiction jump is now done and uploaded over at the SB drive. Don't think the jumpmaker will post it here, so I thought I'd let people know.
Vampires in Rome would be great. Don’t need to really ask me. It’s different enough that it’d warrant its own jump if you’re up for it.
No one wanted to know.
Why don't you post it here so we can laugh at it?
Sorry but escaping NuBee's basement still leaves you trapped in Val's basement, which is much harder to escape from.
I'm afraid my reading comprehension has utterly failed to parse your first sentence. What I want to know is if we could keep them as our blood (and bonded, not occupying a slot) even after Importing them as a normal Companion to give them new abilities.
>I tell people what to do all the time and you're no different Ric-the lewd picture poster-rod
Don't make me get up of this uncomfortable chair, pesky fly. I got a rolled law magazine and I know how to use it.
The same goes for you.... whoever you are.
Awesome! Thanks. I just would rather make sure everyone was cool with it than drop it in and cause a shit storm. I will start working on it then.
Any reverse trap waifus I should pick up?
So grigori soul+ (the upgraded one with weapon wings) now has 9 weapon wing angels.... how does that work.
>whoever you are
Pretty sure that trip belongs to "Justice" "user".
Er, I was basically saying while they were bonded to you, they couldn't be imported since they didn't really count as a companion. They don't count against companion rules, they don't get the benefits, since they're basically just part of you. It'd be be like having a sapient heart you had conversations with. If you remove them from you though, they'd become a normal companion again with all that entails.
Here you go. I don't think it's all that bad, but I only glanced at it pretty shallowly.
Bees are immune to newspaper damage. That was two patches ago.
I haven't the foggiest.
I mean, it's a masterpiece compared to Generic Worm Fanfiction.
Well to be fair, the Generic Worm Fanfiction is in its very, very early WIP stage.
Me and my companion Phil Swift use Flex Tape™
Don't delete Monika. You don't need the other bitches, just Monika.
...God, I'm a friggin waifufag.
>That was two patches ago.
Are you a bee or a videogame? Are you still trapped in Val's basement?
Kino, when I make the jump for it and it's spin off
Is she kino?
You're asking too many questions and are about to see what happened to OldBee.
...There goes my only plan for using the JDO Import in DI without benching a bunch of companions post-jump. RIP.
Damnit Bobby, the one time your perma-spoilers are warranted!
...Also, I don't think you can get any end without deleting her at this point. But, a hint if you do manage to get out of this mess: there's plenty of spots to save at before she takes over. Try doing the most you can with the little time you have to spend with your friends.
She is, dare I say it, Kino.
It's actually pretty good, I think.
Better to compare it to generic naruto fanfic which so far reads as a naruto replacer rather than having anything to do with fanfics and their common tropes. Needless to say the G HP FF Jump is still looking like a masterpiece in comparison.
Not bad actually.
You've got to get every CG in one save file. The game will track you saving and loading as one file, there's a "meta-save", but the meta-save gets written over at certain key points in the plot (usually when characters die). So you need to save and load at specific points, you'll need to get a guide. Where you are right now can't lead to the good ending, you would have had to start all the way at the beginning of the game, just delete Monika and start over with a new save file, she'll be reinstalled.
Why can't you pizza pastas give actually help for once?
I'll try that then, I've made a copy of her file and I will try again later user, thanks for the advice and I will delete my original post
Is there any reason to buy the moonsilver item in the Lunars jump when it's possible to turn normal silver into moonsilver?
Sorry dude.
Ready made tattoo ingredients?
Because you don't have access to the ability to make new demsnes for the essence tokens you'll need to do the conversion? You can't assume what resources any jump will and will not have access to.
That's a completely new tripcode, according to 4plebs.
That one post is the only post in their records with that trip.
NuBee could we have a +0 Drawback where Deku has combination of his parent’s Quirk?
>load monster hunter jump
>Cant buy a poogie
Why even live?
>Guilt-free OFA
>Not costing you points
She is a cute, thought I am not sure if she would like to be a companion
It predates poogies.
Weird that would be pretty good vs whats his face explody boy.
>You're asking too many questions and are about to see what happened to OldBee.
Try me. Let's see what are you made of!
New jump!
Poogies were in monster hunter psp user. The jump has stuff from monster hunter 4 in it.
All I ask ricrod is that you post more cute booty tail girls.
Sorry dude, while a fun fan theory and stuff there's no real canon basis for it.
Your butt is roasty toast, mister. I'm getting a bus ticket.
Can we have a 0+ Drawback where Mirio gets OFA :^)
...What a mysterious jogo.
>I haven't the foggiest.
Different user, but is there nothing stopping me from saying that I get all 18 (2 for each soul) of those wings? regardless of where the hell those all manifest
>I'm getting a bus ticket.
Don't bother, PoorBee. I will use my car. You're still in Val's basement anyway.
Do they have cars in huehuehue land already?
There's nothing really stopping you from just sprouting 18 if you had the one soul. Aesthetics don't really change the effect, it's just harder to do weirder stuff without practice. If you wanted to go full Simurgh and just sprout wings all over, it'd be fuckin hard as shit, but possible.
Do dragons in elder scrolls even have babies or are there only a set number of dragons with an ever dwindling number?
>huehuehue land
I'm not Brazilian, user.
I do not understand anything that is going on here.
Jump of pic related when
I am conflicted. On one hand it's a generic fanfiction jump. On the other hand it's the only way to jump into the marauders era. Wut do, anons?
Didnt you live somewhere near the huehues?
There's no information on the matter, but the implication seems to be a set number because they're technically not a species per se, just differentiated aspects of the super buff time dragon god.