Just finished reading Kill Six Billion Demons and saw this on the author's Twitter.
How is it?
Just finished reading Kill Six Billion Demons and saw this on the author's Twitter.
How is it?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's shit, just like Abbyboi's fetish.
I don't mind the fetish, but the art style just isn't something I can fap to
You asked this yesterday. Go look in the archive. Also, stop being a faggot if you can, please.
oh my lol
not that i particularly care but wasn't this a comission
As a game it looks pretty interesting, it has some problems but the development team seems to be making good progress.
Unfortunately on Veeky Forums it's gotten trolled to shit, which you're seeing the remnants of now.
Still, I like the look of it and plan to run a short game of it at some point, maybe when the next update drops.
Oh god now I'm retching holy shit his artstyle is ugly when drawing normal people
It got a beating because it was shilled pretty transparently, and there's really nothing about it that's "interesting" except the lifting of ideas from better executed games.
If you guys were a little less "wow, I really want to play this... inteteresting game, it's got a great mix of... crunch... and... not crunch? Whateverpleaseplayit", you probably wouldn't have recieved such a heavy backlash.
>you guys
who the fuck are you talking to, dude
It had one thread made badly by a member of the playtest group, another made less bad, but by that point the bizarre false flagging had set in, along with various other extremely strange trolling tendencies, like spamming threads with overly enthusiastic OPs in order to piss people off more. It was real weird.
I turned up in those threads to watch the fireworks, but I ended up getting interested in the game. Combat crunch with rules light out of combat stuff is a design space I'm glad more systems are exploring, since I'm one of those weird fuckers who likes Legends of the Wulin and stuff.
Might still turn out to be a shitpile, but I'm faintly optimistic. The sheer amount of updates in 1.4 is a pretty good sign.
>It had one thread made badly by a member of the playtest group
desu the first thread wasn't even that bad, since it was a brand new game looking for playtesters I don't really know what he could have said other than what he did which was basically just "hey we have this game, it's pretty fun and you should try it and see what we think" the trolling did get ridiculously out of hand, though. so much sweetieposting
but i agree that it seems like the devs are actually paying attention to the feedback and such, since their updates seem decent. wish they would take another look at chargen though
I still like the idea of Rental Licenses that was discussed in a few threads. I'll likely test it out when I run my short campaign.
The vague concept I'm working with is the PC's being sent to resolve a conflict on a burned out world. The planet nuked itself into a nuclear winter a good few years back, but after long enough for the radiation to fade, a mining consortium was given new settlement rights. The planet was important for the local system economy, providing rare materials that couldn't be synthesised, so restarting the supply is important.
Unfortunately, the new miners ran into a surprising number of survivors, who'd emerged from bunkers and started rebuilding and such, but hadn't quite gotten comms up and running yet to let people know they were still alive.
Long story short, any hope of rebooting the planetary economy is now on hold as the mining consortium and the survivors enclaves battle it out for control of the planet, ruining any hope of getting the mines up and running again any time soon.
I figure the PC's will either choose to align with one side or, more likely, try to stomp both of their shit in to force a peace treaty. Or just take over the planet for themselves. I have some twists in mind that might make the job harder, of course.
I honestly still think it was just you guys trying to stir up controversy. It's stupid, but you guys have a proven track record of doing stupid things. It's why "shill" and "abaddon" are so closely entwined.
It's a shame though. I saw Abaddon do some drawfagging the other day for Veeky Forums, and that's literally all it takes to be in my good book. I just wish you guys knew how to actually talk to us without acting like we need to give you the benefit of the doubt to such an extreme. You, you in particular, need to learn how to talk about the game without sounding like a shady used car salesman.
I'd suggest you work on your overactive imagination instead.
Or, y'know, just stop trolling.
>you guys
once again, who the fuck are you talking to
The Abaddonimati.
You need to stop thinking their isn't some level of intelligence at the other end of the computer, and that we're not allowed to come to obvious conclusions.
Even a toddler could pick up on your antics. And, deniability isn't the same as plausible deniability. You really expect us to believe that OP isn't the same guy who made that failed thread yesterday? That we're supposed to assume that its a coincidence?
Wow, could you be any more obvious?
Fuck off. Game does nothing any other mecha does vastly better and the setting would probably work better in any of those other games assuming anyone would even bother.
I have no idea who OP is or if there was a thread yesterday. I just saw this one and stopped by. I also don't really know why I should care?
>I don't really know what he could have said other than what he did which was basically just "hey we have this game, it's pretty fun and you should try it and see what we think"
How about none of the obvious and blatant shilling, and how about actually telling people about what the game is, rather than vague sales pitches?
What kind of mechs? What level of technology? What types of battles is the game centered around? Are pilots special in some way? What seperates it from all the other games on the market, without using vague generalisms?
Tell people that upfront, instead of hee-hawing with "Check out this game by an artist, but there's no art yet except this image that's not really representative of the mechs in the game," and "This game is interesting and it's got interesting things and it's definitely looking like it's gonna improve so don't listen to the people who are pointing out how unpolished, unrefined, and largely aimless it is."
I'm trying to help you here. But you've got to stop expecting us not to be suspicious about a game that people are trying their darnest to praise despite having nothing in it yet worth praising.
You'd probably help more if you weren't talking to imaginary people?
Informative OP's are always good, although in this case the OP doesn't know shit. Or claimed not to? Fuck, it's confusing to start trying to guess everyone's identities. I prefer just treating everyone as anons.
From what I remember, not looked at the book recently, it's a galactic scale game with FtL and some weird supertech, variable size mechs which are on the real side of super, with special super badass pilots chosen through some weird bullshit.
Not gotten a chance to test the mechanics yet, but what I said earlier nails why I'm interested. Crunchy combat, rules light out of combat. It's a combination of flavours I like, and I've not yet seen a mecha game execute it to my satisfaction. Vaguely hoping Lancer scratches that itch, if it doesn't I'm sure something else eventually will.
Umm sweetie, maybe we just don't like you redditcore kiddies shilling on our board, okies?
>I saw Abaddon do some drawfagging the other day for Veeky Forums
Did he cater to your fat fetish for you?
It's an RPG in alpha. There's a neat idea there, but it doesn't have the mechanical maturity or depth in the universe to be a draw yet.
However, the important word in there is ALPHA. Not even in Beta yet. When the art and the story and the mechanics have been given shine, it'll be diamonds
>it'll be diamonds
HAH, no. Fuck off.
Dude, I like the game, but it's an 'if' more than a 'when'.
I do hope they pull it off, as I like a lot of what they're going with so far, but it's far from a sure thing.
What about the game looks interesting? The lore is inconsistent and the technology is illogical and gamey ala battletech. I see nothing this game brings to the table over a plethora of existing tabletop mech games.
You shill.
The craziest thing about this system is that I still have no idea what it is
Rpg made by an artist. No art? WTF?
The fluff is minimal but I think the theme is cool, it gives me lots of ideas for various missions and campaigns on different worlds, like the idea for the short campaign I described earlier.
I'm honestly okay with it being gamey, although it feels more anime/TV show to me in how it all works. I've been unenthused with a lot of other mecha games, even BCG didn't really draw me despite having a decent campaign in it, but something about Lancer does.
It might be that it's all just a bit weird. How mech construction works and the presentation of the various bits of tech. Yeah, it's a weird mishmash, but part of that is what makes it stand out from the crowd.
Of course, none of that matters if they don't nail the execution.
The fact that the creator of the coolest fucking webcomic ever can't make this fucking horrible place stop acting like goddamn morons for a single thread is why Veeky Forums is dead
It wasn’t weird or bizarre. Every fucking Lancer thread has bullshit artist talking about how they are running it. No one is actually playing or running this undeveloped game beyond the author, his friends and fan bois.
Verbal judo shill detected. All honest criticism is handled this style of response in Lancer threads.
Go get the game to a more playable/finished state and then come back.
Who made it shouldn't be relevant to discussing the merits of the system. And I say that as someone who quite likes the game.
Maybe when he's made more art for it, but until then it's entirely irrelevant.
Look, you're obviously not enjoying your time here. Just go back, it'll be better for everyone.
If I was a shill I'd be doing a fucking terrible job. I'm just a guy who likes the look of the game but hasn't had a chance to play it yet, and I'm holding out for another update since I'm in no rush to get started.
Also, I'm confused. Honest criticism? You asked what I found interesting, and expressed your opinion. I said what I found interesting, and expressed my opinion. The fuck else did you expect?
>coolest fucking webcomic ever
Abbadon did Dr McNinja?
Abbadon did Homestuck?
>coolest webcomic ever
Face the facts, Homestuck flopped itself in the foot during the last few arcs/chapters. And it can never be made into a tabletop, despite the efforts of Veeky Forums. Prove. Me. Wrong.
Go back to your safe space.
It's okay. Not finished, needs some work. Pretty much on par with the other Veeky Forums mecha homebrews.
>the coolest fucking webcomic ever
I'm willing to bet Bob and George is older than Abaddon.
Yet another tombstone...
>RIP Lancer
>Killed by Autism
>May this be an eternal reminder to tell PTs to shut the fuck up until an official release is made.
Maybe read the book?
For future reference, because I'm releasing my own game soon, is it more or less acceptable to chill under a trip? I plan to announce I'm the author regardless,not imitate an enthusiast (of which I have none).
One of the few uses of trips that I think are in line with the spirit of an anonymous image board (to identify personnel relevant to the thread and eliminate the possibility of fraud).
Eh, there's some hope. We've had decent Lancer threads before, but it's a very new and unfinished game. Only really worth making a thread after there's been an update, IMO.
was it what it I think it was
was is the weight gain porn
Unfinished, and even what it will be finished it'll probably be really bad rules-lite trash. At least Abbadon's improving; it's much better than fucking Broken World.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post...
How can you kill that which is not yet alive? The game isn’t finished. My opinion is that it wants to be Battletech Rules light with the most fun part of Battletech (mech design/construction) being ham fistedly stripped out.
Lancer lacks a clear, focused design goal and does nothing well or even differently than a slew of mech games that have come before.
Use a trip when talking about your game and stuff, but don't just use it when you're in an unrelated post.
Speaking of which, tell me about your game, user.
Either an idiot or a troll, would be my guess. You'd have to be utterly retarded to think a post like that would in any way help the game.
Personally, rules light narrativey battletech sounds pretty good to me. I enjoy the idea of Battletech, but always found it overly crunchy in practice. If they pull it off with Lancer, it should be a nice middle ground. Enough crunch to have fun with, without being unwieldy. Of course, this all relies on them actually pulling it off.
>Personally, rules light narrativey battletech sounds pretty good to me.
I do too, but the problem is that the system is very light on ways to make mech customization meaningful at the moment and that's one of the reasons why you would want to play a mech game to begin with.
Can you expand on that? While I think licenses needed rebalancing and having some flexibility would be good, the fact that you can customise and refit your mech for every mission feels like it'd emphasise the customisation aspect, not strip it out.
So what I'm gathering is that this is some underdeveloped indie darling that's only actually getting any traction because the art looks cool and the author is a fourth-string Internet personality who writes a moderately popular webcomic
Well, it's literally an unfinished game. But I got into it because the rules seemed cool, I don't give a fuck about who made it.
Oh yeah, I'm certain that it's just a troll, and not a board full of idiots.
Imma just leave this here
Yes, although to be fair that's also why it's gotten a lot of its hate. Looking at it objectively, the game manages to do rules-lite Titanfall-scale mecha fairly well. It still needs some polish, but it is still in development.
You can search google for: lancer rpg abbadon
To see just how widely this unfinished, Rules light, narravitist game has been shilled.
...The authors sites, some people affiliated with him, and a few forum threads?
I mean, that doesn't seem like much. I'm working on my own game, and when it's actually in a playable state I'm going to want to do a lot more than that to try and find an audience for it.
It's Shadow of the Demon Lord, but with mechs.
It's not THAT unfinished.
It's basically Shadow of the Demon Lord in the process of being retooled for mecha, and it's doing pretty well.
You can’t have Rules light Battletech and I’ll explain why. The essesence of BT was the expanding tree of design decision points you made in your mech design (and lance composition) You fought essentially equal battles (in credits and tonnage) Against a peer opponent. Like two boxers in the same weight class. Your design and force composition choices heavily effected tactical outcomes much more so than positioning, terrain or movement.
That's not a case that you can't have rules light battletech, that's just explaining why it doesn't do what you like about battletech.
And I mean, that makes sense. But I'm more on board for tactical mecha combat and heat management with a colourful casts of mercs getting involved in a wide variety of battles.
I can see that simplified strategic layer feeling lacking, and it makes sense why you wouldn't like Lancer. But personally I don't really care about that side of things.
>and it's doing pretty well
I guess it depends on your ultimate goal with your game.
In indie freebie rpg land you need to make a good first impression because due to the high amount of crap out there your not going to get much of a first chance. Far better to internally playtest and release a polished (and professionally edited) product than to throw raw meat to the uncaring and fickle crowd.
>the game manages to do rules-lite Titanfall fairly well
That relies heavily on the scope of your game though. If you're going for anything with a degree of mechanical complexity, it's unfeasible for a closed playtest to really properly assess the game. You can do initial balance passes and testing, but getting the rules out there for people to pick apart and find flaws in is a necessary part of the process. I'd rather people get annoyed at buggy playtest rules than end up publishing those same buggy rules because I was too scared to playtest them.
It’s not what I like about Battletech. It’s core of the fucking game play. Minimally customized Tactical mech battles isn’t Battletech.
You can play it that way straight out of the tech reports but it isn’t what made it popular nor was how it was played in practice. Customization and cleverly optimized builds are defining elements of BT gameplay.
What does rules-lite Titanfall better?
>I'd rather people get annoyed at buggy playtest rules than end up publishing those same buggy rules because I was too scared to playtest them.
Generally speaking without an existing fan base or IP They just won’t play them.
Well, I've played Battletech before, as minimally customised tactical mech battles and I've had a great time. I know a lot of other people who play it that way, too.
That your playstyle exists doesn't mean it's the only valid one.
It's the challenge of an indie game designer, how to hook people in and get them interested in your game. And it's the point where a lot of games probably die, despite any mechanical or narrative merit, just because they can't get attention.
I'm resigned to the possibility of it happening to my game, too. But that's no reason not to try.
>You can’t have Rules light Battletech and I’ll explain why.
Alpha Strike.
Your calling a integral component of Battletechs game design philosophy (anal customization) and dismissing it as “my play style”.
Yep. Because the amount you're focusing on it is an aspect of your playstyle, not a core facet of the game. That you play the game that way doesn't mean it's the only way the game is to be played.
Not who you are talking to but 'Anal customisation' isn't really a core of the design. Custom designs are generally something that get a lot of shit thrown at them if you bring them to groups because they make it really easy to powergame (Or just bring Hellstars). It's like playing with environmental rules or double blind, very cool but not really the core of the game.
It's got a massive variety of mechs and variants without needing to go into the customisation rules and they keep selling tech manuals because of that.
Then I’ll play Alpha Strike and not Lancer.
Not saying either is better, just that 'Yeah, rules lighter battletech exists. CGL made it, so saying it can't be done is kinda disingenuous'.
I’ll admit Perhaps my experiences are dated and anecdotal. I played a lot of BT in the early and mid 1990s. Everything was customized. Never bring a stock mech to a fight.
Yeah, while I did a lot of era-based tournaments. Bringing a custom mech to that would get you told to bring a real design.
Custom mechs, from my personal experience, are stuff for Campaigns rather than regular play.
How much of a game do you change when it stops being that game? I guess that’s the question. Set dressing like art and fluff do not a game make.
Well, it's pretty clear Lancer isn't trying to be Battletech. It's not making any attempt to echo the simulation aspect of Battletech, which is a pretty big thing. It's just clearly taken inspiration from it with things like the heat management mechanics.
I’m not clear what Lancer is trying to be.
Have you ever actually played Titanfall? Because if you had, you'd know that disembarked pilots are worth more than a pile of soggy shit.
Well you fight on a 1” grid near as I can tell so that takes it out of the theater of the mind Rules light Camp imo.
That does not answer his question.
Back to /v/ with you scum!
A soft sci-fi mech game with crunchy tactical grid combat, and rules light simplified out of combat?
That seems to be what they're going for, and it's not a bad combination in my book.
Meant Titanfall-scale. As in, the mechs are apx as big as Titans.
>creator of the coolest fucking webcomic ever
Because it is your fetish does not mean it is good
>kowtowing and scraping to someone you've never met
Nigger you deserve a beating for being so dumb
>chill under a trip
Don't do this. Only use the trip when it is ACTUALLY relevant, such as responding to questions about the game in threads about the game. Don't use it in other threads unless its about the game aforementioned somehow
Honestly? VeloCITY. Lancer is shit for asymmetrical combat
I'll customize YOUR anal, shillboi
I wouldn’t call this crunchy tactical combat by any means. It’s rules light across the board.
I'd say Lancers combat qualifies as crunchy. It's just not simulationist. You still have a variety of combat options, stats and interactions, along with the potential for adding tactical complexity via terrain or map objectives. It seems like it could end up on about the same level as D&D 4e.