Previous thread: >Pastebin:
>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
End of the world, who did it better?
>5th edition cliffnotes
>New Geist preview
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
apologies if I messed up with the links, just copied from the last thread
Really the only end-of-the-world scenario I can give half a shit about in oWoD is Vampire.
Super-nasties wake up, start eating everyone, while people shit themselves and wait for the big daddy himself to make his move.
What do other splats have in comparison?
Anti-reality Mage-God tries to kill the universe? Stupid.
Wyrm-thing breaks out of bonds and ties to kill the rest of the Gods? Boring.
Technically not the end of the world, but I thought Wraith and Orpheus had pretty good endings.
I feel like all the Gehenna scenarios are all good despite taking themes in different directions. Unlike Apocalypse where every scenario is the same giant battle just with a different outcome.
A'ight so how would you stat advanced spell factors then? An additional dot?
Also how does paradox work again? Released or contained?
But the Giovanni are assholes.
Now Slaughs and Wraiths, that's the good stuff. You just gotta avoid the whole, uh, being a ghost throws bags of Banality thing. Dunno if C20 changed that.
The Tribes falling one is pretty interesting, even if it culminates in big fighty-fight.
Those are Reach effects, which I cost at a 1:1 ratio of Reach to Dots.
Artifact users can contain or release Paradox, which really only results from observaion by Sleepers.
>Black Furies - A strange Wyldish disease known as the Metamorphic Plague infects a large amount of the Furies, and in desperation they turn to ancient Balance Wyrm spirits to cleanse themselves of the Plague. While they don't immediately fall, over time they become corrupted by the insane darkness of the Wyrm. Caught between the Wyld and the Wyrm, they decide their purpose is to attack the Weaver, by destroying the structure of civilization, regardless of the millions of human lives lost in the process. They take on the new name Widows and their totem Pegasus falls to the Wyrm.
>Bone Gnawers - This scenario argues that the Bone Gnawers have been falling to the Wyrm slowly for years. Eventually the Wyrmish Gnawers outnumber the Gaian ones, until Mother Larissa is assassinated. The Wyrmish Gnawers tell the rest of their tribe they can join them or die, a third join, a third are killed, and the other third flees. The Gnawers change their name to the Plague Rats and their totem "Rat" becomes "Plague Rat." Their Apocalyptic method is to unleash a disease that kills a billion humans within 2 months.
>Children of Gaia - The Children of Gaia attempt to restore the sanity of the Wyrm via an ancient rite. However something goes horribly wrong, and the rite instead immediately revives the Eater-of-Souls. As word of the Children's mistake reaches the rest of the outraged Garou Nation, the Children turn to the Wyrm to defend themselves. The Eater-of-Souls replaces Unicorn as their tribal totem, and the Children of Gaia become known as the Reavers.
You take a penalty on the shitty artifact casting pool like normal casting but have zero access to yantras or extra time.
If your one free reach isnt spend on instant casting then go put the kettle on and make a pot of tea while your artifact warms up.
Good luck getting past a spirits withstand rating too with a shitty base potency and low dicepool.
Just drop your artifact down the fucking toilet where it belongs. And this includes EVERY artifact in 2e not just yours.
>Fianna - Former Ard Righ Brendan O'Rourke returns from an Umbral quest into Malfeas where he had been turned to the Wyrm. He brings back massive reinforcements for an assault on the British Isles. He strikes at several Fianna holdings and even convinces many of the other Garou tribes that the non-fallen Fianna are the ones who are of the Wyrm. They do not realize the deception until it is too late, by this point Garou have been fighting Garou until only a few thousand still survive. The Fianna become the Black Stags, but Stag their totem does not fall, nor does he cut off his fallen children. Some Black Stags follow Whipporwill and some follow other Wyrmish Incarnae spirits.
>Get of Fenris - After discovering a series of underground cave networks that lead to the Black Spiral Hive, the Get mount a massive assault on their enemy. But as the Get travel further into the tunnels, they go deeper and deeper into the earth as the Spirals pick off the Get less likely to fall. The Get in the tunnels begin to experience a variety of visions that slowly drive them mad, and they fall to the Wyrm. On the first full moon of the month, they lead an all out assault on the Garou of Europe, destroying or desecrating Caerns and eventually slaughter the Shadow Lords. The Get are renamed The Pure, and their totem, Great Fenris, is chained up in Malfeas, never falling.
>Glass Walkers The Walkers tribal totem, Cockroach, strikes a deal with the Corporate Spirit Incarna of Pentex, essentially offering the tribe and totem positions of safety during and after the Apocalypse. The Glass Walkers, now calling themselves the Raiders, maintain their connection with the Gaian tribes, hiding their taint with wolf-skins until they are discovered to have kidnapped the Perfect Metis, which eventually leads to the Final Battle. The Pentex Incarna is consumed by an avatar of the Wyrm, and becomes a Celestine and controls all the employees of Pentex as a massive powerful hive mind.
>Red Talons - A disease similar to Mad Cow infects the Red Talons due to the consumption of Human flesh. While the disease has little harm on the Garou, it is devastating to their wolf Kin. Within a short span of time the infection spreads killing more than 90% of wolves in the world, making wolves all but extinct with no chance of ever recovering. The Talons blame the humans for this and decide to kill them all, by communicating with ancient spirits deep in the earth to release methane gasses trapped deep in the earth into the atmosphere, dooming billions of humans. The Talons new name is the Predators. Griffin, mad with Rage, remains their totem.
>Shadow Lords - The Lords' Tribal totem, Grandfather Thunder, makes a deal with Gaia that if his Tribe can accomplish a specific task within one year, she will make him a Celestine, and the Shadow Lords will take their place as the leaders of the Garou. However, they fail at their task and Gaia denies this request. Feeling scorned, Grandfather Thunder and his tribe lash out at Gaia, not falling to the Wyrm at first, until they need the support against the Gaian Garou and Spirits. The Shadow Lords are the only tribe who do not change their name when they fall. Grandfather Thunder devours Whippoorwill and the Shadow Lords replace the Black Spiral Dancers.
>Silent Striders - While searching for their Tribal Homeland in the Umbra, the Striders discover an ancient evil force known as "Grandmother" that may or may not be Set himself. The Striders, hoping to set the Wyrm and "Grandmother" against each other, willingly fall to the Wyrm, hoping to have the Black Spiral Dancers attack the new enemy. At this time, the Silver Fangs decide to attack the Spirals and the Hungry Ghosts as the Striders are now known. Concerned for their own safety, the Hungry Ghosts turn on their former allies. Owl rejects them as a totem when they fall, and the Hungry Ghosts adopt the Wyrmish form of Bat as their new one.
>Silver Fangs - Albrecht convinces the tribal totem, Falcon, to temporarily remove all derangements from the Silver Fangs so that they may see with perfect clarity. Once this has been accomplished, the Silver Fangs march on the Black Spiral Dancer's hives and slaughter them. At first this act is seen as a great victory for the Garou Nation, until the Fangs reveal that they killed the Dancers not in the name of Gaia, but rather because the Fangs have fallen to the Wyrm and did not want the Dancers to compete with them for attention in the eyes of their new master. Falcon realizes too late what has happened: By giving the Fangs absolute clarity, they were able to see how truly hopeless the Gaian cause is, and decide that they should align themselves with the Wyrm instead. They change their name to the Fiery Crowns.
>Uktena - Urge Wyrm Spirits hold a "contest" to see who can make a Garou tribe fall. Lady Aife, the Urge Wyrm of Cruelty focuses her efforts on the Uktena, effecting their Banetenders' dreams, and assaulting the Uktena homeland in the Umbra with Banes, Black Spirals attack Wendigo and Uktena camps pretending to be members of the other. With these and other attacks, the Uktena start turning to the Wyrm out of desperation, killing off non-fallen tribemates or crafting Wyrmish fetishes to corrupt them. Finally, the Uktena become the Snakes and begin attacking the other Garou, starting in North America where they're stronger. Great Uktena, their totem, is captured by the Wyrm until it goes mad and falls.
>Wendigo - A roadblock in Upstate New York leads to a confrontation between the National Guard and some armed Native Americans, resulting in the death of thirteen indigenous people. Outraged, a group of Wendigo use the Umbra to board and hijack a Nuclear Sub, and nukes Buffalo. At this point the Wendigo have not fallen to the Wyrm, but when they reveal to the other Garou tribes that they are responsible for the attacks and the hijacking of the sub, the other Garou declare them fallen, and declare war on them, attacking as they attempt to perform a sacred annual rite. The failure of this rite draws Great Wendigo into a Rage, and he is corrupted by the Eater-of-Souls, turning the Wendigo into the Wyrmish tribe, the Devourers.
>Hengeyokai - The Beast Courts have always believe in the Wheel of Ages, the theory that universe follows a cycle, and the impending "Sixth Age" is only one of Twelve, that the Cycle will eventually turn back towards the Gaian eras, each slowly getting "better." Some members of the Hengeyokai decide to push the Wheel into the Sixth Age so that it can be over with sooner. This group, known as the "Fatalists," achieve this by awakening Wyrmish Caerns through which demonic hordes pour out, creating a few centuries of Hell on earth before the Seventh Age begins and things start getting better.
who was in the wrong here?
>13 militants die fighting the Government, so we nuke a city with a population of a quarter of a million in revenge
Hahahahahaha, fucking what?
Wendigos are nuts even for garou standards
Beats trying to Claw shit..
The native Garou tribes of America really don't like White people.
>Glass Walkers
>get cucked by their own totem
Apocalypse is about how everyone is varying degrees of wrong
And murder-fucking. Don't forget the murder-fucking.
Would Richard Dawkins have True Faith (atheism)?
Glass Walkers a best.
>Glass Walkers The Walkers tribal totem, Cockroach, strikes a deal with the Corporate Spirit Incarna of Pentex, essentially offering the tribe and totem positions of safety during and after the Apocalypse. The Glass Walkers, now calling themselves the Raiders, maintain their connection with the Gaian tribes, hiding their taint with wolf-skins until they are discovered to have kidnapped the Perfect Metis, which eventually leads to the Final Battle. The Pentex Incarna is consumed by an avatar of the Wyrm, and becomes a Celestine and controls all the employees of Pentex as a massive powerful hive mind.
I wounder how the Syndicate would feels about this?
Would George Soros be a Syndicate member?
I don't think so.
True Atheism is entirely fucking retarded.
Agnostic Atheism is the smart non-religious position.
It's Atheism but self-aware aware of the impossibility of conclusively disproving the existence of a higher power.
A Reality Deviant is a Reality Deviant.
No matter if they work for a subsidiary (who gives you dangerous fucking quasi-RD tech and should be excised as the fucking cancerous limb that they are).
Audit in progress.
Post your characters.
Participation is mandatory.
Do mages dedicate their lives to specific mysteries? Or is there always something new for them? Like could there be a strix obsessed scholar among the Mysterium?
depends on the mystery or type of mysteries in question. Yes, there could be a strix obsessed Mystagogue. But if there was a mystery that was important enough I'm sure there's a mage willing to spend their life on it.
There's only so many Beats you can wring out of a Mystery.
To dedicate your entire life to one, it's either got to be mind-bogglingly extensive (like Emanation realms), or you've got to be a really shitty Mage.
What about mysteries revolving around a specific area? Like how vampires and geists correspond to Death and the Underworld? I don't think you'd be short of mysteries there.
Yeah, but that's pretty much just writing "Vampires/Geists" as your Obsession.
Mages know jack shit about Vampires and other splats according to one of their Order books.
The only who know anything are the Mysterium, and they keep an eye on you when you hang out with other Templates.
One of the proposed mysteries in Free Council(I think?) was whether or not vampires even exist.
Silver Ladder know enough to not like them and have a standing policy encouraging their eradication.
>monsters not knowing of each other
One of the absolute worst and most sickening things about WoD.
That sounds fucking retarded.
>Implying it's not willful ignorance
Welcome to the Free Council book.
Which was so retarded that they decided to structure a significant part of their book around the Subtle/Vulgar divide, thus invalidating massive swathes of Order background when the system changed.
Why would the Mysterium keep tabs on people hanging out with other creatures of the night?
That passage only mentioned vampires
If any order deserves a new book, it's the Free Council. It was never on par with the other books to begin with.
They'll probably get a significant portion prodominantly to themselves in Tome of the Pentacle, having been the single largest shakeup in the Mage power dynamics in recent history.
Can't spell Mage without homosexual
The Hedge Gate is creaking! The kickstarter is almost upon us! Are you ready?!
>Prepares Fate 4
>*deletes the Shroud*
heh nothin personel kids
What would a Supernal counterpart to Uratha, Sin-Eaters and Begotten be like?
Post True Fae and True Fae like beings!
image barely related
Jin-Githaxis and Elesh Norn would make a good True Fae tho
>not one of you posts a single fucking character that you play
I guess I shouldn't be surprised but it's still disappointing
You need to be in games to have characters you play.
Absolutely. Urabrask is Banished
Ech for what game. I'm ST 90% of the time :
post the npcs or whatever
i would accept characters you WANTED to play
Even Geniuses?
Grandmother, Grandmother, is that you?
Some time ago I joined woof game with a vampire(oh god crossover) I used to play before I became forever GM. As it turns out social combat works in woof if you can make people bleed out of their anuses by sweet talking them.
Character wise my guy is this smug asswipe wearing 5K$ suit into combat and complaing about it all the way. But they keep up with me because I never once fucked them over
Before a buddy of mine scuttled his VTM campaign I made three characters in case the other players wanted to X scenario. I did so because I can chug out characters for WoD systems like nothing else and I never get the chance to play this game. I'll Post those three characters starting with this guy;
Johnny Wilson designed him to be the optimistic wiseass mage of the party. Had him have path of the levinbolt because I wanted to go "UNLIMITED POWER" at least once.
I played a flamboyantly Italian Cappadocian-Giovanni. His top ghoul was his equally flamboyant brother. His sire was his great-grandfather, his favorite ghost pal was his aunt who spoiled her nephews rotten, and his vampire girlfriend was actually not related to him and not secretly a boy, to the surprise of everyone.
Continuing on from that we move to Johnny's early concept; Ray White
DESU I had no real direction other than Tremere with this guy.
>post the npcs or whatever
Ok quick rundown of some of my npcs
>Prince - "probably" ventrue metusalah. Was Gaul chieftain during the roman conquest. Now is Prince serving Invictus with is probably ironic. Almost succesfuly kept his mortal bloodline up for 2000 years. Currently missing in game
>above princes Seneschal - and his lover. Based him of LaCroix from Bloodlines in terms of looks and personality only without his worst qualities(still has chip on his shoulder and is kind of asshole but he does not try to fuck everyone over). Tries to keep city from tearing itself apart after prince went on a trip
>nosferatu that serves as ls confessor as well as works as a psychologist. His curse shows as a patches of rotten flesh and he masks the scent by smoking 10 packs of cheap ciggaretes a day. Nicest vamp you know but still believes psychanalisis is the best thing ever
>Anti-reality Mage-God tries to kill the universe?
Only if you don't throw all seriousness out the window and play it like the silly bullshit it is.
Channel every NGE and Big O meme you've ever seen and turn that catastrophe into a mindfuck your players will never forget.
>not related to him and not secretly a boy
Now this is a twist no one expected
True Fae language translated.
why the fuck is DESU in my fucking post?
Anyway, here's the certifiably fucked up cannibal mafioso Giovanni. Lorenzo Medici, now this guy is a Wiseguy, equally wiseass as Johnny but a cannibal mafioso whos also a necromancer. He had an ornery ww2 veteran as his Spirit Mentor.
Wanted to have him be a kick ass cook since I made him able to eat and get blood from eating flesh.
Moving on from the Old World to the New, I have since lost my pdf of the character but the same buddy who was gonna run VTM was going to run CtL when I told him about it. Had art comissioned and everything (granted it was pixel art but the WIP sketch the artist did was kick ass,pictured)
It was a Victorian Lost game and he was a Frontiersman from the Oregon Trail. He was a Wizened that was made to be the game warden of his Keeper's game preserve, where he used his Keeper's arrogance to keep himself from getting fucked up or becoming the next hunted, he'd manipulate traps and set traps to make his Keeper's hunts "Interesting" and give his fellow Changelings a fighting chance in the hunt.
One day he realized that "now" would be about the time he'd go up to his family cabin and do his Hermit act for a while and made his escape, odds are his Keeper hasn't even noticed.
He had a Hedgespun Coat made from the various leaves, vines, and branches along with the leftover scraps of his leather duster that he was still wearing when he got snatched up in. He also had an Axe token that would pop back up in his hand whenever somebody wasn't paying attention.
The man himself was dry, didn't lie, and preferred his solitude
The finished product of the art.
and the bigger one for not ants.
So, will they create a Changeling Translation Guide?
Nope. Lost and Dreaming are so different in tone and style that it couldn't possibly be done. Besides with how Lost is people can pretty much make a Dreaming character already.
Changeling 2e when
Soon, but hopefully never. 2e looks like a fucking dumpster fire.
That didn't stop them making one for Demon.
I hope Changeling ends up being stronger than Mage
That's fair.
Kickstarter starts today. So at least until it's end and bit after that...
We should get a good glimpse of the final book though, it's finished and just needs to be published.
The word "t b h" is filtered and replaced with "DESU".
desu, i dont think that is the only filterr BAKA,
basically senpai, I think "s M h" and "f a m" are also filtered.
"t b h" ---> DESU.
"S m h" ---> BAKA
" f a m" ---> senpai
Unlikely but at least I hope True Fae would be tough enough to give Arcanthus run for their money.
huh. That's fucking weird.
So, could I play a delta in Demon the Descent?
They already give mages a run for their money, as long as they're in their place of power.
Matter(cold iron) and Fate(no-selling) is another thing entirely.
I still don't understand the meaning behind Desu
It kind of translates to "I am" or some such.
oldhead memes didn't age very well. it was a crack at how everyone ends their sentences with that to try to sound like they're leveling with others (like, no shit you're gonna share your opinion on an opinions board) while also referencing a long-gone joke that used to dominate before Veeky Forums was really a thing
Replayed bloodlines recently. Should I give Redemption a shot?
So, have they announced any further CtL books beside the Kith and the Hedge ones?
They seem to be rather fond of Night Horrors books, but CtL needs one far less than MtAw.
>Replayed bloodlines recently. Should I give Redemption a shot?
BLoodlines is a game where you get more choices and FAR more interesting characters...
Redemption has a very nice "tragic romance" aspect to it that follows through the entirety of the game, but the gameplay is pretty "meh" at best.
Changelings already have Night Horrors published. Idk if they would publish another.
So did Forsaken, although the new one will have a far different focus.
A Night Horrors for CtL2 could be a Autumn Nightmares 2.0, similar to how the Forsaken NH is going to be a new The Pure + Blasphemies (I also liked Autumn Nightmares far better than Grim Fears).
Yeah I recall playing it ages ago and it was just sorta okeyish hack and slash but I need my vampire fix
Most likely but I don't think anything has been announced/confirmed yet. They will probably check how well the kickstarter will go before deciding to publish anything new for CtL2e.