If humans taste like pork then what would the other major races taste like?
If humans taste like pork then what would the other major races taste like?
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They all taste like chicken. Except the chicken-men who taste like fish.
They would all taste like pork, except the aquatic and avian ones.
There are two major muscle types. Slow twitch muscle, which is very very strong but less precise; and fast twitch muscle which is quick, agile, precise, but relatively weak compared to slow twitch, and is significantly less efficient.
Bird wings, for example, are almost entirely fast twitch muscle, i.e. white meat. Bird legs are almost entirely slow twitch muscle, i.e. dark meat. The primary reason pork and human taste similar is that the muscle strands are banded lines of fast twitch and slow twitch muscle, which allows for greater versatility and endurance than simply one or the other. That's also why we don't have light or dark meat, just muscle.
So yeah. Almost every humanoid race is going to be long pork, not just humans.
>kobolds taste like chicken
>elves taste like venison
>orcs taste like beef
>goblins taste like crabs that have lived their whole lives off of trash and feces
>gnolls taste like goat
>giants taste like bear meat
>nobody knows what trolls taste like because nobody is suicidal enough to eat them
chicken of the cave
If you buy hobgoblin and it comes in a can chances are it's actually just goblin. You need to go to your butcher to get real hobgoblin.
Why does beef taste different from pork then?
I mean, I don't think elves and such would be evolved from ruminants in most settings, but that's another explanation entirely.
Skaven in TWW2 explicitly mention that they consider Lizardmen tasty. Probably gator-ish
Cows are herbivores. Plants are shit, that's why cows have four stomachs and have to chew their cuds. They have tons of evolutionary adaptations to deal with the fact that their primary food source has marginal caloric content and is nigh-indigestible.
Pigs are omnivores, though, like us. Of course, part of why they taste like us is because of how similar they are evolutionarily. That's the entire reason pig fetuses are commonly dissected. Even in fantasy settings where every humanoid race has a wildly different origin, the humanoid races are all far closer to each other than they are to, say, a horse or a crocodile.
Non-humanoid races are flavor country, though. Thri-kreen, centaur, and tortle all probably taste AMAZING.
It makes you wonder it it's okay to eat a lizard person. I mean, they aren't your species, but they can talk and think.
Do you have an ethical problem with eating whale or dolphin? If not then I'm sure lizard people would make delicious jerky.
The real question is - is it still cannibalism to eat a communist?
I'm sure Lizard Persons probably wouldn't give a shit, and would probably think you're weird for NOT putting their corpse to use.
Well mexicans are spicy, black people taste like chicken and waffles, white people taste like pig of course, and asians no matter how much you eat you'll always be hungry two hours later.
Yes, communists are still human and their ideology is one rooted in kindness. However its an impossible idea and generally stupidity and greed is what motivates most of them.
No, but it's not very good for your health either.
Reminds me of this one charr npc in gw2 trying to convince another to eat quaggan.
This actually justifies eating them. They're simply not sapient enough to be worth pity.
I'll cry over a mammals death but all lizardfolk are for use of the betterment of all creatures.
It was a reference to the famous Rafal Ganowicz quote.
Why would you WANT to? They're malnourished either because of the bread lines or eating nothing but instant noodles all through college. You don't go after the starving animals, you go for the ones with lots of meat on them.
Can you post more of similar pictures? I need them for... purposes.
What a faggot.
>I need them for... purposes.
gurochan is a thing you know...
They're "sapient" but in a different way than most Humanoids, essentially being a species of sociopaths due to regional pressures meaning they pretty much need to focus 100% on survival. I actually rather like their lore bits, makes them more distinct than "humans but red/blue/green and think war is cool"
And yeah, in their mind not eating them is a waste, so do it nigga. Not like they can use the corpse for anything.
Go to bed, grandpa.
Then they wont mind breeding them for slave labor and food. After all, they get fed and can breed and they are off use to their society, the most logical of ways for lizardmen to wind up.
I dun wanna
I'm sure there's a decent bunch of them that wouldn't object to a slave life, as it means they get food and shelter along with the protection of a large tribe. Just be careful not to mistreat them or they're liable to all fuck off or rebel and eat you all at the first sign of weakness, and each of these "slaves" has natural armor and weapons on par or better than most military's basic grunt gear and the instinct to use it effectively.
Using them for slave labor seems rather inefficient compared to the usual fantasy tropes like skeletons or golems though as they're implied to be an almost exclusively carnivorous race, and as such would be much harder to feed than your typical Humans. (And this is assuming you can go into the TURBO RAPE SWAMPS to capture/bribe/coerce enough of them to get a stable breeding population in the first place, and that they don't have some kind of spawning area where they refuse to lay eggs or however the fuck they're born outside of.)
>2 Lizardmans get in the sewers, (which I'm sure they could because they're tricky niggers)
>Start lizard-boning
>In like a year or so there's a sizable population of 7 foot tall sociopath hunger machines with the intellect to use fucking magic under the city and teeth than can bite through platemail
yea great plan chief
Elves taste like some shitty vegan artificial """meat-like""" substance made in a test tube and mostly inedible by humans
Goblins taste like pepperoni
Dwarves taste like horsemeat
Halflings are really greasy and nobody really wants to eat them
What do fairies taste like? I hear pixies on biscuits are divine.
Rule of thumb to live by: Never eat anything that can do algebra.
Like pork but not as good.
user, by that metric a significant portion of humanity is a-ok to eat.
jerky makes me fart
>user, by that metric a significant portion of humanity is a-ok to eat.
Yes, and?
What was his name again?
And it’s spelled “delusion”, user. Please grow up from your childish fantasies, sweetie.
all animals talk and think, they just use other languages.
You can argue that they're primitive languages, but the fact that you cannot understand their languages doesn't change the fact that they communicate concepts between them.
I dunno, I think if something has "person" in the name I imagine eating it is frowned upon
Well that's fucking cute.
I want to do bad things to her.
Gingerbread Men
I says if it got meat it be good to eat
Koboldfaggotry is disgusting
I need this ugly bastard for my Nurgle army.
what the fuck does this even mean?
>rooted in kindness
Yes, they killed all the land owners and industrialists with kindness.
I want to trap her in a jar that slowly fills with my semen.
Today I learned a thing. Thanks, Veeky Forums.
This. Koboldfaggotery and Cuteboldfags should be banned on sight.
What if I just like cute things but the thought of fucking a lizard makes me want to vomit?
Do you mind, I'm trying to eat here.
Actually, you go for the sick or lame ones. Partially because it's better to weed out the weak but mostly because it's easier.
well to be fair, he never stated who their kindness is directed at... it most of the cases it's directed at themselves.
How can you cannibalize that which lacks humanity?
Whales and dolphins arent sapient though
According to XS, githyanki taste like shark. and faintly of battery acid.
If someone violates the NAP, is it okay to eat them?
No. Violates bodily autonomy.
If someone violates the NAP, but there's nobody else there to corroborate it, will they take your word for it when you eat your neighbor or will they think you violated the NAP resulting in them eating you?
You know that would never stop them, right? A desire to fuck dragons, lizards, kobolds, and other scalefag shit has been a part of Veeky Forums for near a decade.
If there is one thing that Veeky Forums has taught me, its that you should never underestimate how far some people are willing to go for their raging xenolust and, if given the chance, would joyfully try to fuck nonhuman races, or at the very least will attempt to build a machine to fuck them
You shouldn't eat so much junk food, user. It's bad for your health.
why would you rape naptime, and why then is the enalty cannibalism?
Gnome Basher
Lack of emotion does not mean robot. Socoipaths would in fact make the worst slaves because they are motivated mainly by base survival instinct, not fear or love. And base survival instinct isn't just "alive=okay", it means you seek to improve your situation to ensure the best possibility of survival and procreation. Furthermore you don't enjoy success, you simply desire it so you will never be satisfied.
You're suggesting making slaves out of a race is not motivated by fear, and seeks only it's own self interest. They would never accept BEING a slave. They might accept that they need to accomplish a task or they will be killed, but that's something very different. A good slave is someone who's spirit can be broken, someone that accepts that giving in is simply better than resisting, a sociopath has no spirit to break, and will resist whenever they think they can win, even if it means waiting patiently for years to slit your throat.
>Dwarves taste like horsemeat
>Not mutton
what if slavery is simply the best thing for their species as a whole to thrive, like cows. wild auroch doesn't exist but theres billions of cows because they're tasty and compliant
Cows are not comparable to an enslaved sapient species
You're still trying to apply some sort of society mind to an individual.
>this is how mentally defective communists actually are
>this is what they actually believe
It’s like if we found out that dolphins thought we were gods. Cute, but exposes their sheer lack of intelligence and comprehension of the world around them.
> Elves taste like chicken spiced with parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. And some LSD.
> Orcs taste like pork - even more so than humans. Some taste like stale pork.
> Dwarves taste like very dry old beef.
> Halflings taste like rabbits.
> Goblings taste like chicken that's at the same time overdone and underdone, no matter how long you cook them.
> Orks (don't mistake for orcs) taste like mushroom boiled in a beef soup with some dirt.
> Drow taste like fugu. Some are also as poisonous.
> Gnolls, catfolk, etc. taste like a leopard, i.e. only any good if they weren't involved in any significant physical activities within a couple of hours before they died.
> Trolls taste like your mom.
Only true of flightless poultry. Fowl, pheasant, pigeon etc all have dark meat breast and wing
And then you accidentally boil her alive in your semen when you leave her jar over the radiator so she can keep warm?
>so asspained from that thread you decided to shitpost in a new thread
holy shit
Yes. Are you stupid? Not only is it the same species, the entire reason you don't eat people is still fucking there. You'll STILL get your fucking prion brain rot that you guys get every fucking time you try to eat people.
It's like goddamn clockwork. "These guys aren't REALLY people, right? So we can eat them?" Then you eat them, and lo and fucking behold, your society turns into tribal shit mountain because you all are having your brains destroyed by prions and can no longer sustain society.
I have seen you guys do this so many times and every time it is such a comedy of errors that ends in tears and blood for everyone involved. I don't know how to convince you to stop.
>so asspained from that thread you decided to shitpost in a new thread
>Calling a talk on the importance of not eating prions a shitpost
Goddamnit stop eating shit that destroys your brain.
He does that all the time.
Bolsheviks are not the whole spektrum.
You are literally dumber than someone 150 years ago.
this picture made me gag
And then there are large birds like emu and ostrich that have a totally different muscle texture - their meat is like pale beef, in my experience
Depending on how you roll, that may turn out good or bad...
Are humans kosher?
>"only Bolsheviks got rid of people as part of the revolution"
>accuses others of being dumb
I'm not going to be a shit stain like some of the others relying to you, but Communism has nothing to do with kindness and all about some misguided sense of fairness in the context of equity.
>orcs taste like beef
No, they obviously taste like chanterelle.
Unless you refer to Marx' original writings, which (believe it or not) actually placed the highest value on freedom, rather than equality (in fact, Marx criticized as crude, self-destructive and ineffective attempts to create equal societies, deriding them for being even more focused on people's material worth than the capitalist system). His main issue with capitalism was that it reduced people to their economic value and forced them to fit into social roles that wouldn't bring them fulfillment, not that the system was inherently flawed.
That actually happened you know
>humans taste like pork
except they don't you dumb fuckwad
people taste like veal