Who here /accumulating/?


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already all in. Ready to 5x my portfolio. Confy BNTY.

still HODLING since day fucking 1 my man

I am but without more volume, this thing is going nowhere soon

Still +20%. Yesterday ATH is today ATL

About to sell and buy real coins. The volume died so I'll just dump the price down even harder.

I have already dubled the amount thanks to whales dumping and diping this shit out to 0.16 lvls.

Sold at 0.27 and now at 0.20.
Bought both at 0.16 lvls.

Don't hold just think it's free money from big guys

Bought 1k at 238 ETH, just want to x2 and get out

give it 3-5 days and it will du at least x2 from now


Payfair would do more than just bounties.
Would make bounty0x obsolete

any proofs?


these dips look easy to predict and trade, at least for bnty/eth

worth trying to trade? sell order for 270, buy orders for 240?

No since you posted that here

I'm accumulating every coin kucoin has released in the last week. Guaranteed moon missions

It's much more better than just holding.
This coin will make you gains not form steeady growth but from sudden ups and dips


pls no mr whale, pls no bully

wouldn't holding be better? you'd probably get quite a few transaction fees accumulating if you sold/bought all the time

Yeah the damn whale is still at it...

> doesn't have a dev team
> they're posting now announcements (and a bounty on their own site rofl) for a dev after (probably) realizing that you can't make what they keep saying without writing actual code and not hiring a freelancer and chop some code from githubs
> company is run by high-school dropout (c'mon dude couldn't get past high school, it's not college wtf) and a lawyer
> they don't have more technical knowledge than most people after reading 4-5 whitepapers
> current "platform" (what that word began to mean now) looks like I'm browsing the web with netscape
> is anyway just a shitty webapp. where's the blockchain/decentralization ?
> they are now tweeting that they are in talks with exchanges, which doesn't mean anything. If I had 1$ for every time a shitcoin tweeted this I would for real have a lambo. Promoting on their group to spam said exchanges twitter feeds. Imagine the thought process behind adding a coin in an in exchange (it's not "hey
bountycuck647, which coin was spammed today on our twitter ?")
>they're saying that wow SIX COMPANIES will post their bounties there. what company in their right mind would do that if they saw the whole thing? Guess this is more of a "like father-like son" thing, imagine the quality of the bounties rofl. The 100k "bounty" for that hacker is just the first example. Posting that was free, fixing everything else is not.
First gains were made because reddit fags were shilling it amongst themselves and some of them are leaking here. The bountyx group periodically plans to spam subreddits. last time someone even said something like "dude that exact thread was posted 6 times already and deleted 4 times"
But there will aways be cucks who think "smol marketcap = big gainz.. wen mon"

go away pajeet, shoo shoo!

nice copypasta senpai

Real cowboys know gains don't come all at once, ya'll fellas gotta hold if you want to make a living around these parts. This is the wild west it takes strong hands and patience but it pays off in the end, trust me.

pajeets have gotten pretty good at English, good job. now fuck off

I don't care i'm 2000 BNTY ahead on just trading.
I don't know why are you scared off trading, most of pajeets on Veeky Forums want fast and easy money and trading is the best way.
even tho have more chance than DBC with it's volume.

Maybe it will go away if we close our eyes?

What do you expect after posting this bs pasta here? That ppl will drop on the dip?

Anybody with a bit of brain understands that it won't go 1$ but 99% of your shitcoins that you are posting here won't do this.
But that does not mean that you can't make gainz on it



why you stop whale. make it go up and down

I don't know why everyone is freaking out about this coin dropping in price. Whale shakes everyday before another ATH the following day. Literally just hold and all in or just sell once you double and just keep your "profit" play money in.

Knee deep in this shit. Accumulating as we speak. Loving it.

That and it is literally uneffected by BTC tanking.

I've done my own research and I too can see this. I have yet to see any constructive debunking of this, which makes me fear this might turn into yet another IOTA where it moons shortly, and then stagnates for the rest of its time. Or even, worse, getting Confido-ed as there's only one developer.
This makes me want to dump my bags as nobody can disprove it. What I learned with IOTA is that if the bag holders can't disprove the FUD, it is a sign that it's the truth and will likely backfire hard in the near future

whale fuckign made it stop, trading all morning now nothing. fuck I know he is watching this thread

>tfw bought in at .27
why didnt anyone warn me buying at ATH was a bad idea?

Sell faggot.

So many pathetic bag holders in this thread, HHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHA

BNTY's not only at 8x current price, it's been consolidating for days now. Easy gains coming.

OP should delete this thread and let us accumulate. Faggots in Veeky Forums love their LTC/BTC and "safe coins"

How about you faggots disprove this FUD here which is actually quite concerning from my own experience of getting burned

Though being a highschool drop out is not an argument as plenty of skilled programmers did not attend high school

Why don't you join their fucking Telegram and ask them yourself


Is this the new LINK?
Actually, how many of you pajeets is also a stinky linkie?

Im sitting comfy on my 97k. Dont have any orders set just gonna enjoy this ride to $1 then post all the caps I took of these pajeets.

Why should I buy this shit?

please post these faggots it'll be a nice little rodeo

Whale's been putting lower and lower sell walls, what's their problem?

he watching this thread, hes on to us

Why would i accumulate literal trash?


I think he'll be at it at least until news from other exchanges. Fucking greedy faggot.

Same here my guy