The Dwarves in The Hobbit each brandish a sword, but Gimli from LotR, the most iconic of the dwarves, is an axe-wielder

The Dwarves in The Hobbit each brandish a sword, but Gimli from LotR, the most iconic of the dwarves, is an axe-wielder.

What weapons do dwarves use in your setting?


>What weapons do dwarves use in your setting?
Axes, hammers, swords, spears, and just about every other type of weapon. Same as elves, humans, orcs, etc.

If anyone's answer below this post isn't picks/warpicks there doing dwarves completely wrong

Combat shovels.

Their own giant noses.

Didn't Dain's army in The Hobbit all wield mattocks?

Buff elves with warhammers might be a fun way to add some variety. They're mostly the same in all settings, though I guess that goes for dwares as well.

how about iron-allergic buff elves with oversized wooden mallets?

That's great. Would fit well in a setting with downtrodden elves who have lost their magic and kingdoms.

Axes/hammers/sickles/shovels/hoes/*randomtoolhere* Are used by citzens to nobles since they consider tools to have "two uses, atleast."

Dwarfs in the military may use more direct weaponary, mainly swords, showing that they dedicate themselves to their certain proffession, ensues the tool to focus on war.

Runesmiths use Runehammers, which appear as a ornate handle with a floating stone head akin to a Rubik's Cube with sigils instead of colours on each side, which move according to the Runesmith's runechant (the sigils form a Rune of preference on the part of the head they intend to clobber with)

If we go a bit further into runecraft, dwarfs have them inscribed in all manner of devices, which a Runepriest or one trained to do so can activate, turning random cooking utensils or furniture into a weapon if needed (although this is just a runepriest messing with the Chant, which is seen as blasphemous in the faith of the Divine Scripture)

I'll stop here before it gets too long.

Rifles mostly. Big enough to scratch a dragon's scales.

Weapons with reach; halberds and such.
Also axes and hammers mostly. Some have started producing "black powder guns" but they are crazy expensive and not easy to maintain. Black powder is also hard to come by outside of dwarven settlements and is unusable for 2d4 days if it gets wet

Autocannons and missile launchers

There's a single battalion of them with proper firearms, but most of them use what's available- afaik my GM hasn't gone out of his way to give them a preferred weapon.

Mostly spears for the tunnel wars
Dwarves aboveground use whatever fits, mostly swords and polearms
Crossbows for range since bows are inappropriate

Pike and shot

I usually play a dwarven warrior/ranger hybrid class, whose weapon of choice is a cross between a halberd, and a long barreled rifle.

Maybe some greatswordsmen to break the opponents pike formations

Gladius and spears are the common weapons of the soldiers, but their cultural weapon is a militarized version of a Pulaski Axe, with one battleaxe blade in one side and a war pick in the other

We run a very deadly campaign (3 pc's and 27 character deaths in 2 years of play gaming once a week) where dwarves are the dominant force in the current whole of the area the story takes place. The dwarves military consists mostly of subservient vassals of human subtypes. Technology level is akin to a mixture of 900 ad - renaissance era tactics ( the DM came to the conclusion that some things you just can't get away from being historically inaccurate in a fantasy game) . The dwarves that do serve in the military are either elite units or command cadres or heroes. In any case the dwarves use all weapons of warfare but favor the axe and shield. It cannot be denied however the usefulness of a spear/pike and close quarters short weapons. Dwarven tactics in this game are molded around the concept of the spear/shield wall. Since the enemies of the dwarves kingdom are many and a variety of tactics must be utilized against all manner of hostiles ( mounted/monstrous/infantry based/flying etc types all exist and participate in warfare against the dwarven kingdom in many different arenas such as mountainous/subterranean/open field/swamplands). The system we use is a cocktail of others but centers around 3.5. We've homebrewed the shit out of a lot of d&d's system to make combat much more lethal and/or realistic as we saw fit. It is a very low magic setting. This being said the common fantasy tropes that certain races only use exclusive weaponry goes by the wayside although those fantasy tropes dictate what certain races are known for and they often sport those weapons for ceremonial use or if they're just badasses.

Guns and pikes.

>what weapons would be most appropriate for a race of tunnel dwelling manlets
Spears and crossbows, with pollaxes and arming swords for personal combat.

>all these people mentioning firearms
Your dwarves better not live underground. Just imagine firing black powder guns in enclosed spaces like tunnels: bleeding ears from the noise and bleeding lungs from smoke inhalation.

to be fair, they were amid a dwarven diaspora.

Which coincidentaly were also used in the Hobbit by the dwarves from the Iron mountains.


Like the white lions of chrace?

Glaives, halberds, poleaxes and pikes
They almost exclusively wear full plate because they can afford to, unlike human armies, so shields are less necessary. They do have dedicated shield bearers who only heft a large plated and spiked shield to protect the front ranks though. And they have Rangers who in times of war act much like skirmishers and harass enemy formations with hand axe and light crossbow salvos.