So I am DMing a game where there is about to be some inter-party conflict. The human paladin/cleric is pissed at the tiefling sorcerer because he killed an innocent person on sight instead of talking it out which is strictly against his oath. Here's the problem: the paladin is stuck in demon armor, which gives your attacks and saves disadvantage against demons. If the paladin attacks the tiefling, would that be with disadvantage?
Are tieflings humanoids or demons? Both?
Demonic Humanoids.
If the tiefling is the one from the 5e handbook, they're a DEVIL, not a DEMON.
Devils come from hell.
Demons come from the abyss.
So it doesn't do fuck all.
Unless you're using the UA Abyssal variant.
Does the armor specify demon subtype, Fiend type or fiend subtype?
Depends on the edition and the tiefling.
5e PHB tiefling? he's the descendant of humans that long time ago made a pact with a devil for powers. He isn't a demon, he might count as a devil depending on your interpretation (one drop rule).
>If the paladin attacks the tiefling, would that be with disadvantage?
Yes, Tieflings are demonic humanoids in the same way an elf is both a humanoid and fey.
Unless, of course, you mean 'demon' as in 5E demons (who are different to devils, tieflings are devils) then in that case he'd be fine because technicalities.
But if you're going the Demon= all abyssal/hellish creatures, then, yes.
But an elf isn't both a humanoid and a fey.
No. Tieflings are humanoids in 5e.
SOURCE: Every single tiefling NPC that has been given stats, has been a humanoid.
No, tieflings are not demon type, they are humanoid type.
arent teiflings suppoes to be specifially half human or at lest just mixed ancestry of human and some sort of fiend?
A half-human, half-demon is called a cambion (or just a half-demon). Tieflings need to be at least one additional generation removed (demonic grandparent at the closest).
Why does the paladin just viciously fuck the tiefling to get rid of the obvious sexual tension?
There's no editions of the game in which tieflings are demons.
In 3e, they are sometimes (usually) outsiders, and you could ARGUE they are often fiends (3e defines fiends as "evil outsiders" and many tieflings are that -- ironic that there's mechanical provisions attached to something defined only in fluff terms, which is very normal for prior editions but extremely odd for 3e).
There's no argument that in D&D tieflings can be considered demons.
Seconding. The closest you can get is a Pathfinder Demon-spawn Tiefling, who is just a native outsider with no other subtypes
Do you have any idea how hard it is go get out of that paladin armor? It may as well be welded on.
>not breaking his armor off by force
>not using magic to bind him down
>not smugly and impatiently tearing off his under armor
>not having your way with him
It's like evil doesn't exist anymore.
Elves are humanoids with the fey subtype, the same way Tieflings are humanoids with the fiend subtype.
No. Absolutely wrong.
Humanoid. That tieflings look the way they do is proof that supernatural bloodlines need not be strong or recent to induce startling effects. several generations can separate a planetouched from its nonhuman source and rob it of 99% of its power, and you can still look inhuman.
Tieflings are more human then half-elves
How does he piss if he can't get his cock out though?
>>How does he piss
>>Cursed armor is worse than you thought huh?
>Paladin is basically walking around with years worth of piss and shit all over his legs
I'm sure he can get a young acolyte sidekick to reach up in there and wash it off every time they get to a village among other things.
Fey is not and never has been a subtype in any edition of D&D, let alone 5e (which is the edition OP is concerned with if he's talking about advantage/disadvantage).
I defy you to find me an edition of D&D where standard, PC-racial-option elves have the Fey *type*.
The last one. In 4e fey was an "origin" alongside natural and elemental.
Would a tiefling use a hat of disguise to give a bad name to aasimar?
I don't think the Fey origin actually bestows the Fey type.
Fey wasn't a type in 4e either, that was mainly for things like dragon, undead, etc.
Depends on setting.
Vanilla D&D they are not demons