One of my long time players asked if he could bring his boyfriend into the game...

One of my long time players asked if he could bring his boyfriend into the game. Is this as much of a red flag as a girlfriend would be or are fags more capable of keeping level heads in these kind of situations?

If you have to ask, then yes definitely.

huge red flag. fags have the attention whoring of women mixed with the assertiveness of men.

just let him join, and when it all goes to hell come here and share the story

It depends on each person. Some guys just happen to like men. Some are flaming faggots.
Some women are bro-er than men and some girls are utter bitches.

Try and see.

Or better yet, don’t let him in and then write the story anyway, making him out to be a womanising rapist while you eventually end up making everyone pregnant with your super dongus while exaggerating everything.

Now that is an idea I can get behind. Nothing like a huge lie to get /pol/ and SJWs all rustled up.

>fags have the attention whoring of women mixed with the assertiveness of men.

I was going to say essentially this. Unless you're friends with both already and know their limitations, it's going to be a shit-show.

Sounds like fun. Let's see what you've got

