Of all the cards they could Inject thier "progressive" virtue signaling, box checking bullshit... Why did it have to be this card????
Women barley play the game. let alone competitively.
What a fucking joke.
Of all the cards they could Inject thier "progressive" virtue signaling, box checking bullshit... Why did it have to be this card????
Women barley play the game. let alone competitively.
What a fucking joke.
Other urls found in this thread:
What is the point of a ban list, now, when players can pay 4 black or 8 life?
Fuck off, /pol/. It's not our problem that you're this terrified of women.
Also that person is clearly genderqueer
>attacks my point
>makes my point
You didn't make a point, you just told everyone how triggered you were. So I guess if you were trying to prove that you're butthurt over nothing, sure, point proven
Not only is the card a joke, but this faggot posting is also a pathetic joke.
I'm sorry that reddit closed r/incels, but I don't know what you want me to do about it.
Sorry guys. But white-knighting here miles no sense. Barley women here either .
Since the virtue of Un-set rule interpretation is somewhat more loose than for the regular sets - does it strictly tutor just Magic the Gathering cards or can I go for another card from another game?
Hey, at least she`s white, right?
Don't worry, she's just playing around with a snorg tee and her boyfriend's cards for a selfie. Think of it like a girl dressing up in her mom's clothes.
>WotC essentially calling all Spikes gender queer fags
alright by me
>WotC acknowledging their fanbase is freaks and misfits
about what I'd expect from cardboard crack dealers
its only allowed in Un-format and Commander (And even then thats only if your playgroup allows it, but i remember them saying they wanted to balance the legendaries for commander)
In the situation where this is your commander its a mono black deck (you can have rocks for other colors i guess but my point is its not ideal and you have to work to break it).
Way to look at the bright side user.
Do women not even have tits anymore? Like not every women is flat as a board, also I an going to be laughing my ass off when Wizards has to apologize for not making her black.
If WotC wants to play stupid games, they are going to win stupid prizes.
Should have been a picture of Melissa DeTora desu
>being actively repulsed by attempts to attract and retain women
Yea. Because women make everything worse.
I would honestly much rather have a dude suck my dick than have anything to do with women in this day and age. Homosexuality is becoming a better and better option every day.
Get a better keyboard app, faggot. Then fuck off.
I don't know what everyone's upset over, Spike is obviously a trap because she(male) wants to distract her opponents, because she takes every edge she gets.
I'm sorry that reddit closed r/incels, but we can't do anything for you.
OP is the only one in the thread who's upset. The rest of us are just here to laugh at him.
If you want women around during your free time got to club or some shit you faggots, and stop trying to ruin our game just so you can have some eye candy around.
The OP has pointed out a valid bunch of bullshit, all of you faggots are the ones that are upset about it.
I don't think anyone's upset.
He's free to bitch about 'progressive virtue signaling' because a character with a gender neutral name looks effeminate. We're free to laugh at him because we think he's an idiot.
Tell us more about how Chad and Stacy are ruining M:tG, fellow redditfugee!
Damn, we got a rap star here. OP's talking in the third person.
>my complaint is that the girl is flat as a board
>recommend a real female magic player who was so good she got a job at WotC
And here you are using the same shitty joke as in the other thread, are you upset that mommy got the you a tight circumcision. Why you are at it, why don't you stick the little guy in a meat ginder, you clearly don't want it.
They have to be banned in "a Constructed format" as understood by Magic.
Stop falseflagging so you can post on twitter how awful mtg players and/or Veeky Forums are. Spike's legit waifu material.
>More than one person agrees
"Must be samefagging"
Fuck off
>everything i don't like is /pol/
Virtualoptim, go away. No one likes you. No one has ever liked you. And you were banned besides.
>women get represented as high level players in the joke set
>I don't think anyone's upset.
OP is still somebody, even if he's a really pathetic somebody.
I thought I told you to get a better keyboard app, faggot.
>cancerous shit
Fuck off and die all you shots on both sides.
The real question we should be asking: what the best thing to tutor for with this? Spending 10 life to play Spike and Immediately put Vault+Key seems reasonable. (Key was Banned in Urza Block Constructed).
>made a competitive card character a girl
>1/3 in a cycle is now female
>internet tilts off the face of the planet because only boys allowed compet
it's shit like this, guys, that makes people think everyone in the hobby is asocial weirdos
Having a variety of characters in your card game does not make it worse, please be chill.
My issue is this is the last person I think of when I think competitive mtg. The art for Timmy power player is great. He gets to wear armor and is so happy because he plays big dumb things not knowing about some of the higher level of plays and strategies.
Aw, poor baby, are you gonna go smash your Keurig?
But irrational fear of women is /pol/.
I don't get it. What's the problem here OP?
Art should have been pic related with cards floating around him.
Your pic fits the kind of player who thinks he's a spike but loses every game
>implying 1/3 is a proper male/female ratio for magic.
That was literally someone else you were talking to. Why are you defending women, women in magic of all things?
The individual depicted in the card's art appears to feminine, yet they don't look like a woman traditionally does. Therefore, the original poster of this thread believes that this card is pandering to groups that promote non-traditional femininity.
spike is just tryhard, not necessarily a good player. With the neckbeard memes that's exactly what spike looks like.
>Why are you defending women, women in magic of all things?
Do you read your own posts? You're becoming a caricature of yourself, user.
I didn't realize these cards were obliged to show the proper male/female ratio.
What would you prefer Spike, Tournament Grinder to look like?
Why would you prefer Spike, Tournament Grinder to look like that?
i like him like he is right now.
i'll just copy a different user's words from a different thread:
>Phyrexian mana
>styled hair
>nice skin
>eyebrows on fleek
>smart, fitting t-shirt
>patrician tastes in card and sleeves
>cocky grin
This card is great because it only upsets people who deserve to be upset. And it upsets them alot.
What a disgusting design.
r/incels has always been a Veeky Forums board. The chief opponents of incels have always been redditors.
He or she looks obnoxious as fuck. Perfectly fitting for a Spike.
What's the problem?
Need my urza's sunglasses cause I only see a cute emo boy.
Also, nice hommage to Johnny, combo player.
He's right. If you look at the card and the first thing you think is "DAMN SJWS AT IT AGAIN" you are genuinely neo-Veeky Forums.
those don't exist outside of 2d
>But irrational fear of women is /pol/.
But user said heshehrdf is genderpolymorphqueer.
That's sounds more scary than a woman. A weak bitch yo.
Why the fuck does the card have to absolutely portray one particular gender or the other?
2017 Veeky Forums looks at this and says "god damn it, SJWs ruining my fucking card game."
2007 Veeky Forums looks at this and says "eh, I'd fuck it"
Be more like 2007 Veeky Forums.
>those don't exist outside of 2d
Wrong glasses.
>Muh representation
This is what you have become. You deserve all the scorn the internet can muster.
Yes, that's clearly the problem with that card.
Fuck off back to your containment board.
>>spike is a fuckable dfc tomboy
Nigga you gotta be gay as hell not to like this card. Are you honestly telling me you'd prefer it be an overweight dude, the ACTUAL demographic of competitive tournament winners?
This means we can get some nice femdom r34 between Spike and poor little Johnny who just wants to get to ten mana. Timmy is autistic and his first love is Green anyways, while Vorthos is busy furiously masturbating that Contraptions are now a thing
Is that even a girl? Looks like an effeminate boy to me. Chest is completely flat.
Well, it is 2d. So what's your point?
Pretty sure that's just a twink.
she minmaxed them away
you're demonstrably wrong
look at the art again - "she" is not attractive at all
>the best of all Player creature type cards is a girl
Gee I wonder
All tryhards are spikes, but not all spikes are tryhards
For you
I'd fuck him
It's more clear in the full art, but the article about the card refers to Spike as a her. In the full art she's clearly got a chest although it's sports-bra level small
Spike being a colossal faggot that canonically crossdresses to sexually confuse and frustrate his opponents would be perfectly in character anyways. Anything to win.
Placement of one of the cards covers the area between the chest and the abdomen, making it difficult to tell if he or she has a bust or not.
Facial features are styled to look feminine, hands look moderately masculine. It's a mixture of all sorts of different features, resulting in androgyny. It's pretty difficult to tell.
precisely because it would trigger the shit out of spikes.
get fucked
This is pretty much what it should have been. The stereotypical fedora-wearing neckbeard.
You're not the target audience anymore you stupid mother fucker
found the virgin
This is the article that spoiled Spike:
>Her use of Phyrexian mana means that you can cast and activate her ability as early as turn two by spending a mere 12 life.
>How Cube designers will deal with her ability is likely to vary widely.
>I plan on allowing the person who activates her to have the joy of thumbing through the remaining 360 cards to find what most pleases them.
>The fact that she is flexible, powerful and can tutor up an endless stream of perfect threats and answers turn after turn means I think we will be seeing a lot of Spike, Tournament Grinder in Vintage and Modern Cubes willing to dabble in the Un-world. If the rest of Unstable is as impressive as she is, I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more silver borders in our Cube futures.
She is a woman.
Actual honest-to-god spikes don't give a flying fuck about what their cards look like as long as they let them dominate constructed. Veeky Forums has a bunch of autists too scared to even attend FNM who play cockatrice matches and then jerk off about how skilled they are.
Johnny likes absurd, improbable, long combos and blue.
Timmy loves big, fun, dumb creatures and green.
Spike likes winning and will play whatever he needs in order to do so. That's why the card is phyrexian mana.
That's just a twink boy, OP.
nice bait
Regardless I think it's just dumb putting women in "muh stronk roles" like the new art for Huntmaster, but I'm not WotC's target demo, since I'm not a woman, mentally ill in the head, or a soyboy.
If they wanted to make Spike a girl they could have at least made her look better than that, looks fuck ugly.
>first article that had Timmy, Johnny and Spike had all three as male
So the transition is complete. I wonder what Jane and Timatha look like now.
Careful with that edge there lad. You wouldn't to hurt yourself
It's Tammy and Jenny, user.
Well, do you realize that putting so many women on strong roles nowadays is not for target audience, it's all to avoid lawsuits drom SJWs who don't even care about playing, of course?
Do you know what that even means
>man hands
>no tits
The artist clearly didn't think so.
The truths hurts; it's okay to to cry.
I don't think I'm the triggered one here, you may want to rexamine your beliefs however and ask yourself why this card upsets you so much
You being upset over this is the actual joke.
>looks fuck ugly
Take that back he's cute.
def twink bf material.
I've met women with far more masculine hands than that and some with even less of a chest.
And non-Magic cards are categorically banned from MTG constructed events, so...
>Tournament Grinder
What is that? A lesbian who goes to tournaments to pick up girls?