MtG Unstable Spoilers
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Preview from Instagram. eh
List of cards tutorable by Spike pastebin.com
>life loss
This upsets me given the other contraption we have seen for that faction is a damage doubler.
Aww, that should have been untapped/tapped instead of tapped/hand. Ah well.
does this list cover things that were unbanned also?
Anything that has ever been banned /restricted
regardless of its current status counts.
Dios Mio. A luchadore bug
It covers former Standard bannings, not Modern or Legacy or anything like that.
I can't recall right now, but I don't think there were many things that were banned for a bit, then unbanned.
what I would do for a blackborder card that has similar effects.
Okay, this is hilarious, hopefully this is a rare effect so that players don't organize their battlefields in a weird way regularly.
This is good silver border design
Not a fan of cards like these.
Great art
Misinterpreted this art initially as a Goblin-Faced train in the style of thomas the tank engine. Also, now you just need it to untap each turn and you can LITERALLY ATTACK EACH TURN WITH IT
I like the movement of weirder/mechanical cards to uncommon+, I think it's a better silliness/playable ratio.
Wait who declares their attackers first, that would matter if Party Crasher is attacking the player attacking and they want to potentially leave blockers.
>Just a second
Now that's cute.
Does the player who's combat step it is, also choose which of his creatures block? Or can you only declare blockers when it's not your turn.
I remember I once designed a joke custom card with this effect, everyone on Veeky Forums called me a faggot.
You are a faggot, though.
or just give it vigilance.
What, you don't like chaos orb?
>Phyrexian mana
>styled hair
>nice skin
>eyebrows on fleek
>smart, fitting t-shirt
>patrician tastes in card and sleeves
>cocky grin
He's so cool, I wanna be just like him.
>green goblin
Is that a first? I'm not totally up to date on all my magic sets
No, Shadowmoor nonsense got around to it first.
Wort, Broodmother is green. Not sure about pure green gobbos.
In shadowmoor we had hybrid red/green goblins, but I think this is the first mono green goblin we have gotten.
Ah, I see
either way, unusual
finally as an official creature type. Hopefully we get a cybord lord as well.
huh, that art is pretty similar to this un-card I made a few years ago
Do you think they'll print a card that lets us swing with all of our creatures on an opponent's turn too? I immediately thought of pic related when I saw that card.
this a tranny, right?
females don't play magic and they certainly don't play it at a competitive level
>females don't play magic
There's a girl who visits my LGS every now and then who kinda looks like that only with long hair. It's not that out there, grognard.
Women don't play magic with you, and this is why
Not of which are relevant besides WotC """employees"""
You're not relevant.
>bringing back retarded physical dexterity cards
>wrestler is now a creature type
this is my favorite card so far and there's been some good shit.
Do... you need to untap it? I would normally say yes, but like that seems to defeat the entire point.
At least more than MtG "female" spikes, I am
I'm talking about genuine female players
You really aren't.
Which don't exist, yes.
Have it at a more readable size.
t. my anecdotal evidence is valid and my attitude is totally not keeping women away from me.
Anybody else annoyed by the waste of good card names on Un-shit? This game has been running out of viable names for cards for years and they blow some good ones on pointless joke cards that cannot be played in any format.
This is the article that spoiled Spike:
>Her use of Phyrexian mana means that you can cast and activate her ability as early as turn two by spending a mere 12 life.
>How Cube designers will deal with her ability is likely to vary widely.
>I plan on allowing the person who activates her to have the joy of thumbing through the remaining 360 cards to find what most pleases them.
>The fact that she is flexible, powerful and can tutor up an endless stream of perfect threats and answers turn after turn means I think we will be seeing a lot of Spike, Tournament Grinder in Vintage and Modern Cubes willing to dabble in the Un-world. If the rest of Unstable is as impressive as she is, I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more silver borders in our Cube futures.
She is a woman.
Landwhales are still female
I've been waiting for this card for years
Stop your kvetching, goyim. Of course an androgynous dyke is an accurate representation of competitive magic players.
How does that go against my point? I'm the one saying there is women playing MtG and not just women(male)
this is a rules nightmare. hilarious though
this card looks fun as fuck
Wait, can you attack with this, even though its tapped? Or only once each turn cycle?
Why the hell would you make this card?
This isnt fun, its just property damage.
I imagine attacking still taps it. In order to attack once each turn, you'd need to put vigilance on it or untap it.
pretty sure it still follows regular attacking rules (has to be untapped) but this is an un-set so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You can't attack with it while it's tapped, like if it was tapped during a second combat phase
Zurgo cannot freely attack in someone else's combat phase.
Sure you can put the assault suit on him, but its not the same at all.
Pardon my phone, was meant for
Art kinda reminds me of Rachel Agnes. I know it isn't she, but she fits the criteria for a spike too
Still the wrong one
Can't stand her. She used to (probably still does) use her tits to sell cards above market value in BST groups. God forbid you call her on it, or her army of white knights will come after you.
Oh right. I'm too used to Zurgo EDH.
You don't have to stick to one faction. In fact you can't in constructed.
Prob still does, don't really let it bother me and just read her articles and watch her time to time in the VSL or live comenting.
Plenty in modern. Ancestral Vision and Sword of the Meek most recently.
Nope. Here's how it goes:
>Play dude
>Pass turn
>Opponent's turn, declare attackers step, you can't attack with dude since he's summoning sick.
>Opponent passes.
>Your next turn, dude's not summoning sick
>You may declare him as attacker on your declare attackers step, dude taps to do so. If you do, dude can't attack on your opponent's turn, cause he's tapped and doesn't say anything about untapping during your opponent's untap step.
>Or hypothetically don't attack. Pass turn.
>Opponent's turn, goes to declare attackers.
>When you get priority during opponent's DA step, declare dude as attacker, tap dude to do so
>Declare blockers similarly
>you can't attack with dude since he's summoning sick
Haste, my man.
Fucking Golgari Grave-Troll was banned, unbanned, then banned again in modern.
What is HASTE Alex?
Somehow I forgot about that when typing my post. Please insult me and my sexuality.
really love the order of the widget aesthetic.