What do fa/tg/uys think of cat people races?
What do fa/tg/uys think of cat people races?
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Boring. Pick some more interesting animal.
khajiit thinks you ask too many questions to packs of wolves
A cat's fine too
They're okay. Not a huge fan because I don't really like cats. But I can see the appeal.
They're a honey pot for furries and weabs though.
Seems to me that making races out of weird unusual animals for the sake of being different is just contrived contrarianism.
>They're a honey pot for furries and weabs though
That pretty much applies to all non-human races though (elves and dwarves don't count, they're basically pretty humans and manlet humans)
I replace halfings with small catfolk in my settings.
I find furries don't really like Minotaurs all that much. Or birdmen. Really just foxes, dogs, cats, and lizards.
I don't really mind them as long as they're not just furry bullshit, give them a unique and interesting reason/role to exist or fill and then I'm fine with it, maybe they're quite animalistic and savage but furry-bait not!humans just disappoint me, seems like a way to just shove more humans in for a lazy worldbuilder but now they're unique humans because they've got fluff or some bullshit.
Cool as FUCK if they look like Leonin, Khajiit, etc. Especially if they have a culture that isn't purely 'unga bunga tribal n sheeit'.
Really tired and too obvious as wankbait if like Thundercats, Tigra, Mithra/Miqote, or generic nekomimi catgirls.
1. It's not just "for the sake of being different", it's for the sake of not being boring.
2. A choice of race isn't contrived, and it's not contrarian given that cat-people aren't what everybody plays in RPGs. They play humans, elves, dwarves, etc. If your sentence made any sense, it'd be you who's a "contrived contrarian" for playing a cat person.
3. Cat people are cliche and overdone.
Really? I replaced goblins with them and made the halflings more like Tarutaru and Yordles; horrible littme capitalist midgets who mastered ancient dark magic of Destruction so everyone actually has a reason to be afraid of them.
Who cares about the majority? The only people that matter are the ones in your gaming group. Unless you're one of those pathetic roll20 fags who can never find a game and never has a group in which case lel
>>'unga bunga tribal n sheeit'
>Every single tribe in a fictional setting is basically stone age primitives
This will never not upset me, there's so much cool shit you could do with tribal societies and it always just comes to half naked black people chucking spears in the end.
>not being ratman master race
Setting I'm working on has a race which is sort of a mix between standard catfolk race and a doppelganger race, called "Copy-Cats". I like catfolk and the aesthetic, but they need a little something extra to actually be interesting outside of slight animal features.
Do you have any examples from history or fiction that I could study? I'm always looking to make a more in-depth setting.
Warhammer threads are that way, Skavenfag
It's mostly due in part to when we finally get a chance to play a furry, minotaurs and birbs are still restricted because they are always "too mechanically powerful."
That said, I will always play a Kenku when the chance finally arrives. Cheeki breeki bird men are glorious.
Afghanistan, Roman/pre-Medieval Europe, Russia/Siberia, The Pre-Muslim Jewish tribes of the middle east, etc.
A tribe is basically any cultural group that exists outside of a nation state, technological progress has absolutely nothing to do with it. Most the tribes fought by the Romans were more or less on the same technological level as them, an in some instances actually had somewhat better equipment that was copied by the Roman's themselves (lorica hamata for example, Roman's got the idea of mail from the Celts)
>1. It's not just "for the sake of being different", it's for the sake of not being boring.
You just said the exact same thing twice in slightly different ways.
What's wrong with being different, if it weren't for people being different just about all the standard fantasy tropes that exist today wouldn't be a thing at all.
Basically black people chucking spears at each other, although somewhere along the way they stole some guns from somewhere.
>they stole some guns from somewhere
Educate yourself
Never been too big a fan; even tibbits have traditionally rubbed me the wrong way. That said, my most recent setting has a race of manticore-like humanoids that look sort of like the moomba from FFVIII. Which, on that note: I think moombas are a pretty cool cat people race, I guess.
I love minotaurs. Big, badass bull men and wide-hipped, milky-breasted cow women? That's some superior furfaggotry right there, friendo.
Boring and lazy. The only cat people race I like in anything are the Senche in Elder Scrolls, because they're literally just gigantic lions as intelligent as men.
Oh, not that post specifically. Didn't mean to quote that.
>only MY tastes are correct
Sorry snowflake, that's not how reality works.
Nigger, you go educate yourself. Start off by reading Butcher and Bolt by David Loyn. It's a basic primer to the history of Afghanistan as viewed by by foreign powers intent on meddling there. Then I'd go to The Great Game by Peter Hopkirk. For some further insights I'd read Bugles and a Tiger for more insight into what it was like to fight literal "noble savages" on the North West Frontier.
I read dozens of books about Afghanistan when I was preparing my thesis but those were the best, and the most insightful.
Fucking nigger tells me to educate myself about a subject I'm an expert on and then posts a youtube video. Fucking hell.
I didn't even look at your video btwem because I already know as much about that benighted hellhole as I'll ever want to know.+
I'll give you a tl:dw version than
Jezail rifles were very well made guns that in many cases surpassed the standard issue smoothbore muskets of the British army at the time, admittedly the locking mechanisms were often taken off British rifles but the barrels, stocks, and all other components were made from scratch by Afghan gunsmiths, featuring rifled barrels and aperture sights they easily surpassed the accuracy of any smoothbore. In a way they were very comparable to the American Kentucky rifles.
So saying they "just stole their guns from someone" is a very incorrect statement.
They stole the design from persians, who themselves modified it from weapons they purchased from the Otooman empire.
By that logic the Israeli's stole the design of the Galil from the Finnish M76, who stole the design from the Russian AKM, who stole the design from the StG-44. Like 90% of the firearms in history were technically "stolen" from someone else.
I have no problem with that logic. Btw, you missed the R4, which was basically a South African copy of the Galil.
None of which changes my position that afghans are basically just lighter niggers who have never evolved past chucking spears at each other and going "ogga bogga muh honour".
You haven’t heard of sergals, dragons and giant ants, have you user.
Or the people who like the xenomorphs or predators.
But that’s more xeno than fur.
Alright, fine, Afghans were niggers, you have any objections against the other tribal societies?
Not him, but other than the fact they are used a bunch?
I mean, there are more governmental systems than tribe, feudal, or democracy.
Cat people should be interesting, but they invariably aren't because 99% of fantasy uses the stale "They're [historical civilization] but also [fantasy race]" and humanoid cat people fit into that role worse than most other races.
If your cat people have some weird, fucked up inhuman society then they're great; but people seem to have a hard time accepting that even shallow and transparent catpeople races like Mithra are already inherently more interesting than "they're Babylonians but cats, and their arch enemies are the Jomon Era dog people from overseas".
>What does Veeky Forums think about cat people
>States opinion
Why are you so defensive? Is your fursona a tiger or something?
Well, I always wonder what people like you want.
An utterly alien society would be strange and incomprehensible to read about. Without some recognisable human tropes and facets why would anyone care about the story you're trying to tell?
I always get the feeling for you this is a just a standard dismissal of every race you don't like for other reasons that for some reason you think people wouldn't respect.
>Waaah they're too humanlike! I can understand and relate to characters like this!
It's perfectly acceptable to dislike a fantasy race for aesthetic reasons.
Painfully dumb.
Can be pretty cool. Aren't most of the time.
I love the Charr from Guild Wars.
>Gigantic compared to most races. So they aren't the 'lithe stereotype' and are more like 400lbs walls of meat and claws crashing into you.
>Technologically Advanced, using artillery and cannons
>Focused on War
>Not edgy atheist, but actively renounce and hate the Gods (which is fine since the GW Gods seem to suck)
>Pushed in the shit of a Human Empire so bad they had to set off a magical nuke that only managed to kill off a few Charr but turned all humans for miles into ghosts
>Still chilling where the humans tried to nuke them, raiding their ruins and still fighting off their ghosts
>Clan structure
Charr are pretty based, yeah; didn't even think to consider them a feline race, even though they clearly are. I really liked them in GW1, so it made me happy that they were added as a playable race in the second one. The ghost + nuke thing was pretty funny when I got to that area.
I love em. And in a transhumanist setting, some people will share themselves or their kids or their robots or their vatgrown servants into this trope.
For novel fantasy settings, I'd rather borrow ideas from catpeople and make them follow a theme while being consistently themselves. Which means world-building work.
The thing is, there's a spectrum. Too conventional and they're cliche. Too novel and they're unrelatable and hard to describe. So you find an appropriate medium for the story you're trying to tell, using tricks where you can to push the frontier and get more novelty and relatability.
It took me a second to connect them with cat people before I posted because they do a good job of being their own race. A race that just happens to looks like a tiger fucked a demon.
They do a pretty good job of avoiding the usual animal people tropes. The only animalistic quality they all seem to share is a sort of predator-prey view of the world and being aggressive.
Always thought they're pretty cool. Then again, I also had to admit that I'm a furry somewhere along the road...
I remember one time Veeky Forums made a nomadic group of siberian tigermen who had a common written language but no single verbal language. With a giant library and everything.
Was neat.
>who stole the design from the StG-44.
nigga, what?
Before you even start with this retarded shit, the Russians even put up a diagram of a disassembled stg-44 on their ak-47 memorial.
You have my support for asshole birds.
I think making lions/tigers humanoid ruins their innate majesty.
so why is the AK more similar to the Garand?
the rotating bolt of the AK is fairly different to the tilting bolt of the Sturmgewehr.
the concept is copied, not the design.
also, fuck knows, presumably someone was given the wrong model to work from.
The philosophy of a detachable magazine, select fire rifle chambered in an intermediate cartridge was unquestionably inspired by the StG-44. I wouldn't say they straight up stole the design, but I do think it's fair to say if it wasn't for the StG the AK wouldn't have existed and Russians would have used SKS's for the next few dozen years
Not him, but I think it's not so much "their society is so alien it cannot be understood" as "their society is basically a direct rip-off of an already existing society." Basically rather than taking elements of several cultures, filling in the gaps with some frog DNA, and making a unique yet different culture you just make them Egyptians with tails.
Still upset that Gideon replaced Ajani as the posterboy for White
If it's not human it's not okay.
Furry races are especially bad
I've got a thing for beastmen in general, but Rakshasas are the best of the bunch.
>1. It's not just "for the sake of being different", it's for the sake of not being boring
You need more than that to no being boring.
Creating new races is shit, unless you manage to make one without any relation to any human culture in existence.
>What do fa/tg/uys think of cat people races?
I think Lynels, the lion-headed centaurs from Breath of The Wild are super cool.
That's kind of it though, I'm not really a big fan of felines.
I typically don't like straight beast races, unless they're fucked-up mutants of some kind like the Trollocs in Wheel of Time or Beastmen in WHFB.
Races/species derived from animals I'm okay with. Just so long as they're not straight-up "[animal] but on its hind legs"
I like rahkshasa, but I HATE their backwards hands. I don't know what they trigger me so fuckin' bad, either. Because they would pretty much be able to do all of the same things as normal hands.
I'm generally a huge fan of beast races and generally try to use them whenever I feel appropriate, and as often as it can be fairly justified.
Personally I think they're a lot more interesting than the Tolkienesque demihuman races, which I still like, but don't like them being as prominent or common as they're usually presented.
IMO, they're underused.
What's a good name for a big cat-based race, anyway?
>A race that just happens to looks like a tiger fucked a demon.
They're basically rakshasa.
Straight up anthro races can be cool in some cases (Dragonborn, Lizardfolk, Gnoll, etc.), but by and large I prefer more of a "beastman" flavored race that's basically a human but with slight bestial features that can favor one animal or another. Think Mel/Jessica/Leo/Mauri from the Lunar games, or the Beast race from PSU. Just humans with sharp canines, pointy ears, patches of fur/stripes on their skin and maybe a slight variation on the nose. It's distinct enough from both human and elf to be unique and different but not so exotic and strange as to make it unlikely that they can walk around unhindered in an urban setting. If a werecat waltzes into a city it's gonna get a *lot* of attention. A slightly wild-looking humanoid not so much.
It also gives you a little more freedom to be similar to whatever creature you'd like rather than a specific animal. If you're a lizardman or cat person then there's only so much you can do with it. A generic beastman race could reasonably look bat-like or have features evocative of a gorilla. I just find them much easier to stomach and much more versatile to play with than straight up furry races. Given, if you're playing in a setting where such races are common and aren't going to be unusual at all to see on a daily basis then hell yeah I'll roll up an awesome lizard man and enjoy roleplaying something really alien-looking, but for most fantasy settings it just doesn't seem practical to play a beast race and expect to not get funny looks and lots of trouble for it while wandering around in a world full of similarly-featured humanoids.
For the record, I lean toward "Mithra" - Final Fantasy did it, but I like how it implies subterranean masonry.
brought you a goblin
Played a Lynx in an Ironclaw game a year or two back. A soft-spoken but unyielding bodyguard to young noble heir and they turned out to be one of my favorite characters I had made so far. So much so I had a simple token art of them commissioned.
But in general, I am fond of beast-races and cat cat-folk would be among the pool I would pick from in preference. I'm not partial to any kind of archetype when I play a lynx as an obstacle with very little feline grace.
>tfw furfags have almost ruined beast races for you
They're my guilty pleasure.
That is the best idea I've ever heard and I hate that I didn't do it when I made my setting.
Why are you letting Veeky Forums and the rest of the internet affect your view of something that doesn't exist?
When you spend 13-16 hours a day on Veeky Forums, it tends to affect your view on many things
None of the DnD settings that I can think of seem like they have a very good niche for them. They usually just feel like less common wood elves with claws to me. I don't really mind the idea of cat/beast people, but I can't think of a setting that really uses them in a way I like
I don't like minotaurs mostly because I prefer them as a unique monster (same with medusa). I don't like birdmen because I don't like flying races being player options in general, though I see plenty of furry bullshit drawn to them.
Gotta be honest bruh, that is not healthy. Get outside and do some walking. Pick up a hobby like drawing or writing.
I'm working on a setting that will include a race of catfolk that are basically just awakened housecats.
I don't mind beastfolk races, but I prefer them to heavily favor the "beast" side rather than basically just being furry humanoids with some animal features.
all beastfolk races are shit
Well there's already tibbits, which are basically a race of cat familiars that went solo. Mechanically they just looked like halflings or small humans, but they could freely shapeshift into cats as well as speak with cats.
I don't really mind the idea of a puss-in-boots race like in monster hunter though
I try to go shooting more often, but it's an hour drive to the range and a good 20 minutes of that is unpaved roads so it kinda demotivates you to go once every week or two weeks.
I get ya bruh. Maybe one day those roads will be paved.
In the meantime, give some other poor user some joy and post Catfolk with guns
>Not liking birdpeople
What faggotry is this?
This is the only thing I have
Because you asked nicely
I still think there is a difference between liking furry tits and being like x3 rawr *licks paw* Lemme smell ya stinky feet :3 *gobbles you up whole*
Ya know. I'd consider myself as someone who enjoys the first thing greatly, but the other thing weirds me out just the same.
I don't really feel strongly for or against them but I love Ajani.
Much in the same boat.
I like the aesthetics of furries, but the porn and really weird fetishes surrounding it creeps me out.
Something about animals as characters is just such an interesting concept. Ironclaw does it incredibly well, too.
Backed the kickstarter, hopefully the frenchies deliver.
Literally impossible to hate that.
But get yourself a good cover for the book. The original one is fucking shit.
Just because some of the porn is bad, doesn't mean all of it is.
That's the only holdover from mythological rakashasa.
that I know, though the Federov got there first, and it's the natural progression of the magazine fed LMGs/ automatic rifles.
Likely not, but fuck shifting through the nightmare inducing shit to find the actual good and pleasing stuff.
Joe Mad's brought me around to all kinds of furry shit.