Well, is he right? Is this all you really need
Well, is he right? Is this all you really need
No, he's not right, because you don't NEED any kind of tabletop game whatsoever. You just want one.
Games aren't about what we NEED, it's about what we WANT.
Backstabs are overpowered in that game.
I hate to admit it but yea he's right
I disagree. If I don't have a tool for escapism, I'll go insane
I'd love to only use basic fatasy but my group really likes all of the stuff available to players in 5e with class abilities and whatnot.
If we used bfrpg everybody would have their own copy of the book too.
eh, I have a preference for the way LotFP handles skills for rouge instead of percentiles.
always happy to hear about open source systems though.
What if LotFP separated race and class like BFRPG? Would it be better?
>tfw you realize you can just close your eyes and daydream
I thought it was love.
never trust a bald man
and on top of all, never trust a bald man with a braided goatee
Let's find out
>Not knowing who count grishnakh aka varg vikernes aka louis cachet aka kristian vikernes is
>Based on 3.5
I dunno Jim.
id probably be fine with it. I am not partial either way. I just dont like rogues have these low percentiles for their rogue skills. in LotFP, you can start as good in one or two rogue things right off the bat.you could be a sneak attack rogue, or a climbing focused rogue. etc etc.
hell. It would be cool if you had that kind of customization for the other classes.
>aka kristian vikernes
Let's be honest, user. We all call him Kristian here.
I used to hang out with a kid who liked this shit
Given how he belongs to one of the most retarded subcultures on the planet, I was right all along
Of course not, the rules for deckers are shit and the gear section hasn't got any submachine guns in it.
>one of the most retarded subcultures on the planet
if you're talking about black metal, it's currently one of the most creative and flourishing music scenes
Guessing he meant Kristian's current trend of incoherent rambling rather than Burzum.
>Varg "20 for murder" Vikernes
Opinions from ex convicts are wortthless
how much XP did get for defeating Euronymous?
kek literally a bunch of insecure faggots with issues screeching over noise
fucking cringe
But is it printed in papyrus?
If we're going to be reductionist you don't *need* anything.
you can just sit and starve to death
I wonder how Chris Gonnerman feels about this.
No, all you need is pic related and a good story teller.
Role playing games are just improvised interactive/cooperative story telling at their core.
Guess not. You should try branching out more, user. There's a whole world of music out there.
That's what I do to feed my soul between games. The only time I remember to feed my body is when I'm actually with other people.
He said on the traditional board game section of a Korean soap opera discussion board while discussing pen and paper rpgs
Too many redundant adjectives. Try again.
>Here we see user in his natural habitat, frantically trying to damage control with complete non sequiturs
d-did varg get OSR'd? does bfrpg have stone-throwing rules (most effective home defense weapon)?
mfw purchased both this and myfarog because they sound fun and then realized nobody in a 200 mile radius would play with me anyways.
I have 5e, Only War, and CoC 5e for options; nobody wants to play anything else or try anything else.
The game is a dungeon crawl it is made for dungeon crawling sure you can roleplay with it and have fun but there a plenty of other systems which handle encounters much better
I mean how the hell are you supposed to get XP for the game where the only way in the book is to collect gold, kill enemies and clear out dungeons