Fellow Veeky Forumsnessmen,
It's finally time to short the RIPPLE.

It's the day after the pump, and it's correcting anyway. We can just fasten this process, by collectively shorting it. Let's make some money out of doing what is right thing to do.
I shorted @ 2.1 on Bitfinex.

Other urls found in this thread:

I can smell your fear. This rocket can't be stopped. Ripple will dethrone Bitcoin in 2018. Bitcoin is dying. Merchants are dropping it and no one using it for payments anymore. It's nothing but a speculative bubble now. PoW is a broken garbage that relies on inflation or outrageous fees.

XRP will actually be used in real world. It will penetrate markets measured in trillions, not billions.


Lost money on Ripple? Get it back! JOIN

are the bankers dumping this and going to start a BTC/ETH rally soon or w0t

ahh sweet shill. How does it feel to know you could have sold higher?


>measuring prices in a dying currency

retard detected .


Nice entry. That H&S looks like it’s going to 1$.


Ripple isn’t going to crash you people are fucking dumb

No it will go up forever.
Don't be an imbecile the correction is starting

/thread disapproved

Move along morty

Ripple XRP is the future.
-Fastest protocol out there
-transaction fees 1/1000th of a cent or lezs
-Rumor Amazon, Uber, Coinbase, Mastercard
-Not owned by ((((Jews))))
-Peter Thiel Fund
-Nikkei testing and Japan banks ready to go online early 2018
-Instant transactions for ANY currency or crypto
-Coins burn to accomplish every transaction (read this again and think marketcap)
-Bitch I said COIN BURN
-Legacy tech hurting banks: 65 to75% Major banks will be on XRP by years end
-55 Billion XRP locked in Escrow
-Bank of America partnership
-American Express Deal
-UBS partnership
-Working and proven product
-out jewerying the Jews
-USD value 10x this month. currently priced around $2
-Taken BCH market cap and heading for ETH now
-Tech Crunch founder created Arrington XRP capital. $100Mil hedge fund based on XRP for now obvious reasons.
Standard Chartered invested in Ripple and live on RippleNet. Ant Financial is known for the AliPay service. RippleNet is that much closer to China.

>state of ripple cucks

You confuse Ripple with XRP. Poor lad.

im in this coin

Looks like they're selling XRP at a tremendous rate

You were saying this shit before it was a penny.
You were saying this shit when it was at $0.20ish forever.
Now you're saying it at $2.

Stay poor user.

gas yourself

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listened as the crowd would sing,
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
Roman cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you'd gone there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world

It was a wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?

I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
Roman cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know St. Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh [5x]

Hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
Roman cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know St. Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

Hey man can you stop posting this in every thread it won’t become a meme thanks

Forget to switch to LTE same Fag rely yourself kek my sides

>It's nothing but a speculative bubble now

i stopped reading here

fucking low quality shilling!

>i hope you also see that xrp's dollar value is heavily tied to btc
>i hope you are aware of who owns the majority of xrps

How will it be used in the real world? Banks don't need to use Ripple tokens to use the technology behind it.

I'm not selling until this until it hits $3.

1- payments
2- to save banks even more fees

"In a precedent-setting moment, Cuallix became the first worldwide institution to use xRapid — Ripple’s solution that utilizes XRP as a liquidity tool — to reduce the cost of sending cross-border payments from the U.S. to Mexico."

HAHAHAHA Op faggot just missed the boat

XRP is going to last, if you think its going down below $2 You are fucjing delusional and deserve to be poor

Shorting xrp is financial suicide

It’s below 2$ right now idiot

its actually a good short term call - for the next 4-5 days.. but anything after that can be lethal

I’m not same gagging I don’t even know that guy, plus how could you even tell pussy?

Well of course its a bear trap idiot come back in 5 minutes and see it back at 2.2

it's going to 100k satoshis soon

hey memecop let it be a meme so you degenerates can learn some creativity.

It’s in a rising wedge idiot.
And it’s having lower highs all day. Stop being blinded by euphoria.


Fuck not sure if I should sell or wait for coinbase

holy shit kill yourself

it's literally below $2 now you mongoloid.

Bags must be heavy huh

Yeah below 2$ huh?

Suck my dick you have no proof I posted that. I only posted the second reply I don’t the first guy you can’t tell if someone is samefagging unless you are the person themselves fagglord go fuck off to /r9k/ from wen e you came 9gag fag bag tag

It’s in a rising wedge you idiot. It’s gonna go another leg down

2.05 confirmed for the new floor.

The boat has left the habour. Cya later poorfags

>sell me your XRP for cheap


I can’t wait for your JUST threads.

wanna party-100x buy sky

you are so dumb fucking nigger. it'll 5x at normiebase

This won’t go on normiebase. Prepare for the big dissapointment

you'll be waiting a while

sorry you missed the rocket

I traded my ripple for storj
pls tell me I made a good decision

supposedly to wire money quicker across banks

So like western Union will save more pesos?

I think you missed the rocket, because you would have sold earlier to buy in later, instead of arguing against the correction

Where were you wehn POE mooned?

>predicting tops while sleeping

i wish i could do this

no one can stop being a cuck lmao

anyway bought in at 20 cents so i really don't need to micromanage

Then ur safe, but everyone buying >1$ ain't

inb4 all you faggots cry when it shoots to $5 in january when banks use it

enjoy being cucks

true - wish I would have preferred it to rise slowly instead of this panic buying / selling

but oh well

you guys genuinly think this is going below 2$? choke on your own delusion please. the market doesn't care for some "muh decentralisation" neckbeards posting on an image board from their basement. i got in at 0.50$ and i'm comfy AS FUCK

Only idiots give their money to bankers and wall street fucks that have proven to fuck us over and over again every single decade.

I don't know how you guys keep falling for this shit.

LOL, please watch the charts.

>still thinking the technology is made by banks and not sold to them

stay poor fag

we're bouncing around 2$, and have been doing so for the entire day so far. it's the new bottom.


I'm seeing a bearflag at 2.01. Bounces are getting weaker all day. you know what that means

frankly I don't know what that means because I buy coins because i believe in the concept. i know jack shit about TA. i also read that TA means fuck all in crypto because the market doesn't behave like a normal stock market. but are you honest about it going down? i might just sell my bags and rebuy later on if that's the case.

>merely pretending to be mentally handicapped

Yeah its going down

just looked into bearflag patterns and it doesn't look like it at all, would have to have an upward trend with gradually increasing peaks before going down right? i might just gamble on it and sell 50% of my stack though to even things out. thanks for at least pointing me at the danger, regardless of my decision to sell or not.

No, it's a continuation of a downwards trend. After a leg down, a wedge that can't breakout, indicating a fading out of buy pressure and an overwhelming sell pressure.
The 5-min is in a bearflag. And the 2$ support is about to get crushed

And we're sub-2$ ;)

Where are all the naysayers lol

alright i'm out i hope your right, and i hope kek doesn't punish me for trusting a stranger on the internet. godspeed

whoa 1.987, it sure is crashing hard buddy

haha keep telling me this with every leg down. ;)

This is just the beginning

Glad u got out above 2$

what source are you guys using?
I'm still at 2.05

brainlets, please count in sats, ether and USD and not USD only. USD price is related to BTC and ether prices too.

Bitfinex, currently in a rising wedge that went from 1.95 to 1.98. Expect anotha leg down ;)

Just sold half my ripples for more XLM, might sell the rest soon too as long as the sell walls stay up.

cu 1$ fucking ripple. u already grabbed normie money. they dont know how to get out it thinking it may be 100$ xrp, while u drop u r bags on normies for bag hold

Why do polfriends love this coin? I find it funny that as much as they blast people that have ever talked to a jew the second there's a chance to make a buck from allying with them they pledge their loyalty instantly.

Here comes the bulltrap

b-but what if it goes back up to $3?

Just sold 50k Ripple

Banks create the fees on their own currency you retarded fuck.

fuck off pajeet

>going back up


nope. xrp will sleep for another 6 months like summer . u can buy back after next btc bull run. until then cu ripple

Tell me it went back up if it's 2.30.
I'm saying it's gonna go to 1.7 very soon

Ripple is on life-support right now. Been moving sideways all day. It will probably move sideways for the next week and then get another pump. Where do I put my money in the mean time?

>Where do I put my money in the mean time?

Bring your gf out for a luxurious new years eve meal and drinks

That's what I'm doing with my rippletits dosh anyways.


this was done by tether
tether injected 4-600 million tether into the market
and used them to buy up as many crupples as they could
you have been warned. do not buy this inflationary jewcoin.
screencap this

>a bulky coin will be faster than literally 1's and 0's
Bitcoin went up to 20k on the backs of dumb fucks like you. Ripple is a con game, but no reason why it can't go up a few more bucks before people catch on to how fucking dumb it is giving money back to banks for a scam coin when banks create money out of thin air anyway.

Checks are free and transactions should be free. Crypto was a vehicle to get AWAY from banks. You idiots just see BANK OF AMERICA and fall victim to name dropping. Kys

pajeet dreams lul

why do you want ripple to succeed, it's a jew coin

Oh wooow, didn't see this one coming at all, kekkle.

>haha keep telling me this with every leg down. ;)
>This is just the beginning
waiting patiently

RemindMe! 6 hours What were you saying?

meanwhile, XRB has faster TPS and the true lowest fees -- oh and it's dirt cheap.

>right thing to do
Lol. You neckbeards are so fucking gay. Moralfag all you want, bitcoin is still an unusable piece of shit and you missed out on an obvious rocket. Stay poor