does anyone in your party have a mental disorder?
Does anyone in your party have a mental disorder?
The player party or the character party?
Does it matter that much?
Yes. Most D&D players have one, while most characters do not.
In a meguka game I'm playing, my character was depressed to the point of suicide for a while there. Now he's suffering from delusions of grandeur, which, while better for the party as a whole (he's not as big of a coward anymore) probably does not say anything good about his state of mind.
Do sleep disorders count? I once played a bard that had REM sleep behaviour disorder: basically, a more severe and comprehensive form of sleepwalking. He would basically talk and sing while he was sleeping and would sometimes even get up and kick shit around or (badly) play one of his instruments. Made for some fairly precarious sleeping arrangements when out in the wilds or in a dungeon — hell, even the taverns didn't like it so much.
Me and my party keeps murdering everyone and stealing all their shit.
My character is paranoid and narcissistic.
Like 75% of my players have one. None of their characters do though
I'm pretty sure most my group could count as depressed or insomniacs on some level, but as far as actual diagnosis I don't think so
In my experience I'd say you're half right
I'm playing Nechronica. Mental disorders among PCs are basically guaranteed.
Mine was basically built as an elegance-obsessed narcissist. The most human character in the group thinks she's nice, because of HER disoders making it seem so.
System I'm playing in right now has a "psychopath" flaw that makes you unable to roll Empathy checks. I'm roleplaying it as my character being autistic.
That's not how autsim works you mongoloid
If I could be a pretty vampire girl I would.
Hell if I was offered to "enter the Matrix" as a pretty vampire girl I would immediately.
But I don't have gender disphoria, I just want a better life than is avaliable to a dying ugly manlet even if it's virtual reality and my body is being used as a battery somewhere.
Don't know if that puts me in any MI spectrum.
Kleptomania and lesbian fiction addiction.
I once tried to have my character be a knowledge-obsessed madman, but because nobody else really got into character and I'd get poked fun at for attempting to do so I eventually stopped. Boy do I have some good friends...
Yeah I GM for a character that is "agender" according to his player.
You would know, right?
Yes, me.
Though I'm pretty normal compared to what I was in the past
How would she be depressed to the point of suicide without witching out?
I play an elf in Hackmaster that rolled the "Delusional: Thinks animals are people" quirk.
She thinks they're completely sentient and hears them talk back to her when she tries to talk to them, and views them as no different than a dwarf or a human is to an elf. It's made for some weird situations. Simple things like killing an animal for a magic ritual or for spell components etc is now full on murder for her. She basically thinks everyone is something akin to a cannibal and that this is just totally normal across the world, amongst other things. A walk through the woods is no different than a walk through a town, and she's more than happy to stop and ask for directions from anything she comes across. Which is never helpful, of course, because she's making it up in her head.
She thought a pack of wolves that was terrorizing the woods near a hamlet was doing so because they were upset with the tax policy of the local earl, for instance.
It's been pretty fun, but it's a little hard to keep in mind just how crazy this is. She has a sister who is similarly crazy and has an imaginary friend she thinks is real, but the implications of that aren't nearly as far reaching as the 'animals are people' one.
Do meme disorders (depression and anxiety) count?
Of the parties I'm in presently...
>Deathwatch Kill-Team Theseus
The Librarian is a sociopath who doesn't care about casualties unless they're Unforgiven and is arrogantly convinced of his personal protection by the Emperor Himself from the risks of sorcery, the Techmarine is a literal autist with the emotional capacity of a toothpick who regards going on missions as an entertaining but ultimately distasteful diversion from forging duties and uses brutal methods to ensure that things end quickly and tech-heretics who aren't him are punished to the fullest extent of his abilities, the Assault Marine is horribly traumatized from being the sole survivor of the original squad (and at least one round of replacements) to the point that he's overcome his former obliviousness to anything not directly related to RIP AND TEAR in order to expand his singlemindedness to encompass a comprehensive study and loathing of the Eldar, the Tactical Marine had no concept of
subtlety and lacked any understanding of tact or reserving heavy munitions for when they're needed instead of for overkilling mooks who'd be just as dead just as quickly with standard ammunition, the Devastator derelicts command duties in favor of drinking and gambling with mortals and generally doesn't take things seriously, and the new Apothecary is deeply disturbed by weeks (at least) of torture and vivisection as well as having inadvertently assimilated memories of his vivisection from the perspective of the heretek conducting it when eating the fucker's brains to gain knowledge of the surgery bay during his breakout.
The duellist, despite his noble birth, has little capacity for social graces, and bumbles through high society with guileless candor and a reputation as being able to wipe the floor with anyone who challenges him for their honor. The sorceress grew up a pariah hated, beaten, and hunted for her magic, and STILL has more social graces than him - and she's hopelessly awkward,
Literally all of my character have a schizophrenia level neurological disorder. My group has just accepted it as a thing, it's the new normal.
People seem to find the sorceress' kind attitude and meek demeanor charming, and several have found her occasional PTSD triggers from being literally murdered and involuntarily raised from the dead cute (not knowing just what kind of shit she's been through.)
>The Ragged
The dwarf has anger issues, like any Barbarian, and is murderously vain, resenting how much of her beauty was lost to decomposition before she was zombified. She's rather lacking in self-preservation instincts as well. The elf is... well, an elf, with all the arrogance and detachment that implies. That's only gotten worse since he died, since a ghost who's been around for decades has a hard time focusing on anything for long and is used to mortals withering away and passing on to the afterlife he was supposed to shepherd them along to as a cleric of the Elvish god of death and passage, and nothing really measures up to the opulence of the temple he used to live in. The goliath, on the other hand, has some severe self-esteem issues stemming from ostracism by his tribe and general incompetence, and still hasn't gotten over the shock of being mauled to death by a direwolf and waking up seconds later in his perception as a fleshless skeleton with druidic shapeshifting powers.
>Inquisitorial cell designate 'Hellion'
The gunslinger can't resist mouthing off even when he's just been punished for it with lethal danger, the moritat is a moritat (pathologically obsessed with blades, has to pass a Willpower test at -20 to use guns), the psyker has self-esteem issues due to being a socially inept nerd hated by the Scintillian regiment he used to be assigned to, the techpriest has several addictions, and the sniper is... actually pretty well adjusted, but has a mild god complex and thinks he's even better than he actually is. The assassins for hire are the soundest of mind; welcome to the Inquisition.
Anger issues.
I ran a dwarf that was a functional retard. He was a cleric trainee that was traveling with a caravan with another cleric and was ambushed by a hobgoblin raid. He managed to stay alive due to hiding in a ditch, but was quickly hit by a vision from Moradin that he acted so dishonorably that he would never reach the holy forges in death. The poor guy was so scared about it that he proceeded to get lost for a few days before being found by the party, then they headed after the hobgoblins and he got so enraged that he skullfucked the leader with a crowbar improvised weapon the party lent him. He then set down the noble path of paladinhood with the crowbar as his weapon. Eventually upgraded to an +1 holy goblin bane adamantium crowbar before he died going up against a bugbear berserker leader many sessions later.
Any history of insanity in the family? Tell you what, I'll cross out the in. Any history of *sanity* in the family? None whatsoever.
I'm guessing being an introvert but not socially retarded doesn't count
I guess we're all pretty balanced
I'll just put fraud and sexual deviancy.
>meguka game
How gay and lame, user
>She thought a pack of wolves that was terrorizing the woods near a hamlet was doing so because they were upset with the tax policy of the local earl, for instance.
That's fucking brilliant goddamn
3 of them have some form of PTSD.
I'm sure their are other mental problems brewing in there but they haven't come out in game yet and my players haven't told me about them out of character.
The only party member who doesn't have mental problems is going to be transferred out soon since their player had to leave the game.
There are also potentially another PC coming in soon. The player is still in the early stages of developing the character but it looks like they may also have a good amount of baggage.
what system are you using?
They all have multiple personality disorder. The other party members are the other personalities.
OP’s pic is actually a “vampire”
She is scared of the sunlight and drinks blood, but isn’t explicitly supernatural in anyway. So it’s up in the air if she’s a vampire or just a wacko.
Mangas called abnormal Kei-Joshi. It’s the best harem manga ever made, vampire is second best girl (totally prime waifu territory), and pic related (the knight) is best girl (the one in all black)
the fact that more never ever hurts
Also best girl is sister>doctor>collector>oasananajimi>masochist
Best girl is Knight. But masochist is indeed worst girl.
Yes, the Street Sam is a not-Veeky Forums shitposter.
She's better than everyone not in that list, you fool
Are you talking shit about the stalker girl?
Ive had characters with stated sociopathy(though i think many many characters have undiagnosed cases). Also most of the groups characters have talked about killing themselves/ group suicide-murdering repeatedly.
So probably a bunch of issues in there.
Knight > Stalker > Little Sister > childhood friend = vampire >>> Masochist > sleeping beauty
Not literally meguka, although it does borrow several elements from it.
I wanted to play someone who wanted absolutely nothing to do with the whole magical girl thing, and I figured a boy who hated having to wear a skirt would be a nice touch. He is gay though, because I think that's mandatory for megukas.
Homebrew thing our GM made. It's really good, we've been pressuring her to like, publish it via kickstarter.
Yes. She is absolutely worst girl
Sister>Doctor>Collector>Killer>Masochist>Vampire>Sleeping Beauty>Knight>Stalker
You philistine
Yeah, I’m playing a clone with a personality disorder. She’s been a real interesting experience.
I run the game and have Borderline Personality Disorder.
>Our Bard has depression
>Our ranger has a generalised anxiety disorder
>Our barbarian is pretty well adjusted , unless we're still counting homosexuality as a mental disorder.
>Our Rogue is a workaholic but seems pretty stable.
We're all alcoholics.
I'm playing a spaceship captain in Starfinder who made a deal with Nyarlathotep, who's gonna drive him insane with nightmares, visions and random extreme headaches fo next ~4 levels. I hope I'll be able to roleplay all that stuff without droping cornucopious amounts of spaghett
In our current WFRP 2e game 2 characters out of 3 already have disorders.
Our Vagabond/Militiaman/Seargent got his 6th IP in the end of last session, failed WP test and got the Beast Within disorder, which basically makes him clinical psychopath.
And our Apprentice Wizard/Journeyman Wizard is very close to her second disorder. She already got Delirious Saviour, and is convinced that it's her mission and destiny to save Talabheim from Skaven (We are playing Terror in Talabheim adventure). She also deeply hates them and vowed to avenge her teacher, a Light Wizard killed by a Grey Seer who leads the Skaven. And now she is barely holding with 8 IPs.
Surprisingly, third PC is holding surprisingly well, with only 1 IP, despite going though hell with other characters.
Tell us about the system? This sounds interesting and I'm curious for alternatives to magical girl bullshit from Magical Burst.
Unfortunately roleplaying magical girls has become a staple of my tabletop experience.
It’s clearly (in order of highest tier to lowest)
Knight, Vampire, (MC), Sister, Killer, Sleeping beauty, Stalker, Masochist, Everyone else
Chapter 16 never
Someone should pay an artist to continue it. Or I could start writing fanfiction.
>Knight, Vampire, (MC), Sister, Killer, Sleeping beauty, Stalker, Masochist, Everyone else
I should be the one posting your image, holy shit. Though if we are including the MC, he goes at the top billing slot due to being the most interesting and developed but if we're sorting by would bang status, he's between Sleeping and Knight because I reckon he'd be quite the dead fish as bottom.
I'd be willing to pay a small amount monthly to force him to make more, but if you started writing fanfiction I think I'd tear my eyes out thanks to how awful your tastes are
With all the trannies on Veeky Forums, mental illness abounds.
>it's the new normal.
Let me guess: you're all liberals.
no, it really isn't
>awful tastes
>not wanting a loyal and capable girl who cares about you and your happiness
I like the MC too, but I wouldn’t date him because I’m CIS scum.
I’m 200% down with dating any of them, but I feel like the knight cares more about you (unlike the vampire and masochist) and isn’t likely to go to prison/end up in an endless sleep.
There's two classes, destined and pact. Destined are sailor moon style princesses from another dimension or some shit. (Or princes in my character's case), and pact girls are literally just megukas. Destined have much better damage resistance/healing capability, whereas pact girls get to use their highest stat twice before it gets tapped. (The damage resistance thing is a bit OP desu. My character, the only destined in the group, is completely convinced he can't die, and as of yet none of the monsters have been able to convince him otherwise because he's never taken any substantial damage.)
Combat is a simple d6+stat thing where you have to beat the monster's stat. You can't use your best stat or attack the monster's weakest stat all the time because after using a stat once, it becomes tapped, and you can't use it again until you've used all your stats for attacks.
The main thing that strikes me as standing out is the game has like, rules for downtime. You draw cards from a deck to determine the events that happen while you're not doing anything related to magical girl stuff. (Stuff like "you failed a test" or whatever.) Investigating monsters is also card related.
>>Our Bard has depression
Meme disorder.
>>Our ranger has a generalised anxiety disorder
Meme disorder.
>>Our barbarian is pretty well adjusted , unless we're still counting homosexuality as a mental disorder.
Legitimate mental illness.
>We're all alcoholics.
What a surprise.
Well it amused me quite a bit
That's interesting, I usually shy from card-based stuff in my games, but I could see this being pretty fun for a lighter game. Hopefully your GM releases the rules sometime, I'd be down to take a look.
Characters, no.
My players though... Multiple including OCD and Asbergers
Autism is not a disorder if you embrace it
It's not paranoia if I'm fuckin' right 90% of the time.
>Meet NPC
>Seems fishy, plan for betrayal
>Betrayal happens
>Just as kekikauko (tn note- keikokaku means I TOLD YOU SO)
>Backstab the backstabber
It's getting to the point where my character is about to start splashing holy water on everyone he meets and preemptively stabbing people just to make sure they don't have significantly higher HP than a commoner should.
>stabbing people to check for HP
Wow, at least it’s creative.
It's not actually that light desu. The cards are just used cuz like, something should probably happen when the characters aren't fighting monsters, but also that something usually doesn't matter to the plot.
No actually, the only guy with a defined political ideology is a traditional nazi.
The Paladin has ptsd. As does the pitfighter
Our mage suffers from schizophrenia, causing her to waste spells, be paranoid, or randomly freak the hell out. She's a very skilled mage and effectively doubles our money with crafting but jfc when she schizes out she's completely hopeless.
It's depressing.
I want to introduce said player's chin to my shin.
In Eclipse Phase, I played as Swarmanoid with severe Cotard Delusion.
>>stabbing people to check for HP
>if you stab someone and he doesn't die, it's a high-level enemy and he should be killed
>if you stab someone and he dies, he was an innocent commoner but he's dead anyway!
Whatever this could remind me of, I wonder.
I play a Gnome Druid, who thinks his pet rock, Astley, can talk to him
Megalomania, Depression, Autism and Nymphomania
By their powers combined, the day is ''''''saved''''''
oh me oh my
I mean, beyond the standard-issue paranoia that all guardsmen/armsmen acquire over a successful career, no.
There was a girl who I legitimately think might be a sociopath, but we booted her.
Most if not all of my characters are extremely paranoid at all times.
Mainly because I myself am an extremely paranoid person. Everything gets checked when I get home to make sure there isn't anyone in my house that's not supposed to be there.
I’d recommend a tiny house, much easier to search