What is you're favorite race or at least on you are quite fond of and why?
Not necessarily PC races, just one that you always love seeing in a game.
What is you're favorite race or at least on you are quite fond of and why?
Long time elf-fag here. I guess their usual stats and boni go well with characters I like to play. I like being in nature and there is something romantic-tragic about a race of past glory that still clings on and keeps up the good fight that resonates with me.
>What is you're favorite race or at least on you are quite fond of and why?
Cyclopskin/Monoeyes, the regular people sized non-giant cousin of Cyclopi.
They gotta be CUTE, they gotta be SMART, they gotta be NICE, they gotta be socially AWKWARD, and you gotta have difficulty telling the boys from the girls because they're not sexually dimorphic and both sexes have quite soft, androgynous, features.
I also like regular giant Cyclopes, but I've found Monoeye babies to be more diverse and personal since now you can have them interact with lots of people and go on more adventures, etc.
i love me some undead, skelly or otherwise.
I've always wanted to play an undead ranger who specializes in sniping shit with a crossbow.
I find dwarves fascinating in most fantasy settings. Mostly because where ever you look, dwarves are pretty much the same. Shot guys, stout, beards, mine underground, metal, stone, basically wherever you look a dwarf is a dwarf is a dwarf. It's interesting to me because you have other races, like orcs and elves and what ever, and they might be radically different, but dwarves are as unyielding and unchangeable as the stone they mine from the ground. It makes me believe that dwarves are a universal constant which i think is really cool.
Artificial, constructed races. I dunno why, I just love playing them. Must be a fetish or something.
Tieflings. They're demonfolk so it's hard not to like them aesthetically, and their connection to the principled assholes of the multiverse gives them an interesting heritage.
>race of past glory that still clings on and keeps up the good fight that resonates with me.
I like dwarves too user.
Well done robots are often some of the best characters in their works. I suspect it's the nice convenience of being not-human approaching human; they slot nicely into society (speak language, perform function) but have enough wiggle room to be somewhat alien (don't understand why that's an atrocity, really sick of these meatbags' shit).
Also living dolls a cute.
Gorgon. Or Medusa, or whatever you want to call them
I've always had a thing for big guys 6.5-8 feet tall dudes ideally completely civilized with heavy armour and good quality weapons as opposed to dumb half naked savages.
While the thread is still here, I also really, really, like Ogres, but I feel Pathfinder and ESPECIALLY D&D have a tendency to write and design Hill Giants too similarly to Ogres?
By that I mean an Ogre should have a few basic qualities: Fat, Eating, Cannibalistic, and just a bit Bald, everything else like occasionally having two heads or some alarming aptitude for magic is optional.. but appreciated!
I do, though, always appreciate it when Ogres are hungry, Ogres are good at hunting & cooking, and Ogres are good at magic. I appreciate an Ogre Magi wherever I see one, so long as it isn't some fuckin' YOKAI.
Halflings. I'd be a fucking halfling a fuck off in the briar and couldn't ask for more desu.
Dragonborn. The last two books of the Brimstone Angels series got me hooked on them.
Not to bully you, but how does it feel being the only user in the whole world who actually likes Dragonborn?
Hobgoblins. I'll play anything once; I love wood elves vietconging and dorfs traditioning, I love humans HFYing and Goliaths mountaineering...
But when you get right down to it, I love a bunch of disciplined motherfuckers going on forced marches to invade their neighbors, sneaking around to get into position so they can conquer everything with sound strategy and tactics, enslaving everyone, and imposing a meritocratic system where slaves can get promoted into the tribe and then rise through the ranks same as everybody else.
They're dead hard, dead sneaky, and dead cunning. They're rough and tough and agile, raised from the cradle to a warrior's life. They're Maglubiyet's legions, with the organization to impose lasting change where their cousin goblinoids are anarchic rabbles who can't change the world except through slaughter. They're fucking orange. They are the brutal fist of evil once it runs out of patience for Bond villain idiocy and decides it's time to Get Shit Done, and much like humans they excel at any role they choose.
They are hobgoblins, and they are my favorite race.
I really like ogers when they're they japanese kind with the horns and the big clubs. Mostly because I agree with you, Ogers are a little too close visually to hill giants.
Dwarfs. I love architecture and gems
The truest patrician taste.
How do you feel about Qunari?
I assume you're not a fan of Goliaths since they do go for kinda minimalistic clothing, even if they do have good reasons like heavy armour impairing jumping and climbing around on mountain peaks.
Y-you too
Dude, I fucking love hobgoblins.
>I really like ogers when they're they japanese kind with the horns and the big clubs.
I have a real appreciation for Oni, but I think they're visually and culturally distinct enough that they can stand by themselves, you know? I only ever get annoyed when media or whoever try to merge Ogres and Oni together into one thing because they're just too different; equally super neato, but way too different.
Also, if you're an anime kind of guy, I'd recommend Hozuki no Reitetsu, basically about oriental hell bureaucracy and the main character is a humorless Oni who's chief of staff under Lord Enma a long with a host of other Oni, historical mythological figures (Satan even pops up a few episodes, they run the 'western' branch of hell). Cute show, I love it.
Hell yeah. There's something about pragmatic, egalitarian villainy that still doesn't shy away from being utterly cutthroat vicious when there's something it wants, and it's really appealing to remind the group that Evil can be team players too.
Orcs? Barbarians, terrifying if you don't see them coming but easily rooted out by an organized force.
Goblins? Nuisance at best, they're basically intelligent vermin.
Trolls/Ogers? Monsters, get a few good men together and they're dealt with.
But if you want a monster race that can go toe to toe with an army, If you want an Evil Empire to counter your good guys, If you want a war, You go Hobgoblin
I'd like to 'like' Hobgoblins, but I just think Orcs make way more enjoyable as the war-mongering, idiot-savant, sneering industrialist, accidental empire builders.
I do, though, think Hobgoblins have a good colour scheme: they can be fucking orange, red, blue, red with massive blue noses.
I'm not worried about it.
I really like playing Halflings. I'm super tall IRL so its fun to mix it up. I also like playing laid-back characters who are just sort of along for the ride and Halfings are the best for that IMO
tieflings or elves since dnd elves are shorter then humans.
I hate Dragonborn, they're kiddy, MMO, Saturday morning drivel and signal when D&D began to descend into normieville and away from its classic, thoughtful and intelligent roots into basically just being a video game for children.
[Spoiler]I love Dragonborn, they're so cool, they breath fire and not afraid of anything. A 4E Dragonborn fighter was my first character when the game came out and 4E was my first edition of the game and I wish I was still playing in that game.[/spoiler]
>Can't even do a proper spoiler
You are one of those children that you fake hate
pretty much any insectoid (or otherwise invertebrate inspired) race is the way to my heart.
I like 'em, too, so there's at least a few of us.
I'm shocked at how many people like Halflings.
Then again, I'm also embarrassed that Chilchak from Dungeon Meshi is warming me up to Halflings as well. Doesn't hurt none that he's so cute, though.
Halflings are the average joe race. They like normal comfy shit, they don't wanna fuck with no monster bullshit, and they only get out of horrifying adventuring nonsense by being clever, quick, and able to duck into cover. Just good straight priorities, common sense, and THEY'RE THICC.
Only halflings are truly free to be ordinary blokes in a big scary world, doing their best with what they've got.
>>race of past glory that still clings on and keeps up the good fight that resonates with me.
>I like dwarves too user.
Dwarves abrely do anything, they just sit in their holds and have grudges.
My actual blood relative from another lineage.
The greatest taste possible.
Peoples of past glory "keeping up the good fight" (this is a common synonym for losing slowly and honorably) do not get their appeal from shit done and winning, user. It's an image thing. Sticking to your guns and determination to the bitter end and all that.
There's a lot to like about halflings.
>it's okay to lose if it's dwarves
It's this what your post is about? Because elves still can get shit done. Dwarves just lose more holds.
Golems, warforged, etc. 'artificial' races. It's a neat way to confront humanist or transhumanism in a fantasy setting, or to explore lesser touched in esotericisms like Hasidic Judaism, Sephiroth, etc
I'm playing a golem in a modern fantasy setting now, rebuilt to look like pic related, named Jonathan Macabee. He was recovered from a ruined Jewish village in Europe, the families he protected fled the Nazis in the 30s and the SS destroyed him (except his 'life' tablet) and the site with artillery shelling
I don't have a good time picking favorites. I'll give you my top tier.
-bug type
-plant type
-robot type
as for bottom tier, hm.
I am having a HARD TIME thinking of races I actively hate, and don't feel could be salvaged with a bit of this or that.
I don't surround myself enough with things I hate to remember them, I guess.
sounds suspiciously magical realmy.
(Losing is FUN!!)
>Big soulful eyes
>Soft round butt
>Smooth skin
>Beautiful smile
>Forever distended pregnant belly
What's not to love
I want to make her my wife and be a good father to that child.
I have a dragonboobs fetish.
Minotaurs. There's a lot of potential for them s a species, but they always get pigeonholed into generic monster roles.
Gorgon is a race medusa is a gorgon
I like gnomes.
I try to downplay their annoying aspects like screechy voices and snooty attitude, but I just really like playing someone who is always really, extremely nice, and there's a lot of potential for gnomes to be just that.
Also, like most smallfolk, they lend themselves well to being in the background and just enjoying being left alone to their hobbies.
I don't play mean-spirited pranks if any at all, and some of my gnomes can be quite heroic.
Halflings too, but the little magical bent that gnomes have makes me more likely to pick them because I enjoy magic-users.
To play? Dwarfs I suppose. I feel they keep getting seen as bland and without depth especially in my circle of friends but I think that’s just because they’re bad at creating subtlety creative characters (as opposed to obviously unusual/exotic characters). Hence they dislike dwarves and I’d play them basically in protest.
Too put in my games? Mindflayers. That’s an option right? Why? Because I’m evil you peasant.
I enjoy Thri-Kreen
You'd fuck Martin Freeman in drag?
Humans. All the others are usually to far into their race's exaggerated trait to not be tolerated at best or thrown off of a cliff at worst. Humans just are, which allows for the individual to be rated by their own actions while the other races are usually played out by-
>Ah, look aht mah ahxe! Isn't she greight? Oh weight hold mah beer while I shahpen mah ahxe with mah BEARD! Hahve yoo seen mah beard? It's the best beard in the world, now I gottah hurreh to get to (x) but mah short fooken LEGS!
>My name...is Shadow Dark-Blood-Crimson-Demonblade......I was shunned by society.........So I protect them from the dark, abyssal shadows of silence............But my fiendish blood makes it harder every day.......................Forevermore..................................
>Muh noble savage who is, once again, stumbling into whacky hijinks with the law even though we've told them ten fucking times before to not do X because it goes against the laws of society
>I'll just be tinkering while I tinker because tinkering is just what we tinkerers love to tinker about!
>*licks their own eye*
Not saying we need to purge all non-humans, but we need to purge some non-humans.
Or you could play characters rather than stereotypes. Just a thought.
>makes the same capital mistake yet again
And prefers dragonborn mary sues to tribal lizardfolk, on top of that.
Dwarfs. Just seem to be really down to earth, no bullshit type folk. You'd want to be friends with a dwarf. They feel everything really deeply. If they're happy, they're jovial and jubilant. If they're sad, they are melancholic and brooding.
And I love their dwellings. Inside a mountain, with these grand carvings and architecture, fills you with a sense of awe and wonder once you step foot inside those gargantuan gates.
>Minotaurs. There's a lot of potential for them s a species, but they always get pigeonholed into generic monster roles.
I feel that way about a lot of 'Giant' monster races, user: so much variety in appearance, shape, and so on, but they're all just used the same way again and again as different flavors of, "It's a big dumb guy who's going to hit you to death".
A good Minotaur needs to be deceptively cunning, shockingly stealthy, and an unapologetic and pragmatic cannibal. Blood thirsty, degenerate, man-eaters whom you never encounter on accident.
I suppose it is Ironic that all humanfags sound exactly the same.
What, you wouldn't?
I like dorfs in most settings.
Humans, in most settings.
Minotaurs, big and noble.
A lot of Orcs, Goblins and so on.
I like any furries (bunnies, foxes, wolves, bears, badgers, whatever) and scalies (lizards and dragons), never had a magical realm deal with them whenever I GMd.
Extremely weird but comfy.
Don't like most elves tho, they're either far too perfect, far too noble. far too druid-y or far too something else. Aasimar and Tieflings too, it's rare that an actual good player will play them.
A bull-man who eats meat is kinda unintuitive though.
What if they were aggressive super hippies? They eat anything that smells like they've eaten beef or pork, since to them cows and pigs are cute/relatives/intelligent/sacred.
If their only needed food source were just grasses, and if they reproduced normally there would be a shitton of them. So they either need a slightly more expensive diet, a tie to a certain area, only emerged recently, refusing to or having difficulty reproducing, being an enemy of other races or gods, etc.
me too
But I specifically like 3.5 PHB/MM elves, not the ones from other settings, and just "high" elves, not the subraces. Their favored class shouldn't be wizard, though, it should be scout or rogue or ranger.
In TES I usually play bosmer.
>I'm shocked at how many people like Halflings.
Yeah, liking halflings is sort of like being a fan of a mediocre tribute band that does a poor impression of another band that already was a piece of shit.
Just have them be rare because they primarily reproduce and kill through rape.
>A bull-man who eats meat is kinda unintuitive though.
>What if they were aggressive super hippies?
If you did that it'd be no longer derivative of their source material and at that point there's no reason for even using or calling your bullmen 'minotaurs' anymore because they simply wouldn't be.
Sorceror(ess) tieflings, and succubi. Ps:Torment had a hell of an impact on me as a child and it shows in my fetishes.
That and barbarian Flumphs, because fuck they're hilarious.
Space Elves
It's not the race per se, its how they're portrayed that does it for me.
Things that make me happy:
-Elves portrayed as genuinely short, elfin, fae, vegetarian, luddite survivalists, not perfect aryan ubermensch.
-Goblins who are basically emo, inbred, industrialized versions of those elves, the Columbus to their Indians.
-Dwarves with a distinct culture instead of being the hatchet-man laughing-stock drunken-scotsman comic-relief santa-claus covetous-jew.
-Orcs/Hobgoblins who culturally and physically distinct goblins who got their act together, probably because they got taken over by some powerful supernatural being who is actively possessing them all simultaneously.
-Vampires who are genuinely scary and challenging to defeat. None of this Buffy-tier "kill 6 on the way home from school" bullshit where it's rare they're lucid enough to be able to speak.
-Humans who evolved from monkeys like yesterday and whose only edge is the ability to fuck anything and add its genetic distinctiveness to their own.