Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1876: A Wild Edition Appears!

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Has there been a situation where you were completely useless?

Jumping Dis Irae, is this too much for a Tier 4 Briah?
>anyone and everyone who she cares about instantly knows the exact series of actions that will lead to them succeeding at their goals in the way that will benefit them and her the most, as well as having their power multiplied exponentially.
If anyone's curious, the wish is "I wish to be free of toil".

>Tamerai throws an Ultra Ball

Can Excalibur from fate pierce through an AT-Field?

In or out of character?

Rolled 14 (1d100)

Roll to capture jumpchan


Well, the first one is fine I guess but you'll have to find something else than a massive power multiplier.


Only small things. Only one is a standard jump size even. Think of it more as stuff to tide you over till the next big release.

Nah, with KKK now being made, didn't feel right to include it.

Nah. It'll be of the same power as you but it doesn't need to be the same tier or breadth.


That's a great mistake. Thanks for pointing it out user, I'll swap em around.

Split into two? It's escaping my mind how Shiro ever got into that situation.

You can, yeah. If you don't get involved in plot and don't make too big wave, you'll be safe.


Please don't talk if you don't actually know the setting or story.

The universe will only be reset if you get involved in the story and change things to make it happen, as otherwise the story will proceed down a path that prevents that happening during your stay.

Pat's great, even if I think he goes a bit too hard on some SH games (Homecoming's bad but it's not the horrific trash he thinks, especially not worse than 0) and is a bit too lenient with others (2 is a fantastic game but it's not perfect and not every flaw was intentional). That said, it's lots of fun watching those two go through each game.

How do I become soulless and continue to exist? Whether or not you believe in souls (I'm on the fence), certain settings say You Have One and I want to defy them.

Is this better?
>anyone and everyone who she cares about instantly knows the exact series of actions that will lead to them succeeding at their goals in the way that will benefit them and her the most, as well as probability being bent so the most beneficial outcome to her happens naturally no matter the odds as long as it's possible, barring greater probability manipulations on her enemies part.

I think Rakuyo, Holy Moonlight Sword and the Kos Parasite are really missing from Bloodborne, right? As far as things people actively want in it anyways. Do you guys want dark red or black for the document?

Can Life Zero nullify supernatural effects, or just abilities? Or at least abilities that have already been used, like persistent curses and such?

That on the other hand, goes to too strong territory. Auto winning everything save when someone has extremely powerful luck manipulation is too good even for this.

Just abilities. It can work on already used stuff.

No soul to burn, from ghostrider

Alright, nice to know the limits. Is this alright?
>in addition to her enemies being subtly influenced to make decisions that are to their own detriment and her gain.

That's better.

If you develop (not acquire) another Briah, such as through Round and Round, will it be the same tier as the one you purchased?

The same tier or lower.

An AT Field? Sure, there are some Angels with really weak ones. But there are also a ton with very strong ones, capable of withstanding more destruction than Excalibur has been shown to do, and there's no reason why Excalibur would be especially effective against an AT Field.

Personally would rather it stay as is since black on white is easier to read. If you have to change it, could you upload two versions?

To those of you who didn't just make a canon Servant or become a Demi for the Fate/ jumps, what kind of figure did you summon? I went with Guaicaipuro as an Assassin for max obscurity.

Alternatively, if you took perks that let you import the Servant summoning system to other settings, what did you use it for?

Question that's kind of for relevant for either/both of you:

Would Sunshine/War God from Soul Eater let someone who's otherwise a normal human be physically competitive with the Servants in FSN?

Would Ea, Rhongomyniad , or Excalibur Proto fare better?

Bunshin* not Sunshine. Mobileposting bad.

Logarius' Wheel and Reiterpallasch are already given by scenarios, so yeah, the OG Moonlight Sword and Kos Parasite are the only weapons I really wanna be able to just buy.

I personally think a deep blue like the sea would work better for Bloodborne, but otherwise I guess it goes Black > Dark Red > White for me.

Against most of them, yeah. Black Star's pretty stronk, so you'd be at least the upper level of the sort of servants that appear in SN or Zero. Physically anyway.

Wouldn't it be better just to refuse the Free first tier Brian and gain your own through normal Die Ekigweit?

Three questions for MojaveCourier about the Hunger Games jump here .

First off, do you retain the boost from Master of Your Craft if you switch occupations and get back to it later?

Second, does the Personal District come with people in it?

And thirdly, does the flying of the Train just mean it doesn't require tracks, or can it go higher into the air than the usual trains they use? Also, does it get appropriate steering mechanisms, to replace the reliance on tracks?

Alrighty then.

I'd say so, yeah.

Alright, thanks user.

Dark Blue does look pretty good but lemme see what other people have to say first.

You can't refuse it without refusing Ewigkeit entirely. The briah section decides what you are eventually going to develop, you don't have it right away.

Those would do better. Ea probably has the destructive power for dealing with the strong ones, and the fact that it works by imposing a state on the world might help it deal with the fact that the AT Field is about isolating yourself from the world. Rhongomyniad is in a similar situation. And Excalibur Proto is just such a big and strong attack that It can probably do enough damage for most AT Fields.

If a jump offers canon powers in a setting where everyone has a unique ability, what justification do you use for having that power?

Then wouldn't it just be better to acquire Die Ekigweit the normal way in-setting rather than fiat-locking your potential to a shit-tier Brian/Law?

Given the only guy who can make them right now is Mercurius, if you can manage that you can earn it.

That said, even if you do...why do you think you'd necessarily get a higher tier one? If you're leaving it to chance there's certainly more chance you'd get a basic 1st or 2nd tier one.

There aren't enough unique powers for everyone in the world. Statistically there have to eventually be two people with the same one.

If you purchase it, then you're locking yourself to a first-tier Brian no matter what. If you acquire it naturally, there's a decent chance you'll get 2nd tier, and at least the possibility for 4th tier. You can't get anything less than first-tier, but if you buy it then that's the only thing you can get at all.

Have fun spending all that time and effort to acquire it naturally then.

That it's something very similar, but subtly different enough that someone medically/mystically examining the two of us would note that they're not really identical.

Would Rulebreaker (from Waltraute not Fate) be able to remove the burninating effect from Longinus?

Probably, yeah

I summoned Amelia Earhart as a Rider.

Kinda wondering who else to summon, for the other times I go to Fate... I'm thinking maybe Hua Mulan, or Frankenstein (as in, Victor, not his monster)?

Buuut I have no idea what Skills and Noble Phantasms to give those two?

Rolled 43 (1d100)

What's the minimum threshold?

I think there’s a perk for that in Beatrice jump’s drop-in tree.
A large amount of DT could also do it.

How hard would it be/what are your chances to acquire a Briah on your purchased tier the first time you achieve the relevant Die Ekigweit stage?

What do you fear most, /jc/?

Well, Victor Frankenstein needs to have something called A Modern Prometheus. Not sure what it would be or do, but it's pretty much mandatory.

Didn't summon any servants, but I did take A Beastly Temper, so I ended up building various biblical bad guys as servants.

Things with faces that aren't people. It's focused strongest on puppets and dolls and so on, but if I'm already creeped out I'll get scared even of just drawings of people.

is Myrmidont in the house?


The first time? Guaranteed. That's why you're buying that tier.

Hm, yeah. That's a pretty obvious one, though I wouldn't know what it would do either. Maybe a Noble Phantasm to help make artificial life/?

Back when the servant supplement first came out i didn't want to just summon one of the canon servants so i did some spelunking on the interwebs and somehow came across the Badass of the Week article on Skuld, a half-elf queen from Norse Mythology. She sounded really nice so i did a bit more research and decided to summon her.

How do you justify repeated Semblances in your companion group?

How do you decide which jumps to do? I'm too paralyzed by choice between all the jumps we have, but every time I try a roll chain I wind up getting tons of obscure settings I don't really know.

The possibility that without my perks, no one would ever like me, and everyone would leave me.

Just grab a few of the settings you do know and roll chain with them.

Family heritage, like the Schnee.

Fates worse than death

I usually pick a starting jump, think about what i would do or what would happen to me, making a story upon which i would pick the next jump to work off of.

Ah, okay. I thought that was just the maximum "potential", not a guarantee.

If you had a Reinhard-esque Briah, what would happen to your Legion if your Briah changed?

Set a goal, or an event that you'd like to have happen. Then figure out what you need to make it happen. Once that's done just rinse and repeat.

But user, they only want to play with you.

I summoned Hrolfr Kraki while being a demi-servant of Skuld. As you can imagine, that was quite the rocky war.

Probably nothing good but it depends on the new briah.

That sounds interesting, would you mind posting the builds for those servants?

Which monster hunter animals would make for good hunting companions/hunting dogs if genetically altered to be smaller?

Any power that turns you retarded when it's actually in effect is awful.

Alright, I need two posts and I hope the formatting doesn't mess up too bad.

Princess Skuld:

Caster (275)
Strength E
Endurance E
Agility C
Mana EX (175) - Might switch with NP, depending.
Luck B
Noble Phantasm A+ (100)
Item Creation A (100)
Territory Creation A (100)
Golden Rule (Body) A (250) - Supposed to be amazingly beautiful.
High Speed Divine A (200) - Widespread necromancy with a wave of hand.
Rune Magic C (150) - Not an expert, but runes are part of life.
Witchcraft A (100) - Closest to Sedr. Could use +.
Weak Constitution B (+100) - Never a direct fighter.

Noble Phantasm: Soldiers of Niflheim - Bad name.

Skuld can summon the souls of being whom she has slain or been responsible for the death of via her servants back from the afterlife under her control. (might need to be copies going by Fate rules) With this NP, she no longer needs for there to be a body or any sort of remains to use her necromancy. She can even summon beings such as Servants under her command. All those she summons retain their full powers from before their death at her hands, though their mental faculties might be lacking due to being mere puppets for Skuld. The downside is that Skuld or her master must supply all the necessary mana herself, with no outside help (eg from the Grail.) So while she can revive and control an entire army of undead soldiers without trouble, multiple beings on the level of Servants would create an incredible drain, and must be used cautiously.

I just realized my build made me into Reinhard and my Apoptosis into Merc...it is weird.

Two quick questions if you do not mind.

To complete my Apoptosis transformation into a Merc expy, what level of Briah would his be at? Also if I pick Divine Vessel and my Apoptosis grabs Witchcraft and Relic of the Past, could I wank and say they did it instead of Merc?

Hrolfr Kraki:

Saber (375)
Strength A
Endurance B
Agility B
Mana D (+25)
Luck D
Noble Phantasm A+ (200) - For sword. May need another + at some point.
Noble Phantasm B (200) - For berserkers.
Magic Resistance E (Free)
Riding C (50)
Bravery A (250)
Charisma B (50)
Instinct B (200)
Personality Clash (+200)
Mana Muncher (+100)

Noble Phantasm A+: Flesh Shattering Sword Skofnung - Bad name.

The blade Skofnung is supernaturally sharp and hard, but what truly stands out is its ability to turn any cut into a fatal wound. Any sort of creature or being who receives a cut from Skofnung, no matter how small, will eventually be ripped apart as the cut continues to split and expand without end like a crack in glass. Cuts from Skofnung cannot be healed by any means except through touching the pommel of the sword, the skofnung stone, or by Hrolfr's death. Wounds on extremities can also be circumvented through amputation of the affected limb. Expansion rate is consistent, so larger creatures have longer before the cut becomes fatal.

Noble Phantasm B: 12 Bersekers of Danesland

Skofnung is also infused with the souls of Hrolfr's 12 Berserkers, who served him faithfully throughout their lives. While all 12 Berserkers qualify as Heroic Spirits themselves, especially Bodvar Bjarki who is also known as Beowulf, the ones currently in the sword are mere Phantoms of the souls that have moved on to the Throne of Heroes. So, while each Berserker is a credible threat with access to the powers they had in life and are capable of putting up a decent fight against a Servant, none of them are on the same level as they would be as Heroic Spirits and are thus noticeably weaker than a Servant. Hrolfr can summon these Berserkers to fight alongside him in battle for a few minutes, but anything longer will use up his mana and require his master's until Kraki unsummons the Berserkers and rests.

Jaggis. Wouldn't even make them smaller, just give them some lessons in dog etiquette, slap a collar on them and let them into your house and home.

I set milestones for my chain and the I add the jumps that will let me meet those goals.
If you’re new and are looking for something specific, you could ask the thread.


His...is hard to judge since we only see it at Atziluth with infinite souls. I'd go with the most likely answer of tier 3 like Ren, if just for lack of any other indication.

I don't understand the second part though. They did what?

Make a bunch of merged settings, combining jumps I know reasonably well, or can wikicrawl.
Then I roll among those settings, make a build for it, and write up the setting in detail, imagining my jumper learning some of the setting lore/fluff during adventures.

Alright cool, I could work with that.

Ah sorry it said something about the Divine Vessel/Reinhard's body being magically treated by Merc himself and I was thinking of saying my Apoptosis did it for me.

Thanks Val.

Well, for Fate/Zero I ended up going with Anne Bonny and Mary Read because they matched for thematic reasons, but I've got a bunch of plans for original Servants. Fate/Stay Night is going to feature Ratatoskr, the messenger squirrel of the Yggdrasil myth, probably as a Lancer, though that isn't completely set in stone. He could be a Saber or Rider just as easily.

Fate/Grand Order is planned for really late in the chain, but I also want to do a lot of original Servants for that. Probably mythical figures Jumper has met over the course of the Chain. Mostly Norse, like Fenrir, Skuld, Hrist, and The Stamford Bridge Viking, with a choice canon one or two mixed in. Lancer Arturia, I'm looking at you.

Still not sure if this write-up for Fate/Zero is going to end with Anne and Mary coming along or not.

Hua Mulan is an excellent choice. She'd have Independent Action and Battle Continuation for sure. From there it depends on which direction you take her. You could tack on Lily and almost take a Disney tone to her legend, make her a Rider with her horse as a Noble Phantasm and maybe Breath of the Dragon. Or you could play it straight, make her an Archer with Chinese Martial Arts and Tactics.

But that's just ideas off the top of my head.

This latest chain I've arranged into arcs and limited myself to 100 Jumps total, so just by picking the properties I know and mixing them together into new settings, I really am having less trouble filling in the spots than I expected. Rollchains are fine for a bumbling hero, but if you want to write in depth, it helps to pick or at least half-pick your Jumps.

Ah, no. That'd take a lot more magical knowledge than what that perk gives you. If you're not into the fluff, you can just ignore that bit about snekman.

Ah alright then, bit of a shame. Thanks for the help Val, probably will then.

What exactly does A Different Branch from Neon Genesis Evangelion do? Is it just an intelligence boost?

What would a Marvel Magic god of magic be capable of? What if they're also an Elder God Hybrid?

Huh, i didn't think of having her NP being based on her necromancy. Figured it'd be the massive army of monsters & the giant boar.

Well, a canon example of that would be Agamotto. Look that guy up, he's pretty badass. He's the reason there's such a thing as the Sorcerer Supreme, both starting the tradition and, as one third of the Vishanti, one of the primary power sources for white magic in the Marvel universe. Admittedly, he's a million years old so he's way ahead of you in terms of growth, but that shows you where you can get to. Also, being an Elder God Hybrid of Magic with Oshtur as your mom means that he'd be tutoring you in spellcraft, so you'd have a leg up on learning compared to him.

Didn't Aggomoto turn evil and then get killed recently?

The problem with the army is that it's basically just a bunch of familiars in Fate terms. Not only can she make those easily with Witchcraft, but the familiars are damn near useless in a fight, being torn through like wet tissue paper by Servants. The boar is more impressive, but it's still basically just summoning a single Servant-level enemy, which is pretty boring. Say whatever you want about Bellerophon, but Medusa's usage of it with her Pegasus (which isn't technically part of the NP) is pretty brain-dead and doesn't deserve such a high rank. So someone suggested to me the fact that I could make her NP an expansion of her Necromancy to let her turn ANY slain enemy into an asset, even Servants, which while it requires her to actually score a kill first, has vastly more potential in the long run as basically an undead snowball.

Avalon in a way isolates you from the world by putting you in a different one so you could argue that they protect against Ea as well but that would be a contentious point of debate.

>What would a Marvel Magic god of magic be capable of?
From what I remember Cracker_Jack saying, it'd make your magic easier to use and more powerful (though not overwhelmingly so). IIRC, it's less powerful than other domains because it's so very broad.

>What if they're also an Elder God Hybrid?
Depends. IIRC, then if you pick Oshtur as your Elder God mom, you'd basically be mini-Agamotto with the potential to become an energy being like him eventually.

We don't talk about SJW Marvel's recent stuff.

It's been a while since Muyo was around to answer that, but if I remember right it's more about your Angel form having traits based around Lilith's themes rather than Adam's. So instead of wielding an overwhelming mass of power to brute force how you're warping physics, you divide it into many smaller portions and use precision control of them to get the effects you need.

Yeah. It was dumb.

That was actually back in 2010, Marvel didn't go really crazy until 2014.

Thanks, guys.

Aggomoto sounds cool. He would be chill with teaching me if my mom was Oshtur?

Or should I go with Chthon and be like a less crazy Scarlet Witch?

I think I just locked myself into the yandere route as I gave them the same desire as Mercs but instead of Marie it was me, Jumper.

Jump # 253 AVP
Starting location: LV-1201
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human (0)
Background: Frontier (0)
*I’ll ride in the back (0)
*Tech-Head (0)
*Survey Corps (100, Discount)
*Getting’ By (200, Discount)
*What the hell is this (300, Discount)
*Sharp Sticks (0)
*Expedition Gear (0)
*Motion Tracker (100, Discount)
*Armored pressure suit (100, Discount)
*Pack or Hive (200)

*Akitsu, Tamamo, Doom –chan & Racheal Species: Human, Background: Frontier Perks: Tech Head, Survey Corps, Getting’ By, Deadliest Species, What the hell is this
*Arcueid, Yubel, Medusa, and Scathach Species: Human, Background: Colonial Marines, Perks: Tech head, Soul of a warrior, Exterminator, Check your six!

So half of my group and myself were civilian contractors working for Wayland-Yutani at their research facility. I couldn’t help but notice the amount of heavily armed personnel and how tight lipped people were being. I did manage to hear discussions of bugs.

As the low people on the totem pole we got the unique experience of being treated like crap by pretty much everyone there. The Scientists thought we were idiots, the soldiers looked down on us… it’s always interesting being treated that when you could level the building and the planet that you are currently on without any of them being able to do a damn thing about it. However I digress… so I was forced to get people coffee even though that was nowhere near my job description.

A special not should be made though… never try and get Doom-chan to get you coffee… that poor engineer did not survive the plasma wounds and everyone was too afraid of her after that the make much of an issue of it. She keeps telling me if I just kill a few people then people would stop walking all over me.

(to be continued)

Anyways as I knew would happen everything went to hell people started disappearing and dying we were told everything was fine as they moved more important personnel to more secure locations.

We weren’t important enough to evacuate… so we were left behind. So yeah we got surprise attacks from xenomorphs. You know even with all my power something big black and insectoid jumping at your face tends to be unnerving. Also Acid blood really messed up our clothes.

Figuring we were on our own we started hunting the bastards. We started exterminating them. Then the Marines showed up with the rest of my companions. We tagged along with them informing them of what we had been going through. Of course the good people in the pods double crossed the Marines and tried to get all of us killed.

So we helped the Marines fight our way through hell a few of my companions even tagging along Frosty the crazy Marine that wound up doing everything to ensure his survival.

Somewhere during all of this xenomorph fun we encountered some Predators, not many but any is really too much. They weren’t in the mood for diplomacy and wound up having to be put down.

Anyways We managed to get word to the drop ship and managed to get the hell off the planet, Frosty had gotten help from an insider in the pods but instead of coming with us she chose to blow the place up after we left.

I was going to summon Zhuge Liong(Liang? Whatever, the dude from Romance of the Three Kingdoms) as a cute girl, then I saw that's who Waver was fused with in Grand Order.

Kinda wanna summon Uther Pendragon, or Augustus Caesar, or Hattori Hanzo, I forget his given name but the Tokugawa who ended up winning the Sengoku Jidai, Copernicus, The Red Baron(I know he's not summonable)

That's all off the top of my head.

It's edgy as fuck, but falling to my own inner darkness. Be it going so far into 'justice' I just butcher people for failing to meet it, or giving in to a lot of the rage I have.

Also clowns.