Shouldn’t fighters be able to reach Doomguy/Senator Armstrong levels of power?
Shouldn’t fighters be able to reach Doomguy/Senator Armstrong levels of power?
Sure, if you're not using a shitty system like D&D.
In DnD terms what exactly is Doomguy levels of power? Running really fast, a lot of HP, and access to guns? That's not really too outside the scope of a martial DnD character (aside from the guns anyway), but not really things fighters focus on
what system do you use?
Empty bluffs and shitposting of course. For those sorts of characters you'd probably want a system like Dark Heresy or Shadowrun (fuck that clusterfuck of a system in pretty much any edition though), but that's largely because they're sci-fi more than anything else
Depends on the system. In stuff like Exalted, science fiction games with cybernetics or other modifications, or certain editions of D&D (4e), they can.
>defeated the strongest demon in hell
>can cast off possession
>can cast off the insanity of berserker orb
>cast dodge plasma bolts(faster than the speed of light)
>run faster than the fastest man alive
>never ever gets tired
>never takes fall damage
>what system do you use?
Dogs in the Vineyard for most things.
Barbarians of Lemuria for savage swords and sorcery, but it gimps magic-users hard so even though PCs can't achieve over-9000 levels, fighters almost always trump wizards.
I can make fighters awesome with GURPS
Fighters don't have problems with being able to take and deal damage. Being able to wreck shit us something that even in 3rd they were very good at. Their problems lay in the fact they have vastly fewer ways to engage with the game world and fewer ways to approach challenges.
Senator armstrong
>tanked a molecular blade multiple times
>made lava by stomping
>held a senatorial position
>5 Star chef
>sucked the power out of a metal gear.
>>defeated the strongest demon in hell
A bitch that dies to 1 rocket
>(>faster than the speed of light)
Uh, no? Arachnotron projectiles are not hitscan, did you even play doom?
Fucking Power-Ups, man.
If they are truly plasma bolts, they travel at C
I'd use terms like "Gilgamesh/Samson levels of power," but yeah, they can and they should.
This inculdes systems like DnD. Level 20 fighters can go full Dynasty Warriors and slaughter whole fields of mooks without much issue. Still weaker than wizards, but not powerless by a long-shot.
If you're not yet ready to abandon d20, Fantasycraft is a good first step. Martial characters are good in it (especially grapplers). Continuing on with the thought of not abandoning d20, Mutants and Masterminds is a very good choice.
If you're ready to take the plunge and move to non d20 systems, then the most obvious choice is Exalted. There is no better example of powerful martials than Dawns in Exalted. Then there's stuff like Shadowrun and the 40K rpgs, where you can be a powerful warrior as long as you're not a base-bone Human.
Don't look to rules-lite systems if you're looking for powerful fighters. Those systems will give you wizards who are as shitty as fighters, but never fighters who are as awesome as wizards.
Going by 5e the argument would essentially be that a full caster might have as many as their ability score modifier + level ways to deal with an obstacle as well as ritual spells, while a purely martial class has something like few couple ribbon class features.
I think it's misleading to always assume a wizard has just the right spell for a given situation though (particularly at lower levels where spell slots are scarce) since spells tend to be pretty ridged in their use outside of the illusion school, not to mention that maybe half his spell will probably be purely combat ones, and it's also worth mentioning that strength and dex skills are generally more useful for life or death shit, but even accounting for those discrepancies casters do have a lot of advantages. Honestly it isn't really that bad unless you're playing 3.5 or pathfinder though
The best system if you want doomguy would now probably be starfinder due to the wide weapon variety, power armor, and demons in SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>not gurps
>Their problems lay in the fact they have vastly fewer ways to engage with the game world and fewer ways to approach challenges.
Player characters are supposed to be smart and use magic to solve their problems, not retarded and make the DM have to decide whether or not they can climb a wall with their hands and feet.
Source? Only carrier bosons travel at c. Plasma is super-heated matter.
That’s still d&d.
It follows the crappy design pathway of “everyone sucks so you are all equal”, as opposed to gurps or m&m which follow “when everyone is super, no one will be” design policy.
>Played College Ball
>Former member of The Navy
>Created the "Mother of All Omlettes"
>Not like those "limp dick lawyers"
Let’s not forget about Sam, who was so good at sword that he was able to go toe to toe with a cyborg ninja (trained by the second best soldier of all time) with only one enhancement.
Also took on Armstrong fully human, and possibly could have won.
>A bitch that dies to 1 rocket
Not if you play Brutal Doom.
The moment doomguy gets access to Russian overkill weapons, everything is over.
Seems like Doomguy's DnD (5e) abilities would include:
>Damage Resistance bypassing
>Immune to Charm, frightened, and all magical mind control effect
>Proficiency with all saving throws
>Able to outright negate damage/effects on successful saves than take half
>Improved run speed (not sure how much but he is able to run faster than the fastest humans alive in heavy armor, though that might also be the armor)
>Fall damage immunity
>Stat cap somehow increased in several fields
>not sure how he never tires
>Insane strength score to be able to ignore carry weight limits.
play infernum, its a d20 heartbreaker, but one of the stated monsters is just the doom marine, and it has weapon stats for all of doomguys weapons, even the chainsaw
I think you'd like Anima, shit's pretty ridiculous and warrior archetypes get a lot of verstatibility via combat tables.
According to Kojima and guys, Sam was short sighted and wanted to beat Armstrong ASAP. If he stalled and defended until Armstrong's nanomachines ran out of juice, he'd win.
Yes, a fighter being able to become literally immortal just because he's such a good fighter is "everyone sucks".
Can you steal the ambition from a warlord's heart in M&M?
My thief in 4e can.
played a fighter whose main goal in life was to be jacked as fuck through magical and non-magical means. pretty sure by the time that campaign ended i could pick and and swing trees or some shit. also monopolized the cleave skills until i became a dynasty warriors character. fun times.
They already do in D&D. A level 20 fighter can stand toe to toe with a literal god and hold his own. Things like Dragons he can solo. A party of 4 fighters can defeat a god by themselves.
>Russian Overkill Doomguy is a fighter
>Trailblazer Doomguy is a rogue
>Guncaster Doomguy is a wizard
There is nothing special about doomguy - any fighter with 100 HP and a very fast move rate (my calculations of 90mph = 792 feet per D&D round - 6 seconds - don't seem to be right..)
could be doomguy.
What makes doomguy the doomguy are the weapons, constant instant health pickups, armor and powerups. Without all that stuff he's just a murderhobo that never talks and kills demons all day every day
What makes the Doomguy the Doomguy is he is 80s action hero at the now they have pissed me off and made the mistake of letting me live anger level.
He is just a regular dude stuck in an out of control montage of awesome.
Well, gurps literally has stats for blowing up a planet.
You can literally stat any kind of attack in gurps, and that includes continent cleaners.
>can be become immortal
So what, that’s like 15 points.
>steal the ambition
Affliction (change emotions) for like 50 points.
But can your fighters reach relativistic speeds?
You don't know what plasma is, do you?
And it's c, not C.
Starfinder isn't the best system for anything, though.
It's just shit.
>Party of 4 fighters
Just like Final Fantasy I
No, shame on you! That wouldn't be realistic