Are you a Timmy, a Johnny or a Spike?
MtG Psychographics
I like combos.
what about vorthos and melvin?
>tranny spike
Given his/her prissy hair, smarmy shirt and penchant for Black Lotus sleeves, banned cards and Phyrexian mana, I am DEFINITELY a Spike.
I'm known to be a Johnny-Spike though.
Johnny/Timmy combo. I like big creatures and turning them sideways, but I like to get those creatures out either through unusual means or also using those big creatures unusual ways. I also love having Rashimi and Mind's Dilation out.
So a timmy.
Let me tutor my 12 hp SMUGlers copter.
Who/what is Melvin?
Timmy or Johnny in spirit, Spike in the wallet though. Lots of overtime goes into my decks.
Vorthos and Melvin are two other MtG player types. The Vorthos is in it for the flavor, for the art, for the story, and stuff like that. The Melvin is in it for the fun mechanical interactions. Not necessarily combos, but fun card interactions and things like that.
As for myself, I'm Timmy/Vorthos as fuck, still trying to fit Thorn Elemental into decks because it was my first rare.
I'm a mix of all 3 as most of us are, i think i lean most toward spike though because my favorite cards are simple, cheap, and efficient like kitchen finks, kolaghan's command, Preordain, etc
Johnny with a slice of Melvin
Those aren't player types. Those are categories of children.
Oh right, this is a children's card game.
Doesn't make it any less fun
Vorthos reporting in. I play mostly tribal decks because they make sense in lore. Like for real I get uncomfortable if my deck doesn't have a lore explanation for the card inclusions.
All spikes confirmed for queers.
What do they call playing to make people mad? I own stax, lantern and eggs(commander version)
My lore explanation is Im a planeswalker, welcome to fuck.
None because those are imaginary categories of people that don't actually exist in any form in reality. Kind of like D&D alignments.
Why is spike a woman?
The cards were supposed to be representative of the players and nearly all competitive players are male.
To upset you.
I'm asking a question, not really upset.
The answer remains the same. Whether it succeeds or fails is for you to determine.
What kind of player am I if my favorite way of playing is using cards with retarded and unusual effects?
Pure Melvin.
>the fuck? why is OP being retarded and putting some wannabe homebrew UNset themed card with the two legit UN cards
>look up Spike
>proceed to spoiler website in the next .02 picoseconds
i genuinely thought WotC was done with the goofy sets, thank you OP for unwittingly not being a faggot for once
That's retarded.
Someone else have a real answer? I'm sure some wotc employee said something somewhere about this.
What's the exact opposite?
The person who plays decks just to have fun and to help everyone have a good time, like group-hug decks?
I'm a Timmy. I play Neheb, Minotaur tribal. I drop Anthem of Rakdos,Curse of Blood Letting,and/or Dictate of Twin Gods then swing with three Minotaurs. I have no alternate win con than attacking. Though I'm trying to find an exquisite blood to go with sanguine bond to rectify that
I like flavor too.
Is it possible to be a Melvin/Vorthos or are they mutually exclusive?
Both variants of Johnny-Melvin. You play specific cards in unison for the purpose of achieving a specific mechanical goal that appeals to you.
Girls have an extremely unbalanced amount of representation in the pro scene. The board probably sat around and asked "How do we get this demographic to buy our game", and the answer they likely came to is more diversity including female representation in card art, including art that's meant to reflect players. This would give women a chance to play the cards and not feel bogged down my the masculinity projected everywhere.
That's my guess at least. You gotta act like you're bullshitting your way through an english paper when rationalizing the things WOTC does.
Vorthos and Melvin aren't player types. appreciating rules and flavor do not have any inherent link to the playing of the game. Timmy/Johnny/Spike define how a person plays the game, Vorthos and Melvin have to do with how a person appreciates the game.
The real answer is that they felt like they needed to stuff a girl in there in order to enforce some kind of faux "gender balance", purely for the sake of it. I don't think they thought about it longer than five seconds.
The fact that Spike is a male name doesn't seem to matter to them.
Grouphugs are automatically faggots. They boost the number 1 player by helping them ramp out or give them more resources, then complain when you try to cut off the enabler so the game doesn't end on T5.
>why are you attacking me user? I'm giving you some free cards aren't I? :^(
I’m happy Vorthos is a thing. I too, really enjoy tribal and I get a kick out of making silly decks that follow a theme or fit the lore really well.
High on the Vorthos and Melvin scales. Used to be a pretty strong Johnny, but I've gone full Timmy lately with just a few Johnny leanings.
I remember one article saying 1/3 of tournament players were women. Can’t find the source atm
I was honestly expecting Spike to be red.
If we get more joke sets, what colors would they be?
This is pretty obviously false.
You mean casuals.
Op is always a faggot.
And 90% of those women are actually Trannies. It fits.
Spikes lack passion for red.
Timmy is more red than spike. Spike wants to prove something, spike wants to be better and excel, spike is all about black. Timmy wants to experience something, he's totally about emotion and his own gut reaction to things, way more red than green.
>Timmy wants to experience something, he's totally about emotion and his own gut reaction to things, way more red than green.
No, Timmy just wants the strongest creatures and the biggest numbers. Nothing about the experience.
Timmy is literally defined as a player who wants to experience something.
Johnny for EDH
Spike for Modern
That is an extremely appropriate image for this particular revelation.
I've always seen the reverse, where the grouphug empowers people with weaker decks.
Vorthos is red. Melvin is white.
Vorthos > Johnny > Spike > Melvin > Timmy
What have you got against Timmy?
Timmy is responsible for the creature push and shitty removal that has plagued the game this decade.
>timmy is the same as new players
you're retarded.
I am a Timmy cause I can't help but drooling over the cards like Worldspine Wurm
>tfw you will never fuck Spike
Definitely combination of Timmy and Johnny, like playing big things, usually through roundabout ways.
How do you figure Jonny represents anyone in shining armor? Or that every single person in the world who plays combo looks like Jonny? And isn’t Asian or black or something?
I dunno man I think maybe you’re just some kind of agitated ape with simple thoughts.
I truly don’t know. I’m the happiest when I’m playing hyper responsive spell slinger decks like Noyan dar edh or Izzet with YP. If the game is extremely complicated, I enjoy it most, even if losing.
Melvin spike?
But red deck wins!
It's absolute suffering.
All the coolest characters or creatures are always awful cards. I know.
Oh, don't forget that the reverse happens too. Regularly.
>spike's art is just a poor copy of johnny's art
of all the things they could have done
what a fucking letdown
Melvin better look exactly like Steve Urkel.
Melvin better just be in this set, I don’t want to wait 19 years. White, does something like making all creatures in your hand/library/field every creature type. I feel like Melvin’s could do a lot with that.
the fact they made this art purely to virtue signal makes me dislike magic more than ever
How come they didn't use Melissa Detora for the Spike, she's actually a really good female magic player.
It's not supposed to be a specific person like Invitational cards.
>Spike does Timmy and Jonny better than there own cards
Females>male magic players, fact.
>banned cards
Females are cheaters, do not trust them.
I love huge, flashy effects, but only when I can reliably cast them. I especially like winning by using big, stompy creatures to outclass the enemy.
I'm fond of unusual combos, but only when I can reliably cast them. I also prefer to field unique decks without too much in common with other things in my meta, and find the idea of using a netlist deeply repugnant, as it wouldn't be MY deck.
I like to build competitive decks. I like to compete hard, and I like to win. Some of my losses still haunt me, reminding me of misplays on my part that cost me the match, or just of opponents with better decks that I haven't managed to overcome yet (and haven't yet been willing to hardcounter).
I love the lore, and routinely build around canonical factions or events in the story. I also make a point of collecting different printings of the same cards so I have a wide variety of card art, particularly for basic lands, and the flavor text is my favorite way to learn the lore before I eventually get around to reading loredumps on Wizards' site.
I'm also fond of mechanical interactions, more as a Melvin than as a Johnny.
I'm pretty heavy on all five, really, but ultimately I'm more of a Vorthos and a Melvin than any of the three playstyle identities, and more of a Melvin than a Vorthos since flavor has less influence on how I play, despite its influence on what cards I'll initially consider including.
Back when they still had the functioning quiz on their homepage, I remember getting Spike/Johnny or Johnny/Spike. But I think my Johnnyness came more from the quiz overvaluing how much I enjoyed building and tweaking decks than anything else. If asked today I'd simply say I'm a Spike.
Vorthos and Melvin are psychographics in the same sense that Timmy, Johnny and Spike are. TJS is about why you choose to play in the first place while Vorthos and Melvin is more about which aspect of the game you enjoy more; flavor or mechanics.
To hopefully make the distinction clearer: Every player is a Timmy, Johnny, Spike or a combination of them, AND a Vorthos or Melvin, but you can never be just a Vorthos or a Melvin, and you can't be a Vorthos/Melvin.
WotC no longer does tribute cards because "they created unnecessary political squabbles backstage." The last one, I believe, was Timbermare.
Timmy/Johnny. I like things like Squirrel Prison that are dumb as shit and let me make massive creatures rather than just play them,
That sounds like an interesting story; do you know it?
I like you
Someone's wife had recently died in cancer and in life she was really into horses and bugged her husband constantly about there not being enough horses in Magic.
So how did this link to invitational cards? The artist wanted to make a tribute card of his deceased wife and they said no?
Sounds like they said yes if the last card was timbermare, but apparently it caused some issues?
Don't think Timbermare specifically was the issue, but rather that the concept in itself caused some ill-feeling behind the scenes as certain people believed themselves to be just as, or more, deserving of a tribute card than some of the people who had gotten theirs.
Ah. Yeah, I can see that. It's kind of a pity, since I liked things like original flavor Sad Robot and Snapcaster, but it's probably really not worth the drama.
I just like playing zombies, what does that make me?
Invitational cards weren't exactly the same thing, though I suppose part of the reason they were eventually gotten rid off might have been to close the debate once and for all. It's easy to imagine that some shithead would say something like "well, the invitational cards are essentially tribute cards, so why can't I have one?"
Though, I think the main reason they got rid of the Invitationals was because the event simply didn't attract enough attention.
Spoken like someone who's never played against a truly Melvin deck. I've seen entire decks built around the idea of taking the longest turn you possibly can while not altering the end game state.
Your definitions are predicated on a particularly fallacious point of view that a lot of Magic players have difficulty with: every player is playing with winning as their primary goal.
That's a Johnny thing you're describing. Vorthos and Melvin aren't about how you play.
If you're doing it simply because you enjoy zombies then that sounds pretty Timmy.
Finkel, Bob, Tiago. I know there are others, but those are the only names i can remember offhand for their specific cards, aka the only ones people shorthand.
why didn't they give her tits?
flat chest fits her but it's confusing and honestly a bit desparaging.
there are plenty of girls with an almost flat chest and you could represent them better with 2 very slightl bumps on her chest or perhaps some slightly more feminine clothes. I had "tomboys" girls in highschool and they wear more feminine things than what that tranny thing has on.
the picture just needs a slight touch to not make me angry at it every time i see "her".
MaRo said he considers spike a gender neutral name