John Wick

So, what's the big deal about this guy? Apparently he's a bad GM, but any examples? What makes him so infamous as opposed to all the other shitty GMs and players out there?

Pic related in name only.

Other urls found in this thread:

He once killed three men in a bar with a pencil. A fucking pencil.

Why did the bar only have one pencil?

He once used the following as a good example of consequences.
>Rogue commits a criminal act during the party's activities
>This makes a powerful enemy out of a previously unknown faction
>The faction does not make themselves known or do anything to retaliate
>5 Sessions later, the Rogue gets pulled into an alleyway, and when the player or anyone else asks what happened, they're told that they don't know.
>The rogue is never seen again, and the player rerolls.

Some Jackass in poorly applied clown makeup took the other ones.

Who does that?!

Apparently he's gotten better, his latest book contradicting a lot of what he said in his first one, but some of the examples from his first book were super shitty.

One I always remember is a PC in a superhero game whose character was immune to disease.

Wick gave his character a disease which bypassed his immunity, and then declared that he was immune to the cure.

That's hilarious. Not in a good way, but it is hilarious.
What is this, a crossover episode?
...What was that supposed to be an example OF?

>example OF

Good GMing.

At least how Wick argued for it.

I am utterly baffled by this thread