Available warbands: > Core set: Steelheart's Champions and Garrek's Reavers > Expansion: The Sepulchral Guard and Ironskull's Boyz
Upcoming expansions: > Spiteclaw's Swarm (Skaven) > The Chosen Axes (Dwarves) > The Farstriders > Magore's Fiends
Jacob Foster
How would you rank the warbands from best to worst? Justify your reasoning
Luke Stewart
Currently there isnt a "best" war band. I feel the game is balanced. t. guy who owns all four warbands and has played over 65 games both with and against each warband.
Christian Lewis
Stormcast is slighty weaker than other team due to low number, defensive style, and unreliable inspire condition compared to the other team, you either inspired very early and snowball from ther, or don't and get crippled when the other team had already inspired.
Brayden Smith
I think the Orcs are believed to be idiot proof. I've yet to hear anyone thinking that the Orcs were shit. They might lose, but no one complain that orcs lost because the warband was shit.
Adrian Bennett
Wish I could get into this game, but it is completely dead in my area (checked out over a dozen game stores, Shadespire is just as dead here as Shadow War: Armageddon is)
Chase Parker
The game came out a few weeks ago, give it time. It's much easier than SW: A. Everyone I tried this game with wanted to play again.
Jackson Barnes
From best to worst I'd rate them like this. >1st: Ironjawz Great cards, solid number of models, easy Inspire conddition, durable, amazing leader. >2nd: Bloodbound Solid objectives, interesting upgrades, good number of models, two great and one good fighters, two objective bunnies >3rd: Sepulchral Guard Special activation, objective-centered playstyle, excellent board control, unusual mechanics, demanding setup, requires having a solid gameplan and sticking to it. >4th: Stormcast Best overall stats (apart from Gurzag Ironskull), easy cards, straightforward playstyle, poor board control, fewest models, no particularly surprising tactics or builds
Jonathan Thomas
Yeah, I think the best way to refer the ranking is: best way to get a solid handle of. In which case I'd swap SCE with deathrattle or maybe KBB and swap KBB then with deathrattle.
Charles Evans
It really depends on the area with new games. In my case, Shadespire is attracting a ton of people who weren't interested before, saying it was a great game. In the span of two months since release we have had two tournaments with solid participation in my LGS and one ongoing league.
Joshua Smith
Samuel Baker
So ... is this game dead or should I pick up a copy?
Ryan Lee
In mine is doing great.
Ayden Nelson
Like I said a few minutes ago: it's doing great in my area, now drawing almost half the guys x-wing has... and it's been out for a meagre month.
Jacob Clark
It's in the top 50 of bgg. It's not going to disappear any time soon.
Parker Taylor
>Currently there isnt a "best" war band. I feel the game is balanced. why do peopel always have to say this? Ain't nothing ever going to be balanced, stop deluding yourself. It's just that we didn't understand the game fully yet.
Liam Gonzalez
Recently took all capture objectives out of my stormcast deck and focused on aggression, controlling enemy territory and keeping people out of my territory.
It's working really well, won every game I've used my stormcast in so far. I'm strugglig with undead though, theres a few cards i need to remove I think.
Ayden Johnson
Yeah, SCE are not geared towards objective play. IMO there's multiple "viable" builds but the selection narrows quite a bit when determining "optimal" pathways.
Evan Torres
Too few of them, too slow, and too vulnerable to getting focused down by more numerous warbands if they don't stick reasonably close together.
To be honest, objectives aren't that strong a win condition in themselves (though things like the keys and shardcaller might give them enough ways to gain glory), they seem to suit most warbands more as a means for getting early upgrades. Skellies might be the exception. They can work objectives despite their sluggishness thanks to their sheer numbers and the ability to move multiple guys per activation. Their tendency to come back from the dead also makes them good at frustrating your opponent's goals. The tournament winning list didn't use objective cards though.
Charles Lewis
What colour should I paint Garreks hair?
Jacob Gutierrez
KBB can get a pretty good ball rolling with objecitve focus. The keys and shardcaller, all while loading as many "denial" cards, make a solid deck IMO.
John Hernandez
Pink, greensuff a bow on it and paint a heart in his chest. Yes, I'm pulling your leg. Paint it salt and pepper.
Jordan Perez
It's cheap for GW game. Also check the local scene. Given how short the games are, after 3 rounds of replay, it has made it's money per entertainment value.
Jace Hill
Talked to a GW guy today, got some info on the outstanding warbands. Take with a lot of salt, obviously. - Blood Warriors Three guys (one with dual axes, one with axe and fist, one with glaive) plus a flesh-hound. Inspire when killing a model, which moves them from blades to hammers on their attack dice. - Vanguard Three guys. Okay melee but every model carries a range 3 crossbow. Inspire increases their movement. - Skaven Five guys, very strong leader. Strong mobility, Inspire when rolling successful assist symbols - Fyreslayers 4 guys, didn't know any more.
Aparently the rules and everything is done, they just can't produce enough stuff right now to release the warbands sooner.
Jayden White
more Khorne and SE shits.
Joshua Lewis
So assuming that there is going to be another core set somewhere down the line, that will presumably be Warhammer Underworlds: Somewhere Else, what factions would you like to see in it?
Personally I'd like to see Sylvaneth and Nurgle since they are always going at it in the fluff.
Jose Thomas
The problem is that it's going to be yet another SE vs something set.
Fuck, I can't believe I'm already getting ready to be mad at a game that I don't play
Andrew Lee
We've known the next warbands for quite a while now. Why are you surprised?
Jayden Long
I'm not surprised. I'm just grumpy.
Camden Jones
>Warhammer Underworlds: Skyvault Kharadron Overlords vs Disciples of Tzeentch, with 5 Arkanaut Companymen vs 4 Tzaangors.
Jason Brooks
Aelves versus Daelves seems like an obvious one which I'd like, but it would probably be Stormcast Stormriders against Khorne Bloodbarded Destroyerdragoons and they'd make a big deal about new special cavalry rules.
Levi Gomez
Elves vs Delves isn't even a thing anymore, though, so that's a pointless thing to say. Not to mention neither faction is likely to see new models.
Henry Edwards
you never know, GW might surprise us and do a non stormcast release.
Gabriel Turner
Would buy that in a heartbeat
Bentley Garcia
>tfw no clan Eshin in sight Ninja rats are far cooler than regular rats