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What fighting style do you wish had more support?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
What fighting style do you wish had more support?
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rather than fighting styles getting more support, I just wish there were more ways to use multiple fighting styles at once
Dragon style + pummeling style is awesome, but you need to either be a chained monk or have three levels in fighter to do this
Einhanding, easily.
This is a thing that irks me pretty deeply. Martial artists in real life mix different martial arts together all the time.
Sword and board without shield bashing
I just want to use a shield without actively gimping myself.
Double shields
The posting new threads at page 9 style
This reminds me, I have a question.
Do shield bonuses to AC from different sources stack? Inaks because I'm working on an absolute retarded idea for a build that involves bonuses from both a shield and a class feature
>Do shield bonuses to AC from different sources stack?
No. Just like other bonuses of the same type don't stack unless they explicitly say they do.
Now they do not
We'll, there goes that plan I guess. Plus that probably explains why you never see people wielding 2 shields since neither of their bonuses stack with eachother.
I guess I'll never see my Skirnir/Staff Magus build come to life
Interestingly, double shield is actually better than sword and board because you get a shield bonus and you're using two identical weapons for TWF, letting your Weapon Focus count for both weapons
I too would absolutely love to see some interesting options for shield use beyond shield bashing.
Why do we keep making threads on page 4?
Equipment Trick added some interesting stuff iirc. Also I haven't looked at all of SoM yet, but I do know they have a shield Sphere
Nobody cares about this except for assblasted shitposters who are upset they missed their chance to post an anime shit thread.
Spears. Dragoon shit.
Didn't one of the previous threads that was posted at page 4 was an anime one, that happened before the non anime one, was shitposter at for being on page 4, and was the one used instead of the non-anime one that came after?
Vital strike builds
Question for those of you that have Ultimate Wilderness. Have you any thoughts on how to buff the shifter a little without completely changing it?
Give it real Wild Shape.
It needs a complete change. Unfortunately those responsible for the class did not execute the core identity of the class very well. Number changes won't solve the issue that thematically the class is shit.
>Minor Aspects are all-day instead of minutes/level
>Major Aspects are the buffs you can apply for minutes/day and are unlocked from Wildshape
>Wildshape scales normally, still locks you to your aspect forms but lets you pick from a group instead of "you only get a SPECIFIC ANIMAL of this type", so you can get different big cats for example
See , but if you wanted to make the smallest changes possible I would give them Fighter Weapon Training with natural attacks, two extra skill ranks/level, and a change the aspects to some new bonus type so they can stack with everything.
Play a Druid instead.
expanding on this, make the lesser aspects permanent but capable of being turned off at will, to bring them in line with what you can do as a Feral Hunter.
Also, allow the chimeric forms to be available when fully wildshaped.
Finally, I'd give the claws a much better damage progression, and possibly some sort of flurry mechanic.
Trident and net, entangle the bugger then impale 'em through. I know there is a feat for it, but more would be nice.
Yes, I know there is SOME support for it, like the question says, I just wish there was more.
Oh, and dual-wielding greatswords. Titan Mauler is kinda crappy (and doesn't help for dual-wielding them anyway), and the fact that you can't combo jotungrip with massive weapons is just being a tease.
Before you ask, yes, I WAS that asshole in Dark Souls.
Anyone know at about what time APs are added to the Trove?
Personally I was going to give them a new resource called Ferocity, which they could spend to instantly shift into different forms at any point during combat, and perform other things with it along side that like extra actions and ignoring penalties like fatigue, exhaustion, stuns, and the like for a round.
I was also thinking of using a different system for the wild shape. Specific list of animals you could chose from, but you gain access to vastly stronger dire and war-forms of the animals you pick.
Give it PoW maneuvers?
Give it ability to use its full BAB iteratives with its natural weapons
The coryphae has been successfully bullied.
Does PoW have means to mitigate the effect DR has on fighting styles that rely on large numbers of low damage attacks?
PoW tries really hard to avoid multiattacks
PoW mitigates DR by giving retarded all round boosts.
All attack boosts for a round. There aren't any strikes that really deal with multi attack builds. You'd be better with all the Broken Blade multi-attack strikes with a single huge damaging attack over many smaller attacks.
So has anything been so universally hated as the shifter? Is this a new level of terrible or are we just whining? Will they fix it?
No, yes, yes, and no.
The 8th level thrashing dragon stance
>Will they fix it?
Oh user, sweet, naive user, never change.
What classes are better at crafting stuff?
Considering that anyone and everyone can craft just by taking the feat, any class that specs heavily into Int.
And fails.
You want wizard for that, preferably a dwarf.
Dwarf Wizard.
There has been mention of a "hot fix" coming tomorrow with the official release.
>There has been mention of a "hot fix" coming tomorrow with the official release.
The way things are going, they'll have to burn the whole forest down and start over.
[citation needed]
I heard they were only fixing an item or two.
This is all I got
So, one of the contributors to Ultimate Wilderness just gave the book a 5 star review with only the following:
>If you want to enrich your outdoor adventures and wilderness exploration, >this is an excellent book.
>Even if you don't find yourself using the wilderness rules, the archetypes, >races and new class make this an appealing purchase.
I realize there's the whole no personal army thing on Veeky Forums, but just this once, if you have a paizo account can you give the book a 1-star review. All you have to do is sign-in, go to the following link, choose a 1-star rating and click save changes:
Paizo prints a martial full BAB class that is in every way inferior to the caster version, news at 11
It's less that it's worse than the caster version, and more that it's worse than literally everything else at its gimmick, up to and including a Warrior with UMD and scrolls of Beast Shape.
>friend comes to me and asks me to play in his new campaign
>ask what the theme is
>All kingdoms are ruled by aberrations mostly mindflayers
>all other players haven't played before
>will be first time for him being a DM
>only core rule book
>wizard, sorcerer, cleric and druid banned
>he is super exited
>he says he needs one more player and I am the only person he knows that plays
Should I just go ahead and play it even though I know it is going to be shit so others can have fun?
>looking at SoM
>Reading Brute Sphere
>mfw Perpetual Motion talent effectively lets you infinity-rush an enemy until you either roll under CMD or end it with another Manhandle effect
Hot damn, finally figured out how to Infinite Mass Push someone in Pathfinder
What makes you so sure it's gonna be shit?
user, spamming the reviews with 1 star ratings does nothing positive. All it does is give Paizo an excuse for why the book is treated so poorly, because "them anonymous assholes hate us and our game and want to make it look bad!"
The book is going to fall flat on its face without the help of some faceless army of shitposters, no reason to give them an out.
literally all you're doing is giving them ammunition, your post will somehow get back to them, and they'll point at it and go "SEE, SEE, we're justified in removing negative reviews, anonymous hackers from Veeky Forums want us to fail!"
Make a Cossacks themed Barbarian and go to town. If you're afraid your friend is going to bail on you at least you can take his little board and smash.
I believe you mean
>The anonymous hacker called Veeky Forums wants us to fail!
I have a very strong feeling he is going to try and have mindflayers turn the party on itself basically immediately and it will just be a pvp clusterfuck.
I might just do that sounds like a fun way to play a barb.
Double weapons.
Prolly an evo. point pool with some unique options that aren't shit. I'm less big on wild shape because it's used by so many others and more interested in mix 'n' match mutations though, so personal bias.
Arcanamirium Crafter(Wizard) cause INT for more skill points and increased crafting/spellcrafting check, the access to the spells, bonus crafting feats.
Most magical items will use Spellcraft.
Dwarfs have the racial trait of Craftsman which is good for mundane items which is also the starting item you could be enchanting.
>While using Janni Style, you are always considered to have a running start when jumping. Further, if you jump as part of a charge and make an unarmed strike against the designated opponent, a hit allows you to roll the unarmed strike’s damage dice twice and add the results together before adding modifiers (such as from Strength) or extra dice (such as precision-based damage or dice from weapon abilities). The extra damage dice are not multiplied on a successful critical hit.
So, if you were to combine with Pummeling Style to and the Flying Kick style strike, would doing your flying kick count as jumping for the purposes of Janni Style?
Can I Rider Kick a mofo with this?
I don't think flying kick counts as jumping, though there's no reason your charging unarmed strike couldn't be a kick. Throw in Horn of the Criosphinx for even more damage.
>I don't think flying kick counts as jumping
How does that work? I'm pretty sure you need to jump, or otherwise render yourself airborne, to perform a flying kick
Is spellcraft the same as craft(x) in terms of effects that boost craft skills?
Yeah, but you jump a regular ass jump because you're not asked to roll acrobatics to make one.
Hell, it doesn't even need to be flying, it just has to be a kick. You can just run over and kick someone and it'd count.
What equipment would you recommend for a gunslinger who used to be a marine in the King's Navy?
A suit, tie, and a really fancy cloak.
Signal flags, a whistle, grooming kit, oil and whetstone tonight against rust. Water proof cases for powder and bullets, Village People cd, inflatable surface signal/air bladder, rope, a sidearm such as a cutlass,and a book on knots
A nice hat.
So what would you lot do to improve the Shifter? Honestly curious because some friends of mine who DM are looking for general tips on how to make it tolerable for the people into the kind of chimeric-shapeshifting archetype.
>Take a Feral Hunter, strip out the summoning shit
>replace it Aspect of the Best and stuff for wildshape (have stuff like weapon focus apply to all natural weapons)
>Dump shifter into a trash bin and forget it every existed
>Bonus alternative replacement for summon stuff, dump your proficiencies too and give it Shifter AC bonus from Wis
Jump attacks and other special maneuvers.
You can ask your GM if you could use this 3rd party feat.
Play a druid instead, there's no reason for the Shifter to even exist.
Asking again in this thread, need advice in making a skill monkey investigator.
>Akashic Transformation: Starting at 2nd level, the rageshaper’s rage allows him to temporarily sheathe his body in powerful veils. While raging, the rageshaper increases his total veils shaped by one and learns the ability to shape one veil from the daevic’s Wrath passion veil list. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, he learns one additional veil from the daevic’s veil list and increases his total veils shaped by 1. At least 1/2 of the rageshaper’s known veils learned in this manner must come from the Wrath passion veil list. Shaping the veils gained through this ability is done as part of the same action used to activate his rage, and the veils immediately dissipate when his rage ends. This replaces the rage powers gained at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level.
The veils are learned as part of entering the rage, so they can be different veils each time, right?
So besides the Shifter being a Shitter, is the other material in the book good? Other class archetypes, spells, feats, items, etc?
So, do we have Ultimate Wilderness, I want to see how badly they fucked shifter with my eyes.
Alternatively; feel free to break down why it is shit.
It's a Paizo product in 2017. What do you think?
there's a few neat archetypes, the new animal companion and familiar options (including botht he selection and the archetypes) is good, we got bungee cords, duct tape, coolers, and fanny packs in the gear section, several spells that are really cool including one that can turn you into a shoggoth.
Honestly, aside from the Shifter, the book came out pretty well. It's not groundbreaking, but it's better than some things we've gotten in the past.
you can see the leak for yourself here: . Come on back when you've had a look over so we can be on the same page about our complaints.
two words bro: LARGE BEARS
I don't have the book so I am asking everyone else in general. But it seems like the Shifter is shit because almost any other class/archetype that does something similar does it better. Others have said that in it's shittyness,it is very beginner friendly to new players wanting to dip their toes in animal fuckery.
idk, I haven't bought a book before. At most I just skim them online and pick the one or 2 things I find interesting to incorporate in my current builds. Most of the time I skim the companion books for cool side material.
Does it also consolidate things from past companion books like the Familiar Folio, Animal Archive, Blood of the Beast, Heroes of the Wild, and any other wilderness themed material? I recall Ultimate equipment consolidated stuff from the adventurers armory book.
As someone who doesn't like playing ninth level casters, kindly fuck a cactus.
Replied to myself, derp. First part was for you.
>Others have said that in it's shittyness,it is very beginner friendly to new players wanting to dip their toes in animal fuckery.
Phrasing! That said, no, it's just limiting, and wildshape isn't beginner friendly to begin with, no matter the class chassis you attach it to. You want beginner friendly, you grab a fighter or a sorcerer.
>Does it also consolidate things from past companion books
Try the Feral Hunter archetype for the Hunter class. It does Shifter's schtick, but doesn't have stupidly restricted aspects, has freedom to choose what to wildshape into, and has spells it can use for personal buffs that draw from both the ranger and druid spell lists, which is very good, particularly on a 6th level caster.
Guess to many people are to hung up on the new hotness which is Ultimate Wilderness to help me out. Oh well.
Then wait for DHB to write Shifter Unchained.
Why is the class even necessary the blood rager does the hole freaky body shifting thing just fine,
Any leak about People of the Wastes?
Sylvan Trickster Rogue is legit really nice, being able to take your pick of Hexes without sacrificing the option to take Rogue Talents as well lets you get some very nice toys to work with your kit. Slumber, Flight, Evil Eye, so on.
Regarding a Soul Weaver ability:
Curious Spirit
At 4th level, the soul weaver may expend one soul to commune with the spirit world, allowing her to speak with and question the ancestral dead. This allows her to make a single Knowledge check with an insight bonus equal to her Soul Weaver level + her Charisma modifier. This may be used to reroll a Knowledge check the soul weaver had previously failed, but no more than once per question. If the soul weaver is touching a body that has been dead for no longer than 1 day per level, she may summon and speak with that body’s spirit, which retains all knowledge it had in life but is under no obligation to answer any questions.
Does this allow for untrained Knowledge checks?
Just how overloaded is a rajah (batal)?
How does a level 6 lion catfolk batal with Powerful Build/Armory of the Conqueror/Least Akashic Catalysts/butchering axe size up against a level 6 zealot taking the same?
Batal crossroads is very strong, and so are the veils a batal can put on themselves. But is it on the same level of the zealot, or weaker? The batal is better at noncombat, that is for sure, and definitely stronger than the warlord, right?