Are tabletop games inherently counter-revolutionary?
Are tabletop games inherently counter-revolutionary?
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Seems that way when you go to your average website where D&D and Magicucks go.
Groucho was the better Marx brother.
Is there any game with a setting based in commieland?
>groups of people cooperating in order to achieve a common goal
Why would they be?
Part of the nature of Socialism's revolutionary struggle is freeing the proletariat's mind from the control mechanisms of the ruling classes.
I'd argue the soviets love of fantasy and science fiction set a precedent for common tabletop genres being part of socialist canon.
Underrated post.
Reminder that even the most hardcore revolutionary is a conservative one day after taking power.
>tfw no Noon Universe based game
>The victory of communism and the advance of technological progress on the Earth of the Noon Universe resulted in an over-abundance of resources and eliminated the need for most types of manual labor.
>Mankind is capable of near-instantaneous interstellar travel. Earth social organization is presumably communist, and can be described as a highly technologically advanced anarchistic meritocracy. There is no state structure, no institutionalized coercion (no police etc.), yet functioning of the society is safeguarded by raising everyone as responsible individuals, with guidance of a set of High Councils accepted by everyone in each particular field of activity.
>One of the controversial occupations is progressor. They are agents embedded in less advanced humanoid civilizations in order to accelerate their development or resolve their problems. Progressors' methods range from rescuing local scientists and artists to overthrowing local governments.
There's a lot of basic math which already makes it counter-intuitive to communism so sure?
Depending on your definition of commieland, a lot of scifi RPGs. Anything featuring the Federation from Star Trek has shades of communism, most transhuman settings (eg Eclipse Phase) tend to be anarchist/communist unless steps have been taken to artificially preserve a traditional economy. Common factor is being largely post-scarcity which makes it difficult to maintain the kind of capitalism we have today.
sometimes it just feels like the threads on this board are an extraterrestrial's slipshod attempt to communicate by stringing together a sequence of words that sounds okay at first pass but makes no fucking sense
>true post-scarcity world leads to fully automated luxury space communism
>allows for fucking wild sci-fi settings
Amazing. Union of Terran Socialist Republics when
But aliens know that revolutionaries are retarded.
Such is life in the most escoteric hobby that isn't, like, ball-jointed doll collecting. At least you know those fuckers are all Greys.
Ancoms are Chaotic Good
Posadism is real, user. It's real and I await the cleansing fire of nuclear holocaust.
Yes, it makes you follow rules
It's fully possible to run a Centrum game for GURPS Infinite Worlds. While by default they are the main antagonist, that's mostly because the Nazis from Reich-5 don't have full world jumping tech yet, so only Centrum can directly compete with Homeline. They're only "evil" because they are openly expansionistic and prejudiced against outworlders. Homeline is presented as being almost as expansionist and prejudiced against outworlders, but they at least make some attempt not to totally fuck up alternate Earths.
My dude
Also my dude
When the common goal is individual accumulation of experience points, gp, material possessions, personal glory, and the ethnic cleansing of "evil" races to obtain such things.
>dialectical materialism so advanced it is indistinguishable from magic
My sides are moving without my conscious control.
Infinite Worlds is a game about traveling to alternate Earths. The only worlds where full technology to do this has developed are Homeline, basically our Earth where a corporation allied with the UN has a monopoly on the tech, and Centrum, an alternate Earth run by a socialist meritocracy world government that came to power after a nuclear war.
Homeline is presented as altruistic but flawed. They go out of their way to avoid intervening in the goings on of alternate Earths with non-Fascist societies, but still managed to end up fucking up sometimes because the world jumping tech has gotten licensed to other Homeline governments and corporations and Homeliners generally still prioritize the lives/wellbeing of Homeliners over outworlders. E.g.: There's an alternate Earth that's still in Roman times where a Homeline corporation has secretly taken over the government and turned the entire Roman republic into a tourist attraction for Homeliners.
Centrum on the other hand is fully willing to change the course of history for an alternate earth to suit their needs, actively takes over other worlds (though more through agents working behind the scenes than warfare), and treats outworlders taken into the fold as second class citizens. At the same time, they're not total monsters. Second class citizens are not slaves and still have rights. They don't actively seek to cause death and suffering, they just take a lot of morally grey actions "for the greater good" of Centrum.
The main conflict between the two is Centrum trying to shift worlds between Homeline and Centrum away from Homeline in hopes that eventually this will push Homeline far enough away they won't pose a threat anymore.
The real monsters of the setting are Reich-5, a world where the Nazis won and actively seek genocide and enslavement of other Earths. They of course got world jumping tech from a failed, illegal raid by Homeline Russia. Luckily they haven't mastered it yet.
check my digits you faggot.
Communism is synonymous with failure in history. Every year Maruchan Ramen makes enough ramen that if you stacked the noodles end to end it could go to mars and back 4 times. This is one individual privately-owned company, and it does this. The USSR was supposedly a millions-strong union of workers who ran the entire state(actually controlled by bolsheviks) and were dedicated to doing nothing but work. The USSR encompassed 8,649,500 sq mi. The earth has 57,505,693 sq mi of land on it. All these millions of workers, who, believe me, did nothing but work, for very little pay, and a little under a sixth of the total land the earth has to offer, and yet millions starved to death. Not occasionally either, but often. And when they weren't busy starving they were busy selling out their neighbors to the authorities for hope they might get a little more bread(they didn't). And when they weren't selling out their neighbors they were actively killing them for not being "revolutionary" enough. I am the only poster in this thread, because communists aren't human, and you have to be human to post here. All you retarded cumstains that came from your mothers' community owned pussy should've been swallowed.
>That moment when Kant is the reasonable one
Mediocre bait. Nice effort, not well-executed.
I bet he wouldn't even be a good GM.
Give me more (You)s dumbass commie.
this is a good post.
Just always asking most of the players to leave the room.
He hasn't said anything that wasn't the truth though.
Capitalism successfully feeds and clothes nearly the entire modern world, while communism failed to support even a single country.
More importantly, capitalism exists in a form that proponents of the system are willing to point to and say "this is real capitalism", something which communism and socialism lack.
>Capitalism successfully feeds and clothes nearly the entire modern world
Can you please take me there senpai
I laffed, and I checked those very appropriate dubs
>Non-lawful Monk
I had never even considered posadism up until this post.
Good propaganda bois, brb enrichening some uranium
sure showed him.
Reminder that all economic systems are doomed to fail, as vital resources and nutrients will inevitably run out completely and our chances of escaping this planet en masse are so close to zero as to be insignificant.
Reminder that humanity is doomed to fail, as it is ultimately mortal and the rate of death will eventually exceed the rate of birth.
Reminder that all life is doomed to fail, for that very same reason.
Reminder that even machines need free, usable energy, and therefore cannot function without differences in temperature.
>Veeky Forums is mostly composed of space-anarcho-communists
Have I found it, dare I say it, /myboard/?
I had a red dragon in one campaign who had his alignment changed from CE to CG. His name was Diamat, and he led a successful Communist Revolution on a small island.
Because as a hobby it has too many FUCKING WHITE MALES
The reason socialism doesn't exist is that the Tankies have repeatedly poisoned the well over the past hundred years, stamping out socialist movements that refused to align to their statist authoritarianism. Since "Authoritarian Socialism" can do nothing but become state capitalism, which must inevitably turn back to regular capitalism, this means that not a lot of socialism has actually gotten done.
Now, your claim that 'communism' has failed to support a single country is just plain wrong - the 'communist' (i.e. state capitalist) USSR managed to get on perfectly fine when they weren't committing genocide by forced famine.
>Capitalism successfully feeds and clothes nearly the entire modern world
is comically missing the point, which is that capitalism exploits and destroys whomever and whatever it can as fast as it can in a fantastic orgy of profit-seeking neocolonialism. The goal is to prevent the exploitation of people, and the theft of the value of the workers' labor, in the name of profit.
>when the kids at the front of the bus trade their pokemon cards for snicker bars without asking if the proletariat is being exploited
>Capitalism successfully feeds and clothes nearly the entire modern world
Except for the huge swathes of it where it doesn't.
Socialist countries
>Capitalism successfully feeds and clothes nearly the entire modern world
Those lazy Africans just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and develop innovative and disruptive block-chain technologies!
Why is /pol/ here?
The thread was always /pol/. Or maybe Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums? There's a lot of overlap.
Was it a forced famine or was it a combination of forced collectivization and listening to ideological hacks like Lysenko?
my comrades
does this mean I can dump my sci-fi homebrew world with a storyline following the Velacian Workers Syndicate?
And massacring farmers in an autistic rage because the wealthy had for the most part fled the country, leaving all that Bolshevik anger to be directed at the middle class?
Africans refuse to wear clothes because of cultural reasons. You can't say "but look at africa" for everything that fails. If you took africa as an example for the rest of the world, you'd conclude that nobody wants to have or can build aqueducts or infrastructure because africans takes them apart all the time. Hell, even africans aren't starving anymore, Ghana's having an obesity crisis because of KFC. Captialism just works. Marx's pipedream doesn't work unless they fellate his ghostly penis enough and use his bullshit made-up terms three times every sentence, and even then it's not real socialism.
t. malthusian
>somehow, against every odd imaginable, manage to pull a whole nation by the bootstraps
>still get ousted by western powers
President Sankara was too good for this world
Except I'm not thinking about Africa, I'm thinking about Brasil, my country (which, honestly, might as well be the same to you), which managed to grow and stabilize itself enough during a social-democrat presidency only to become a joke with a neoliberal one.
Something my US friends might sympathize with, even though Obama was far from a social-democrat.
Low quality bait.
Considering that there are parts of Africa where white farmers were killed or driven out by blacks, and later found themselves starving as they literally could not get enough food anymore, I feel comfortable saying that capitalism is not the one that has failed Africa.
This thread is heading to inevitable deletion like humanity into cummunist future.
Saying that today means you either naive or blind or lying. The liberalisation of it since the eighties slowly poisoned it. Today lethal levels are being reached.
Don't worry huezillian, you were alway a joke.
It depends on how much faith you put in Stalin, which should probably not be very much. If you think he was an idealist, then it was a terrible tale of collectivization gone wrong. If you think otherwise, it was clearly a way of crushing rebellious Ukrainians, many of whom had not forgotten the days of the Free Territory. The quotas were deliberately set so high that just in order to survive, people had to hoard grain for themselves. Then, anyone found hoarding grain was declared a Kulak and sent to the camps, or shot at home if they were lucky. Thus, the rest of them were too scared to hoard grain, so they just starved. It's the perfect crime: you can blame it on the Kulaks themselves or on an accident of an industrializing economy, whichever is more convenient.
>invades and steals vast swathes of land from rightful inhabitants
>forces them to pay taxes for it
>ropes them into the global economy and prevents them from engaging in subsistence agricultre
>makes their very survival dependent on cash crops, which they must grow on pain of death
>leaves them to crash and burn due to world war
>surprised when they're angry enough to kill but global economy still has them stuck in cash crops
What did he mean by this?
At some point it looked like I wouldn't be which is far better than what can be said of the US, the geopolitical equivalent of tard rage.
You forgot the
>sell them sterile crops so they can't even start their production cycle without your more expensive seeds
part. surely another miracle of capitalist technique
He wants to blame Africans for problems that are transparently the fault of colonialism.
Brazil is a shithole BECAUSE of socialism. I'm sorry you've been indoctrinated otherwise, but if you don't have freedom you have oppression, and Brazilians do not have much freedom, not economically, politically, or constitutionally. All the ones that do live outside of the law. And some are even safer for it. At least they have firearms to defend themselves with.
>Something my US friends might sympathize with, even though Obama was far from a social-democrat.
Holy dick you commies are stupid.
>The liberalisation of it
You're saying that the free market is killing capitalism? Capitalism is free trade, it doesn't kill itself.
Is there really any political philosophy that would make for a great roleplaying game?
I haven't been indocrinated, I just lived through 4 social democrat terms (not even remotely socialist btw) through which my life either improved or remained the same, and after half a neoliberal one I've lost a job, a scholarship grant and the prospect of another job in the area I actually studied for.
I've also lived long enough through 90s neoliberalism to know how little our money was worth and how remotely removed from reality the minimum wage was.
>his country still concerns itself with what other countries think it.
lmao @ ur lyfe huezillian.
Not him, but also huemonkey.
>Brazil is a shithole BECAUSE of socialism.
Tell me when we had a socialist government here?
>I'm sorry you've been indoctrinated otherwise
Ah, I see...
>Capitalism is free trade, it doesn't kill itself
kys my man
Seems like more of a Veeky Forums thread, since it's tankie debating rather than nazi debating
why is this here anyway?
Ask OP, I don't know.
Commies love to inject their poison wherever they can. Nothing is safe, not even your games.
Man, I wish they did it as much as the /pol/fags did.
Then at least I'd get some variance in my foreign memes.
Government control of an economy is socialism. Except in OG socialist countries they pretended they were all macho men workers, even the pencil pushers, so it was OK, because they were the perfect workers representatives. Now they've stopped pretending to be what they aren't, and they still have the same control.
>kys my man
Same argument tier as "Wow..." or "lol", which is to say, it's not.
>it's not political when it's not about hitler
Nah, fuck off.
most of the time le /pol/ boogyman shows up, it's because some commie showed up first. Commies never like admitting this though.
>government control of an economy is socialism.
Ah, I see you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Are you gonna say that it's the workers and not the government that are in charge, and therefore no country ever has been socialist?
So therefor Feudalism is socialism?
There are some impressively smooth brains in the world today given the power of the internet to look things up nearly instantly.
>Now pay taxes
>Go to prison/gulag for breaking revolutionary law
>These aren't enemies of the state, we don't have a state. These are counter-revolutionaries, they are enemies of the people's revolution
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and shits like a duck, it's a fucking duck.
>point out a single failure of capitalism
"that's not real capitalism"
>like oh I dunno say the 30,000 kids who starve to death every day
tell me more about how it successfully does the thing
>communism so successful it is your mortal enemy even just in China and Cuba
but we're expected to believe it is simultaneously a failure and a threat
it's not enough to be full of shit, you must be full of shit about how full of shit you are
Incorrect. it's usually because the /pol/tard THINKS a commie showed up, regardless of whether there were any pinkos around
There are and have been plenty of at least socialist aligned countries on earth, especially given the power labor movements had during the turn of the century to effect and control.
The socialist aspects of western nations are pretty integral to their success and high standards of living/growth of a middle class thanks to fordism etc.
I would argue a degree of socialism is actually kind of a prerequisite for pen and paper games, given that without constraints on capital and support for labor freeing policy no one would have free time to play them.
Wow, two arrows but not even a single character of my post quoted? You commies are getting even better at pretending you have an infallible argument while at the same time presenting none.
Your shitposting ends here
>Thinking that a system that is not based on the evil greedy nature of man will work for humanity.
But a thing that`s a bit fun is that we are steadily going backwards towards the system were one gets paid the minimum which will:
1. Keep the worker alive to get the job done (food, shelter)
2. Let the worker earn enough to reproduce the worker for tomorrow.
Because we can`t pay more or else it would not be in the interest of the stockholders.
>If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and shits like a duck, it's a fucking duck.
nice facebook logic
yeah, sure, it's always le boogyman and never you. Keep that narrative going for long enough and maybe someday you'll be able to fool someone.
>All these communists on Veeky Forums
That explains why this board is so shit nowdays.
t. living in former communist shithole