Don't you hate it when the Gm assumes your character's sexual values...

Don't you hate it when the Gm assumes your character's sexual values? I played in a game where our PCs were solving a mystery. My PC stayed the night at an NPCs house to do research to get more leads on the mystery. My PC had chemistry with the guy and developed a little crush on him. Apparently, that was enough reason for the GM to call it a fade to black moment.

My PC isn't a slut and would never give it up in such a manner just because she has a crush. Apparently, characters are open to flings/one-off affairs/casual sex unless otherwise specified.

Couldn't you just tell the gm that didnt happen?

isn't the point of a fade to black that what actually happens isn't stated? is it not perfectly plausible that the scene cut to black to conceal some extramarital handholding?

>mfw playing a celibate cleric

He faded to black because he didn't want to trigger the other manchildren at the table with the thought of a strong independent woman refusing the advances of a man she explicitly favored for anything as inconvenient and infinitesimally relevant as her "mood"

Next time you wana shitpost, at least make it interesting.

>extramarital handholding
abject depravity

>Fade to black
>The married couple returns after an intense headpatting session


Cal the mods, I don't give a fuck.

Roleplaying romance and sex is top tier cringe.

The fuck is a thot?

>Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a woman considered to be sexually provocative or promiscuous; a slut or whore. Origin of thot. acronym for t(hat) h(o) o(ver) t(here).

I, for one, am all for a more sexually promiscuous society.

In certain anime communities it's also sometimes used to describe jailbait (underaged) characters that are portrayed in sexual way.

>I, for one, am all for a more sexually promiscuous society.

Black speech. Reference of language I don't understand but it is bad.

I dislike it when the GM assumes something that negatively impacts me as a player and makes the game not fun.

>someone on the internet thinks I'm a girl
Oh gosh

You imply a "they had sex" fade to black.Are you sure that's what happened? There are other legitimate reasons to fade to black, such as skipping the scene to get back to RP the whole group could participate in quicker, or skipping uncomfortable NPC to PC flirting, crushing or 'chemistry development' however you'd call it.

Only you can answer if it really was bad faith on the GMs part or if you just assumed so. If it's the former, talk to them, explain your views and how you'd want such things to be played in the future. If it doesn't get better, look for another group that sees things more like you.

>Fade to black
>Everyone thinks it's sex
>It's actually something innocent
Just like my Japanese pretty girl anime

This board is blue, which means no nudity, crudity or lewdity. the sky outside is blue which means the world should be the same.

bein a whore aint woman exclusive

that's cute, but I'm going to fuck your sister, mother, and aunt.

But part of the definition you just gave is that it was a woman.

>The thought of the clear, blue sky makes me tear up
Explain this

drone strikes.
Also your eyes are not accumulated for the baleful daystar.

>baleful daystar

I can't wait until we can blot it out of the sky with a good dyson cloud.



Slut shaming should never, ever be a thing. We need more, not less.

I don't understand why pro-slut pro-kegel philosophy hasn't overtaken the world.
It would solve everything!

It will never happen the way you want it to. Those with property will always desire insurance against the usurpation of inheritance by unrelated parties, and will therefore on the general level refuse to risk having to raise children that are not genetically theirs.

It's why so few orphans get adopted and it's why your plan would require a 100% perfect contraceptive that isn't abstinence.

It's an instinct rooted so deep that the Toba supervolcanic eruption couldn't destroy it - what makes anyone think modern thought could do what a near extinction could not?


>playing a beastrace fighter
>tavern thot throws herself on to me
>play off that my character is gay to avoid even the implication with fade to black

As a closeted gay dude, I remember one session getting wrangled in character into a night of whoring and drinking in a game. Uncomfortably detailed whoring and such, that I had to rp through while hiding my discomfort. Really got railroaded into it cause plot, and Was really uncomfortable, especially with all the "har har vagoo amirite guys" going around the table as I tried to cringe my way through the session to the other side, but I couldn't object...

but yeah, I know relatively speaking this was...mild

>what makes you think
We've got garage gene modding clinics and are already in a state of rapid evolution to adapt to social and medical pressures.

I feel like we'll adapt to whatever way we decide to swing our social dick.