What's the most horrifying fate you've ever seen befall a PC?
I'm sure this is peanuts to some of you but I saw a friend's paladin get his brain sucked out by a mindflayer.
What's the most horrifying fate you've ever seen befall a PC?
I'm sure this is peanuts to some of you but I saw a friend's paladin get his brain sucked out by a mindflayer.
One of our PCs was torn to shreds by the spirits of Hell.
Pretty sure if your soul dies in Hell it dies for real.
>someone's most horrifying fate is just a routine checkup for her
Being Ribbon is suffering.
rocks fall, everyone dies
The devil's mouth in Tomb of Horrors.
Player quit the game. In game, our characters started receiving body parts that had belonged to his character. It took a while to decide that we should bother looking into what happened, but eventually we tracked down who was doing it.
And found that the quitter's character was still alive. Missing multiple body parts and organs, but still alive. It wasn't much of a reunion since moments after we found him, the explosives under his body detonated and blew his guts over the room.
Boiling tar from a murder hole.
>paladin get his brain sucked
And nothing of value was lost.
He was trapped in the core of the planet in stasis naked and unarmed with a very pissed off creature way over his capabilities of fighting that's upset at specifically him. He's waiting for someone powerful enough to pull him out of his forced slumber and rescue him from the beast.
Not really horrifying, but sad in a cosmic sort of way considering his motivation to leave his home was to help his family. Can't really give you horrifying 'cause games never last long enough for PCs to die
How can they suck what do not exist?
Being shot in the leg and then in the head for some crimes he did not commit. Thank Sigmar that he had a Fate point for that.
Sucked into a parallel universe and forced into an arranged gay marriage with Wesley Crusher.
Sold to a shady supernatural doctor for endless experimentation to test his werewolf genes until our solar system's sun burns out.
And that my children is the reason you don't fuck over the party nonstop for every session and for increasingly stupid reasons.
Fast character got his legs blown off due to a rocket fuel explosion in an abandoned missile facility in a homebrew apocalypse RPG. Couldn't move on his own and was forced to retire depressed in a wheelchair in an underground city.
Not really fucked up, but it's the only negative fate that I can recall.
For a PC to horribly die it means the GM usually goes a bit out of his/her way to fuck with him.
That being said, last session one of my players helped decapitate Rasputin's devil zombie form and then decapitate his demon snake cock and escape his exploding house, only to fall ill due to the poison in the demoncock's fangs and then die when an occult power user controlling his body functions slowed his heartrate a beat too slow. Guy died, went to hell for some shady things he did, Rasputin gota hold of him and they came back as a possessed demon undead lord with great powers, with Rasputin on the wheel.
Considering most people in that game come back as mindless zombies due to Death being away from the world, it's a nice comeback for his character. He's still playing but now for the bad guys.
That gets 8/10 on my FUBAR scale, personally. Nice.
I don't know about PC, but the worst off the top of my head was rescuing and befriending an NPC, then when she finally managed to strike it big and tried to do them a favor they took to it horrifically badly and wound up killing her boss and best friend (and her).
Yeah we were playing GURPS-ish doing a post-apocalyptic game and one of my friend's gf got captured by enemies after she tried to negotiate with a warlord who we were at war with. He killed one of the men she was travelling with, and threw the other one into a pit full of captured spider-monsters. Friend's GF's character was beaten on the legs and ribs with metal rebar, hard enough to hurt but not kill or really do anything too serious. They brought her into one room and interrogated her, cutting her arm each time she refused to answer a question, or answered unsatisfactorily. Once they'd gotten most of the answers they needed, she started failing Will checks and started to break down, they gave her drugs to knock her out and cut her hands off so that there was no way that she could escape or shoot a gun or attempt suicide, they locked her in a cell where they raped her and took photos with an old instant camera which they gathered to send to us by courier. They also forced her to masturbate herself as they beat her or lashed her with cat-o-nine-tails type weapons, trying to force her to have a pain fetish or something. They also stabbed holes in her and packed them with cotton until the bleeding stopped. Then they fucked the holes, or else fingered them to cause her pain. After that the warlord decided he was done having fun with her, he brought her up to the roof of the concrete fortress and pushed her off onto the concrete rebar spikes on a lower part of the wall which impaled her and she started slowly bleeding out. Some of the men keeping watch also pissed on her and laughed and threw rocks at her, and some crows eventually landed to start pecking at her and she couldn't do much to fend them off since her hands had been cut off. She quit the group after that campaign.
Was in a game of Changeling: The Lost, and the resident smartass insulted one of the True Fae in the face, who promptly turned him into a marrionette and tossed the poor fucker into a fire place. He was still alive.
Buried alive.
Insanity that led to flagellation and eventual death.
And scaphism (if I recall the name of that torture).
I remember your thread from a while ago, you are a horrible dm who clearly has some form of autism if you thought any of that was okay.
was this the comic that called Ayn Rand lawful good
I sincerely hope you're underage and/or playing online, if you're 20+ and did any of this at a table with people wtf is wrong with you?
His player got bored of him.
>Playing Shadowrun
>Pissed off the local Yakuza family by raiding one of their shipments for quick cash
>Screwed up the run, get ID'ed
>In revenge the Yaks grab our social infiltrator and turn them into a Bunraku doll, then return them to the party as a gift/warning
For those of you at home who don't know what a bunraku doll in Shadowrun is they gave the character a partial lobotomy and turned them into a sex slave with cybernetic brain implants.
>This edgy autistic shit
Nothing personnel, Kid.
Eaten alive by carnivorous worms
ha ha you sure got him
ha ha being passive-agressive means you win xD
You might be among the top 20 most overwhelmingly autistic people I've ever seen on this site.
>She quit the group after that campaign.
You dont say.
>cut off her hands
>forced to masturbate
dildos on the stumps?
This exchange makes my soul cringe
Dildo hands?
without wrists it'd be pretty hard to get the angle to insert
That's not how standard bunraku parlours work. You just chip them and the personafix does the rest. You don't need to lobotomise anyone.
Some assfuck had an idea to go find Neth, The Plane That Lives.
It didn't work out well.
A good point I overlooked. He got lobo'd to destroy his personality so there was only the hardwired persona fix left.
I wasn't the GM.
I'm 22 and the GM was 25 I think. It was at his apartment.
Why me?
Yeah not a surprise I agree...
She rubbed her wrists against it or something. I don't know. Maybe the GM forgot half of the shit he did to her and contradicted himself.
This is the spookiest shit in the thread.
No wait, scrolled own a bit. takes the cake.
Please stop posting.
Got a link?
Kidnapped, gangraped and mindbroken, presumably still an empty sex slave to this day.
kek one of our former players stuck his head in it
>Be Elf, Half-Elf, Dwarf and some other race that has night vision
>Be in the fucking underdark being hunted down by Orcs and Drow
>The fucking Human Monk decides to go his own way without any god damn torches or anything
>In a solo session he apparently decided to face off on 1v3 Orc squad
>DM just comes in next game and says "Yeah he's fucking dead"
how did I know this was coming
scaphism is being tied to a boat or boats and exposed to the elements, usually with honey or you or open wounds or something to make it worse
please tell me you guys were shitting on the GM while this was happening but he kept sputtering it out in feverish desperation
>So tell me user, what hobbies you do for fun?
One party member suffered the fate of Tithonus.
First character I ever witnessed takes the cake: the guy's bones were turned to gelatin, and he got to lie there in a heaving slump as our ship caught on fire and eventually sank to the bottom of the ocean.
its with open wounds, and honey poured on them (and sometimes IN the guy-- "ahem" multiple entry points) so that the wounds fester and that parasites/insects feed on the honey.
the insects lay eggs, and feast. iirc it lasted days if not weeks. basically the kind of torture a 13 year old edgy genius would come up with
i thought you were banned, virtualoptim
Became the Lord of an Abyssal Layer. We all thought it was a power upgrade at first, plus an entire plane to shape as a stronghold. Then we started discovering the downsides to the Abyss having a highway into the player's mind.
The Chaotic Evil wizard became the personal punching bag/torture method tester of the man whose wife and unborn twin daughters he killed. Turns out when you make deals for power from the same patron your greatest enemy serves, things tend to go a bit wrong.
>Has Fort 18 at 8th level, Will is 15
>Character doesn't believe in fixed destiny and all that shit so he stays outside while the rest of the party enters in a cave to have prophetic dreams about their destiny
>While inside user gets ambushed by 4 powerful members of a evil mercenary group that we have been stumbling upon several times
>He screams to call the attention of the party but GM says it will take a couple of turns the party to realize and wake up from the dream
>One of the ambushers, which had a grudge with the PC decides to go in a 1vs1 (guess the GM came up with that solution so he wouldn't have to fight alone against 4 dudes
>Rolls ini
>Ambusher goes first and attacks
>GM "Roll fort"
>GM "...I...fuck...you're paralized..."
>GM clearly doesn't know what to do
>GM "mmm...I guess they take you hostage?"
>Group is ready, goes outside and finds the 4 dudes and his friend tied and paralized
>GM "We want the macguffing, if you do no harm will fall upon you our your friend"
>Macguffing is a NPC btw
>Group knows they aren't going to keep their promise
>Macguffing, controlled by GM, goes with them without discussing it first with the party
>Macguffing and a 5th dude that appeared from nowhere teleport away
>Fight starts
>When user removes his ropes the fight almost ended, all his friends are down (dead) and only one enemy stands, who quickly runs away casting invisibility because he seems to be seriously damaged
>PC feels powerless as fuck
You don't need to kill a PC to make the player feel awful.
Btw, I was that player.
Player was paralyzed by the remains of a demi-lich. The demi-lich paralysis is special, in that it is specifically stated as being something that is indistinguishable from death without examination.
So the rest of the party tossed him in a hole and sprinkled some dirt on top. And they did this without looting his ring of sustenance.
>So the rest of the party tossed him in a hole and sprinkled some dirt on top. And they did this without looting his ring of sustenance.
What's so bad about that? He'd be able to get out after a while if it's just a bit of dirt.
We were too shocked to say much, honestly. Also he was one of the few decent GMs I've ever played with. He had a kinda creepy voice but he wasn't blubbering through the description, he barely stuttered at all. Maybe it's cause he drank a bit during the game. I don't know. That's not the first time he's done shit like that.