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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Have you ever made someone immortal? Who and why?
Have you ever faced any boss battles, if so what are they like?
If she ebul then must smite with slong
I used time travel to make some of the most famous philosophers and scientists from the past immortal. Ended up having a conversation with them about the future of mankind and told them to seek each other out. When I got back to the present they were more or less running things or simply acting as teachers and sages. Only downside was many of them believed me to be some kind of god, I disliked being in the spotlight so much.
jean grey gave her a healing factor and kept her in a room with nothing to do made of a psychic resistant substance at the bottom of the sea
>giving a potential Phoenix avatar immortality and making her go insane
that's a bancho-level bad plan
she's liable to get broken out or just get out eventually, and then she'll just burn everything forever
yes but i will be gone by then
I cursed House Stark to die from nothing other than entropy in Game of Thrones. This was entirely because I was too lazy to derail things the hard way.
Admittedly, I'm not quite sure if immunity to nonmagical attacks counts as immortality, but whatever, close enough.
Seems more like a blessing?
I took the elemental option in adventure time to be a candy elemental but now I would really rather change that to fire. Is there any way to do this?
It was totally a curse! I even have a whole speech about it!
I made Ozai in Avatar immortal, just to make him watch as the new world moved on without him, a united world free from his ideas and influence. He was pretty pissed off. I brought Korra, who I had taken in as a student, to see him once. She had no idea who he even was, since I didn't tell her, and she was unimpressed with what she saw. After a few minutes, she asked if we could leave to train more, since this was boring.
It's a good thing that Aang took his bending, because otherwise I think Ozai would have melted his cell through sheer rage.
I AM the boss battle! But yeah, I've faced several boss battles in my time, the most memorable being my fight against Metal Black Frost in Classic Sonic. The two of us fought not only over who was the real Black Frost, but over which one of us was hammier, and then Eggman came in. Between the three of us, the scenery had pretty much been devoured. I won, of course, but I let Eggman rebuild him later because it was so much fun.
YOU ARE CURSED TO BE THE BEST AT BLOWJOBS! Sure you dont have to give them but that is sure a lot of wasted talent.
Why would you do that?
People I like. Then once I have the means, basically everyone gets immortality with an opt-out option.
Thanks again, Photoshop user!
>File name
Hey, as part of the Hero Academia update, I decided to rewrite Quirk Marriage to hopefully clear up the confusion more than a few people had with how it works and interacts with Empowered Quirk. It's exactly the same as it was before in function, just different wording, so is this clear to everyone?
-"Quirk Marriage" (100+): Quirk Marriages are marriages out of convenience, couples with powerful Quirks getting together in hopes of even stronger offspring. They’re often loveless and just kept up for appearances outside of that though.
Whether because of convenience or love however, your parents quirks lined up just so to give you something rather interesting. You may purchase two Quirks from the Quirk section instead of one, the second Quirk being “Free.”
Treat these Quirks as belonging to your parents, and you getting the hybridized result, something entirely new. Depending on the Quirks selected, your parents Quirks might merge into a cohesive whole in you, or something oddly clashing like Todoroki’s Half-Hot, Half-Cold.
For the purposes of “Empowered Quirk,” treat your Quirk as being the highest tier of the two “parental Quirks” you selected. The price of Quirk Marriage is the price of the second Quirk, +100.
As someone may only have two biological parents, likewise you are unable to purchase Quirk Marriage more than once.
No but you could turn to comfort eating.
>Only able to quirk marry once
>Not having quirk marrying grandparents too
Mordin Solus. Just for trolling all other salarians.
Reverse soul destruction - how?
Such a lust for quirks! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO
God dangit user, there's enough confusion going around with just one degree of quirk marriages, I don't wanna invite a whole family tree.
Wait does this mean One For All is a quirk homebreaker, and All For One is the center of a quirk harem?
Soul magic from Dark Souls. What could possibly go wrong?
I kind of want a cheaper version of marriage that only combines aesthetics instead of giving you added power or utility, but I'm not going to ask you to implement that because it'd probably be a nightmare of wording and rules lawyering.
Find all the little individual soul pieces and astrally glue them back together.
When in doubt, use All Fiction.
I suddenly had the idea of, when the DB Super comes out, Jumper using All Fiction while in Zen-O's presence. His response is:
>You are like a little baby, watch this
I have no idea why I find this idea so hilarious.
Does the Nobunaga granted by the Nobu event in FGO come with her nerfed FGO stats and lack of her best NP?
There was a perk in medaka box that could do it. But I think that jump is no longer accepted since val replaced it.
dont like jean or scarlet witch so it was her or quicksilver's sister and i like him to much plus his sister is already crazy im not putting the final nail in
>You are like a little baby, watch this
Is that Zen-O or Jumper?
But yeah, everyone's horrified faces would be priceless.
> Zen-O erases the universe.
> It turns out that was fiction.
What are some good uses for Free Climbing from Medaka Box?
Actually I think we kept both jumps.
We did, just jump both of them at the same time to mess around.
Enhancing the quality of your maniacal laughter a thousand fold!
Eh, that doesn't operate on the same scale. The only way anyone would know it's impressive is if you used it to erase Zeno or something.
Jumpers! How did the Foundation reacted to the discovery of your true nature? How did the discovery took place? What were their measures to contain you and how effective were there?
They didn't. I didn't. Dunno.
As part of Reinhard or Yato's legions he vastly increases his powers. He was able to compete with Mercurius' attacks and in the sequel he apparently is a walking All-Fiction on a Hadou scale.
Use it in conjunction with that style that lets you make 800^2 of yourself. You can turn yourself into 800,000 Jumpers, then each of those 800,000 can become another 800,000, for a total of 6.4*10^11 Jumpers, or 640 billion Jumpers. Plus, all of you should be using Free Climbing on yourselves in order to make each of you 1,000 times stronger than normal. I don't know if multiple people with Free Climbing could stack their multiplications, but shit gets even loonier if you can. Then, combine THAT with Polymerization from the Duel Monsters Heroes jump and start fusing with yourself. Since all of you have Polymerization, all of the resulting fusions will also have Polymerization, so all 640 billion of you can combine into a single being that's far more than the sum of its parts.
Or just multiply the length of your arm so you can punch people from across the room.
Three dimensions/sizes. Powerlevels. Perks that have numbers in them clooooones. Age. Relationships, once you figure out how to quantify them. Your strength, for purposes of curbstomping or limiting yourself for funsies/training. Having a thousand souls, maybe?
Go to Kubera. Become huge. Become x1000 huge. Engage Medaka Sue or that one capstone for even more powerful Free Climbing and hugeness.
Buy the Remina Hellstar capstone.
Since I was already an SCP, me being an interdimensional demon was something they knew from the start. They found out when I showed up one day and did my usual shtick, and they managed to catch me. As for how they kept me contained? It's sort of complicated, since I had a bunch of perks for not being able to be imprisoned or restrained, so it ended up being a sort of tug of war, with my perks letting me constantly escape and them constantly finding new ways to imprison me. By the end of the jump, I held the record for most escapes, and even managed to legitimately escape the Foundation once entirely. I ended up letting them recapture me though, because it was more fun constantly escalating with the Foundation then it was just screwing with the populace like normal.
I think I said this before, but playing around with people's measurements is probably good for a laugh.
More CP.
Use it with Window in the Wall.
Instead of breaking the fourth wall, you break the four thousandth wall.
Find out what happens when you get 10000 Gnosis in Anima.
>Jumper punches Jump-chan's creator's creator's creator's creator's creator
>Jumper breaks so many walls, he winds up back where he started
>Jumper just stares in confusion, trying to figure out what just happened and how he got back here
>meanwhile, all of reality is starting to fall apart, and the Benefactor is just laughing her ass off at the entire spectacle
Use it on itself so you can multiply things by 1000000.
Level 100000 pokémon?
Hey nubee, If you were planning on adding the love quirk idea I had I would like to request it being called love lucky.
Oh shit can you use Window in the Wall to waifu Worm user?
They cant contain a lot of scps. God for example is only there voluntarily.
What are some anti reality warper defenses?
Magicka resurrection.
Well sure, I know that. The thing was that they COULD contain me, I just kept escaping.
SCP is written by a lot of authors, and even if they try to be cohesive, it's not clear at all the true extent of their power. They are simultaneously losing the battle to some street-level entities while being able to keep at bay and dealing with extradimensional threats. They have various ways to evacuate the entire Earth or even reset their timeline.
Can you share of those perks to prevent you from remaining captured?
>Get 9000 souls in Soul Eater
>Get 23000 Souls (+ another 161000 Second Circles) in Infernals
I wonder if having 193000 souls that are also me would be a valid way to get to Briah.
Godslayer from Alterworld D. Rus, Living Miracle from Heaven's Lost Property, Access Denied from Digimon World 2, Dreamless Sleep from Nightmare on Elm Street. And it's more offensive, but Q This from Star Trek DS9/TNG.
Wow. Thanks user.
Godslayer from Alterworld D. Rus and Q This from Star Trek TNG+DS9. The former makes you immune to being affected directly by reality warping unless you allow it and the latter neutralizes the reality warping powers of any being that you're in direct contact with.
Probably. I mean, only one of those is attached to your Ahnenerbe (I would think, but you might want to ask Val and/or NuBee), so only one of them should count as "yours" for the purposes of Die Ekigweit.
Who should I use lost password from Medaka Box on?
NP. And I forgot a couple: Unconquered from Exalted: the Solars (also Shaping Defenses in-setting but they're arguably not as good because the rules for them are vague as fuck). And maybe... Something in Fate GO? It's one of the boosted Hero capstones, but I can't remember what it's called at the moment.
Sure, why not, but it was going in as a Tier 0 so it'll be weaker than originally suggested before Quirk Enhancement.
I thought the Sonychu jump had a "You are chris chan" drawback?
>being the almighty idiot god of your mad universe
Someone in a xianxia, probably. Imagine their face.
Sounds good to me friendo, By the way are you still taking ideas for OC quirks?
I mean it more as being the equivalent of IRL chrish chan on the real world, maybe it was just a scrapped idea.
The King from Sekai Oni.
>"It's too bad the theoretical ex-girlfriend of mine behind this pink cat turned troll on me,-"
I've reread this five times, still don't understand and feel like I lost a few brain cells. What?
Thanks dude. I got all the Quirk Spots filled but if you want to throw suggestions I'm open to them. Haven't written anything up yet so some of the ones currently noted could be moved out if I really like something. After this I'm probably going right into the write up though.
>Make all your charms E1000 (also have E1000)
>Become a level 100000 character in Overlord
>Become a 3000-D being
>Become a Super Saiyan 40000
>Mantra Level 8000
Are there any perks that are basically Compression+Gigantic combo from Creepypasta?
Have you ever accidentally caused havoc among the normies just by doing things considered normal in other settings?
So here's an X-Men Jumpchain I've been working on for a minute. Still in its early stages though.
Why are you referring to movie only events in the Quicksilver power? If you're making an evolution jump, actually make an evolution jump.
Hey NuBee, I have a strange request for you whenever the next Bloodborne update (sometime next year/decade/century/millennia/etc). Could you add a closet of Victorian-style clothes to the items list? The gear in Bloodborne is just so stylish, I'd like a set of it to take with me.
Just clothes or including different clothing/armor sets from the game?
powers section should be before companions section imo
>I've reread this five times, still don't understand and feel like I lost a few brain cells. What?
Chick who Chris-Chan based the pink cat on IRL couldn't take his autism any longer and broke up with him, the already established character he had in the series got written off. I think that's what was ment to be said there. Sonichu is a weird place but Chis-Chan is weirder than anything he's ever personally put together. He's the only person who is so reviled that there is a wiki devoted to reviling him.
What is the least known jump we have?
Duplication might be too powerful. Compare to Teen Titans' Self-Duplication that is both weaker and pricier.
>I've reread this five times, still don't understand and feel like I lost a few brain cells. What?
I'm going off of second hand knowledge, but I think Chris thought he had a shot with the girl from the Danger Dolan videos with a pink cat avatar. It obviously didn't work.
Don't we have one from an alternate universe?
Inter-Jump balance.
Worst girl.
Both would be nice, but Id be happy with the clothes if the gear is too much trouble.
Masters of Red?
Dragon warrior monsters.
Jumpers! tell me what weapons are you working on ?