>"Zombie" disease.
>More and more people have to eat human flesh to survive and reject other food. Otherwise they stay normal.
How would we deal with it?
>"Zombie" disease.
>More and more people have to eat human flesh to survive and reject other food. Otherwise they stay normal.
How would we deal with it?
Either kill them all or grow human flesh in Petri dishes.
Quarantine. Purges. Scorched Earth.
In that order.
Would human flesh alone be enough to have a well rounded diet, though?
>Kill all the zombies
Right way to deal with it.
>Start Human Meat Farm
Capitalist Way to deal with it
>Starve everybody so everybody is eating human flesh
Communist way to deal with it
So, basically the premise of tokyo ghoul?
Purges desu.
If it gave immortality as a side effect, then all the psychopaths would seek to gain the disease as it'd give ever lasting life and there's thousands of millions of nobodies in Africa and Asia that they could eat.
Also depends on the amount. 300g a day? You could kill one human every month and do fine since about 40% of a person is 'edible'. All depends on how moral you want to be but in all honesty, about 2/3rds of the world is useless trash and completely disposable, hence why it tries to shit in your streets instead of its own sand box.
>grow human flesh in Petri dishes
This would be the correct way of dealing with it.
Fundies and idiots would get rustled, though, so we'd end up just purging everyone with the disease.
If that's all it does, then quarantine is necessary. Some people are going to starve themselves or kill their loved ones when they lose control from hunger, but the real danger is people who will kill at the first twing. It's important to lock them up before they become organized.
Depending on a lot of things: how is it transmitted? how many people have been infected before the doctors realize it's a disease? Is there a way to tell if people have the disease without a medical check?
I guess they will isolate all the infected so that they eat themselves until a cure is found.
literally Tokyo Jewle
>the correct answer is the one that is logistically impossible at this current juncture in time and will be for decades
So are you retarded?
>logistically impossible
You mean financially unfeasible because we have cheap food. If it was all zombie virus people could eat, they could do it en masse and charge a weeks worth of groceries instead. It's just not competitive in a market with £3 a kg chicken and beef.
Why kill? Why not just crack open a cold one? We usually don't use muscles in transplants, so if you signed the rest of your body away to help others anyway, why not?
The cannibals would seize power in government, banking and media, then make it heresy to criticize them.
Because wiping out some random shitty village in Africa is a pastime over there and they really couldn't care about wiping out opposing tribes of people if there's a profit to be made from their land. Add in a few thousand in hard cash for 'corpse disposal' and you have a perfect market for African warlords and politicians.
>Capitalist Way to deal with it
It’s only capitalist if the meat consents
Hey, it was given a chance to say no. If it didn't want to be eaten it should have taken it. Jenkins down in processing even packed together an hilarious "meatman" with button eyes, a carrot nose, a MAGA hat, and delicious gravy sweat. It held up a sign saying, "No, really, it's fine. We're so delicious even we'd eat ourselves."
So it's fine. Eat up!
>Fundies and idiots would get rustled, though, so we'd end up just purging everyone with the disease.
Fundies generally dont care what you do so long as you dont murder babies to do it.
Ghouls >>>>> Zombies
So it is some kind of mind altering parasite that commands the host to be canabilistic?
Also ghoul is the traditional word for cannibal. Zombie is a voodoo concept of a person awakened from death and was used for slavery.
Let them eat eachother
The same way we always do. Jank up prices and give praise to our God mammon. Also kill a lot of slightly darker people. Not to make steaks out of them. Just because.
>I have no clue about communism or history or economics but I must shit post.
HEY! Would YOU eat a big pile of spoiled meat? No? Well zombies wouldn't either, you fucktard! Even the undead has higher standards than you!
So market liberal capitalism?
But they aren't really undead, now are they? They remain normal as long as they eat
Dead meat can only consent. My lawyers and lobbyists made sure it is that way.
Wow, extreme butthurt in that reply.
Fun fact: the closer the meat is to you the more nutritious it is. This is because it more closely matches your nutrient profile. Human meat is more nutritious for humans than any other kind of meat.
>zombies can only eat human flesh
>weeks later all zombies die of scurvy
>problem solves itself
There is nothing normal about their condition. Besides, those chunks you ate off your zombie neighbor now can't eat meat themselves so clearly they'll return zombie.
Checkmate, meatierologists!
Sounds plausable but unproven, because the nutrition needed for maintence of a body is not always the same as its steady state composition.
Namely calories which can be aquired from carbs, fat or protien. Meat tends to be low carb and for non-Americans the fat content may vary, especially if we're talking cultures where famine is just one poor harvest away.
Dude, what? Do you not know how carnivores work? They just need to eat humans who drank a lot of OJ. Problem solved.
>humans stop taking in vitamins to make themselves thoroughly un-nutritious to zombies
>humans die off of scurvy
>zombies can't get the vitamins they need
>zombies die off of scurvy
Except not really. It doesn't work quite like that
Human meat gives you iron poisoning. Don't eat that
Cure the disease
Other than that make a solution that zombie people can add to normal meat and assimilate what they need to survive without actually eating people
I wouldn't recommend it. Sure you can say it's made from the same basic stuff as you so incredibly easy for your body to work with, however it ALSO has extremely high probability that any bacteria, parasites, viruses (non-zombie!) are acclimated to human hosts. Eating your own species is an extremely risky proposition long term. Next thing you know the zombies are struggling with the ethical dilemma of what to do with all the insane prion infected humans.
Can the infected eat each other? We can put them in concentration camps and let time take care of the rest.
And...that seems more humane to you than just dumping them in a pit, pouring on gas, and tossing in a match?
lol that's what i thought too
Eat all third worlders.
They're most likely to be the zombies, actually.
High child mortality means that there are a lot of death babies and stillbirths.
No one has to change the "# of Days Without An Accident" sign over the forge
>Ignoring predator impurity concentration issues among other things
Yeah, you know what? Let's just shoot those guys. I don't know what I was thinking.
See now you're just wasting bullets. Get to the fucking Home Depot and buy an ax, you lazy bastard.
Human "zombies" have to eat food with donated blood as a sauce.
Would be kind of interesting.
Starting to sound a bit too much like a non-masquerade vampire infested setting where vampires even have their own "soda" mixing station with various types of blood on tap.
Prion diseases only affect those with genetic susceptibility in the first place.
also prions, human meat gives humans prions which is in itself a horrible way to die. Not even zombies should be immune to that.
kill the infected, as they are doomed to cannibal-death anyway from prions.
>Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
>Humans cannot produce vitamin C
Create a lottery.
You mean like Leftists?
>the correct answer to the physically impossible situation we're presented with is an equally fantastical solution
You're surprised why?
Overpopulation and famine fixed in one fell swoop.
Nothing a bullet in the head won't cure
There's a comic about this exact scenario
>uneducated butthurt faggot doesn’t like hearing the truth
Take all the "waste material" from plastic surgeons and abortion clinics, blend, serve chilled.
>So market liberal capitalism?
Pretty much.
OP's form of zombism is basically just a market force, capitalism will ensure market solutions.
I'm thinking farms of lower-classes tucked away like /pol/'s FEMA camps.
Tell them to eat yogurt
There's gonna be a lot less homeless people, I can tell you that much.