>The DM tries to deliver social/political commentary through the narrative of his/her campaign
The DM tries to deliver social/political commentary through the narrative of his/her campaign
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I do this all the time and I don't think my players ever catch on.
Either I'm more clever than I think or they're just dumb. I think it might be the latter because I can get pretty on the nose with it
Agreed, Plato should have kept his Suetopia to himself.
>story has racial persecution of a minority, that is portraid as brutal and not quite fair
>OP gets triggered and starts screaming about jew propaganda and lefty cucks
So how do you expect the GM to build a world without politics? I mean, he has to write on things he actually knows something about, and can't expect all to be four times humanities graduates.
But you don't even play RPGs.
Yes, and COMMIES FUCK OFF too.
Just keep your gorram stupid politics out of roleplaying, period.
I mean, my GM's doing a sci-fi/mecha campaign with some obvious sociopolitical commentary on scientific investment, overpopulation, and pollution, and eh, it works fine. It's a fun campaign, and we've had some great roleplay opportunities.
Granted most of our group are unabashedly liberal or don't give a shit about politics, so it's fine.
>GM uses people with superpowers that arguably make them much stronger than the majority populace as an allegory for oppressed minorities
So X-Men?
Yeah basically.
> Being this triggered by something the DM said last session you make a thread on a Far Eastern Doodle website
This is such a generic meme. Almost all plots will involve social and political commentary, because those are most of people’s lives when they are not a dirt farmer a century or more ago.
>There’s an evil king!
What’s his plot?
>Well he manufactured orc raids to the south to target the southern house’s challenging his succession. After killing the good lord, he is ensuring only the loyal remain.
But why?
>Well he started to do it because the economy slagged with poor seasons (caused by the gods frowning on the king), and he needed the justification to take supplies from a neighboring state. Now the people are on his side again and he’s building up an army to secure the kingdom
This is sounding too real. What are we supposed to do?
>Mostly just kill things and loot important places for evidence and valuables.
Oh, OK then.
Most everyone is onboard with slaying the monarchy or some evil corporation or something, but that’s an extremely political plot line.
If it applies to the setting it is fine. If there are fembois in a medievil setting thats not okay.
>GM makes Hitler an enemy
What a fucking libcuck amirite
> The players are so ingrained in their social/political opinions they see, and are offended by, unintended political commentary in the narritive of my campaign.
It's tough sifting through all that darkness. Whatever happened to just playing D&D?
Or you know they try not to encourage the behavior by ignoring it.
>PC plays an obvious current day political character
>Makes fallacy's about the character they are parodying
>Everyone thinks it is funny but you
>Jokes aren't even original
>Even slows down the game because of it
>You the reader are going to make assumptions on who it is and call me out on it
Play along. After a few sessions tell him that %bullshit ideology% actually working is a good spin on high fantasy.
>player/gm argues that modern morals are right for the alignment system in a fantasy setting.
>"Alright guys! The wizard informs you that the Evil King will be instigating an army of undead to take over the land!"
>"Hey GM why is your campaign so anti-monarchist?"
>"You have an evil king but the place we're defending is a direct democracy."
>"You should really keep politics out of your game!"
>"So the evil dragon had kidnapped the princess!"
>"Hey why do you have the money-hoarding god beast assault the small farmland kingdom!? You got something against CAPITALISM GM?"
>"It's world war 2 and you guys are allies fighting against the Nazi Regime who are trying to conjure an elderitch evil to help conquer Euro-"
We had Hitler as a PC a few years back, actually.
Or at least, what we called "Good Hitler", who was a genetically engineered clone of Hitler designed by the CIA and loved Jews, Poles, gays and black people. His mission was to convert a resurfacing Nazi party into being more tolerant members of society.
He ended up becoming the president at the end of the campaign.
Pretty sure we'd piss off just about every political view with this bullshit these days.
Have you considered all narratives are political
>325. Even if he was a paragon of humanity in his alternate dimension, Good Hitler is not an appropriate superhero concept.
>shadowrun game
>my character is a mundane soldier, no awakened anything
>long-term client is mysterious buddhist dragon temple
>we're low level runners hunting down paracritters and breaking into corp bioresearch facilities
>things get more and more shady, get plenty of money but never meet this 'true dragon' face to face
>ask in-character "So what's with all these dragons pretending to be humans? They pull all our strings and manipulate everyone. Why is no-one doing anything about this?"
>game grinds to a screeching halt as everyone angrily argues about how my character is being so racist and unfair to the poor misunderstood dragons
I had to defend myself from real life accusations of racism because I had my character say that he didn't appreciate being a pawn for immortal alien magical avatars of greed and ambition.
>can't make a setting in early industrial era because that would trigger right-wingers and libertarians
>can't make a setting in a totalitarian dystopia because that would triggers populists and left-wingers
>can't make a setting in a fascist state because that would trigger right-wingers and libertarians
>can't make a setting in a corrupt Byzantine democracy because that would trigger left-wingers and libertarians
If I did any of of this 2-3 years ago I would only offend maybe half of those that would be offended now at most. I want to blame the "progressives" for starting this trend, but I already dislike them and I am aware of the possibility of me just wanting to blame them.
Politics doesn't have to be a problem, but the "everything is political" crowd collectively decided to politicize everything and now we can't have nice things. Name me one pundit that shouldn't be fired from his or her job for the greater-good.
Your group doesn't understand SR if they think being distrustful of dragons and their agents is a bad quality. It's in the goddamn tagline.
>be DMing
>game is about a bunch of travelers who settle in a new continent
>the adventurers are suppose to help build the village up and explore
>eventually a quest comes up about blue-haired individual seen around the area
>they find her, she's an elf of the new continent
>bring her back to the village to introduce her and hopefully open up relations with her own village
>they take her to eat at a tavern and after about an hour's worth of RP she gets confused at the concept of money and paying
>she tells the players that back in her village the concept of money does not exist
>everyone helps each other out and gets access to goods freely
>suddenly, one player
>communism does not work, what the fuck
>another player, it CAN work
>NO IT CAN'T, here's why
>but it is possible, here's why
>players are now arguing real life politics
>try to stop them so we can get back on track
>they refuse, they must argue this
I think OP means explicit description of a political problem, so:
> "We have suffered for many generations, just because we, beastfolk/orcs/elves, are not considered equal in the eyes of humanity!"
> "Oh, my poor daughter, she's going to be sold to some crazy aristocrat. Oh, if only the free folk would understand that us and them are pretty much the same!"
> "Down with the regime of The Man! Freedom for everyone! Let's storm the King's castle and proclaim equality! And also invent perfect version democracy/socialism on the fly."
Instead of:
> "Yeah, our king is pretty fucked up. Would be nice if he was gone, but could you please just get rid of goblins around the woods?"
>Play games with roommate’s younger brothers
>never have to deal with any of this
You know 3 years ago those 3 first things would just be called "world building".
Admittedly it's fairly hamfisted but
It only works in very small communities, which I'm assuming she's from.
>can't make a setting in a totalitarian dystopia because that would triggers populists and left-wingers
I mean, I'm pretty sure my left-wing leaning and fairly progressive group would totally love it, especially as some cyberpunk bullshit.
Granted we might not fall under the whole "everything is political" crowd.
you're all stupid. "dragons" in shadowrun are a not particularly subtle representation of ultra-rich business magnates. the game is explicitly a critique of capitalism, so complaining about the others "bringing politics into it" is moronic, but so is treating dragons as a race of people when they are clearly a symbolic representation of a class (who, incidentally, are almost all white men in real life).
What's that game coming out that is getting shit on for being Dystopia cause feminism or something? The Last Night?
I couldn't come up with anything more obnoxious.
I think it would be pretty easy to tell if GM would turn campaign into political statement. Like NPCs showing various pros of the regime via NPCs, basically saying, "See? This is paradise right here".
>DM tries to make the game about more than You Good Dude, Smash Evil Dude
If your players/GM aren't dipshits and can respond to things in character, then it works and can make things more engrossing. Try it sometime.
I don't see a problem with this.
>who, incidentally, are almost all white men in real life
True, but only a certain (((group))) of them.
Have you considered all sciences to be physics?
Just because everything might be related to something doesn't mean you should force people to that route. Just because I'm talking about antibodies and biological indicators doesn't mean it's warranted to go off on a tangent about quarks and elections because the antibodies are chemical.
Frankly I didn't give a fuck about it at first, but now that he's been declared some sort of dairy-drinking avian (the actual term is so fucking dumb) I am now curious.
I do hope that there is some nuance and subtlety in his plot, though. I don't want to enter into an obnoxious reverse antifa fantasy.
I think it's fair for a GM to want his story to say more than just "Him bad guy you good guy go kill" the problem I think you have is when it becomes clear the OOC morals are meant to be directly analogous with IRL events which both ruins the mood and also has the uncomfortable implication of all or nothing morality that's sadly plaguing society.
If you say "Yea I think racism is bad" then suddenly you're THE TYPICAL SJW WHO THINKS WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD DIE despite the fact you said nothing of the sort.
I hadn't heard of this before or the game, but from a quick glance at Wikipedia, it looks it like it was mostly some bullshit he said about gamergate, which I'm seriously surprised people are still talking about.
... But is it ok to be white though? :^)
All the best fantasy fiction is expressly political. michael moorcock and ursala le guin are left anarchists, china mieville is some sort of trotskyite, alan moore is some sort of pagan anarchist, micheal swanwick is clearly some sort of socialist. On the conservative right, tolkien, c s lewis, r e howard, lovecraft, etc. all have very clear political views that are clearly visible in their books and have had a massive influence on the genre, usually for the worse. This idea that we can pretend fantasy storytelling, the real heart of the rpg experience, has ever been or can ever be apolitical is totally moronic.
no just the bourgeoisie
>i would rather play the most generic fantasy game possible rather than engaging with the setting in a meaningful way
you do you user
I've been seeing everyone say it's problematic and shit. Dunno, I'm not extremely interested. It has a pleasing art style. Just seeing the dystopian offending people made me think of it.
If niggers can go around getting called stupid niggers for 100+ years you can stomach a couple stupid memes of rainbow haired womyn shooting you in the head.
grow some fucking testicals fatty
> PCs arrive into town, join one of several gangs of thugs
> at the same time work for guilds, assist guards with arresting other gangs
> work for a shady aristocrat that may be BBEG for this arc
> PCs don't give a fuck about politics, just want to get gold, buy wagon and move on
I dunno man, there are lots of things you can do that don't involve politics directly.
That's fucking great. I'd totally allow that in a private game. Did he have an autobiography titled 'Mein Kampf Against Mein Kampf'?
> PCs don't give a fuck about politics, just want to get gold, buy wagon and move on
So I see you support the American-Capitalist notion of intervening in local affairs soelely for the sake of profits then moving on and setting up further disturbances within the place so as to further your own economic agenda.
>Have you considered all sciences to be physics?
>Just because everything might be related to something doesn't mean you should force people to that route. Just because I'm talking about antibodies and biological indicators doesn't mean it's warranted to go off on a tangent about quarks and elections because the antibodies are chemical.
i know you assholes think the only degrees that matter are the STEM courses you dropped out of, but nonsensical shit like this is why more people should study English
Just stop injecting your fucking political fetishes into Veeky Forums. It's not that hard.
Well just shut your whore mouth, white guy. You are the one lacking genitals to the point of being triggered by everyone and everything, and feeling the need to shit up every board under the sun with your shitty opinions because of it.
>Have you considered all sciences to be physics?
That would be retarded, while most stories have social or political conflict.
There is literally nothing wrong with that, no matter how much people make it out to be wrong.
You just got baited son. Thanks for proving a point.
The sjw crowd tends to bring it up every now and then, like some kind of boogieman (like the retarded narrative that gamergate - > the alt-right - > donald trump) . And sometimes it's enough to bring the hashtag back to life for a couple of days.
>two wrongs make a right
It's like you want the race war to actually happen or something
>tfw my country didn't even have slaves
Go eat a bag of niggerdicks, we only mistreated the jews and those fuckers deserved it.
>shouldn't have poisoned our wells, made our men impotent, our women infertile, eaten our babies, made our milk sour and fornicated with the devil, all after stealing our money
>Just stop injecting your fucking political fetishes into Veeky Forums. It's not that hard.
but its so much fun
Fuck off. If you want to send a message, use Western Union. Or shitty Soviet snail mail, you pinko bastard.
A tabletop game is not your personal fucking platform. If you're going to dedicate time to political worldviews in your RPG, you'd better give all sides a shot at it, and not half-ass it for the groups you disagree with.
my games depict the natural progression of all societies towards either communism or barbarism, i'm not about to let my players join the nazis and have everything be fine.
>user tries to deliver social/political commentary through shitposting on Veeky Forums
What your games depict is the natural progression from a DM with players towards to one without.
>If you say "Yea I think racism is bad" then suddenly you're THE TYPICAL SJW WHO THINKS WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD DIE despite the fact you said nothing of the sort.
In 2017, we have this thing I like to call "unintentional implications". Extremists have gained a foothold in our political spheres and have become targets of their opponents. Right-wingers get offended by Wolfeinstein because they think "liberals think every Right-winger is a Nazi". Left-wingers get trolled by "It's ok to be white." because they think it implies that not being white is not ok (though to be fair while expressions of anti-white sentiments have risen so have white nationalist groups). Everyone assume the worst of you the moment you have an opinion.
You also have this push-pull system into extremism that is generated by groups refusing to interact with each other, either through censorship or hostility. Everyone stays in their communities and gets filtered snippets of their opposition, which further hardens their hearts. Our puny human minds struggle handling the idea that people think differently from us, have different experiences, and don't have the same knowledge. Myopia as been exploited by extremists and fanatics to try to make themselves more relevant.
My solution is to recognize that things may be complicated and to give people the benefit of the doubt. If they end up having an opinion you find ridiculous, control your knee-jerk reaction and remain calm. Try to find out why they have this opinion so that when you try to change it you know how to change it.
I tend to comment less than I tend to /lay out/. Simply present one of the social systems I think could work and see how my players react.
I've had a lot of fun with throwing genuine divine right monarchies and syndicalist federations at them.
Personally I'm so far off the political compass I believe I can give almost any political/social system a fair hearing without feeling shilly/biased doing so.
That being said, I do plead guilty where it comes to portraying the intelligence community as evil.
TL;DR: In my tabletop campaigns I portray every political system as well as I possibly can (even things I know are objectively evil like Stalinism/Maoism) but aim to keep the 'moral' aspect in the background.
PS: I can't won't and shan't be hindered in commenting on recent scientific breakthroughs. Fuck you.
No, but I vaguely remember him having some kind of rap album with a title that was some pun on "Mein Kampf", but I don't remember exactly what it was.
His concept in general was apparently half based on this video, so you can imagine what the details were like.
A group of heroes killing a dragon because it was terrorizing the land has a political/social message, user. Just because a message is simple or you agree with it doesn't make it less political.
I know you may think that I'm just some STEMfag that you can just look down upon because you made """the better choice""" and I'm just some unsophisticated dickhead, but I pursue what I like and I enjoy making tangible contributions to society.
I hope that whatever you are in is something contributing to the stability and prosperity of society and not the further decay of political discourse.
>Left-wingers get trolled by "It's ok to be white." because they think it implies that not being white is not ok
see, there's a misunderstanding here. most left-wingers have no problem with people being white - hell, as rightwingers like to point out, as if we hadn't noticed, a lot of anti-racist lefties actually are white themselves! the only thing is that white people need to be aware of how they benefit from living in a global order founded on white supremacy, which, when you get down to it, really isn't that hard.
There is no problem inserting political problems into a roleplaying campaign.
There is a problem when the GM paints one political solution as vastly superior to all the others in order to convey how that political slant is superior to the others.
>wrong way: oh you must protect these noble elves against the evil humans who don't approve of the elves laying with beast folk, the evil humans want to kill all of the elves because they think laying with beast folk is unnatural and also the noble elves sought to change the humans mind by assassinating their king with violent anal hippo rape. What do you mean you don't want to help the elves?
>right way: The elves and the humans are at the brink war after an assassination of the human king by an extremist splinter group, due to his expansionist policies. Into this conflict the party is tossed after the borders have been closed by magic. How do you want to proceed?
>dairy-drinking avian
Tit sucking tit?
>Everyone assume the worst of you the moment you have an opinion.
Pretty much.
>I don't think that a bakery should be forced to decorate a cake for a gay wedding.
>Bigot! You just hate LGBT people! Love will win!
>Making blanket statements about individuals because of their race isn't right.
>Cuck! Race traitor! You're just a self-hating white traitor!
>tfw you inject racial persecution of your character's minority into the DM's plotline
>tfw you then ride their movement to enrich your character, and act as their ambassador simply for the status
It's called white guilt and living in good communities, thats why a lot of lefty's are white.
> most left-wingers have no problem with people being white
Yet everytime I go read the newspaper or go on social media white people are being bashed for something
Highlight of the thread
>the only thing is that white people need to be aware of how they benefit from living in a global order founded on white supremacy
Can't exactly choose to be more intelligent and better at planning than browns.
>tfw you took the empathy test and got a 29
no i think STEM is very important, i just think as a society we need to understand the gaps in the education STEM degrees give you. i know so many very smart people with amazing knowledge of the material world but a very stunted understanding of the human world - politics, history, art, culture, language, etc, and how they all interrelate, and are all political.
>Or at least, what we called "Good Hitler", who was a genetically engineered clone of Hitler designed by the CIA and loved Jews, Poles, gays and black people. His mission was to convert a resurfacing Nazi party into being more tolerant members of society.
Shit, there's a fucking youtube animation about that. Sort of. You know, the one where he encourages Israel to embrace multiculturalism and annihilates the Jews that way?
>the only thing is that white people need to be aware of how they benefit from living in a global order founded on white supremacy
And what exactly would that solve?
>the only thing is that white people need to be aware of how they benefit from living in a global order founded on white supremacy, which, when you get down to it, really isn't that hard.
I don't know about you, but my school was pretty good about the whole not being a retard thing. We didn't go 'whitey is ebil' or 'Confederacy didndu nuffin'. A lot of things were portrayed as products of their time and the result of complex motivations. Hell, when we went over American independence, the teacher didn't mince words on the fact that the Patriots could be fucking assholes and that the rebel government could be really incompetent or caught up in bickering.
>It’s a Veeky Forums grapples with cultural Marxism thread
Have you ever written a fascist setting?
But everything you choose to present or not to present is a political choice, user. If you put sexual minorities in your game you're promoting SJW agenda, if you don't then you're guilty of their erasure. You just can't win in the modern climate where neutral things just don't exist anymore.
>Jews, Poles, gays and black people.
He didn't hate poles or blacks. In fact quite a number of Blacks served in the Wehrmacht and one of the first SA leaders was openly a jew.
>portraying the intelligence community as evil.
>t. doesn't know anything about the IC
yeah but that's the problem. if you had a degree in physics, and i came up to you and said "oh yeah we did loads of physics in high school, i learned about protons and everything", you wouldn't assume my knowledge of science was particularly comprehensive
>they benefit from living in a global order founded on white supremacy
When you compare it to your fantasy utopia society it sounds bad.
But in real life, how is this white supremacy society I live in any worse than any other time in human history? Nearly all human cultures believe they are the best. I would say that this current iteration of white supremacist global order is probably the most liberal and tolerant that has ever existed.
I hope you are not a revolutionary and intend to tear it down to try to replace it with a fantasy utopia.
>Have you ever written a fascist setting?
Like an entire setting being fascist? No, I have not. That seems boring. We've had some fascist side-characters/background civilizations however. One of them is replanting a nuke-blasted country by hand from century to century. It's how they keep their mission alive.
See it, perhaps, as a personal weakness of mine.
I'm aware that most left-wingers don't have a problem with the statement itself (except maybe a few that you could cherrypick off of Twitter). The problem is that they jump to the conclusion that the statement is one of malice rather than one of perceived persecution (keyword of perceived).
And keep in mind that most of the actual anti-white stuff that has been said was from other white people. Most non-whites don't say that shit because they usually aren't as zealous, or at least they can't afford to be because they could get fired.
There is also the fact that telling people the thing that they are attached to is bad is going to always get a knee-jerk reaction of defensiveness. Collective shaming also creates tribalism, which may not be what is actually happening, but that depends on who controls the narrative and who is seeing said narrative.
I'm going to say this over and over, but if there was any Cultural Marxism it would prioritize class over race, i.e. a black working-class man would be grouped with a white working-class man. Our current incarnation of identity politics prioritizes race over class, i.e. a rich white man is considered the same as a white working-class man.
Hitler was a hypocrite to his publicly held opinions and was completely batshit insane due to a laundry list of personal issues besides. I highly doubt the percentage of Afro-Germans in the Nazi war machine is a good example of how 'tolerant' the Third Reich was.
What the hell does that have to do with what I said?
reminds me of the time we had to sneak into the office of local governer shillery glinton to find a bunch of hidden copies of files she made of official corrispondance and was using as blackmail
>implying they’re not setting whites up as the ruling class and women and minorities being the under class
So, yeah, cultural Marxism except the Left now gets all the female and minority votes
>reminds me of the time we had to sneak into the office of local governer shillery glinton to find a bunch of hidden copies of files she made of official corrispondance and was using as blackmail
>highly doubt the percentage of Afro-Germans in the Nazi war machine is a good example of how 'tolerant' the Third Reich was.
That's your prerogative of course. Far be it from me to turn a mindless greentext thread into a far-reaching discussion of history most tend to disagree with.
>I'm going to say this over and over, but if there was any Cultural Marxism it would prioritize class over race, i.e. a black working-class man would be grouped with a white working-class man. Our current incarnation of identity politics prioritizes race over class, i.e. a rich white man is considered the same as a white working-class man.
actual good marxism acknowledges the ways in which both relate to each other - like how capitalism uses race and racism to reinforce class boundaries. i think a real understanding of that is a massive part of what makes leftism different from liberalism, which as you say ignores class conflict while claiming to care about racism. but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater and start saying racism doesn't exist, and doesn't also affect middle class or richer black people too.
>actual good marxism
Please go kill yourself.
>What the hell does that have to do with what I said?
i was talking about the importance of humanities in further education and you start talking about high school, whats not to get?
>Yet everytime I go read the newspaper or go on social media white people are being bashed for something
I run a newspaper and I don't think I've ever printed anything bashing white people.
You must read shitty newspapers.
>i was talking about the importance of humanities in further education
No one cares about your pseudo-intellectual "studies."