Why did humans evolve to resemble the Eldar so very much. Was it done intentionally by someone like the Old Ones?

Why did humans evolve to resemble the Eldar so very much. Was it done intentionally by someone like the Old Ones?

Out of all the alien species out there nothing comes so close, not even the Tau.

It's like re-using computer parts.
Some things are the same, others are different.

Don't forget that humans and eldar have been shown to be biologically compatible in 40k canon

The proper term is convergent evolution.

Even if two things are only distantly or not related, they may evolve to appear and act similarly because that is the most effective end result.

The human form, as the Big E tells us, is perfect. Despite all the gene twisting he did to give humanity it's protectors before they evolve into a perfect psychic race, is it any surprise the former dominant galactic species looked similar to the one that supplanted it?

Coincidence and the fact that bipedal is a good form for an animal to have.

>Rogue Trader

>that ancient shit

Humans evolved naturally, eldar are a shitty slave species created by the Old Ones.

The reason eldar look much like humans is because the writters didn't put much thought on it.

You're asking why the main protagonists resemble the side-characters...wtf?

Otherwise, refer to , it's basically the all-time explanation.

Was it ever officially retconned?

I don't get why people think super old stuff shouldn't be canon unless specifically said otherwise

The Old One's are stated to the be the progenitors of most of the Galaxy's most prominent species, such as the Eldar and the Orks. They may or may not be responsible for seeding all life that currently exists in actuality.

>not using the best canon
stay cucked, friends

No, it has never been officially retconned, and why should it be? This guy is nothing but a sidenote when 40k was in a completely different state. Nobody cares about this guy except some waifufags that have to constantly bring him up. In what source book to you expect some of the writers say:
>Hey, remember that one Spock twenty years ago? Yeah? Well, he isn't canon. Bye.
Read his biography. He is incompatible with how the 40k universe works, not only because of his ancestry. Even if he had two human parents he would not be canon.

>old lore

is best lore

Humans do not look like elder any apparent similarities are because of the treacherous xenos trying to imitate the superior human form.

>superior human form
At least they got the jokes.

Everything is canon until it is declared uncanon.

The Ultramarines had different rules at the time.

>The Ultramarines had different rules at the time
And the Administratum. And the entirety of the Imperium. Also the entire universe, apparently. user, it is much, much more difficult to shoehorn this guy into the wh40k universe than realizing that this guy is not possible on several levels.

The only people that care about this guy are Imperiumfags that need their fanfiction to masturbate.

Patrician taste.

Consistency in WH40k isn't rocksolid. The setting underwent core changes from late 90s onwards, but very few were straight retcons, all because the canon fluidity.

So, the idea of a human nailing an eldar, albeit discarded by GW as they wanted everyone killing eachother instead of fucking eachother, is less canon harmful than you think (you know, dark eldar are a thing).

If you're gonna ask that you might as well ask why everyone is a humanoid.

I guess interspecies nailing was always a thing. Consensual nailing is a different matter.


Also, what's the pic's context?

A Catch a Predator/40K image not involving orks.

Because Warhammer 40,000 is written by human beings.

It's okay user,not everyone can be from a true born species.

It was stated that they cannot breed,