>tfw born to early to purge xenos but born just in time to purge heretics.
any Adeptus Astartes out there have any good purging stories?
When i'm purging
Oh joy of joys, it's time for The Tales of Theseus to resurface once more. Give me a moment to start typing.
Good times.
We've brought entire hive spires crashing down on Sorcerors' heads, doubletapped a titanic daemon with a pair of headshots from an Earthshaker artillery cannon, oneshotted a Bloodthirster with a fucking chainsword, and all manner of other wrath. I'll let the other guy take the lead on sharing, though.
We've got a few missions to discuss, actually.
Which would you prefer to hear?
>The Perils of Parvonis
>Reis-ing Blood Pressure
>Making blueberry Jam
>The Vanity of Men
>Fucking Vanderlin
Start with the most memorable
Then, despite my best efforts to drown those memories out with Amasec, we'll talk about our current mission.
Fucking Vanderlin.
Our Watch-Captain has close ties with a friendly Rogue Trader, Valasqeuz of house Ecale, who's doing great things for the Crusade. Velasquez requested us to help him with a trade deal by serving as guards/intimidation against a somewhat Xenophillic Rogue Trader. We thought it would be a milk run, something to help us recover from the clusterfuck that was Vanity and to get ourselves acquainted with the replacements of the Kill-Team.
It's never a milk run.
We spent a rather uneventful warp-journey to the Witchwood system training, praying, and purging the lower decks of mutants very, very thoroughly.
When we arrived, we discovered that Vanderlin had violated the terms of the agreement by bringing a ship 5 times larger than the agreed-upon size. Naturally, we started to worry.
Unfortunately, Velasquez was confident in Vanderlin abiding by the fact that the Inquisition was monitoring the system, and would be expecting Velasquez's codes at the completion of the deal. The Kill-Team, Velasquez, and his Seneschal/Waifu Valeria boarded a vessel heading to the Righteous Fortitude to undertake negotiations.
We were greeted by Vanderlin's Seneschal and a squad of armsmen, none of whom looked happy to see a full kill-team bearing a banner reading "PURGATIS EXTREMIS" stroll on to their ship. Our librarian and assault marine were quite displeased to see the soulstones and Eldar accessories the Seneschal favoured, and we continued to the room being used for the negotiations.
We arrived, to find Vanderlin sitting along at one end of a table. Upon seeing us, he did something none of us expected.
He called in two Deathwatch marines of his own.
We were naturally shocked, and while the two Rogue Traders discussed business, we attempted to communicate with our brothers.
This was made somewhat difficult, as neither of them accepted Vox-links, responded to Deathwatch ciphers or hand signals, or generally showed any interest in us.
Our Tech-marine, out of curiosity, scanned them with his auspex. This revealed that Vanderlin and his Marines were, in fact, entirely mechanical abominations.
The purging commenced.
Monitoring this thread
This is around the time all hell broke loose. The mechamarines and the false Vanderlin fell quickly, and our librarian was able to disable the meltabombs buried in their chassis long enough to disable them.
Vanderlin's Seneschal quickly teleported out, leaving us with the remainders of the heretical constructs, and two squishy mortals we instructed to don rebreathers before we were flooded with nerve gas.
Unfortunately, they were not so creative. They instead started venting the atmosphere, while a wall fell away to reveal a horde of murder servitors. What with being instruments of the God Emperor's fury, we quickly dispatched them while looted Meltabombs and heavy bolter fire drove off the Armsmen outside.
With the atmosphere rapidly failing, we could not risk our Mortal charges by holding position.
We entered the room in which the servitors had sprung, the Techmarine's auspex and the assault's eyes spotting an elevator shaft hidden behind the racks. While we shepherded Velasquez and Valeria inside, half a dozen more mechamarines marched inside, crawling through the craters their companions had burned through the hull.
While our techmarine worked on getting the elevator working, the rest of the squad commenced with the murder. While robotic marines armed with Tau pulse weaponry is certainly unpleasant, playing rocket tag against superhumans armed with semi-automatic rocket launchers by default is a losing battle.
We were slapping ourselves on the back when our Techmarine announced the elevator was descending.
He had not completed his hack.
We gathered around the shaft, readying our weapons for whatever horror descended from on high.
Unfortunately, we were not prepared for twenty kilograms of detpacks.
Another wave of automated killers arrived. Our warriors held them off, while the librarian and the techmarine worked on disarming the bomb through judicious use of forbidden knowledge and machine curse.
Unfortunately, our Librarian had full confidence in our Techmarine's ability to disarm it without fail, and elected to add his own psychic firepower to the assault.
The Tech was unable to disarm it in time, and most of the squad, and both the mortals were caught in the area of effect.
Fortunately, all of our squad had either enough agility or power fields to avoid being melted by the blast.
The mortals were not so lucky. Darth Velasquez was born as he was burnt to a crisp, spending a fate point to survive the blast.
Valeria, however, was not so lucky. She lacked fate points, and had failed her dodge test.
Our mission parameters were to ensure things were completed to the satisfaction of Velasquez. Given that he would require extensive augmentation or flesh-grafting after this mission, it was already doubtful that he would be satisfied. Having his lover turned to ash would most certainly not improve things.
But of course, no trueborn son of the Emperor would stand by and allow one of his servants to burn. The Astartes were created to keep mankind safe, and with that in mind, Brother Arkio of the Angels Sanguine burnt a fate point to grab Valeria, throw her out the door and into a wall as gently as possible, and absorb 20d10 damage to the face.
Arkio's helmet and face were, of course, atomized. Given his Chapter's stance on going bare-headed, it's quite fortunate that his visage resembled charcoal more than anything that would cause Fear (2) (Although I have been informed that, once healed, the scars and burn damage will bring it to Fear 3).
Suitably angry at Vanderlin for his heresy, betrayal, facial damage, and current assault on Velasquez's ship, the marines ascended the Elevator shaft, making their way to the medbay in order to stabilize their Rogue Trader.
Thirty Armsmen with Markerlight drones met them, only for half their number to be telepathically compelled to throw themselves down the shaft, and the remaining half to be minced to a fine pulp by a very upset Angel of Death. The Kill-Team pressed onwards, with brother Laconn Nik of the Imperial Fists accompanying Valeria to a landing bay in order to relieve the house Ecale forces present, while the others continued on to the medbay.
That fucking medbay.
It was a struggle reaching the medbay, of course. We had to murder our way through several separated squads of armsmen, breach the ceiling of a passageway that Vanderlin had set aflame, accidentally burnt down a trophy room while doing so, and came across the fire-suppression team.
Our librarian scared all but one of them away, and the remainder promptly lost most of his childhood memories, sense of smell, and ability to see the word 'Purple' in exchange for some very accurate information pertaining to Vanderlin's location.
Namely, that there were three Vanderlins: One in medbay, one in the bridge, and one leading the assault on Velasquez's ship. Spurred onwards by vengeance and a slowly dying Rogue Trader, we breached the medbay, and came face to face with heresy incarnate.
And on that lovely note, my Battle-Brother here has departed to ingest sustenance. He will return shortly.
>breach the ceiling of a passageway that Vanderlin had set aflame
Point of interest, the entire deck of the ship was being vented to void to try to kill Velasquez's extra-crispy husk we carried with us, and the ceiling was reinforced with armored ceramite for immunity to meltas' extra penetration. Fortunately the Techmarine brought a breaching drill just in case. Unfortunately, the heretical bastard had enough explosives planted to fill the whole deck with a fireball roaring out towards the void, with us caught in between.
If not for the Librarian's Storm Shield we'd probably have lost two brothers in that blast.
>so what would happen if a psyker learnt about the psy-blade
My God-Emperor. That medbay.
It was not so much a place of healing as a charnel house. Pauldrons were stacked to the side, 21 shoulderpads bearing various heraldry, with butchered remains of marines left on slabs.
The perpetrators of this act were hiding behind a sealed door, complete with pockets of poisonous gas hidden inside its construction. We shoved Velasquez in a stasis-casket, performed some simple surgery, and began to drill through.
We breached several gas pockets and the other side, and ordered whoever was on the other side to remove their rebreathers and toss them through the breach, with the aid of our telepath.
Several implanted rebreathers, complete with most of the techpriests' throats, came clattering to the floor.
We wrenched the door open, and discovered further heresy.
Men and marines floated in glass tubes, adrift in amniotic fluid. We weren't sure whether they were captives or creations of Vanderlin, but we were resolved to rescue them, if only to be used as evidence against him. Unfortunately, they started to dissolve before our eyes, and removing them from the tubes with the aid of a power-armoured fist did not stop their decomposition.
Even more pissed off, we returned to the main area of the medbay to discuss our next move, and who got dibs on beating Vanderlin to death with his own spinal column. Our discussion was interrupted by Vanderlin's psykers attempting to remotely shut down our respiratory system from a few decks up.
Our Librarian began a dispel attempt, and for the first time in his career, rolled perils of the warp.
The good news is, that the Psykers were no longer a problem.
The bad news is, our librarian had accidentally called a bloodthirster up from the depths of hell.
Fortunately, the bloodthirster had arrived inside the Psyker's coven, and had both reduced them to fine red jelly, and given us an excuse to believe Vanderlin dealt with Daemons.
The Khornate beast tore open the airlock of the medbay, letting loose a horrifying roar. The marines were unimpressed. The Librarian raised a psychic shield, the others poured bolter fire onto the Daemon, and Arkio frenzied while demanding the name of the beast so that he may inscribe it upon the heel of his armour so that he may grind it into the dirt with every step.
What followed is a perfect storm of fucking shit up.
At this point in time, Arkio's sword was a malevolent, semi-sentient entity forged from his hatred, shattered steel, and faith (Essentially a Blizzard's Tooth refluffed), dealing a metric fuckton of damage, on top of being a tearing power sword. Using the Feat of Strength Solo mode ability, the death from above talent, the blood frenzy ability, and righteous rage, Arkio descended on the Daemon like the fist of the God-Emperor himself.
In a single blow, Arkio split the Daemon in half with 330 damage of righteous fury, rendering its warp-forged axe the most dangerous part of the room.
With a light rain of Daemon, the kill-team concurred that Vanderlin, having successfully pissed off literally every aspect of the Imperium to the point where his death was now mandatory (I'm sure he misfiled some paperwork somewhere to earn the Administratum's ire), needed to be horribly murdered at their hands.
They dismantled a few more mechamarines and armsmen on their way to the bridge, and kicked in the door, only to find a grinning Vanderlin on a command throne, the door sealing behind them, and thrusters spooling off as the bridge prepared to lift off and carry us into the void, away from glorious battle.
We were understandably annoyed by this.
Arkio manifested this annoyance by charging forward, only for a sheet of reinforced, bulletproof glass descending to block him off from the angry Astartes.
Mind you, the Mechanicus are unable to develop a substance that can withstand an enraged marine. The glass shattered, Vanderlin's latest double was brutally beat down, and a dozen marines armed with pulse rifles and meltabombs stepped out from the shadows as a macrocannon battery trained itself on us.
Just another day in Kill-Team Theseus.
We busied ourselves with the standard fare of killing our robot dopplegangers before they killed us. We took severe damage from their pulse rifles, and at one point, were almost atomized by an errant melta bomb, but the true horror was yet to come.
Our ex-Ravenwing librarian manned the helm as brother Laconn was snatched by the cruel whims of gravity/scheduling issues and swept out to the void. Our Wolf-Priest manned the mounted turrets and fended off incoming fire and fightercraft while we dodged incoming macrocannon shells, while the Techmarine performed maintenance, and Arkio prayed to Him-On-Terra for protection.
While our flaming hunk of engines, dead robots, turrets, and palpable hatred sped towards Vanderlin's craft, the arch-traitor himself called us up on the holo-projector on the bridge.
His words were largely ignored, his nervous sweating and fear were not, however. His requests for a private audience were denied, and he became increasingly agitated as the efforts of Theseus left all his works in flame.
Our Tech-priest traced his signal to the medbay.
Where we left Velasquez.
nothing makes me happier than to see our brothers in the Adeptus Astartes are fighting the good fight, and are able to live to tell their tales.
Due to point defense and our ship about to explode, we elected to crash into the mechanicus temple on our way to the medbay, rather than seek a more direct route.
We did so, discovering signals suggesting a hidden bridge located near the temple, which we decided to destroy after we came to the rescue of our Rogue Trader.
Upon our rude arrival, we encountered a techpriest preparing for a warp-jump. He was promptly executed, and after a technical solution to shut down the warp-drive failed, warp magicks were used to fry it.
Nobody was suddenly Daemons as a result, so we were proud of ourselves. We steeled ourselves and this Saturday, we make our way to what will hopefully be the final confrontation with Vanderlin.
>Able to live to tell their tales
We've had losses. Only Udaris' death was actually inflicted by the GM, everyone else left due to personal reasons or scheduling issues.
Any chance of more?
Well, my Battle-Brother has told the story of our current assignment up until present, albeit with some omissions and inaccuracies. I suppose I could divulge what I know of the clusterfuck on Vanity that preceded it, but I deployed by orbital drop midway through the mission to support after they took losses, and am unaware of how the initial phases of their approach to the target site went.
>tfw setting up Slaaneshi encounter
>have spur of autism with buddy I chat with to come up with ideas
>Bradley the faggot dragon was born
>on planet Frisco 4 in Segmentum Obscuris
>has somehow managed to capture a huge amount of human slaves for his army, some dark eldar
>Melee units use 7 foot long anal bead whips
>ranged units shoot Super Soakers of AIDS loaded semen into the masses
have I created a monster worthy of purging, lads?
I gotta run for an hour, but I'm certainly interested.
I'm sure some passing ship can spare the fuel for a flyby lance strike.
Alright, I'll see about typing out the tale of the Forgemaster's Descent to Vanity. Might give my perspective on FUCKING VANDERLIN as well, afterward.
Hope this thread is still here in the morning!
Alright, here goes.
So the Deathwatch was deployed in some strength to the Cellebos warzone in the Acheros Salient to target key installations on the Chaos fortress-world Vanity, formerly an ancient Imperial hiveworld. Multiple killteams were operating on the planetary surface, but one reclusive forgemaster, known to be largely untested in the field, was assigned to maintain and oversee an orbiting Kill-Ship, supporting ground forces with observation and intel. Unfortunately a castellum held by the Iron Warriors was broadcasting some manner of haywire effect from an astropathic relay, so he was primarily occupied with keeping the machine spirits placated and running diagnostics to watch out for scrapcode. He held out for days waiting for one deployed Kill-Team, cognomen Theseus, to destroy the relay, but eventually the effects on the killship's systems began to grow more dire, and he chose to shut down nonessential systems and put the ship into standby to prevent damage or corruption. Rather than attend an empty voidship, he then prepared a drop pod, directing servitors to conduct the bulk of the rituals while he used a simple telescope to locate two killteams on the surface which had joined forces after sustaining losses, noting that they were about to walk into an ambush in the ruins where a truly huge number of mutants lay ready to charge under covering fire from elite Chaos Marines. After some finishing touches on the drop pod, affixing a few rudimentary chaff launchers and some sacred unguents to appease the machine spirits' distaste for the deviation from standard patterns, he checked the stormbolter turret before raiding the armoury for personal equipment and launching.
On the surface of Vanity, the ad-hoc killteam formed of two teams' battered survivors paused, their Librarian sensing a vile warp entity.
The two Unforgiven shifted eagerly at this, given that their original team's assignment had been to capture an unusual mutant of comparable size and strength to a Dreadnought that had proven to resonate with Warp energy. That's when the Techmarine suddenly collapsed. The Apothecary clomped over in his Terminator suit to investigate, finding that a single Eldar shuriken had punched a hole in the back of the helm, and then toppled as a matching hole appeared in his own helmet.
The Assault Marine volunteered to soar above on his jump pack's wings of fire, and noted at least sixty skinless mutans huddled with weapons drawn in the ruins a short distance ahead. Being a reasonable man of discipline and piety, he elected to forgo reporting back in favor of crashing down upon the filthy spawn of Chaos with his chainsword roaring its fury. The heretical warriors screamed in shock and panic as the ground and crumbling walls were rapidly caked in a spray of splashing blood and pulped flesh. Scrambling to close the jaws of their failed trap, the Chaos Marines sent in the beast that had given the Librarian pause, and the Blackshield unlimbered his massive two-handed powersword to meet its charge together with the Librarian. As they matched it blow for blow, the Chaos Marines hustled forward, keeping to cover as the mutants spilled out into an open courtyard to escape the frenzied Assault Marine decimating their ranks with twin swords.
The heretical militia found no escape there, as with a scream of atmospheric friction and brief roar of retrothrusters, a drop pod slammed into their ranks, pulverizing many and knocking more down before the attached Storm Bolter barked fire into their ranks, the Machine Spirits guiding its aim as the doors slammed down (crushing the men still on the ground struggling to rise and confront this new challenger) and a black-clad figure in clear Deathwatch heraldry strode down a ramp, clutching a heavy bolter that roared death. The debased fiends recoiled in horror as they were scythed down by the storm bolter while heavy bolter shells punched deeper into their ranks, but as they stumbled backward, the Assault Marine burst from the ruins behind them, coated in a grisly sludge of gore, and tore into those that remained. The newcomer took a moment to assess the situation before directing the drop pod's machine spirits to target broken mutants fleeing the scene as the writhing mass of mechadendrites at his back climbed atop the drop pod for a better vantage, weapon slamming volleys of high-caliber death into the rabble below as his servoharness hauled him atop the pod. From here were plainly visible a number of Chaos Marines armed with strange weapons, and he splattered several across the ruins before they adjusted their tactics to hunker down, forcing him to seek them out on auspex readings. The Assault Brother, meanwhile, broke the morale of the surviving hordelings, pursuing briefly while in the throes of bloodlust before abandoning the chase to join combat with the enormous mutant battering away at the Blackshield and Librarian. The monster's blows were like unto impacts from a speeding Land Raider, but the brothers' measured timing and flawless teamwork saw them turn aside each blow while the horde of mutants was reduced to shreds.
Unfortunately the strikes of the Blackshield's mighty blade accomplished little, the powerfield crackling as his sword passed through the beast as though it were made of smoke. The Librarian, however, finds that his psychically-charged Force Sword bites deep into the thing, and while the wounds close rapidly, it recoils in agony when he channels the fury of his mind into its tainted flesh. The Assault Marine, judging that they have the situation well in hand, soars over them to engage the surviving Chaos Marines before they can intervene, ignoring as heavy bolter volleys pick off outliers as he lands to cleave one from chin to groin. The Traitor Marines react quickly, turning their strange weapons on him and releasing billowing blue warpflame. The roaring fires of hell envelop the melee, consuming the traitor behind our Battle-Brother and leaving him confused, wounded, and on fire. He quickly rallies and dispatches the heretic who turned it on him, then bullrushes the biggest, most important-looking ambusher as the supporting fire peters out. His power sword is handily parried, though counter attacks fall short, but his chainsword sweeps cleanly through the Pyre Lord's abdominal armour, and the Traitor Astartes stumbles, one hand clutching his belly to hold in his innards as the other swings. The loyalist, however, effortlessly bats aside the swings, and the traitor growls out a roar of frustration and strikes a two-handed blow at the injured man before him... and fails hilariously at even making his efforts resemble a swing. Adding injury to insult, his viscera spill out on the ground, and he collapses, dead.
This leaves only one enemy standing, the mutant held at bay by the killteam's leadership. It roars in surprise as the Assault Marine bursts through its torso from behind, blades swinging wildly to no effect. More effective is the warpflame still wreathing him, which billows and spreads across the foul mutant, and it breaks into a run to escape.
I'm afraid that's where I'll have to leave it for now. I need to get some sleep.
STAY TUNED. SAME EMPEROR-TIME, SAME EMPEROR-CHANNEL. I'll try to be back tomorrow evening.
Thanks user! Keep up the good work