>Eastern setting
>Well developed magic system
>Useful non-mages
>Plenty of plot hooks and side quests
is Avatar: The Last Airbender a Veeky Forums tier show?
>Eastern setting
>Well developed magic system
>Useful non-mages
>Plenty of plot hooks and side quests
is Avatar: The Last Airbender a Veeky Forums tier show?
Other urls found in this thread:
We've always known this.
It's not bad, yeah.
Yep, also tons of memorable characters.
>legend of korra
Kind of overrated. It's easy to forget about the really bad episodes when there were some good ones. It's like when someone who doesn't watch much anime talks about how much better whatever they remember from adult swim is than other anime.
Also those are some sketchy criteria for making something "Veeky Forums tier" not that we won't talk about pretty much anything
Look, it's the same setting, only a generation later. True its not as good as last Airbender but it's still has good stuff.
Korra did lots of stuff well and lots of stuff poorly. Like how the police wear fucking metal body armor when metalbending is common, and lightning bending is widely known by people.
Or Mako forgetting he can use said lightning when it would solve problems until he remembers he can do it once per season. Don't care if having him shoot lightning would trivialize problems, it's shitty writing to give him the power and never remember he can do it.
Or the fucking love triangle they did TWICE.
I feel like you'd need to define what makes something "Veeky Forums tier" first.
However, you are aware that some user put together an AtLA conversion for FFG's Star Wars system? Benders, non-Benders, all that stuff.
It is called Avatar: the Second Age.
I've seen some d20 pdfs and a 4th ed D&D.
>Look, it's the same setting
No it's not, it's a weird alt-version of Avatar that pushed some I/V 1920s and wasn't necessary bad or uninteresting but was very different. It shrank the world and trivialised many of the niche and esoteric things that kept Avatar feeling unique and mysterious and for this I do not appreciate it.
I don't have that but an Avatar thread means it's time for me to perform my sacred duty of dumping the last version of Avatar World before it was pulled for commercial release while swearing up and down it good.
It comes with a number of extras.
Reference sheets, useful for the whole family!
Sub-playbooks! More options to bring joy!
>that pushed some I/V 1920s
Yeah, that part was pretty weird. It's only one generation later, but they made some pretty ridiculous technological leaps.
Playsheet for the MC! Everyone needs help sometimes.
Intro adventure!
Two for the price of one! And the price is free!
You can even read the rulebook is spreads instead of singles. Once again my holy task is complete and the thread can die in peace.
Hardly any of the episodes were ever bad or ever approached boring. Anime is shit, Avatar is the GOAT.
>Anime is shit
Anime is sometimes amazing, no other medium can tell such a great story in only 6 episodes.
Just here to state the fact that Azula (pbuh) was the best character in the series.
Iroh is good, but meme tier good
Azula had arguably the best character development next to zuko.
She started at the top and, in a desperate bid to not fail like her brother, proceeded to keep going further and further off the deep end to compensate for her fuckups in order to keep up. It worked for her for awhile, but in the end, she was even more batshit crazy than her father was.
She wasn't afraid to lead, and lead she did. She basically took over the earth kingdom for a few days, beat the avatar at one point, though he was arrogant about his abilities, and was able to hold off multiple experienced foes at a time.
"Iroh" and "Azula" are funny ways if spelling the best character's name.
I'll give y'all some hints. His name rhymes with "okka" and ladies, he rocks ya.
The fire nation always had a lot of high tech in atla, so with peace it's not surprising it spread. I just wish the tech went hand in hand ith the mysticism instead of supplanting it.
The idea of tech supplanting mysticism is an interesting angle and feels like a natural progression of the world. Sort of how the meta theme of LotR is magic and wonder were slowly bleeding out of Middle-earth.
The problem is what mystic elements remained felt gilted and uninspired. The spirits all became a bunch of Technicolor video game monsters for Korra to fight. Ironically, the best episode was "Beginnings", which while a good standalone story basically introduced the AtLA world's version of midichlorians.
what about Toph, tho?
I have seen Beginnings but none of the rest of LoK, wtf it gets worse?
>Well developed magic system
If you discount Korra that is.
Beginnings is actually the worst episode in Avatar.
Wan is a fucking entitled asshole, bending is a gift from a lion turtle and not learnt by humans from animals, spirits aren't anything like they are in avatar and the avatar state is just Rava taking control rather than the knowledge of all previous avatars at once.
Ruins the fucking lore REEEEE
This is the correct answer to the best character question.
Mandatory watching for all korra disputes
if if you dislike the /pol/tier humor his points about the series are spot on
>Only member of main cast with a confirmed kill
>Also only member of main cast confirmed for getting laid during show's run instead of just in extended universe
Really any other choice is just straight up plebian.
Christ I hate this fucker, he's not wrong about Korra but he's an annoying cunt.
He's /pol/'s hbomberguy. An obnoxious cunt that's annoying as fuck, but makes good points about media.
At least hbomber know more than one joke.
me and some friens been runing a game for a cupple of weeks. the game is awesome, its great to see how it captures the spirit of the show, and at the same time, let us introduce our own grim tone to the world.
we are playing in a post-korra world. the clonflic is about the territorial problems in the new formed air nation territory.
''The magic goes away'' has been done to death though, and the sincerity of atla's mysticism was one of the things that made it interesting in the first place.
I would much prefer a setting where your satomobile mechanic is also a monk because on top of buffing out your bumper he has to realign your car's feng shui to even a competent implementation of lok's setting, never mind what we actually got.
Sell me on Legend of Korra. The premise was a huge turn off.
He sired no offspring.
Baffling, but true.
If you want more bending battles, good voice acting, and a handful of interesting characters thrown into the AtLA setting after it's evolved into the Roarin' 20s, then give it a watch. Plus Season 3 has a good villain.
Overall though, it's not great. It is essentially the original show's version of the Star Wars Prequels in terms of how badly it fucks up the premise. Don't get me wrong, Korra is more watchable than the Star Wars prequels but it definitely ruins a lot of the original show's magic with countless questionable writing decisions.
This user is pretty spot on I didn't watch a lot, but what I did watch had a lot of visual and tactile quality but the writing was kinda shite sometimes most of the time
*Cough* Korra mastering 3 out of the 4 elements at, like, 6. *Cough* Including fire, the one she should have had the hardest time with since it's naturally opposed to water.
it had its good parts, my man.
You don't watch movies i take it, many tell stories equal to or greater than flcl, in the same time span.
>Including fire, the one she should have had the hardest time with since it's naturally opposed to water.
I think Katara's advice to Aang on this should be taken with a grain of salt. Individual personality also clearly plays a big role in how the Avatar handles bending. Korra was naturally combative and confrontational so it kinda makes sense she was so good with fire but had a huge block with air.
Fire Nation had airships and giant drills. About 80 years past since then.
No, it's trash.
Aang struggled with earth because its style was completely opposite to how he was raised in the air nomads. It's his upbringing and personality. Korra's headstrong self was way different from the standard waterbender.
It's alright yeah
It's kinda like "wasted potential: the show"
But user, that means that it's possible that Disney will buy it and fuck it up worse. Is Shaymalan the Avatar's JJ Abrams?
Plus Aang overcame his block with earth in like what, two days?
He had a far more difficult time with fire. He needed an ancient guru's guidance to get over his problems with that instead of just some nice words from Katara.
Fire Nation was already at the tier of early steam Ironclads circa TLA. So roughly 1840s. They also had early prototype tanks then. So it's not surprising that they've reached the 1920s tech a generation later. The difference is that, with the Hundred Years' War over, the tech disparity can disappear.
Also the mecha were awesome
Also notable: Most Avatars, like Roku, learn they're the Avatar and start their training at 16, and take about a decade to master the four elements. Aang learned at 11 and was a master of all four elements by the time he was 13. Korra was only unique in that she started bending three elements early on, so the OotWL started her training at 6, and by 16 she had mastered 3/4 elements.
She actually learned SLOWER than Roku, though she was of course also dealing with being a kid.
I have to admit that I never much cared for the voice acting for Toph. It's not terrible, but it's not up to the standards of most of the other major characters.
At first, his training with Jeong Jeong was somewhat alright but Aang's biggest concern became harming those he cared about. It was only upon learning a more peaceful Firebending philosophy from the dragons did he become alright with Firebending.
Kind of inevitable when you cast some random tweenaged girl.
Aang's voice acting was a little gilted too at first. Most of the cast were professionals. Mae Whitman has been voice acting since she was like eight. Remember that little neighbor girl who always hassled Johnny Bravo?
I feel like Aang's "difficulty" with fire had more to do with him accidentally hurting Katara while he was initially messing with it then him actually having trouble bending it. He was skilled enough to bend it, he just had some own mental blocks he needed to overcome because he was scared of hurting someone again.
>Kind of inevitable when you cast some random tweenaged girl.
Yeah, I mean compared to the whole field, she's probably upper quartile -- there's some terrible "youth" voice acting out there -- it's just that Avatar in general has far better than average voice acting.
>Aang's voice acting was a little gilted too at first.
I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I will say that Aang's voice acting isn't the most... uh... "professional" of the bunch, but it has energy and character that make up for that.
>Mae Whitman has been voice acting since she was like eight.
Which may help explain why Katara is so awesome.
>Remember that little neighbor girl who always hassled Johnny Bravo?
I avoided Johnny Bravo whenever possible, so no. But I'll take your word for it.
>But user, that means that it's possible that Disney will buy it and fuck it up worse.
Fuck it up worse that The Phantom Menace? Please.
>Is Shaymalan the Avatar's JJ Abrams?
JJ Abrams fucked up Star Trek much worse than Star Wars. His approach to Star Wars was at least somewhat similar in tone to the original, and while there were plot holes, they weren't as plentiful or as egregious as in Trek. But as badly as Abrams assfucked Star Trek, it was still a watchable and somewhat entertaining (if frustrating and insulting) movie, while The Last Airbender was complete fucking garbage. JJ Trek is as much better than The Last Airbender as Return of the Jedi was than The Phantom Menace. And The Force Awakens is better than JJ Trek.
Loved AtlA, stopped watching Korra after one episode
>muh stronk woman
>muh body positivity
>muh girl power prodigy best avatar ever
>muh bumbling male who stronk woman has to put up with
It was all so forced and contrived imho
FLCL is meme tier shit. I like a lot of anime but you are not helping your cause with that show.
>>muh body positivity
What? There aren't even any fat people.
>Plus Season 3 has a good villain.
Don't Believe Their Lies. Zaheer was an idiot.
It's one of those "suddenly a problem now" things. Any sort of positivity or normality is a hot-button political controversy in the current environment.
That’s not how you spell zuko
Yeah but it's literally never mentioned, implied, or even shown once. I can't think of a single fat person in LoK. Everyone is Veeky Forums as fuck, especially Korra herself.
She’s basically tumblr- the character and a total Mary Sue.
She needed to be stabbed in the gut and left to die in order to learn some patience.
Let’s not even get started about how they wasted the equalists.
The Equalists we're kind of a retarded villain in the first place. Yeah you can understand the gist of their motivations but "Sokka's Master" is basically one long essay on why they're completely wrong. And that came out half a decade before Korra.
The Equalists' goal was less incapability and more structural/literal oppression via superpowers. Which they could've had a point on if the narrative didn't immediately go the way of Pokemon Black/White with telling the audience directly "No they're bad!"
Yea but they wasted Amon
>”he was a blood-bender the whole time!”
>”he can break all the rules about blood-bending!”
>”Korra has her powers taken away? Better retcon that, she might learn something”
Problem is neither show actually suggested nonbenders faced systematic oppression. Persecution was never even implied until LoK. They would've worked better as a vigilante cabal rather than some weird Civil Rights movement.
In fact some of the most capable and accomplished characters in AtLA were nonbenders.
So, setting aside the skub and bringing it back to Veeky Forums, if you wanted to run a game for kids that felt like AtlA, what would you recommend? I know there's the PbtA hack upthread, but I dunno if those are the kind of games that kids tend to get into or not. Any thoughts?
I’d use risus (evens up)
Full game can be found for free online with a quick google.
>it shrank the world and trivialised many of the niche and esoteric things
That's an industrial revolution for you
>She’s basically tumblr- the character and a total Mary Sue.
"Mary Sue" has gotten to the point where it means absolutely nothing anymore. Mary Sues are awesome all the time and everybody thinks they're awesome. Compared to her predecessor at least, Korra is a fuckup, and is hardly the object of everybody's adoration.
Korra definitely has its issues, and I can understand somebody not being into it, but your snowflake reaction that resulted in you dropping the show after a single episode is fucking ridiculous.
Mary Sues are defined by the ability to warp the world around them.
You know, like how she never faces conquences for her actions. For example, when she loses her bending in season 1 and gets it back with a Deus ex Machina
To be fair I don't think Aang actually mastered any of the elements, he just became very proficient in them.
Aang was never as good at earth bending as Bumi or Toph, never as good at waterbending as Katara and never as good at firebending as Zuko, Iroh or Azula.
FLCL is very deep if you look past the random xd character of Haruko.
Aang was only a prodigy of airbending, ok at waterbending, bad at earth bending, and reluctantly good at firebending
>Mary Sues are defined by the ability to warp the world around them.
>Then pretty much every main character ever is a Mary Sue.
I agree with you about how "Mary Sue" is an over used and thoroughly garbage term but Korra's fuckups are never aknowledged in universe. In fact, the ending of the series is everyone dogpiling her and telling her how much she's learned and how great she is even though she's basically the same character she was at the start. Despite all the shit she's been through.
I don't hate Korra. She's not a terrible character. But she is static and boring. Aang went through a lot of development and the finale was all about him contemplating a line he didn't want to cross. Korra starts and ends the show punching all her problems away. The only times this fails are when she just wasn't punching hard enough.
When a setting warps to fit the character.
For example, if a blood bender can blood bend on a normal night despite rules to the contrary.
Or if a main character is about to lose her bending and grow as a character and suddenly the world gives back her powers.
Aang died, was saved by a Deus ex Machina (which actually got sparky sparky boom man after them so it isn’t a total victory), and then beat himself up about it.
Korra loses her powers, suddenly gets different powers, then gets both her normal powers and her new powers without having to suffer and learn at all.
And I know the “only one season” excuse, but samurai jack had to deal with that and did great.
AtLAB is a better series, and Aang is a better character; I'm not arguing with you there. I'm not even saying there aren't annoying things about Korra to criticize. I just think a lot of the criticism I encounter is unnecessarily hyperbolic, and often well off-base.
>was saved by a Deus ex Machina
That wasn't a Deus Ex Machina you dummy. DEM is when suddenly everything works out due to the intervention of some power or actor never established before. Literally, "god from the machine".
Season 2 established Katara's vial of holy water. She even contemplated using it to heal Zuko's scar, which she acknowledged was a dice roll. Then she took a chance with it save Aang.
Deus Ex Machina would be if Katara entered to fucking Avatar State herself at that moment and healed him.
Here’s why I hate Korra, and why I refuse to accept it as canon
>dynamic characters
>huge amounts of care put into making a unique setting
>follows setting rules
>I never giggled during all the show
>most of the characters get worse or never learn
>”you know, let’s just take all the originality out of the setting and replace it with the 20’s”
>rules are broken (blood bending anyone), messes with the lore in stupid ways (avatar: “earthbenders learned earthbending from badgermoles” Korra: “nope it was a lion-turtle like all the other bending styles”)
I would disagree with you and say that Korra does have some good gags. Varrick almost saves Season 2 along with one fucking amazing fight scene with Bolin, but the rest of S2 and overall was a trash fire. There were some really good jokes at times and the animation and style IS higher average quality, plus the VA.
Not him but the animation is always good, the soundtrack for both is good to great. But the comedy goes down because the difference is Saka is witty and clumsy. You laugh with him more often then you laugh at him while Bolin is made to be a punching bag. If a character is made to be kicked and then laughed at he isn't a good character. All of the characters felt static and all of their interactions especially comedic felt lackluster. Even Varrick felt forced, all be it he was an improvement from the original cast but thats not saying much when I was hoping Korra would die every episode.
But like said I also refuse to accept Korra as cannon because of how many of its own rules it breaks. Everything else aside this should be the number one crime on this board.
Aang was the youngest airbending master in History, he himself created that ball of air skill.
I still maintain that LoK contained the ingredients for a genuinely enjoyable sports drama in the pro-bending stuff. I would honestly prefer a series following an underdog team that *doesn't* include the Avatar during their rise to the finals, with an ongoing B plot based on that radio annoncer doing stuff in and around the stadium.
>tfw you're so creatively bankrupt you just look at other roles done by your voice actors for ideas.
My favorite episode was the one where Varrick died and the workers at Future Industries put Zhu Li's brain in a computer, at which point she went insane.
And when you do laugh at Sokka, it's usually because his misery is self-inflicted. A good example is when he drank the cactus juice.
Varrick was John Michael Higgins though. Cave Johnson was voiced by J.K. Simmons.
Dude, it's the quenchiest.
Of course he was, he was an anarchist. That doesn't mean he wasn't a good villain
It'll quench ya!
I still grumble about the whole stupid spirit of niceness vs spirit of meanness nonsense. Why did they do it? What did they think it could have conceivably added to their show? Cheap and easy canned heat for s2s villain, that's it they were lazy.
Imagine if Korra had a complicated relationship with the guy? Imagine if he was a fundamentalist asshole but had good intentions, ala S4s villain? Imagine if the two giga spirits didn't appear and you had what was essentially a battle between a well intentioned extremist who wanted to drag the world back from progress and Korra who had to stop him, both for reasons moral and because of her duty to keep the balance with the spirit world? You could have still had the Avatar Wan episode, still have Korra communing with them for wisdom - and ultimately deciding she actually should release the spirit world boundaries, just not on the villains flawed terms. You could have kept all of it and not required extra episodes and made for a better more nuanced show, but they were lazy and underestimated their child audience, somehow, despite having delivered a full series of ATLA previously where they learned first hand kids could handle complex shit.
They got lazy. There's nothing else for it. Nickelodeon executive meddling can explain a lot of things, but s2? They got lazy.