Why is power armor so American?
Why is power armor so American?
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>not German
Armor made from freedom and liberty.
Because it protects us against the ever-present threat of Communism.
Powered armor with immense dakka is American.
Powered armor that hums quietly and is unlikely to mangle it's user is more German.
Powered armor made with three times more steel as it could reasonably need is more Russian.
Wooden powered armor is dutch.
Powered armor with billowing white flags is French.
Powered armor that looks like Terran Marines is Korean.
Powered armor with glowing katanas and shuriken dispensers is also American.
Why is everything awesome so American?
Starship Troopers
It's the natural evolution of the mobility scooter. The other nations' soldiers can walk unassisted without problems.
Because Americans pour trillions of tax dollars into the military as a form of corporate welfare that the general public is too stupid to see through?
Because Americans have no respect for medieval history.
To be fair that's pretty much one of the only legitimate reasons to collect taxes under the constitution, and that's the fact that most people are too stupid to grasp.
Because it's designed to let you waltz right into the thick of shit and force an outcome. That's been the US' role for a while now.
Ableist shitlord.
But Americans haven't won a war since WWII?
Please enlighten us, Ye Who Is Most Wise And Woke, that we sheeple may attain your level of intelligence and understanding!
Ladies and gentlemen, the modern educational system. Produces cocksure know-nothings of a caliber never before attained.
Well if you want to be technical. We haven't fought a war since WW2. Last time congress declared war it was 1941
I will never get tired of seeing him punch that alien.
Didn't Buzz Aldrin himself lend his voice to that ad?
because we dint have a mid evil period so our first expedition in to true armor is hulking suit of steel awesome.
It is an expensive high-tech gadget for reducing the number of ground pounders that get killed in a war. America is unique in that it loves war (is almost constantly involved in one), but is simultaneously very squeamish about casualties. Other countries tick at least one of the following: A. They are rarely at war, B. They can't afford power armour, or C. They don't give that much of a fuck about their troops.
It is also very American in the sense that it solves the problem of soldiers having more stuff than they can carry, not by cutting down on the stuff, but giving the soldiers more stuff for carrying their other stuff around.
It also invokes the image of a Super Hero, which is very American.
Because it's made in China.
I'd ____ a set of T-51.
>Why is power armor so American?
Because our country has been developing toward it for generations.
Just think of how nice that'd look in OD
Not an arguement
God, think of the expense.
It's going to actual research which could benefit us greatly. I'm not losing any sleep over it.
You made a blatantly wrong and ignorant claim, no argument is needed other than pointing out it’s ignorant.
You're the american here, as far as I know there's a high chance that you're a black with small dick
why are you so interested in dicks?
>Why is everything awesome so American?
Only things ameritards excel at, are illiteracy, obesity and delusions of grandeur
because i'm a faggot
Why arn't you?
We also apparently excel at making people jealous you ass blasted faggotoni.
Seems like even Veeky Forums becomes pure shit during american hours
I know, the sheer, singleminded obsession of non-Americans always shits things up. They just can't stand the idea of not compensating for their country status.
Maybe its the people stoking xenophobic sentiment
It's a long tradition (and Tony here isn't even close to being the first...)
Depends, do we have to worry about PR and Human Rights violations?
Somebody make a "Virgin Scribe, Chad Knight" meme
Better than giving it to niggers
But you give it to niggers too.
Niggers and jews are the only "humans" that americans care
White people are niggers now? See as they receive the most benefits from shit like SNAP and welfare.
True, but the very least it stops us from giving even MORE money to niggers.
And besides, what's more FREE than forcing the poorfags to become a tool of state and possibly risk their life if they want their gibs?
The military is the only just form of long term welcare.
Because America is all about being macho, and few, if anything, is more macho than wearing several tons of metal just so you can take a tank shell to the chest and keep walking, flipping off the tank while doing so.
White people are also a larger part of the population, brainlet.
>sending actual troops
>The whole United States Army
>Picture also shows Air Force, Navy, and Marines indirectly
>Thinking only one branch fought in Vietnam
>Using the term Army to refer to a military as a whole
>Thinking it was just peasant farmers fighing in Vietnam and not a whole organized military force
I'm not even American and I'm mad
What if we attach legs and arms to the tank? Wouldn't it penetrate the power armor by the power of fuckhuge and rule of cool?
Don't forget, you have to add in the David v. Goliath modifiers. Depending on make and model of the suit, that can make up the difference.
Shit. Can I get an underdog bonus because the tank was assembled by orphans with their last money that they made by selling their left kidneys to the smug owner of the power armor factory?
You mostly get a bonus if the tank shares a name with a monster or antagonist from classical antiquity.
For instance, if the thing is called G.O.L.I.A.T.H., then you're going to one-shot it.
>done only for the sake of compensating for a small benis
I wonder why
Wouldn't that be detrimental when I am on the side of the tank? I might as well call it T.A.R.G.E.T. or C.M.D.R.W.O.R.F.
If the tank is called Goliath then it should only be at a disadvantage to a Technical nicknamed David. To anything else it's a nigh-unstoppable killing machine.
Having shit tier soldiers means you have to give them the best gear in order for them to barely be mediocre.
You're just confirming that it was more than just the army that got their ass kicked by a bunch of Vietnamese. Which is not making you look any better.
>power armour
That's a mecha. There's a difference, namely size
I'm pretty sure Teknoman is more like power armour. He was roughly human sized.
>misuses his first comma
>no oxford comma
>parallel structure is questionable
>doesn't use a period at the end of his sentence
If you're going to insult someone for their inadequacies, make sure you don't share in those inadequacies.
Having looked at hundreds of American vs Japan mechs and power armor debates I've come to realize they should just fuck and be done with it
Lukutaidottomuus taisi tässä kontekstissa viitata siihen, että jenkit eivät osaa lukea omaa äidinkieltään. En usko että äidinkieli on englanti, joten englannin taidon puutteet eivät ole merkki lukutaidottomuudesta. Ei kannata olettaa että kaikki ovat anglomaista.
t. eri
And a durka durka Muhammed jihad to you, young lady.
Starship Troopers and Iron Man
Google translates this suspiciously well.
>ha ha no there’s absolutely no way this is forced against the american people’s will for the sole purposes of defending Israel and letting Europe pretend that socialism works by subsidizing their very existence
>you will have your posts deleted if you say that because it’s so false that i don’t even need to refute it which I can totally do
Just curl up into a ball and await your fate.
Didn't USA military actually kick the vietcong butt back then? They lost on political front.
That’s exactly what happened. The US never lost an engagement, ever; they were simply told NOT to take the north and forced to abandon the country by forces at home.
Holy fucking shit, anything that isn’t ASCII is stripped from your post. This is how far this goddamn site has fallen. My use of ‘forces’ had some characters around it.
>Europe and America continue to hollow out
>BRICS, SEA become ascendant
>White people move to yellow countries to chase dwindling opportunity
>Show up with bigger dicks and a statistically greater propensity toward crime
>Locals already hilariously racist towards outsiders
>Full cycle, whites are now niggers and wetbacks.
It's like pottery.
Tet Offensive was a disaster for the Vietcong to the point where the Vietcong was destroyed as a fighting force and the NVA lost a significant amount of strength and resources. For shattered Vietcong cells, NVA units simply took over and more hardline northern party officers swooped in to take control.
The overall goal was to inspire revolt among the populace in the South. It never materialized and the US and South Vietnam gained a commanding position in terms of military strength. This was squandered due to the downright disastrous political effect it had on the US public.
Japan has some pretty cool power armors.
Because it's made from "murica" bitch.
>it's another poorly veiled /pol/ thread
knights are virgins too, they only get power armor on the east coast
>calls a Paladin a knight
Knights are the ones who wear the silly bodysuits and do all the maintenance.
>Tekkaman Blade
>a mecha
He's two meters tall at most IIRC.
I don't know if it's just a japanese thing but motorbikes and power armour always seem to go well together.
user has it right, because power armour was first really popularised in its current form by an unofficial military propaganda book. It's a symbol of militarism and brute force politics, in every instance where it's not being used just to look cool.
Power is American.
>No helmet.
The translation is good, but not quite perfect. The translation of the first sentence indicates more uncertainty than the original, and is phrased more abstractly than the original. In the second sentence skills gap should be deficiency in skill. The last original sentence advises the reader against assuming that everyone is from "anglocountries", while the translation abstractly advises against assuming everyone is "Anglo-Saxon".
Actually, It all boils down to the American Military unable to adapt to Asymmetrical warfare due to it's sledgehammer approach utterly failing in the entire Asian theater.
American went into the Asian theater with the prospects of Empire-building, And assumed every country would roll over like Japan and accept the new wave of American progressivism.
However, America using the time honoured tactic of "Pick a political side in a country then shoehorn thousands of our troops to fight for them" didn't do much in any of these countries, the most successful being Korea.
It was all a huge logistical and ideological failure of America that they still refuse to learn today.
He's Russian.
That's the least important part of his body.