>he doesn't play TN
He doesn't play TN
Pretty sure only NE characters make pointless one-line greentext threads on Veeky Forums.
Well, neutral evil is just a slightly more assholish true neutral after all.
I just don't feel strongly about it.
I like portraying people that are less boring than myself.
TN is only boring because you make it boring.
Pretty sure that True Faggot alignment is required for the OP class.
Alignments in the nasuverse are nonsensical. Gilgamesh is CG.
Gilgamesh is chaotic good though, he cares about humanity
>Edgelord McBackstab
>t. anime only mouthbreather
What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for power? Gold? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?
Posted in another thread but would a TN monk turned paladin from swearing an oath of peacekeeping be interesting?
That's the spirit!
I dunno. I don't feel strongly about any of those options.
You disgust me.
Sounds LN to me
>The law would enact an inquisition against those they deem heretics
>he would no doubt oppose this
>lel why is opposing this? Hes LN XD
I have no strong feelings on this.
This is how I true neutral
He wants to make earth great again
less people means survivors are truly awesome
>play TN in a 2e game
>they keep trying to tell me that I have to autistically balance my good/evil/law/chaos actions, like killing a toddler after I save a different toddler
>they REEEE when I tell them that's just a NE trying to justify themselves as neutral
Isn't he NE?
What reason would a true neutral char have to murder a toddler?
That's quite literally the definition of LE.
There isn't one, unless it was a clone of the Dark Lord who exterminated your village or something.
It's just that the description for TN in the 2e AD&D PHB is pants-on-head retarded. If you follow the description instead of any amount of logic whatsoever, you get situations like those.
IPS is objectively superior.
Arms dealers are, in theory, TN. Especially those who subscribe to the idea that "if I don't do it, someone else will, so I might as well do it myself and profit from it".
I always wonder who chose to put the neutral embassy flag on the right side of the door.
>Profiting off other people's wars
>Often helping escalate the conflict by giving both sides more and better weapons
>Not evil
>Having any opinion whatsoever on what alignment other people play.
You have violated the laws of neutrality, and for that crime you are hereby sentenced to continue living as if nothing had happened.
>Profiting off other people's war
But if I don't do it, then someone else will. It's inevitable, what's wrong in making some money out of it?
>giving both sides more and better weapons
I just sell them, what they do with it is their responsibility.
According to your logic, all mercenaries are evil.
Would this mean that the Jackal from Far Cry 2 is TN?