Whats sex with a blank gf like in 40k?
Whats sex with a blank gf like in 40k?
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Feels like shitposting
Revolting and uncomfortable. Blanks are soulless abominations and this is obvious even to normal ignorant civilians.
Like fucking a sponge of happiness so even climax feels like a void of depression and revulsion from which there is no escape.
It doesn't matter if she says you were good or bad. The afterglow will consist of you killing yourself knowing you will never know joy again.
But she is 10/10
>Blanks are soulless abominations
So like sex with all women then?
But to you it will feel like 0/0
Blanks are all -10/10
>Calls this -10/10
>Muh "2/10 would not bang"
Doesn't matter how they look. Blanks naturally fill you with feelings of revulsion. They could look utterly perfect, juat being near them will make you want to puke
That's a cartoon picture of a blank, not an actual blank.
Well, she is a ginger...
Like having sex with a person with 20(25? I forget) fellowship.
Unless you are a psyker, then it’s 1 fellowship
Baby, it will blow your mind
Pretty blank
What we know of them tells us that it should be disturbing and uncomfortable for reasons that we either can't really pinpoint or that our brains simply make up as it(and our souls) desperately tries to make sense of the blank's lack of soul. The only way I can see for this not to be the case is that all participants involved are blanks.
What if you're already living a life of pointless futility where every moment is without meaning or purpose, and sleep grants only a brief reprieve of fitful oblivion before you once again return to the waking nightmare that is your life? What if you're so starved for simple human affection that the palpable psychic void of the null is still comforting to the soul-crushing loneliness that you would endure, otherwise?
You know that uncanny valley feeling you get near mannequins or (god forbid) looking at real dolls.
Okay now you know that feeling when you see someone that is clearly off. Schizo or something else wrong even if they are a nice person.
Combine those feelings and dial that up to 11 and throw in the feeling of looking out over an ocean dropoff where you know for a fact that there is nothing even when there should be something there, no matter how bad that something is, its preferable to nothing.
thats what being near a blank was described to me as.
What would a passionate, after battle recuperation sex between a pure Custodian Shield Captain and fiery Sister of Silence look like?
The Sister rides him passionately while the Custodes would feel like he's dying.
So a succubus maybe
Are... are you okay, user?
Didn't prevent Bequin from being a succesful prostitute.
As I see it, the issue is that you can't relate to blanks. No connection through the warp means no empathy. So the very concept of girlfriend is gonna ask for a lot of rationalization on your part.
I think explains it quite well.
ofc. blank and psyker levels vary a lot in the fluff, (it is justified by different assignment ranks)
So it goes from "I so wish I could touch you" Eisenhorn" to "get stoned on sight and make psykers gouge their own throat out" in some short story. Or Jurgen "It's just a repulsive skin condition".
The Custodes would probably be too polite to protest and is too bewildered by the most human of feelings they no longer have.
God damn son
Depends if it's a blank or a pariah, fugging a blank would be weird, uncomfortable and probably cold bit still not even remotely comparable to a soul- annihilating black hole that is a pariah
What if you are also a Blank?
it's a creature that feels so wrong that people it can kill people by it's presence.
so no matter how hot it is you get a feeling of fear not arousal.
would you really want to have sex with that
unless it had it's null collar on?
then it would be like the sex with a krieger greentext
a trip to the Kommissariat for reeducation
weird jankey sex
>then it would be like the sex with a krieger greentext
Fuck, that excites me. Moist, muddy trenches, towering, pointed battlements, stout and ruddy fortifications, oh, user... That, that excites me.
Imagine the suffering of being a psyker with a SoS fellatio fetish
Or SoS dirty talking
Horrific. Simply being NEAR a blank is disquieting and aggravating for the normies, and pain for a psyker. Getting close enough to fuck? being inside of her? that level of intimacy will destroy you. Your mind will break down and destroy itself- assuming you can ignore every instinct in your animal meat screaming at you to kill this thing, kill it and flee from its corpse so that it can stop hurting you
You had me convinced not to and then you mentioned the collar and now I'm just swinging the other way even harder.
>As I see it, the issue is that you can't relate to blanks. No connection through the warp means no empathy. So the very concept of girlfriend is gonna ask for a lot of rationalization on your part.
No matter how sounds like a call for help, this user is not entirely wrong.
>What if you're so starved for simple human affection that the palpable psychic void of the null is still comforting to the soul-crushing loneliness that you would endure, otherwise?
That's actually quite close to the relation between Valerian and Aleya. He has strong feelings for her despite their respective nature because she treats him like a normal person instead of some hieratic figure. It's nothing like love, but they do feel some kind of empathy for each other.
Some blanks can restrain their capacity IIRC. Can't remember if it's due to training or some psy-technology.
Bequin was a lesser grade. You absolutly have to understand there is a sliding scale of this shit. From the "unlucky" down to the edgelord Black Pariah. Eisenhorn is unlikely to have gotten a hold of more then entry level blanks. Opaque enough in the warp to deny psyker bullshit and manifest negative reactions. You'll notice that Bequin WAS as you say, successful. However whoring herself was the only way not to suffer a life that had been harsh and unkind. Existence had not been kind to her and while she rarely seems to hurt Eisenhorn, he is annoyed with her almost instantly
You know I've always wondered. What does it look like when someone lets down their Top Knot?
o i am laffin
>Some blanks can restrain their capacity IIRC.
you're thinking Culexus Assassin
>hey wow this girl is really hot but IT SHOULD NOT EXIST KILL IT IT'S WRONG IT IS NOT ONE OF US
top kek
This but you just know that WOULD find a way to power through it. Just for the bragging rights. Because he's that kind of a guy.
To be fair, Culexus are way cuter than SoS anyway.
InCase is unaccepable
ur unacceptable incase is great
If they have a null collar? Normal. If not? I hope you have a thing for scary sex.
Like chewing 5 gum.
Custodes retain much more of their humanity and individuality than marines do. Its feasible for them to develop genuine fondness for baseline humans.
Has the book been selling decent?
I want more adventures staring the Tsundere blank and the nerdy Custodes.
I feel like I'd like it but I was mind broken at a young age so caveat emptor. Also, Bequin was such a depressing character I just wanted her to havesomething work out, even in a world where computers are too hard so just use brains guys.
The thing with blanks is that they can be very good-looking, but a person will very rarely ever be attracted to them. It's not a case of being physically repulsive.
When you meet a blank, you're going to feel something akin to, "I can't stand this guy, but I don't know why," constantly, probably upwards of a degree of, "Oh my God, why won't she shut up?" to an almost painful degree of monotony when all the blank said was five words in an hour.
Being around a blank is kinda like being around a person you just can't fucking stand, but you can't really figure out why.
FFG gave collars to suppress their "bubble" (although I think it only reduces it, doesn't shut it out completely), but I don't think there's been anything else to state their existence, so the canon on them is dubious.
It is a sliding scale. I'm not sure if they have changed it up since the Visions of Heresy book from years ago but the whole psyker scale runs on a Greek alphabet scale.
Average humans sit in the Pi-Rho range.
As you move up psychic traits begin to manifest with battlefield level potency beginning around Epsilon and moving upward to Delta, Gamma, and Beta (the highest a human can go and still remain sane) and then to Alpha level. Once there it goes in reverse to Alpha+, Beta+, etc. each jump there increasing power by orders of magnitude with things beginning to no longer be physical creatures but stuff of pure warp energy.
Below Rho is the opposite with blunts (resistant to psychic effects), blanks (nullify power near them) and finally in Omega territory with pariahs (soulless horrors).
I have no idea if this stuff has been retconned though.
Then that means you are a blank
>limiters in Ravenor, it's some kind of implant that can act like a switch.
I dunno how it makes any sense, but hey, 40k.
>Once there it goes in reverse to Alpha+, Beta+
Source? IIRC the old fluff had Alpha + as "above the scale, everything is allowed".
Goddamn it. I didn't ask for these feels. Every fucking night, man.
Alpha+ is the end of the scale, everything after that is just unholy Outer god tier.
Like Child Slaanesh tier.
I guess a bit like going further, after your nut. It may feel good, but in the end, the pain will beat the pleasure.
Now, what gave me thinking, what would sex with a psyker gf be like? Or even better, sex with a psyker gf, if you yourself are psyker too.
Please report to the nearest Black Ship user.
Sort of the same but with more explosions of your brain matter.
What kind of "explosions" of the brain matter are talking, user?
If I recall correcty in the Eisenhorn series he meets this joygirl that becomes part of his retinue and shes a blank.
I guess it wont kill you fuckibg them,I assume you would hate fuck her probably
The not fun kind.
>I'm ready for sex, user!
God why am I so sad? Maybe we shouldn't do this...
>Oh, uh, look at the special underwear I bought just for tonight! Doesn't it excite you?
Existence is pain. I just wanna go home tonight.
>Oh, but we can try that roleplaying thing. I'll be the klutzy-
No, I'm going to go kill myself now, bye.
And the sister will just sit there, moist and ready, watching you slump out the door. She will sit there for hours before going to bed, she won't even cry. The next day, she'll hear that you killed yourself, no one knows why you did it.
But she'll know the reason.
She was the reason.
Be a saint and don't fuck a blank.
>what would sex with a psyker gf be like?
Well, if they're able to read your mind, it would mean having to be really careful about thinking of other girls while doing the nasty.
>sex with a psyker gf, if you yourself are psyker too.
Exploding brain matter and spawning warp portals/daemons aside, it would probably mean you'd be able to have long distance sex and do very subtle kinky shit.
>Sisters of Silence act Moe and cute to try and incite people not to be depressed.
Yeah Bequin seemed to be a relatively successful joygirl when they meet in the first book.
Assuming you're not a psyker, then it would likely be a purely physical act, kind of like a human fleshlight. If you are a psyker....shit I hope you're a masochist.
That touched home way too much. Except I could not pull the trigger and she hang herself.
... Am I a blank? I can't be a magnet for sucidal women.
We must delve deeper.
What would sex with a chaos god be like?
Depends on the God but most likely it would be break your body, mind and soul into little pieces that the God will eat or shape into a daemon.
>muuh I don't like "this style"
>so "this style" is objectively bad
Shut your whore mouth, you tasteless scum.
They feature in All the Ravenor/Eisenhorn and Cain novels (although the collars are only in the 1st two novel sets I've mentioned)
They see me rollin, they hatin !
How do blanks tolerate each other? Normally?
Would a planet full of blanks operate relatively fine?
Could we be a planet full of blanks?
What..? Why am I feeling these emotions? I-I didn't come here to cry, Veeky Forums-!
Oh god... Oh god I'm so sorry user.
breh lmao
Get back in the trunk Corax.
The first SoS are said to have been recruited among the population of a single world where blanks were very common, maybe even a large majority. So yes, a null-world seems legit.
From the 7th edition minidex
>In some rare cases, these hunters learned to suppress their uncanny auras to some degree, and in living alongside others begot their own bloodlines. None of these would-be settlers ever stayed in one place for long, for the Pariah gene is not named idly. Wherever the Sisters of Silence sought out new lives, they were hounded into exile once more by those that hated them for their intrinsic otherness. Still, not all were reviled or burned as witches. The offspring of these few had children of their own, and over the generations, the genetic peculiarity of the Silent Sisterhood found its way further into the vast spread of the human race.
Rejoice Veeky Forums, you can actually date one of these soulless ladies and have sexual intercourse with her !
Unless they simply rape people in order to get that sweet geneseed.
Can't rape the willing, user.
The only one that would agree to do it would involve a lot of tentacles
mathematically speaking 0/0 is exactly the same as 10/10
just saying
like with escort
empty eyes and a lot of "pretend" love and affection
What is this from? Looks like Incase's work.
>Fear and revulsion
>During sex
Well that ticks a lot of boxes for me.
Future mass shooter detected
you must be a fucking chad or something if you really get women "into it".
Dude, no. 0/0 makes no sense. You can't divide by zero no matter what. 10/10 is 1.
no not really
just have even the most fucking basic understanding of psychology and how people work
right sure you do
moshi moshi baitu desu
Feels like bags of sand.
>implying a case of the sads would stop me from hitting that pussy harder than a macrocannon shell
You can’t stay the night though, once the high starts to fade you have to run like a motherfucker before the depression aura makes you kill yourself
Are they attracted to guys with equally repulsing effects?
Sorry, I slap my monkey when I'm depressed. This won't change the results.