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So how are your games going?
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/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
>how are your games going?
don't twist the knife, please.
>So how are your games going?
Never played a single game of any of the WoD splats in my life.
Eventually, I hope to come across some reasonable folks online who wouldn't mind taking in a newbie for a game of Vampire - Dark Ages.
Does the Technocracy have a most wanted list of reality deviants?
Unfortunately never had a chance to try non-d20 game, planning to introduce bunch of friends to CofD once CtL 2e is out.
kinda anxious about gming system I am unfamiliar with. Do folks over at discord manage to get games started to try to bum in?
My Abyss mystic is having fun exploring DA France via caravan. In between sessions I'm trynna think of what sorts of goodies I can get him, aside from a few rituals from the Tome of Secrets.
I'm wondering if going into Vicissitude for the sweet Horrid Form would be worth it.
>once CtL 2e is out
In 2019 ?
How would a non-Tzimisce even begin to learn Vicissitude? Or how would a non-Lasombra learn Obtenebration? It doesn't seem likely that any Tzimisce or Lasombra would readily share their knowledge of their Clan's Disciplines.
2018. 2019 is for the prestige version.
If I have to I will go Frankenstein on Manuscript, Playtest and 1st edition, mark my words!
>BHM? I wouldn't give much on a developers opinion on his own game.
Nah he's just very smug about it.
I just couldn't recall the name of the third guy.
Paradim and sunlessnick are the other two though.
As everything else is done amongst vampires: Blackmail.
Another "easy" route: Knightly Orders. In these groups there's a tendency between young Cainites to share vitae and disciplines.
Anyway, in my character's case, our coterie has despite my better judgement allowed a Gangrel diablerist to join our caravan who could show me the basics. Other than that, there's a conflict between a Tremere and a Tzimisce going on (shocking, I know) that I could use in my favor.
You could just try to get them in on another one of the 2e games until Lost 2e comes out. Werewolf, Vampire, Mage, and I think Demon? Beast is also 2e, or rather Chronicles, but do what everyone should do and pretend it's not real.
Idk how well I could sell them on it, and I feel it bears repeating that I feel incredibly uncomfortable Storytelling this system at the moment since I have zero first hand experience with it. I've familiarized myself with Changeling and the modern dark fairy tale should resonate well with my friends, I can't say same about other gamelines.
What does enlightenment entail for those guys?
Dying correctly and getting a new reincarnation ticket.
I think you're worrying too much. The system isn't particularly hard or anything, and you aren't going to get any firsthand experience by sitting on your hands until the game you really want to try comes out. Just my advice.
>Does the Technocracy have a most wanted list of reality deviants?
No, I don't recall anything like a most wanted list from the Technocracy sourcebook or any of the original or revised Convention books.
What are the biggest differences between nWoD and CofD?
If there was a mage who had the "Veeky Forums" paradigm, would their avatar be their waifu?
Meant for
I figured. Thanks for advice but it's still kinda tricky since I am either going into STing cold with confused audience, or am looking for entirely new troupe to bring me in.
Something like that, there are very high reputation, dangerous Reality-Deviants.
But something in the order of an actual list would probably be determined on a location-by-location basis.
It certainly wouldn't be treated like a bounty board.
The Technocracy is very ordered, and acting without regard to ongoing operations may well compromise their integrity in your rampant attempts to nail that one fucking Mage on the list.
So how much and in what way will the Technocratic Union be nerfed in the 5th edition of WoD? I ask because WW said the TU gets involved with the second inquisition, and if they were operating at full power, it'd be only a short while before everything was dealt with.
Notable that NWO is very opposed to Pogroms. They ruin any social relations and treaties they have established and usually are major set back on their subtle subversion strategy.
Looking for people interested in playing a 1e CtL game Set in the Appalachian region of Virginia. Weekly meeting times around 4PM EDT. Preferably, we'd have a "session zero" on the 18th or so, with the precise meeting day negotiable. Contact me on Discord @ArmyofWaifu#4449 if interested. Interest in the regional mythology and a love of role-playing big pluses.
Already have two players!
Heavily, if Vamp is anything to go by.
If neonates get to run around doing shit all fucking day that risks the Masquerade, I can't see them turning around and telling the Traditions that they can't masturbate in public.
>So how are your games going?
Just got back from one actually, going pretty good.
Somewhat shorter session than last time. Turns out I was wrong, the immediate bad guys are not a bunch of Shulpae Slurpers. It's Cheiron Time, motherfuckers! Looks like they're doing something funky to the Hedge, though we're not quite sure what or how yet, except that they need live changelings to do it. I feel like the ST might be going full ayy lmao with the colonization project stuff in their backstory. Also the game finally got somewhat lewd.
>Also the game finally got somewhat lewd.
Tell me truthfully, did you resolve to do this after the Hellboy storytime in one of the previous threads?
Also, what kind of format would this game use? Text (low descriptive, high descriptive)? Voice?
What are some examples of creautres/entities capable of going toe to toe with Archmages in OWoD?
test post
So, tell us, how are the Changeling Lasses?
I would love to join but am afraid the time frame is most unfortunate because of timezones. What's group's current consensus on meeting days?
1. There was a Hellboy storytime? Nah, I just live in the Appalachians and wanted to run something that wasn't a heavily-urbanized pancultural city (plus the mythology of my area has always interested me).
2. Text, with medium descriptiveness on my end (I'll be able to go into a lot of detail about most major locations, but don't expect me to account for the precise layout of every shop in town or something like that). My mics are all of LEGENDARILY shitty quality (during a couple of Skype calls, my friends began to refer to me as "the Mouth of Sauron" due to it).
I don't understand the question. The differing potency of individual Archmages can be absolutely phenomenal. You've got ones capable of tectonic plate manipulation and ones capable of creating universes in the palms of their hands.
They can potentially fight anything and win. Even God. Potentially.
None thus far, but we're aiming for a session zero thing, where we can workshop characters and (hopefully) get through the individual preludes on the 18th.
Pretty dang needy.
>help some fairy chicks out once
>"hey let's talk about pledges"
>that sounds like commitment
>that sounds like a lot of commitment
>gurl I couldn't even commit to my own splat
*munches on pop-corn* uhhuh. And then?
Apparently that 'Set' guy. Though I've got a hunch the werefag was full of shit.
There *might* have been an archmage involved, but the assault was led by the yiffs, and ended in an entire city being buried in the sand.
don't you get it?
he's playing hard to get
Changeling preview where? PLEASE
Oh. No pledge happened, clearly.
It was a somewhat shorter session than last time. At the moment my character is tagging along with the group for two reasons - 1. he started off investigating the people who turned out to be Cheiron, and 2. the last session ended with the Runnerswift staying at his place, because she's new to being a changeling and found the place set aside for new 'lings by the local Freehold creepy.
The session was mostly following up on leads from the last and finding that whoever was chasing the Runnerswift in the previous session (totally Cheiron) was somehow able to relatively precisely predict when and generally where a changeling will come out of the Hedge. We stopped someone from getting black vanned and tailed some dudes back to their center of operations, where there was a bit of a brawl.
Lewdness only happened toward the end. For Fabiowolf, if was the Runnerswift getting torqued up from the fight and wanting some dick. Cue sweet handholding sex in the missionary position after Urshal form dickings.
A new thread, a new post, and I gotta do the same old saying.
Will VtM 5e be the trainwreck that finally kills the OWoD?
No, it will be kept on life support forever. I don't think 5e even needs to make money it seems to be someone's pet project while the big boys try to pawn it off as a video game.
Set could probably defeat any archmage that doesn't have 9 dots in something. Any antediluvian could.
Werefag was mostly full of shit. He was comparing game lines in a way you're not supposed to do. The writers for Apocalypse had a notorious level of disregard for other splats and tended to make them job hard, when in other stuff they were presented as far greater threats (this goes for everything, by the way, not just antediluvians). If you want a 'canon' ending for Set you're better off reading one of the Gehenna scenarios.
Everything but Masquerade will die eventually, but V:tM will probably outlive Chronicles.
I could do it.
>Set could probably defeat any archmage that doesn't have 9 dots in something. Any antediluvian could.
I'm no so certain. Or rather it's hard to say. You don't need nine dots to outdo ten-dot Disciplines.
Forces 7 can already rival Protean 10. Voormas targeted the entire universe through Entropy 7.
10 in a Discipline is literally "it does whatever it wants." At least, that's how it was written for antediluvians. I believe there are some specific ten dot powers as well.
Most of the ten-dot Disciplines were given examples of just how far their 'plot device' could take them. The ones that didn't still went up to nine.
>So how are your games going?
Planning to run a game of V20 at the beginning of next month for a bunch(including me) who has never played a WoD game.
I'm hoping to do some faction conflict, pretentious elder preaching and mysterious blokes who know a lot more than they should fucking with the party. Hopefully it won't crash with no survivors before 2018.
It won't die, but I think it will be the soul crushing event that causes a lot of oWoDfags to move over to Requiem while just transporting whatever fluff they like over. Same for all the 5th Edition games.
Ultimately, it depends on the antediluvian in question as much as the mage in question. Some of the antediluvians weren't even vampires anymore. Ennoia had merged with the universe or some shit. Lasombra was implied to have become, essentially, a living abyss. Malkav was a meme.
Comparatively, guys like Zapathasura and the Ventrue antediluvian are much weaker.
>causes a lot of oWoDfags to move over to Requiem while just transporting whatever fluff they like over
oWoDfags will just retreat to Revised edition as we've always done
>Ennoia had merged with the universe or some shit
The planet.
By tearing up the archmages sheet.
Ennoia merged with the core of the earth using Protean 10. Not sure where you're getting the universe bit from.
Lasombra didn't become the Abyss more so than become one of its faces.
This is already what I'm doing. I let my group read the fluff for Masquerade and Requiem before deciding what setting they wanted the game in, and the decision was unanimous that Masquerade was superior, so I just used the translation guide to turn Requiem into Masquerade.
You monster
Ante status by 2004
>Tzimisce: Akira style blob under NY
>Giovanni: In torpor, trying to breach the shroud
>Ventrue: ded
>Malkav: Fragment in every Malkavian, waiting for the proper time to pull a hivemind
>Saulot: Soul split in two, still a bit powerful
>Tremere: 4th gen, since he got kicked out of his original body
>Haqim: Torpor
>Lasombra: Ascended to the abyss, planning to blot out the sun permanently
>Brujah: Ilyes is dead and Troile is in torpor under Carthage
>Ennoia: Merged with the planet
>Nosferatu: Alive and miserable in the arctic, too cowardly to end his life
>Toreador: Alive and well in Greece, biding her time
>Set: Torpor
>Ravnos: ded
Set's status depends on the Gehenna scenario, in some he's completely dead and gone, and in some he comes back
>>Lasombra: Ascended to the abyss, planning to blot out the sun permanently
IIRC he was planning to blot out light as a concept. Like, return reality to the dark before God said "Let there be light."
What a fucking emo cunt.
Reminder that Lasombra thought he'd be a big deal in the Abyss but got bullied and ignored by the much older and more powerful Abyss inhabitants
It's really this.
>Ultimately, it depends on the antediluvian in question as much as the mage in question.
Though in the end the strongest theoretical archmage is going to topple even Caine.
Yes, just like Ventrue may be alive and in hiding and Ennoia hit the core of the planet and was killed. I'm talking about the "official" ante fates, as WW had originally in mind while still letting you do whatever you want
Yup. Was it ever confirmed that the VtM abyss is actually Hell, by the way?
Originally no, but when Demon came out they joined those parts together.
No, the official fate of Set is that he's dead. Check page 18 on Gehenna
>>Ravnos: ded
>Mages with Forces 5
>You're Welcome
Proof that changelings are degenerates that have to be deported back to Arcadia. We need a bigger Hedge.
Isn't it implied at some point that these are also both the same as the Tempest from WtO
>implying oWoD fans would move to Chronicles of Dogshit instead of just rewinding back to another edition
Right. Being less powerful than an unbound elohim is sort of to be expected, though. Lasombra's advantage was that he had an anchor to the physical world in the form of his clan, and could theoretically pull off an "everything is the Abyss now" move.
At least, he was more likely to pull it off than Augustus and his "everything is spooky now" plan.
>deported back to Arcadia
Don't you support DACA?
Deferred Action for Changeling Arrivals
Those poor changelings never had a choice to leave the material realm and go to Arcadia...
Would an Archamage with 9 dots in prime be able to live on earth, seeing as how he can discard all the Paradox he generates by simply existing?
I hate how it's never settled whether the Giovanni's plan could have worked or not, I always thought it was destined to fail but I've never seen any evidence either way, besides Valentinism
Without a doubt.
Maybe. Archmages without that have done so already. Medea still walks the earth after 2000 years, as does the Unnamed.
Huh, I thought the Unnamed was hiding out in the Umbra and only comes back to end the world
Reminds me that I really want to set a chronicle after the "Hell on Earth" scenario
So you use Requiem's mechanics with Masquerade's fluff?
And when they get back here they gobble literal giant wolf cock and even hold hands with the opposite sex.
They have to go back.
I don't understand why anyone wouldn't do this, it's the best of both worlds, there's a whole book to help you and everything
Just like how we never found out who killed the Sabbat regent (until a week ago), the identity of the Capuchin, what happened to the bogatyri, why Haqim was afraid the last time he was seen by his clan, the gender of Troile, whether Gratiano was a willing puppet, what was up with the Nictuku, and so on and so forth.
Forget it Jake, it's White Wolf.
Wait who the fuck killed the Sabbat regent, tell me NOW
Isn't the capuchin hardcore implied to be lazarus though? Like pretty much almost outright stating it
Yeah. I mean, it's just the sensible thing to do. Requiem's mechanics are clearly far less sloppy, but nobody seems to like or even care about Requiem's fluff.
Of course, some stuff has required almost complete rewriting, like there are obviously disciplines in Masquerade that aren't in Requiem, or that have been changed conceptually in silly ways. I do these on a case-by-case basis.
1 and 2e said he was Lazarus, only the novels had him waking up only in the new millenium, then the Revised edition implied it was Japheth, and then Dark Ages threw a fucking gear wrench and had rumors that Lazarus and Japheth were the same guy
>vampire illuminati strikes again
fuck white wolf
If it helps you swallow it down it's implied he was being manipulated/controlled by Malkav at the time.
t. changeling betamale
Women want a man who has to roll for Death Rage every hour.
As of V20 it's him, Japheth who is another guy, and Mahatma taking turns wearing the hood.
I never really saw what was so special about Masquerade's fluff though. I mean all I liked about it was the stuff on the street level, and it seems like Requiem has that too, and even better, makes it a focus. I like the Caine myth but only as a myth. I never cared for Jyhad, or the Antes or Gehenna or anything like that. I like Masquerade's clan variety but it seems like Requiem has a lot of that too, with Bloodlines.
And stated goal? That's even more stupid since Japheth and Lazarus hated each other,
and Mahatma hated his dad so much he left and changed his name, while Japheth is a hardcore daddylover
Nobody wants the knot.
Stop deluding yourself.
Because the interconnectednes of the characters makes it seem more real.
As an example
>Dark Colony is set in New England, has a Nos prince and spymaster called Stanford Warwick who is extending a centuries long spying ring throughout the world with his children
>New Orleans by night has a Nos called Lawrence Meeks, whose sire is stated to be a Warwick
So you can actually see how that web is formed, and this is just about two bit characters.
>So how are your games going?
The Awakening 2e game I'm in is going pretty good. We may or may not end up as wanted terrorists and we may or may not be being hunted by a psychopathic Mage with an artifact that's 4-5 dots at least who may or may not want to stop us from looking in to a magical massacre. We also may or may not be pawns in a shadowy Mage's scheme and we may or may not have problems with a local Nameless Order in the future.
My guess is people like having the mythology and history even if they don't get far into it in their games. Masquerade can do street level vampire mafia and shadow wars and deep esoteric stuff. The clans feel more like living, breathing entities with roots and relationships to one another than the ones in Requiem, which are more like vampire archetypes.
Also, to be honest, the clans in Requiem are not as interesting. Nor are the powers they get. The primary organizations vampires can be part of feel less genuine and interesting, too.
At least, this is just my take on what I see. To date I've never met a group that reads both settings basic stuff, and chooses Requiem.