Preorders for the core game STILL going on:
Baby that retired after fighting the Phoenix: Anyone fight a legendary?
Preorders for the core game STILL going on:
Baby that retired after fighting the Phoenix: Anyone fight a legendary?
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The SotF rerolls can be used even on Intimacy rolls.
SotF settlement is basically FatalPulse doujin.
You take one dude and couple young (0 hunt XP) girls, have him breed them.
If girl would die (on 1-3), she saves herself with her reroll.
If guy would die after that (on 1), he uses his own reroll.
Those whose reroll was spent become monster bait.
Newborns are mostly girls, each bringing her own reroll into the cycle.
Add Graves - because what better way to ease your mind after fucking someone to death than doing it again with somebody else that's still squirming?
And it kicks into overdrive once you have
Face Painting - Founder's Eye, just give it to the guy and he will never even need to spend his own reroll and can just keep plowing though the breeders.
Getting more than 3 disorders doesn't mean shit (unless you're getting them through Brain Damage roll) they will just keep replacing each other.
Loli monster kill squads
A man after my own heart
Unfortunately my rerolls were already long gone as all my survivors were alive since LY1 and had to survive several bullshit tables and attacks already.
But I like the idea of a rape factory to keep my settlement running with SotF. Might implement it on my next settlement. I guess I'll have to build Young Survivor now.
Where are the rules for dual-wielding weapons?
Is that just a fighting art or am I missing something?
The rule is called Paired.
Oh I see.
So its specific to certain weapons only.
Alternatively SotF musclegirl vanilla mode - Face Painting, Partnership - paired up couple. Have them both do Founder's Eye (for total of +2, so the girl only dies on 1 - and you got two rerolls on them to do something about it) then blow all remaining Endeavors with them. If everyone made it safe and sound last Hunt (or you have Graves) and you get Eye on both first attempt, that's 5 babies, (saving one Endeavor for 1 for Innovation). Possibly more babies with Cooking / Matchmaker.
I'm not sure if there's anything else for +1 on Intimacy. But if there is you know what to do.
Alternatively cheeky rule-bending variant safe sex triple Founder's Eye MMF threesome.
I want to live in En's settlement!
Would that make Nikaido as honorary member or nemesis encounter?
... Someone needs to communicate with Asanagi and let him/her know that kdm exists.
Saviour or Hunt Event encounter.
Kai is nemesis as fuck, for many, many reasons.
Would the mushrooms just be penises if its KDM?
It'd be a die roll. Find something phallic looking on the ground. You can try to eat it or try to suck it. If you eat it and it's a shroom get some bonus. Eat it and it's a dick get some std. Suck it and it's a shroom get some disease from fungus. Suck it and it's a dick [book event non-consensual intimacy]
Cooking in 1.5 gives +1 Endeavor per settlement phase.
Recipes are still garbage though.
There is the Ambidextrous fighting art which I believe in 1.5 lets you add paired to any 1h items.
Reminder that until explicitly proven otherwise, this is what Disciple of the Witch - Five looks like.
Is the game fun? Is it worth dropping money on it considering the cost is pretty high?
I don't know if it's worth the money for retail, but it is super fun and the models are amazing. If you get into it though you can keep playing it for ages.
LWA wasn't even around at the time the Disciple models were released.
There isn't a Five, as the Flower Witch herself is Five. The fifth petal only unfurls when she is going to choose a successor Flower Witch.
There are seven other petals on the flower, so there likely could be a Susie-inspired Disciple in the future.
where's my print and play version???
>LWA wasn't even around at the time the Disciple models were released.
First LWA was 2013.
For retail price, the models are about as expensive (if not cheaper) than GW models. Difference is, you don't need to buy 50 of them and they don't look like total dog shit.
It’s a LOT of money, but it’s also a really impressive product. If you can find people who can appreciate it for what it is, you aren’t going to find any board game as expansive in scale. My friend group is pretty busy and not quite as into the weeb flavor as I am, but they’re definitely interested in the hunting strategies and resource management so we’ve had a couple fun evenings with it already.
$300(preorder) is less than the costs of an equivalent amount of Warmahords or Warhammer models. From a hobby aspect, it's a great price for the quality.
On a boardgame aspect, it literally weighs over 20pounds. There's a ton of content to it.
It is however a campaign-based game. You play a campaign over several sessions. It's easy to learn, having one of the most expertly crafted tutorials I've seen in a boardgame, so you really can have people just join in for a session, or even a partial session.
So I've seen things listed as 'Kingdom Death' and 'Kingdom Death: Monster'. Which one am I looking for? Or is Monster a new version?
You fucking faggot, read the OP you fucking inbred.
1. Calm down you autist.
2. Still doesn't answer my question.
>'Kingdom Death'
is setting / trademark
>'Kingdom Death: Monster'.
is the board game in the setting, so far only game in the setting (though there are other planned)
make sure you're getting Core Game 1.5
Guess I might be dropping some money on this game. Do the Pinups do anything in game? Are they playable characters or are they NPCs? and how often does the online store restock them? Lots of them are sold out.
Thank you, my dude.
>Do the Pinups do anything in game?
No, but Pinups of Death box comes with a promo card.
A most important promo card.
we're like 90% sure it will come with Anonymous Survivor - though waiting for Wave 4 (est. 2020) will be painful
I wish this game didn't have models to build. I'd pay 400-500$ for premade models, I can't assemble stuff for shit and I'd hate to spend dozens of hours making models just to play the game.
If you don't care about fine precision, you can assemble core box over a weekend.
Magnetizing is where it gets autistic.
chin up, assembly isn't that hard! Well, maybe the phoenix hands and intimacy female are but by in large you'd learn pretty fast with a little tutorial and a little practice how to put this all together.
Man I thought similarly but found it to be pretty fun and satisfying.
I just feel that it isn't worth it unless you get them perfect like in the display pictures.
Because then it's not just 400$, it's shipping, plus glue, all the tools.
Autism for this game is beautiful :(
> though waiting for Wave 4 (est. 2020) will be painful
You're telling me. Hopefully he lets me include the Spot and Belt in it as bonus, though if there's some sort of premade geargrid, or something, for Wanderers it might not happen.
The tools are generally inexpensive, and having x-acto blades, superglue, and wire nippers are all useful things to have around anyway.
You can also have friends help you assemble the core models. If you turn out to not want to assemble any more than the bare minimum, you can easily sell each armorset sprue for about $25.
Alternatively, play it on Tabletop Simulator if you want to be cheap and exclude the hobby, I guess.
Here's my Lion WIP
dat boi got gingivitis
At least he's ripped.
>tfw too ripped too reach down to trim claws
>tfw too musclebound to brush teeth nightly before bedtime
>this is result
Not white enough.
Just read the rules for targeting. After a target is selected you may not Surge to use Fecal Salve and avoid consideration as a threat.
I think the plan would be to draw the AI card and then potentially surge before targeting, though this still sounds a bit iffy.
$300 preorder + $12 hobby toolkit (amazon) + $8 glue (amazon).
>premade models
Are objectively worse in quality.
>spend dozens of hours making models
With literally no experience I made the prologue+4 starting survivors in 3 hours. This is enough for the prologue+first 3 lantern years.
>I'd hate [KDM]
No excuses user!
Anyone has a link to the pdf?
It's an American White Lion. 56% white.
I don't care about model quality. I just don't want to glue little fucking plastic bits together. I just want to play the fucking game. The only way I'd love the models would be if they were perfect and I'm not autistic enough to assemble them in the insane ways people are building them.
You could pay someone to do it for you? Hell, you can even get them painted if you've got the scratch for it.
Then you are beyond hope user. Look at how easy this shit is!
Don't be discouraged by the magnetizing elitists.
>I just want to play the fucking game
Then buy the damn game and play it with coins/tokens instead of minis. Tabletop Simulator if poorfag.
Some people sell the sprues to recoup money then buy pre assembled miniatures to play the actual game with they're fucking plebs but you could do it and no one online would ever have to know
Yeah magnets are the true endgame, but that's too hardcore. I just wish this game wasn't blocked by such a shitty thing. It wouldn't be so expensive with the DIY crap.
Miniature hobbyists have such awesome games that I can never get into because I have 10 thumbs and the dexterity of a leper during a hot summer day.
If I started a KS to get art and printings for survivor and monster tiles so people could sell their sprues or not have to assemble them immediately, do you think Poots would issue a C&D?
You mean ten ring fingers, every two extra thumbs is +1 to you dex.
On the Monster turn you can't perform survival outside of flows or a knockdown. There are no AI cards I know that begin with flows.
Of what?
It probably depends on her close the likeness of your potential art is to KDM's.
Given the breadth of styles used by KD:M I think that just leaves abstract styles such as Dada and Cubism.
The core rulebook I mean, sorry.
What counts as a flow?
not really. anyone can make a cardboard square that has a white lion on it and there isn't shit poots can do as long as it's not a pic of the model or ripped right from the rulebook or anything. same with half naked people holding lanterns, etc.
They are a specific visual callout. They are defined in the book a couple times. They are the downward arrow breaking up the card parts and directing the reader to the next part of the AI card.
I've been looking at this game for a while.
Assuming I could buy everything, all expansions, at MSRP (fuck scalpers, restock would hopefully happen, right?), how much would this game cost?
I'm expecting 1k+, with the 1.5 being $300.
I paid about 1700 € for the core game, the old expansions, the new expansions and three pinup models. That doesn't include shipping.
And I also have the kickstarter discount on my side.
Scananon is still working on it, and then I'll PDF it.
If you don't have any friends who might be interested in doing the hobby part for you, then it sounds like you don't have the friends to play the game anyway.
MSRP I can't be assed to answer for you at this hour. Here are the pledges so you can get an idea on the bareminimum/what you missed out on.
Gamer's Lantern - $1,650
-Kingdom Death: Monster Core Game 1.5
-Gambler's Chest
-Watcher T-shirt (same one from our webstore!)
-All new* expansions from this kickstarter
-All 12 Current Expansions (Dragon King, Flower Knight, Etc...)
-Classic Death - Dice Set
Satan’s Lantern - $1,666
- Kingdom Death: Monster Core Game 1.5
- Gambler's Chest
- All 12 Current Expansions (Dragon King, Flower Knight, Etc...)
- All new* expansions from this kickstarter
- All new* pinups from this kickstarter
- All new* promos from this kickstarter
- Exclusive Satan T-Shirt
- Pinups of Death - Series 1
- All Pinups & Promos from last Kingdom Death: Monster kickstarter
Will finish magnetizing the unarmored set today. The bone weapons too, probably. Then comes the rawhide set. I need to get my hands on a toolbox where I can store the bits.
Is it supposed to be Scar from the Lion King? Because that'd be just fine.
user probably just hasn't started working on the mane yet.
I haven't looked at my K:D models in forever and honestly haven't gotten much of anything done. Only did some work on the White Lion, Beyond the Wall, and Spidicules. Anyway, I got my 1.5 box a few days ago and so I'm starting to look at this massive backlog of models again. It's kind of frightening how many models/minis I need to get to building and/or painting.
I posted about this lion a long time ago on Veeky Forums - It was being modified to bring out more lion-like features to the face. A friend said I should post it here when I showed them the (forever) work in progress. So here's where my White Lion is at right now. The top of the head isn't glued in yet. I need to touch up the paint job for the inside of the mouth before that.
Stop buying models and paint your shit.
>I am barely good enough to paint these minis without needing to purge the paint off afterwards
>Friend has never painted before and is allegedly getting this for hannukuh
>I have to teach him
This is going to go awfully, but I also suspect he won't get the game for a long time due to shipping. It's currently just pre-order, right?
I have a ton of friends who would love to play the game. Pen and paper rpg and long tactical games players, but all of them hate on warhammer for the models and assembly( which they also think is grossly overpriced for that it is).
Oh I assumed it was already scanned. I'm trying to see if I'd enjoy the game using TTS but I'd need the rulebook. I'm not sure if the Nogroth table is using 1.5 rules or pre 1.5 rules.
Pre 1.5 on TTS, currently.
On an unrelated note: Have pre-orders started shipping yet to any part of the whole wide world? Anyone know?
So I just need to find the pre 1.5 core book. The entire thing is on tts but it's a bit hard to read on the tabletop.
Can double Founder's Eye really be done, as you don't nominate a survivor in the Face Painting innovation?
Sure, it doesn't say "once per settlement phase" like Shrine and the like does. Which leads to another consideration: Can you actually endeavor there as many times as you like? One for each eye, if you like, to get +4 on Intimacy? One for every orifice if you just lost six members on hunt and another six during settlement phase (with graves)?
You always have to endeavor with a specific Survivor. You can´t just endeavor as "God of the Settlement", so to say. All the benefits of the Endeavor also only go to the Survivor who did it.
So yes, two people can get some eye shadow and then fuck with +2 to their roll.
Not sure about the as many times you want deal though.
Hey PDF guy. DM a guy on one of the Discords that rhymes with rb.
It's a combination of building, modifying, and painting. I mean, I recast the left hand of the Beyond the Wall model in clear resin for the lamp and drilled a small hole on the bottom to see if I can make it look like there's a small flame.
>they don't look like total dog shit
I looked at the recent Necromunda models and wanted to puke.
Some reviewer said something along these lines: the game is absolutely worth the $400 sticker price, but if you're uneasy about spending that much, then you're not missing out on much.
It's extremely boutique in every sense of the word. It's like buying an expensive watch; you get it because of the name and knowing the precision and effort that goes into it. If you just wanna tell time, a $20 Casio does the same job.
What are you talking about? These models are of the highest quality, goyi- I mean user.
Holy shit, even the painting quality is atrocious. I'm not a master painter but that shit looks like chalk. Disgusting.
I really wish these fucks would go out of business. Or at least something would come out that could threaten to dethrone them. Maybe then they would stop phoning it in.
Well they are not 100% bad, they do have some good models, I like the Fantasy line. The only other company remotely close to being a threat to them is Privateer Press but they went full jew with the last version. GW is cheaper now than PP.
I'm still waiting for the day when GW makes a female model that doesn't look like my grandmother.
Didn´t that one Dark Eldar look decent?
Granted, nothing compared to the KD Thicc Goddesses, but still.
Allright. I've go to ask.
What do you anglophones mean by boutique? It's only the word for shop. Does using french make it more expensive?
I think in this context boutique = niche
>What do you anglophones mean by boutique? It's only the word for shop. Does using french make it more expensive?
That's closer than you'd think.
In essence it means that the products on offer are luxury items, generally of high quality and limited availability.
Niche is also a french word... thanks for making us sound like elitists! And thanks for the explanation, the more you know...
If anything it makes Adam sound like an elitist, but he certainly means well, even though that also means his products are quite pricey.
>Niche is also a french word
No shit captain obvious, but "niche" is self-explanatory while boutique was not.
How long does the official store usually take to ship purchases?
Anywhere from 5 to 15 days.
boutique is also a french word
>thanks for making us sound like elitists!
what a faux pas