Hey if politics is okay, is this thread okay too?
Sorceress Slave Wat Do
>sorceress slave
>implying that the one enslaving her isn't a sorcerer or other kind of caster himself
How did you enslave her in the first place? How do you intend to keep her enslaved? Shouldn't she be the one enslaving you, especially since she can use enchantments to make you think being her slave is the best thing possible?
>implying you don't have at most 24 hours to live
Shitposting because you're a salty little bitch is never okay.
With the rise of computers and programming, a new view of consciousness has arisen among some philosophers. They argue that humans work in a way comparable to computers, in that the brain is the "hardware" and "operating system" while being awake is an "instance" of said operating system. Every time you start up a computer you activate an instance of your OS, and you terminate it when you turn it off, and start a new instance when you turn it on again. This philosophy applied to humans means that you "die" whenever you go to sleep, and that you don't wake up again. Instead, a new "instance" of your consciousness is activated until it goes to sleep again, after which it is terminated.
According to that view you indeed have at most 24 hours to live. Make 'em count, because after those hours are up neither you nor I will ever be again.
did OP have his first run in against a mailman Sorc?
either you have her magic restricted which defeats the whole purpose
or you managed to enslave her with her magic intact in which case how?
What thread is bothering you?
It depends, is the slave a true slave, or asserting the dominance of her ego over the spook of slavery thus mocking it into irretaliation, saying "Look upon me master and weep, for you thought I was a poor defenceless slave, now bear witness to my might as the ultimate Femdom."
Alternatively, is she being authentic to herself and personal identity, does her essence preceed existence, live to be a slave or is a slave to live and in turn enslave? How consequently bears her will to power, is she the uberwomensch, true saviour of german idealism, the one who shall raise Thule. I shouldnt touch her as a PC, her might as a metaphysical entity is too great.
also inb4 b& 4 meta
I say this thread is ok and politics isn't
Depends on the kind of magics she has access to, I imagine.
>CHA monkey
>not charming her way out of everything
If the sorceress is a slave she probably wants to be a slave.
>sorceress slave what do
cuddling and hot cocoa
you know she's only a slave to pull off a convoluted gambit right?
I am now imagining a BBEG Soceress Yumeko
no user
you're the slave
Shackle of sensitive on her, so she can't concentrate. Fuck her up so bad she lost all sense of confidence, charisma below 8.
>good will save
>at higher levels will just Mindblank
also this
Actually sounds like a pretty decent BBEG now that you mention it. Bitch is fucking insane and she'd probably be Chaotic Evil to the point of just doing shit to see how people react to it. She'd send her armies into battle underequipped and demoralized just to give the enemy a fair chance, so both parties can bet everything (including their lives) on a war where victory or defeat is decided by chance. She has no long term goal, gambling it all is what she lives for. Even if some kingdom were to unconditionally surrender, she'd probably flip a coin to see whether she accepts or not and then another coin to see whether or not the ambassadors get to live.
So what would this be a gambit for? Catching that high priest she's had the hots for since she was a girl? Teasign the big bad warrior into doing somethign naughty? Making the paladin hard?
Just take the cosmic +300% modifier and call it a day.
Only run you back 300 points.
>every battle is a gamble that relies purely on dice rolls
>not using epic level spells
>not having a +100 diplomacy score
>not having divine abilities
It’s like you aren’t even an immortal.