>a fiend has been spotted around town collecting donations to benefit an orphanage
A fiend has been spotted around town collecting donations to benefit an orphanage
Other urls found in this thread:
Detect Evil.
If it pings, smite it.
If it don't, donate.
Smite Evil
If it survives, donate.
I'm going to assume she has a decent reputation in this town because people are actually giving her their coin. I will ask around and/or stalk her to find out more anyway.
I give her an orphan. Can't make orphanage without couple of those.
How tall is Laharl?
135cm (4'5"), not sure if Laharl-chan is the samme height.
"Dave, ever since you read that fountainhead book the campaign has gotten kind of weird."
It's a fiend dude, detect evil is going to ping regardless of it trying to raise money to make sure the orphanage can take good care of their tiefling kid or raise the next dark lord.
Seems fine. Demons all the time do good shit, whether by contract or because they understand that benefitting society benefits themselves.
I'd reprimand her for being such a delinquent, but honestly that sounds like effort. One of the other teachers can do it.
Detect Evil is the wrong way to go about it. It's almost certainly going to ping as Evil either way unless you're getting into redemption shit.
If it pings for Law and does not ping for Chaos:
Enter an agreement with the creature by which you will provide monetary funding so long as you can guarantee that the money will go towards its intended purpose. Keep a close eye on the devil so as to be ready for any future plans they may have.
If it does not ping for Law and pings for Chaos:
Exterminate it. This money will most certainly go towards nefarious ends.
If it pings for neither Law nor Chaos:
This fiend is most certainly just motivated by selfishness. This wouldn't necessarily mandate extermination as it would for a Chaotic Evil creature, but it also cannot be trusted in the same way that a Lawful Evil devil could.
If it pings for both Law and Chaos:
Getting into the weird shit. It's either a devil who became chaos-aligned or a demon who became law-aligned. Try to determine which of the two it is. If not possible, do not donate, and just observe it from afar.
It'a Sigil, I don't raise an eyebrow.
Crummy setting. Ruined what Manual of the Planes had built. Only did well because of Torment and DiTerlizzi.
Mind my own fucking business until she starts causing trouble. Anything else violates the NAP.
More importantly, judging by that image a stereotypical ninja has also been spotted around town collecting donations to benefit an orphanage.
I investigate what is driving a master of stealth to be so visible. Something sinister, or just philanthropy?
I kill a couple kids' parents and donate the orphaned children to the orphanage.
Actually, sounds like a neat plot:
>playing as an evil party
>suddenly, find a devil that wants to redeem itself
>she wants to run an orphanage and help kids
>the only problem is, she needs to find some orphans
>we like her, so we kill a couple parents and donate kids to her orphanage
>the devil is overjoyed at the prospect of actually doing some good
>she is too dim to ask where did so many orphans suddenly come from
Help out.
Because they have the evil subtype Detect/smite evil will always trigger regardless of actual alignment, it's very much possibly (though exceedingly rare) to end up with a good demon that would ping both good and evil on a detect spell (or an evil angel who does the same), likewise you can end up with an outsider that pings both law and chaos with the right mix of species and alignment
Kill the Fiend and steal it's money
Only good Demon is a dead one
Make a contract so he/she tells me the truth about her/his plans.
>Make a contract so he/she tells me the truth about her/his plans.
That seems kinda backwards.
Alignment is bullshit, it's only there to say if certain spells affect you. People are more complicated then that.
Please remember to masturbate before you post on Veeky Forums.
Or at the very least, find a better excuse to make a thread solely to share an image that turns you on than this.
Fug you sigil is great
You are terrible at giving advice, user
>le funny masturbate meme
The board fun police is becoming more and more hypersensitive about what counts as sexual, aren't they? Oh no, it's a kid with bare shoulders. The sheer depravity of it all.
You're the one who sees a child and immediately thinks its sexual.
This guy is right. If you see a child and your first thoughts are sexual, that tells us more about you than about us.
Guess I'd investigate the purity of her motives, and donate if her motives are pure.
What's with all the disgaea posting recently?
Depends on how long I've been aware of it and if there's anything to prove it is for nefarious purposes. If it is all on the up and up donate and offer to help as well, if not then find out what's really going on and put a stop to it.
>It's another "Naturally evil creature does something non-evil, wat do" thread
I"If angels can fall, can demons rise?" is an important philosophical question worthy of Veeky Forums's famously impartial style of debate.
You say that like it's some kind of bad thing people here will feel bad about.
I mean, I'd fell bad if I went all holy righteousness on something that was doing good
You're smiting the evil, it's fine. You can then take up the donation mission and raise the next orphan Dark Lord yourself so you can smite him later even though he's been a good, studious, and faithful squire all those long years. It's just what Paladins do.
Donate sperm
Smiting the evil on a technicality. Real good doesn't obey the letter.
Real lawful totally question the letter.
Hey now, good and evil are natural forces, thus beyond the scope of man's law. Thus a Paladin is still being lawful as long as he's strictly obeying the natural laws. Good must smite the evil. It is the way of things. He's totally legit in the eyes of the Holy Courts.
It's a demon orphanage.
It's two threads and one inspired the other.
I like that.
Well, there could be the case of one demon who is tired of the same ol same ol and decides to ascend and get a cozy afterlife. But it will depend if the demon has spilled blood or caused mayhem, maybe this one could be a demon raised by good people and decided to go against its racial alignment. I could allow a lawful good demon that just happens to be too rigid with law abiding and even pays tithe to the church even if it singes his hand.
Its a fiend. A creature born of law and malevolence.
They dont do that without a further goal.
As long as no harm is done, i wait to strike but keep it under surveillance.
After all, it may benefit the orphans for a time.
If the creature is not evil, and can be trusted, then its a case that the church must investigate
Volunteer to help the demon, and in the process keep an eye on it.
Inquisition please go, it's just an orphanage
Most religions, to my knowledge, seem to consider that while the "seed" of evil can, and very likely does, reside in everyone, and even pure good is corruptible/fallible (the road to hell and all that), pure evil has no trace of good and therefore has no good impulse to act on. Evil cannot "accidentally" do good. Whatever it builds it delights in destroying. It's just in its nature. Or because it has no soul, and thus no true spark of the divine left.
Of course we're responding seriously to a joke. It HAS been some time since I can remember seeing a "can a paladin redeem a succubus" thread.
Speaking of the soul, just as an aside I will admit to a deep seated loathing of the Buffy/Angel "vampire with a soul" bit. Not the notion of a vampire acquiring a soul, but rather the continued emoness about how he'll be damned forever by everything he did as a vampire. It just annoys me because while sure, regret, horror, and guilt are understandable you surely aren't still damned because you only performed those vile acts when your soul was removed. That's why you don't even hate yourself until after you get it back. The part of you that would be judged by heaven, hell, whatever, quite literally was absent during all of your crimes and its absence was the specific reason for said crimes.
Burn orphanage. It's clearly trying to raise more fiends.
That sounds an awful lot like heresy.
Fiend's aren't well known for generous contributions of their time and effort to charities.
Fiends ARE well known for roundabout actions that seem that they're doing some good now, only to enact unexpectedly terrible outcomes on people.
Follow this guy's advice, smiting arm at the ready.
Maw tries donating food(read: a salt-cured arm off a British Sailor), and asks if they need another caretaker. He ain't good at readin' but he's climbable, a good hugger, and really, borderline homicidally, protective of kids, so ain't no harm coming to any charges in his care.
>Be an evil aligned tiefling
>Recognize a delinquent of the hellish schools
>Mock her and call her a disgrace
>I be she's never missed a day of class or turned in an assignment late either like the failure she is
>Then proceed to tell her she's not going to get a good job if she keeps fucking up like this in school
Would trying to steer her back to the proper path of delinquency be considered a good act or an evil one?
It would be a good act, but an Evil one.
How professional. Great to see the Veeky Forums's Demon Hunter's association is still running strong.
user, that's not a porn character. She's a supporting character from a semi famous srpg videogame
Contact the orphanage and wonder why a sorcerer skilled enough to bind a fiend to do stuff decided to work for a relatively small gig compared to what people like that usually do. Not that it would be small to the orphans they're helping, but eh
Zone of Truth, ask it what the money is for. If actually for an orphanage I ask to be taken there to make sure they aren't doing any spooky shit.
If its clean i donate.
I have her tell me where to find some other demons so I can punch them
Punch yourself.
Lol, nice.