Leave Horus to me.
Best primarch coming through
Don't make me cull you again, second-rate wolf.
Nah, I killed them both.
>Best primarch coming through
>Can't even spell "worst" correctly
>Has a wolf head chomping down on his crotch plate
Makes you think
>thinks Russ can take Horus
>when he got BTFO by Horus’s first captain
The whole Heresy is just the wolves getting kicked in their knots over and over.
>>when he got BTFO by Horus’s first captain
Did abbydabbydo do something?
> tfw you play Ultramarines and you don't get to participate in 'my Primarch is the best Primarch' discussions
Well, Guilliman seems to be decent at the very least. Sees the galaxy and says "Well fuck, guess I have to fix it."
Step aside, real mvp coming through.
>inferior only to Malcador and The Emperor in heroism and self-sacrifice
>held the line
>killed demonshits
>was on Terra with Based Dorn and Khan
Abaddon and the Sons of Horus all but annihilated the Space Wolves during the Wolf Cull. They only survived because Corax swooped in and dragged unconscious Russ to safety.
I thought Russ tried to 1v1 Horus.
He tried but got anally raped by Abaddon instead.
Russ and Perturabo are currently the only Primarchs to lose battles during the Heresy where no opposing Primarch is present.
>any primarch losing to pre-sword abbadon
How the fuck does that work?
>Literally committed suicide for fear of becoming worse than Horus, chaining the Emperor to the golden throne and damning the Imperium to the worst fate
One book was all it took to demote best boy to Perturabo tier. He might just be the greatest traitor after Horus himself.
Black Library
Abbadon did something competent in his extensive life and ambushed the Space Wolf fleet in orbit with a fucking huge armada made up of a large amount of nearly every traitor legion, and then proceeded to lay siege to them. It was a really contrived setup just to have him end up jobbing the entire thing to Corax.
So non-canon?
The book Ruinstorm ruined Sanguinius as a character.
Looks like a fag though
It's funny. Guilliman is literally the least relevant primarch during the Horus heresy, yet probably gets more screentime and characterization than most other primarchs.
Probably because he's the only Non-Chaos one that isn't missing or dead.
>does literally nothing occasionally getting random dudes to say his name
>GW's biggest, best selling series is not canon
The best (loyalist) primarchs are the Khan and the Lion.
There's no doubt about it
I refuse to accept it as canon
>giving two shits about cuck library secondary canon heresay
You can, but you have to be aware that you spiral off into your own headcanon where Sangy isn't a traitor, Lion doesn't look like a walking pile of garbage and the Emperor isn't a fedora touting retard. The factual canon is shit and that's that.
>Primarch is literally GREATEST OF THEM ALL
>>don't get to participate in 'my Primarch is the best Primarch' discussions
Yeah, we should only adhere to direct publication canon, which brought us AELDARI, YNNARI, the RETURN OF GUILLIMAN and his PRIMARIS SPACE MARINES
Not to mention such glorious literary works as Draigo's saga, the rapening-without-consequence of Fenris or the entire Konor Campaign
These things are literally microbes compared to what the brainlet ''''''''''writers'''''''''' have done to the most important figures in the setting and the story itself. I'd rather have Guilliman bitch slap Chaos with one arm and Tyranids with the other while getting sucked of by Yvrainne then let mr daddy issues so much as LOOK in The Emperor's direction again.
>Entire Galaxy is torn apart, Cadia doesn't exist anymore except in our hearts, some dude just made Marines+1 and oneupped the emperor handily, Mortarion is full on autistic now...
And that's just the tip
Compared to The Emperor's character assassination alone that's chump change, and THAT'S just the tip.
Too bad your acceptance is not needed.
It sounds like pure garbage though. I didn't read the book, how can good ol' Sanguy become such a faggot ? Is it the usual "ololol random daemon told me [insert stupid edgy prophecy/vision/shit]" trope striking again ?
Every 30k thread ends in a discussion about how everything the fluff has been ruined by the recent changes. Are the HH selling well? Does GW really have no idea that people hate this?
>when HH is so bad that it does a 180
>people purchasing solely to see the newest fucked up bits of lore
Sanguinius can see into the future
>second rate wolves
I don't think so.
>Mortarion is full on autistic now
>He had lived in the shadow of his father until now. Even after he had escaped, his existence had been defined by the Warlord. He struggled, he defied, but in the end it brought him only pain. He had nearly died in an act of defiance—against his adoptive father and the golden stranger.
>He failed. It was a bitter pill to swallow, to know that even he could succumb to weakness. He was not invincible for all his power, his resistance and strength. In the end, he had needed someone stronger. In the end, he could not win on his own. He would have to live on, knowing that he had never come close to truly threatening the Warlord.
>Slowly, he exhaled, feeling a burning in his throat and lungs. Even he could breathe too much poison it seemed. Painfully, he swallowed. Even those small actions, meant to chase the dark thoughts away only reinforced his failure. He would not escape it, would he?
>"Mortarion?" a mellifluous voice rang behind him. The golden stranger, his true father, was back, it seemed. He didn't turn to face him.
>"You have my service," he rasped, noting wearily that he sounded alien to himself. "As I had promised."
>"Would you like to talk, my son?" the golden stranger asked.
>"No," Mortarion replied. "All has been said."
>Horus' words did not surprise him. Power corrupts. He had seen the end effect, on its throne high in the poisonous mists. His father, the Emperor, turned out to be no different after all. He would cast them away, once he had ascended. It was odd that a being of such intellect would not realize they would notice.
>There was only one thing they could do. The cancer that was spreading through the newly born Imperium needed to be burnt out. They would replace the corrupt tyrant at the top. They would save their work. They would cast away the weak that were polluting the Imperium's highest echelons and replace them. The strong should lead the weak—not the other way around.
>He did not need to place himself at the throne. It would be enough that Horus would take it. Horus, the brightest star—who was better to take the place of their fallen father? With him, they would not fail. They would not be stopped, powerless to face the tyrant. His past would not repeat itself.
>Pain. Many of the warriors had thought they knew what the word meant. Now they could truly appreciate how wrong they have been. Rotting bodies littered the halls of Endurance and swarms of fat oily flies buzzed everywhere. They crawled over the dead and the still living alike, just like the maggots that bored into infected flesh.
>Those that could still resist their agony saw the ghostly skeletal revenant their Primarch had become painfully drag himself through the halls. He leant heavily on his Manreaper for support, as much a shadow of his former self as they had become.
>He had lived in shadows of his fathers. Against two, he had rebelled. Each time, he had thought that he had left the tyrant behind, that he had opened a new chapter of his life and each time, he had found himself following another. The first time, he had been conceited enough to believe he could sever the hydra's head—but then what did he know of that beast back than? He had not met it yet.
>The second time, he had merely followed the one who could deliver the final blow. He had believed that his past would not be repeated, but it turned out that belief was not enough. The final blow fell, but the tyrant's legacy refused to die. His father took the brightest star with him and he was left with only the embrace of Nurgle.
>One tyrant for another. Was there a point in fighting fate? There was no point in rebelling again. It was easier to just submit. What was there for him to fight for left? Barbarus was ash. Humanity had embraced their tyrant like blind sheep. He would not rebel again—experience taught him it was a doomed effort. Instead, he would follow the tyrant.
>He had built a haven for himself: a Barbarus as it had been, with poisonous mists and valleys that could barely support life. Miserable diseased wretches came to try and eke out an existence below his fortress. They offended him. Their weakness, their petty little desire for acceptance galled him to the very core. They still clung to the illusion that they found a loving father in Nurgle, that they had escaped tyranny.
>Others could claim to spread the joy and love of finally belonging. Not him. He was not going to be blinded—he was going to give despair and hate. It was all he had left to share. Why should he suffer alone? Why not spread it? Let others feel constant pain, let others curse their fate, powerless to resist it. Let them see that they traded one tyrant for another.
>Best Primarch
But that isn’t Jaghatai.
They never came to learn this lesson on their own. He had to send raids to the valleys to drag them to his fortress. In the end, they all found out that there was no escape. A son of tyrants would become a tyrant, and the servants of a monster would seek out another even as they tried to escape.
Still better than litterally ripping off Cain and Abel for the back story of your sooper-speshal OC daemon, while not realizing that Cain and Abel only works in it’s own Universe where the First Murder is more than just an arbitrary milestone.
Largely sitting out the Heresy is why the Ultramarines as a whole become so relevant, as they were the largest and strongest 'institution' left during the period of transition from the Heresy into the new Imperium.
Mortarion is retarded
>Established fact about a primarch
What ? No useless additional element to the lore ? No over the top drama involving some obvious Chaos shenanigans ?
You had one fucking job BL. I'm deeply disappointed.
>Leman Russ isnt the best Primarch
Khan sucks ass
Space wolf internet defense force spotted
Most successful primarch coming through
Gay nerd spotted
Maybe by lowly Word Bearer standards
>Leave Horus to me.
We did. Killing traitors was your fucking job, and not only did you not kill any of the traitors, you instead tried to kill the only Primarch that could have made a difference in the long run, and you fucked that up so badly that you created dozens of daemonic traitor copies of him. You accomplished literally fucking nothing. You never even came close to making a positive contribution to the Imperium, you gay furry shit.
daily reminder that he totally could have killed off Angron and his legion, but he didn't because he felt like a dick
>beating up Magnus was a bad thing
>Obeying Horus was a good thing
Space corgis packleader !
The Emperor wanted Magnus put in his place user. Thats why he gave Russ command over the only 3 forces that not even Horus as warmaster had the mandate to command.
THE angel of death.
Best pic ever of fabulous hawkboi
*spine cracking*
????? Russ kicks Horus' and every other Primarchs ass on the table top.
And he is cute
>1d4chan memes
Nope, Horus still beats him.
Nope. He doesnt.
Math is a meme now?
Going into the decimals of each wound every turn is a nerf to Horus that never happens in game. On top of that they have Sever Life going off without wounds being lost.
It's really close, but Horus edges him out. And he makes Russ look retarded as far as army buffs go. Can't wait until chaos Horus can blow out Russ even harder!
Can somebody give me a quick rundown?
Black library shitty fanfics for 12yo.
I've already removed it from my headcanon, but I want to atleast know the details of it.
Bad math is a meme. Such as IWND saving Russ from the effects of disabling strike.
They count sever life you dork.
Daily reminder that the World Eaters were steadily winning the fight, and would have coped with the death of their Primarch much better then the furries without their Papa Wolf.
That just proves how shitty Angron is. Also having a numerical advantage is the only reason the WE were "winning".
>(as he'll always manage to Wound him and it doesn't say it's triggered via unsaved Wounds)
>Sever Life: If a model suffers one or more wounds from this weapon but is not slain, roll 2D6 and compare
this to the wounded model's current Toughness. If the result rolled is greater than this, the model suffers an
extra D3 wounds at AP 2 . Wounds generated in this manner never overspill on to other models.
It's obvious that they wanted it to be unsaved wounds due to the comment about not being slain. This is how you get custode players thinking their speardreads get 7 S:D attacks on the charge.
Angron was a shit Primarch, not going to argue that.
World Eaters still were going to handle his death better since they already worked without him being a real leader.
Where does it say they had a numerical advantage?
Here's the official statement on that.
Russ went in all bolshy and throwing his weight around, looking to reprimand or humble Angron. But that's like a red rag to a bull. Angron would have fought TO THE DEATH over something that Russ intended as a demonstration of authority (when he didn't really HAVE total authority, or sanction to do it). He initiated a fight, then realised that his deranged brother would be like a rabid dog, and gladly self-destruct rather than back down.
This isn't intended to show which primarch is stronger. It's supposed to show how upsetting mental illness can be.
Angron (and I say this as one of the biggest World Eaters fans ever) was a brain damaged, irrational monster. Russ wanted to put this upstart in his place, but instead kicked off a fight that should never have happened. When he realised this, and he saw how much damage his ill-thought-out actions could have, he walked away.
So Angron thinks he "won". Russ could have killed all of the World Eaters and their primarch, but decided not to... mainly because he realised that he himself had been a bit of a dick about it. A moral victory, but definitely a shoddy situation that he himself initiated.
Russ should be ashamed, and Angron should be muzzled. There's no victory here.
-Laurie Goldberg
Not papa wolf.
Papa corgi.
There is an imperial decree by the Emperor himself on this.
Space corgis.
Corgi lord.
Corgi guard.
If you are not pleased, fill a complaint to our glorious emperor.
>One book was all it took to demote best boy to Perturabo tier.
Anyone want to give those of us who aren't heavily invested in the abomination that is the Horus Heresy series a rundown on what happened?
Because it sounds like these books make the Beast Arises novels look like a damn masterpiece by comparison.
Fair enough, but considering I'm backing the World Eaters here, I'm not sure my complaint would matter anyway.
I don't see how Russ could have simply "killed all of the World Eaters" but that's a fair enough interpretation otherwise.
Appropriate propaganda/promotional materials are being sent out to the Orks on this change as we speak.
The reality-warping effects should be felt in... 2 weeks to 6 months, depending on the currents of the Warp.And how funny the Warp gods find this idea.
World Eaters were a very large legion before getting fucked up royally at both Istvaans because of the large amount of loyalists and Angrons retarded "tactics".
Space Wolves were at their largest a mid size legion because of the fucking brutal enemies they had to face kept their numbers down.
Here is the adress
[email protected]
He may , or not, be able to plead the case
Well yes but that's the legions in total, not necessarily the forces that took part in The Night of The Wolf. It wouldn't make sense to have them both travelling with their full forces in tow, so you can't just assume that the World Eaters had larger numbers when nowhere in the fight is it brought up.
Idk. I read somewhere that some primarchs like Russ and Vulkan (cant remember the others but I could see Angron being one) didnt like to split their legion, other than the small detachments rotated to their homeworld for recruiting and defense.
I cant wait to see woofens and corgi lords.
Half astartes, half corgis. One hundred percent retarded.
See I can remember from Prospero Burns, that the VIth Legion keeps one company in reserve on Fenris. But then later they are cycled out and go off on their own to lead the charge against another alien species. The Jarl of Tra doesn't work with Russ, so I got the impression that the Legion didn't gather like that and kept spread out.
>That guy you wanted dead or alive? I kicked his ass.
>Several different locations.
>Put it this way: He's as dead as he's ever going to be.
>N-not exactly. Is it possible to kill a daemon?
>Then I kind of made him immortal.
>And I burned his entire planet.
>Horus said to do it.
>At least we don't have to worry about the traitors now, right daddy?
>t. Dark Eldar