This is why, when your GM asks you for art so he can make a token for you, you should probably give some art

This is why, when your GM asks you for art so he can make a token for you, you should probably give some art.

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks good to me senpai

Why? He seems capable of finding appropriate images

>upper page rim visible
>grid flicker

yes, completely appropriate.

make your own tokens or give me art to do it for you or I will make you a token that sucks to remind you to get it done.

Literally nobody skips choosing their character token because it's the best part.

It would be more believable if you had said something along the lines of "This is why, when your GM buys you ice cream, you eat it and don't just throw it into the trash"

Eh, I don't. all my characters are expy of other characters so it would be weird.

Maybe for your playgroup. My Autistic friends see characters at a Stat block and nothing more

>eyes didn't become hearts

You niggas want a template I made for tokens years ago?

I'll take it, thank you

He didn't find it, I did
This yes
This is an actual thing two of my players did. I was very miffed. (Here's the other one.)
Thanks, those are nice.











So you gonna link us that doujin or not?


Instead of posting a ton of low quality tokens couldn't you just put them in an album?


I literally just searched "catboy rape" on exhentai and chose the first one with prominent ears


This thread is weird.

>clipping little girls from comics to use for tokens
>not making your own little girls

nice I like it

Circle tokens are gay.

Let's dump some of my "generic villager idiot" tokens, then.






Why do your villages have so many idiots?

Based fa/tg/uy, thank you

Monty Python did a lot of good comedy, but Holy Grail is among their worse work.

>not The Meaning of Life

The somewhat clever ones move to town.

The tokens where made for a "sneak around a village at night gathering evidence, ideally without getting noticed or murdering anyone" session, so I needed some stupid (and often drunk) villagers acting not too brightly, but also not being able to be simply ignored - and the tokens reflect those people.

Thoughts on the movie aside, I appreciate the tokens. Because I'm lazy. And my party will like them.

I would love to use that token are you kidding me op

>Meaning of Life

My group does skip choosing their character token... In the meantime, I always make my own tokens.


Anyone Ever use Square Tokens?

I kind of just thought to make them square since most games I own that come with little cards are square.

I like the aesthetics of circle tokens, personally.

I've used this token for the Star Wars game.

I don't think ever about or care what my character looks like, but you're not gonna catch me missing an opportunity to slide an obscure anime or shitty meme onto a token

Cropping porn: good or bad taste?

it depends on the social context, just like all other socio-cultural norms

Depends on where, but 99% of the time you're a faggot if you do it.
I swear they just want to bait the source retards for attention.

As long as no one finds out, who cares?

Assuming a non basis of zero mores and norms, fairways and freeholds, such as a pick up game on roll20: is it still acceptable?

Holy Grail is only bad because of the idiotic fanbase surrounding it
Life of Brian is patrician-tier
Meaning of Life is their worst film, but people claim it's good because it's the movie no one watched anyway.

That's not Meaning of Life, that's Life of Brian.

Depends how subtle you are about it. If it's just a face that could only be recognized by someone who's seen it, go right ahead. If it's a very distinctive art style like InCase or ShindoL, tread a bit more carefully, but anyone who realizes probably wouldn't call you out for fear of outing their own power level.

If it's literally a cum-splattered ahegao, you should reconsider.

>trying to get a new group up and running
"Alright guys just get yourselves a picture of your character and I'll make it into a token, you've got like two weeks before we start playing and you can get it from wherever you like."
>one player modifies some existing art to match their character
>one player has drawn their own character art
>a couple of others have taken something off the internet that they liked
>been chatting about this stuff for two weeks leading up to the day
>That Guy shows up on the day with "What do you mean we were meant to get a picture? No one told me!"
fuck I hate this guy

Fucking hell, should be transparent this time around.

Bad taste. You should do it anyway.

I would have gone and used porn if I could find some but like, i had no clue where to search for bird porn and using knife crow for a tengu fighter seemed easier

Have you considered that you chose literally the perfect image for a tengu fighter and nothing could possibly be better than that?


absolutely glorious

>I swear they just want to bait the source retards for attention.
Curses, I've been called out!

Oh hey, I recognize that one.

I've edited porn to be SFW once because I liked the art, does that count?

Are we talking careful edit or just bare necessary black bar?

>not using top down tokens
They're pretty nice desu

I would think less of you if you didn't.

He probably means editing out cum from face.

I've accidentally pasted the wrong link, here you go.

Perfect. You're a legend.

They're a lot harder to make though.