Introduction to games

Ok, straight to the point, i want to play these kind of games, but i know too little to host them myself and my friends know even less of this stuff and are completely uninterested, how do i get started in this world of these roleplaying games?

The only game ive played of this kind was vampire, but that was quite some time ago, im fant of medieval fantasy settings of magic, monsters and stuff.

Some help, please? I just want to go on adventures with a party, kill stuff, save people, etc.

>Step 1: Get a rulebook
>Step 2: Read the rulebook
>Step 3: Run a few oneshots with your friends until you feel you can drag them a tad more
>Step 4: You are currently running a game.

Or go to roll20 and lose your sanity trying to find a game not run by tools.

This guy is notorious munchkin faggot from /v/. He is a horrible player and will ruin all your games. Do not help him. He ruined one too many good games of Risk of Rain to be allowed to "have fun". He isn't a team player and will fuck over everyone so his waifu becomes the strongest character with the best items.


Well, but what rulebook should i get?

A suicide handbook for poverty stricken Mexicans such as yourself

Why so mad tho?

Stop trying to bring your faggotry to other boards and take off your trip already.

>A suicide handbook
Do you really need a handbook to find out a way to kill yourself?

Mariel is retarded enough to need one

Again, why so angry? I just want to play these kind of games, but i dont know where to start.

You don't want to "play these games". You want to make your waifu as your player character and ruin whatever game you manage to weasel your way into for the GM and the rest of the players and probably throw an autistic fit if you don't get the best loot or something bad happens to your waifu/self insert. You are the very definition of That Guy.

I wonder if this guy is going to be the new virt.

So... how do you know that if i havent even played yet?

Youre just throwing random insults for no reason.

Well he haven't started a "1001 ways to torture and rape and elf at the same time" thread yet, so I doubt it.

Because that's how you act in every game of 100% OJ and RoR as well as in the /v/ drawthreads. Try acting retarded and innocent on someone who doesn't know you. If you were genuine about wanting to learn to play you wouldn't be tripfagging like the attention whore you are.

Get into D&D 5th edition.

Buy a players handbook and when you feel like you know enough, contact your local game store and see if they host open games to join in.

Bring your own paper and dice.

He'll spam the drawthreads for pics of his shitty OC donut steel waifu and ruin the general of whatever game he gets into in no time.

5th edition? Noted, i need to find a store, because the one i knew closed and havent seeen any other around.

Ah, so he'll be Waifufag 2.0?

If the drawthread could overcome Charthot, they can deal with him just fine.

yeah join a game IRL, that way if you're an asshole and do antisocial shit like
-refuse to contribute money for the room and/or pizza
-refuse to bathe
-inject your weird fetishes into the game
-be a gigantic bigoted trump voter

you'll be told to get the fuck out


Let's see how many people get hooked by this one

He'll also be massively autistic in the thread of the game of his choice (DnD 5e in this case it seems) and make life hell for the DM and players who are unfortunate enough to play with him.

Hmm, im kinda not fond to meet strangers to play IRL, but i guess i could give it a try if my friends wont play.


good one buddy.