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Pestigors coming back, edition

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Here is a bestiary with every creature that had artwork in Age of Sigmar.

Pestigors were mentioned by name in both Blight War and the 40k fluff

Does this mean we'll be getting beastmen in all four chaos flavors?

>d3 mortal wounds to every enemy unit turn 1
I feel bad.

We should have gotten the khorne ones by now, and emperor knows when GW will get around to slaanesh.

So if we do, I wouldnt expect it anytime soon.

I sincerely hope it does, each with their own sub-type of beast as inspiration, just the same way that Tzaangors are birbmen.

After dealing with the sheer number of mortal wounds against TZEENTCH this path to glory campaign, I don't. I'm actually getting a Kroak down the line just to ensure those pink and blue assholes have a taste.

I'm not sure if Khorne even has design space left for them. There's only so many ways to make a choppy unit.

All four major Gods will get their beastmen!
Nurgle will get Pestigors.
Khorne Khorngors.
Tzeentch already has its Tzaangors.
And last but not least, The Horned Rat, which gets his Skaven.

All main Chaos gods seem to be covered.


I just hope GW will lay off the flys for Pestigors, just about every new Nurgle unit has had too much fly inspiration

I know you're joking but I don't really buy the idea that GW will squat Slaanesh. I think they probably seriously considered it though. They must have had a hard time adapting Slaanesh's themes for a wider/younger audience.

Yea, I wouldn't mind Insectigors if they use something other than flies.

Maybe beetles and such? I could see a dung beetle motif looking rad as fuck, with the bloatfly cavalry things brought over from the Nurgle Daemons range.

> Dung beetles
I like the way you think

Insects would be rad as hell, they could also use maggots a bit more

that fucking image

I think Slaanesh would really work well even in a "SFW" reworked kid-friendly environment.
You can build on "excess" and make it all about gluttony, greed, sloth and other desire-based vices.
You can build on the God of art and music/noise marines idea and make cool evil bards serving him.
You can build on the "Keeper of Secrets" concept and have models with their mouth sown shut, stealth and illusions.

...Or you can just not give a shit and push those six-tit daemons.
I just hate the indecisive state they're in now.

Castrated Slaanesh is ok.
Fully erect Slaanesh is also ok.
...But this limp-dick Slaanesh sucks.

Definitely. I've long been tired of 'muh sex, muh tits' being the only interpretation of slaanesh. It's lazy.

I want something like this, but more chaos themed.

My first Warhammer army was Tzeentch, which I explained to my wife as the god of magic and forbidden knowledge.

When she asked me about my second army, Slaanesh, I just told her it was the god of "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" and she instantly got it.

Daemonettes make sense as being somewhat sexy as they are succubi, the prototypical sexy demon, with a hint of praying mantis but the rest of Slaanesh needs to be playing up the other parts of hedonism and excess.

It really looks like kroak is flipping the bird and that's pretty appropriate. I've played against that kroak+vortex+astrolith banner list twice now with bcr and got some useful testing from it. It's really cool build-wise imo.

I had probably the second most major loss I've ever had the first time on total conquest. My one thundertusk got hit for 3mw immediately and failed every heal roll the whole game, so I couldn't actually kill kroak. This was one of the battleplans where more models auto-capture, so teleporting skink clouds just took all my objectives for free while every model in my army died by the top of T4 and he had over 16 points. totally awesome list.

The second game a week or so later we rolled duality of death, so heroes capture and I didn't have to worry about his superior numbers automatically winning him the game. Frostlord on Stonehorn with a healing pelt and mystic shield from a butcher ran up to an objective t1, and a sacrificial unit ran up to the other one, scoring both. From then on I remained ahead on points and seraphon's slight damage problem proved true, in that he just couldn't shift the 2+ save, mw halving, healing frostlord all game, aided by the rest of my guys running interference just to waste his time. major victory.

My experience of the theme for bcr vs seraphon in the 6 or 7 games I've played them, seems to be seraphon wins everything except duality of death as long as they play smart and take no risks ever. Just sit back, cast a million spells, teleport all over the place, play to the battleplan, and the ogors typically have very few options for victory.

They're still not daemon and make no sense in a daemon release.

What are you working on /aosg/?


Its an AOS Nurgle release that coincides with the new 40k daemon codex

Warriors and Quarrelers
but I am going to take a break to rebase my army.

Guess this explains why nurglings and beasts of nurgle vanished from the US GW storefront earlier this week.

thinking about color schemes for these frost sabers, also compiling notes for a beastclaw post-ghb17 battletome review now that it's been a few months of games and big tournaments. besides going through everything also coming up with recommendations for ghb18 changes, since we got ass fucked in 17.

GW should allow fans to make them battletomes for armies if they aren't going to do it themselves.

Because fan projects work out so well.

Seraphon are the ultimate turtle army so their ability to reach out and touch someone anywhere on the board fucking hurts.

Does the buff for being a Twistbray and having paired savage blades stack?

Slaanesh should have a couple REALLY FAT and REALLY skinny models. Like a special character that's so fat he has to be carred around on an ornate palanquin by a quartet of greek statue looking motherfuckers.And of course he'd be eating grapes

Slaanesh army theme

Yes. The twistbray with paired savage blades hits on 2+


More importantly, why wouldnt you have one of the savage greatblades wielded by the twistbray

> Continue working on a AoS game for my PF group
> At first it started out as plans PCs going around raiding tombs for loot
> Ends up making the game basically a mix between Destiny/Borderlands and a dungeon crawler where they're basically saving people and reconquering territory for Sigmar and more importantly, for loot
> Then decided to add in quests ideas and lines about helping factions and getting special gear and help like the Coven or Daughters of Khaine
> Then decided to add in potential ideas for PCs to create and own their own Keeps and Forts for Sigmar or which god they worship
> I'm even working on randomized charts that generate unique loot based on CR of the encounter

I think I might be over thinking this, but the more ideas I try to put into this game, the more motivated I feel. I haven't even did a map for hexographer of the War of Life campaign and the Firestorm map.

Does anyone have a rough map of Chamon from the Kharadron map?

What are you thinking of for gods by the by? I'm pretty sure that even though they're out of the pantheon by their own volition (Mostly) Nagash and gorkamorka probably still have worshippers

Are greatblades even worth it?
is -1 rend better than +1 to hit?

Are there atheists in Age of Sigmar lore?

Dude, it's -1 rend AND 2 damage. When that wound gets through, against most infantry your opponent is picking up 2 models, or 1 liberator.

Damage 2 is not to be taken lightly.

No, though the Kharadron don't worship any.

Extremely unlikely since this is a fantasy setting where the gods are fucking people that go around doing things in person for the most part.
Honestly the only one that I can't see as being someone who goes around and does shit is Gorkamorka, since he's kinda the outlier of all the former pantheon and most of the fluff about him has more of an air of being myths.

>Dude, it's -1 rend AND 2 damage.

But paired blades are two attacks vs the one for the greatblade. The greatblade will be more swingy since it's 0 or 2 damage, while the paired blades can do 0,1 or 2.

For certain gods, I'm still trying to read more books about it but I was thinking assigning Domains to certain gods.

I'll probably do the Domains on my day off.

Another idea I was thinking of was trying to refluff some classes and archetypes to better fit into AoS though my friends are trying to convince me to replace the Realms with continents and basically make Golarion: AoS flavored.

I refused since if I'm gonna do an AoS campaign, I want it to try and match the setting.

Though is it wrong I might be injecting some Destiny feel into this campaign?

Namely if they ended up wanting to become Stormcasts.

It's still 2 attacks man, 3 on primes. It's a straight boost in stats.

Not officialy, since its a world where the god literally walk around and shit on things(even Chaos gods-in Hammers of Sigmar Khorne himself descended upon the earth to fuck up things), but since the realms are endòlessy vast you can make up your own little region with atheist scums. just be sure not to include any priest.

I'm talking Tzaangors, not Liberators.

Next time on GW names some stuff: Leman Russes and why they are all Synonyms.

I'm pretty sure that Gorkamorka is still TECHNICALLY the god of war. And beasts. There's not really anyone else to claim that accolade. And nagash is still a fucking death god.
Oh, and only humans can go stormcast, make sure to remember that. Elves, dorfs and treeple are fucked in that regard
What races are playable?

I thought Grimnir was the war god?

So far I'm only allowing Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Halflings, though I might include Ogres.

As for Domains, I might let some gods overlap.

They probably both were. I doubt anyone is going to try and say "No, you can't be the god of war" to Gorkamorka

Neither of them are war god, they're just gods.

Greatblade on twist vs 4+ save: 78% for 0 damage, 22% for 2 damage
Paired Blades on twist vs 4+ save: 63% for 0 damage, 33% for 1 damage, 4% for 2 damage.

Greatblade ends up being better than paired blades vs a 2+ save, due to rend.

Old wood elf player here. AoS is picking up. Here, and I'm looking to break out the elves. Looking at the new generals book, here's what I have with the wanderers keyword:
3 way watchers (lords I guess)
60(70?) Glade guard
10 plastic converted way watchers with dual swords dunno if they could be something.

Doesn't look like there's a SC! Box, so what would be some good/essential units to get? It would be fun to put my dudes back on the table again.

Be sure to remember that Grimnir's dead, if it ever comes up.

Remind players who want to worship him that they need ur-gold to invoke his power, and the Fyreslayers are not gonna like it if someone asks for some of theirs.

Halflings aren't a thing in AoS though? Treeple are something you could do too. And maybe lizards later on

Just finished half a unit of lions

To the fyreslayers, grimnir is very much alive, but not in the sense most would think. To them urgold IS their god, and he imbues them with blessings by getting the shit hammered into their flesh.

They might give it to another Fyreslayer. I'm not too well versed on the lore

I was actually of thinking of homebrewing some extra traits to represent each of the different factions of Elves, Dwarfs, etc.

Like for Fyreslayers, being able to access Ur-Gold and Lodges.

Kharadrons gaining class skills or bonuses like appraise or knowledges.

I would assume they'd still be a thing. Treeple and Lizardmen are a bit tricky.

At least for Ogres, they're hungry and are the more "reasonable" of the Destruction factions.

As for Lizardmen, aren't they memories? Do they actually function as individuals or are able to be without a Slaan/Starmaster?

For Dryads and the like, they'll be the least likely since how completely alien they are.

Slaan are so good at magic that once a Lizard is made. It's there till the lizard dies. If the Toadman kicks the bucket, the lizards it made still stay around and can "Go native" in some cases. And I'm pretty sure that halflings are gone seeing as they only really existed as a courtesy in WHFB since they had all but been written out of the game by the time it got the axe.
Oh and lizards are the most alien in mindset. for obvious reasons

So far I'm thinking then just Elves, Dwarfs, Humans, and Ogres then. I can't really see Dryads and the like teaming up with non-plant people and being away from their whole song thing. As for Lizardmen, the whole alien mindset thing is one reason why I'm a bit against it.

Anyhow, I'm thinking of having them start at LV5, and possibly start out in the Realm of Life or Realm of Fire. What kinds of enemies are in those Realms that they'd most likely face as adventurers?

Realm of Life: Forrest Imp
Realm of Fire: Fire Imp


I was thinking of adding in marauders and possibly other things like gobbos and skaven.

Anyhow, I'll post more ideas tomorrow.

Sounds neat.
Hey, if you are interested, I have some homemade Dispossessed lore that takes place in the Realm of Life if you are interested in taking some stuff from it.


Wanderers are fun, user. You will be underestimated because of "old faction no book" and people not knowing what any of your stuff does, so use it to your advantage.

One of the main things about wanderers is that the army list lacks a resilient, hard-hitting unit to run up and absorb hits. You will def need to use the majority of your ally points to fill that gap in your army list.

Good Units:
Nomand prince, waywatchers, glade guard, eternal guard, thorn sisters if you have a combo

Okay Units:
Wayfinder (slight downgrade from waywatcher), spellweaver, the beautiful but overpriced sisters of avelorn

Bad Units:
Everything else

There are some solid combos in wanderers, mainly:

Nomad Prince using command ability surrounded by 5 waywatcher heroes is a 30-shot chaingun of 22" 3+/3+ rend -1 re-rolling 1s to hit arrows every turn.
two 30-man units of GG are your bread and butter. bodkins are legit, and they can be very annoying if you can set them up to pop back and forth along board edges kiting people.
10-man EG in cover around an objective is very hard for the opponent to move for 80 points.
Even though it's GA: Order, I've been having good luck with sisters of the thorn + 30x sisters of slaughter.

>As for Lizardmen, aren't they memories? Do they actually function as individuals or are able to be without a Slaan/Starmaster?

The fluff is paper-thin, but it does seem that they stick around even if their Slaan dies. Also there's a bit in the Seraphon battletome about a Slaan who summons a massive army of feral dinosaurs and after the Slaan leaves, the dinosaurs just run wild over the plains in gigantic herds.

The one advantage of the AoS lore being so light is that it gives you virtually limitless space to write Your Dudes. My Seraphon are a mortal force that lost their celestial link when their Slaan died. I did a write-up here if you're interested, though they're based on Ashqy.



nice jungle floor

Ta. I just went through cheap shops looking for bargain plastic plants and gave them a wash of Athonian Camoshade. Works a treat and costs virtually nothing.

Of course. I love good rape fodder.

Hey all, what paints should I use to paint flesh / hat on this guy? Additionally, why do I get weird brush strokes as you can see on the silver parts and the light blue thing attached to his knee. Am I not thinning enough? thanks - I only just started collecting


fuck off blood elf fag

Anyone got a personal ranking of podcasts they listen to? I've listened to about 5 now and there seems to be plenty to choose from.

I prefer the honest ones where they speak their minds and aren't GW quislings.

Not really a ranking, but here are some Warhammer YouTubers I listen to.

1. Arch Warhammer

2. Vince Venturella

3. The Outer Circle

4. MajorKill

5. Tabletop Minions

I also like to listen to vince vinturella.

Another good one is rather new. The honest wargamer
They take a single warscroll and talk about it for a half hour, fluff, tactics, models, efficiency, etc.
It's lead by rufio symes, better known as Rob from Warhammer TV. He did this after he left. He loves AoS and his show is centered around it, but has objective opinions about it. He wasn't able to express them so he started this after he left.

awesome. This is just what I'm after. I already listen to vince, he's great.

cool will check this out

The Facehammer podcast is decent too. Probably mid-spectrum on the GW-quisling scale.

an unordered list of Veeky Forums youtube channels I like

>Tabletop Minions
mostly common sense and hobby stuff, but the videos are well produced and there are some good tips buried in there. Pretty inoffensive.

>The Outer Circle
mostly a whine fest about Australian GW really screwing over their customers, but most of the stuff he says about game design are on point.

>Spikey Bits
There are all kinds of crazy rumors about this guy but I like his unboxing and product reviews, and his stream is not bad to watch. Sometimes I can't tell if he is 17 or 37.

>Next Level Painting
Starts every video with "YO DAWG IT'S KENNY BOUCHER HITTING YOU UP ON THE LITERAL BEST OF DAYS" this guy loves memes and sideburns, but he does some really great painting tutorials, especially for airbrushing and bulk painting.

His channel got nuked but he has a blog. He was basically Veeky Forums in vlog form with a lot of crazy ideas, pondering, and discussion.

>Terrain Tutor
He does terrain videos and makes it look so easy. It's not, but this guy is real good.

>Ian "Waz" Wyatt
Really really good Ork kitbashing. Makes you want to spend hundreds of dollars on Trukk kits.

>DM's Craft
If you can get past the goofy intros this guy has some really decent videos about making all kinds of things out of very cheap or everyday materials. The stuff he makes is most with TTRPGs in mind, but you could very easily apply the same techniques to wargaming terrain.

Really cringy sometimes, and comes across as insecure on occasion. He rants about "alpha male masculinity identity politics" like seriously who cares? Still he has some alright hobby videos and some of his tactics videos invite discussion, while others don't bother.


Where is the manticore one from?

in the trash where your army belongs

Check out the new Skaven Bloodbowl player.
He is so cute and fat!
I can't wait to see what conversions people do to bring him into Age of Sigmar.

>lists beasts of the moral realms
>links to whfb background
don't you want to be taken seriously or what?


So we still don't have a cited source for this, or...


>Free Chumps
>Not playing Grots like a real man

It would be nice to have one, but I do have my doubts a little. If anything we will likely get a free cities battletome. Which I would be all for.

Imagine fluff about the free cities, including many major ones like those from firestorm, and a selection of allegiance abilities like different chapter tactics. And some battalions, which are mixed race.

It would be a great way to consolidate many of the order subfactions to make it more manageable.

I cannot wait for the Grot armies that were hinted at in the background to be made into actual forces for the tabletop.

>Grot scuttlings and the other spider-themed grots
>Airship grots (Forgot the actual name of them, they're in the Kharadon book)

I want more freaky goblins like pic related.