/awg/ Alternative Wargames General

Magical edition

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or people's homebrew wargames. /hwg/ doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to very specific games, so this thread isn't tied to a game, or a genre, lets talk about fun wargames.

Any scale, any genre, any company, any minis. Skirmishers welcome. Rules designers welcome.

>Examples of games that qualify
Grimdark Future, Age of Fantasy, Mighty Armies, Dragon Rampant, Of Gods and Mortals, Frostgrave, Hordes of the Things, Songs of Blades and Heroes, Freebooter's Fate, Dark Age, LotR and anything that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread (gorkamundheim).

>Places to get minis

>The Novice Trove

Last Thread

A while back there was a company that did Jaffar warriors. Is there anything like that still around?

>Look at hobby desk
>Got SAGA, DZC, Horus Heresy, and lastly bolt action shit sitting there
>DZC stuff is built but needs to be painted
>See the new kings of war kickstarter
>4 fucking warbands, a giant, terrain, a rulebook, dice, you fucking name it for 150 bucks

Someone please stop me.

It's too late for me. The Giant pledge (And about $100 worth of related addons for hard plastic troops) was just too good of a deal for me to resist. I said the same thing about Kingdom Death a year ago for that matter, and now I am fucking swamped.

You could make a time table to get your other shit done until the KS is ready to be delivered.
That kind of schedule usually helps me to be motivated to sit down.

The company was Eureka miniatures, IIRC. They also made SG1, and both were on the small scale for 28mm.

Oh, that is just TITS. Fucking love it!

Yeah apparently. Sadly they are no longer in productions though.

And apparently Gripping Beast used to make some too at one point

Yeah, I was about to mention these guys. They had three different types of helmet (Ra's, Apophis, and jackal ones I think), the SG crew, the gate and the dial, and some 1/16 scale pewter Jafaa figures as well. Got myself some right when I simultaneously heard about them and the shutting down.

So me and Bartosz got in a game of Heavy Gear tonight, South vs. Caprice. Bartosz was using my Southern models and I brought my newly built Caprice. I got pretty badly beaten, both because of dice rolls and a pretty stupis tactical mistake when it came to deploying my Fire Support squad. We didn't go all out with the rules, so no command points or orders.

Anyway, the lists!

GP squad - Command Jager, Jager, Brawler Hager and Striking Hager.

Strike Squad - Razorfang Black Mamba, Black Mamba, Striking Black Mamba and Blazing Black Manna.

Fire Support squad - King Cobra, Spitting Cobra and Junglemower Support Cobra.

Recon squad (attaches as support to FS) - Hunting Inguanab, Chatterbox Iguana.

GP - 4 Acco, Stalking Acco.

FS - Kadesh, Suppor Kadesh, Support Meggido, Snioer Meggido.

Strider squad - Support Ammon.

Picture dump incoming. Apologies that none of it's painted.

This was our best roll off of the night. Both pilots just worthless.

I came to realize that taking on the South FS squad head on was a very bad idea as my heavier mounts atarted getting picked apart. Also the cramped nature of that area of the table limited their movement which made it harder to bring them all to bare.

After a few casualites on my side I was finally able to knock out the King Cobra. I split my targets with my Ammon first turn when I should have just unloaded both railguns into the King.

We eventually ended up sort of settling into some gunlines behind what terrain we could. The Ammon started to flounder a bit and wasn't hitting as often as I would have liked.

I managed to deal my second causality to the South forces, knocking out the Striking Mamba. But it was a game of catch up at this point for the Capricians.

And the Ammon started getting hit hard by the artillery from the Junglemower Support Cobra. That field gun fucked the Ammon up bad.

The Ammon finally goes down and the Caprician FS squad (at this point just the Support Kadesh and Sniper Meggido) begin trying to flank the two Spitting Cobras.

spammy as fuck, just post an imgur album bro

This was the killing blow on the Support Kadesh. It was brutal in ways I never thought possible.

Wasn't like anyone else was posting anyway.

This is the last one.

The victory shot from the Southern lines. I got stomped with two models alive when we called it.

At the end of the day I should have deployed my FS squad on the opposite side of table and unloaded into ths King Cobra with my railguns more. I should have flanked with my FS and knocked out that Chatterbox so he couldn't forward observe for the field gun. I also hunkered down in the middle with my Accos which probably wasn't the smartest move.

Fun game, though, and it makes me glad to know that the Southern FS units I built can bring the pain. Also Black Mambas are surprisingly scary. They can hit pretty hard and sport respectable armor. The Acco can't shoot for shit, but their 3+ piloting skill makes them rather tough little bastards to kill without concentrating fire on them.

After all that forgot the picture. Fucking derp.

Can any heavy hear among some up the factions real quick? The utopian guys and the CEF have some real cool minis but I'd love to know the lore or just a summation of them.

Utopia uses Armiger auits which are similar to a Gear, but generally a litrlenlighter armored. They also have command of swarms of N-KIDU drones which bring most of their firepower to the table. They're getting some new stuff in the upcoming KS which will help expand their options.

CEF are the Earth army, and they favor tanks. They have Frames which they developed after seeing how effective Gears were during the War of the Alliance on Terra Nova. Their tanks are their main weapons, though. Fast and well armed and armored. They're expensive so having some Frames or even some FLAIL infantry handy can really help.

The great thing is you could totally run a combined force of Utopia and CEF since most of Utopia fighrs alongside the CEF after the Earth rolled back up with a huge fleet.

Hope that helps, but if not I'll be glad to provide what other info I can.

There was something bothering me about these guys. And I think I figured out what it is.

Compare to good ol' Akkad here their tusks are much bigger and more prominent.
I kind of like Akkad's face more. He looks a bit cuter somehow.

>I kind of like Akkad's face more. He looks a bit cuter somehow.

>He looks a bit cuter somehow.

>He looks a bit cuter


you memed too hard and now you're gay

Feminine tusks aren't gay

I want to try some Trek-like spaceship gaming. Have any of these been shared?

Engage: Spaceship Combat, by Red Wyvern Games

A Call to Arms: Star Fleet, Book One, Revision Two, Deluxe Edition, by Amarillo Design Bureau

Colonial Battlefleet, by Steel Dreadnought Games


I like your wreck markers.
Did you magnetize your Caprice? When I got mine in, I couldn't resist the urge since they give you one of every turret for every set of legs you get too good to pass up.
You're also the one who's posted the new kickstarter info, right? If so, I've been trying to find any images of an Arbalester for my friend, would you happen to have found anything for it? I haven't been able to find anything with google.

Maybe he's the "accursed" because he's cursed with small fangs?

gnolly gnolly gnolly gnoll!

>games where you have to lay down painted models

Why is this a mechanic so often

Because war games are both a visual spectacle and a hobby, and if you clearly don't have the patience or capacity to invest in your hobby, why are you even here?

The wreck markers actually belong to The store we play at, but I think they added a certain quality to the game.

None of my Caprice stuff is magnetized. I lack the tools and skills needed to do such a thing, although I did debate pinning them. Again, though, I lack the tools and skills.

Might buy some Caprice stuff off a local who magnetized the legs. Might sed if he's willing to magnetized the rest of the stuff for me for a little extra.

Here's the Arby for ya. Straight from DP9's Facebook (you can see all thd previews for the upcoming Kickstarter there).

You've misread me friend.

I meant lay down as in "place on their side".

Painting is the one part of the hobby I consistently take part in. Other than collecting piles of the stuff.

Oh, yes it seems I have. I change my answer to complete retardation and disrespect for one's figures. Casualty markers and blood splatters really aren't hard to find or make. Or even a marker to put under the figure's base.

Akkad the Concerned
obligatory say something nice post

I'm looking forward to buying 30 more miniatures I will never paint just to purchase you.

I was going to paint more of my tenchers today, but then I let myself get distracted. I can't keep letting myself do this.

I feel like he's like Ferdinand the bull; he doesn't want to fight, he just wants to sit down and smell the flowers.

i'm actually looking forward to the plastics and the metals, especially that orc with the whip, although the bases seem quite big

he's misunderstood, as are all goblins
>bred to fight, bred to die, that is the lot in life for the orcs

KoW Vanguard kickstarter is nearly over.

it looked a bit shit when it first started, but there seems to be quite a bit added.

I get the feeling it might have done better if the campaign didnt launch alongside JoA which utterly trampled it in terms of pledges and hype.

It works in Blood Bowl because that uses a grid. On the other hand when games do it with free movement you get models which always seem to be placed imprecisely.

It's a pretty good deal right now IMO. I only went in for add-ons to make a Nightstalker army, and I am paying less than $1 per mini at this point, with the bulk of the figures being hard plastic.

Nah I mean it. He's cute in the way a pug is cute. Cute but ugly. The other ones looks like bulldogs. Ugly but not as cute.

Anyway what I was gettiing at is that the metal models are somewhat inconsistent.
I think the plastic models have smaller tusks as well, but the official paintjob is not the usual Kev Dallimore quality and I haven't seen any good unpainted pictures.

Dunno. I think the two were in different scale so not really in direct competition for most of their supporters.
But I'm always hesitant to support a KS where you don't know what the final result looks like.
Mantic has a mixed track record.
And I also already have several WHFB armies I don't really need more. Nor am I really super interested in similar game right now.

Mantic has also done a shitload of Kickstarters by now. Maybe people are just tired and have spent what they wanted on Mantic.

They have showed off renders for some of the models already. The Northern Alliance though is just concept art so far. Their more recent models have been much higher quality than their old, especially as they ditched restic. Also Vanguard is a campaign based skirmish game rather than a mass battle game like WHFB. It would be closer to something like Mordheim that happens to share a lot of the same models.

Akkad sets unrealistic beauty standards that promote an unhealthy body image amongst young goblins.

Don't hate him cause he's beautiful.

I think the generic fantasy skirmish campaign genre is a little overdone. You really need (the promise of) top notch models these days to get a hype train going. I'm in with the 2 player set and some add ons anyway. Might upgrade to giant though.
I still feel like it was a success for mantic, because they founded what seems like core stuff for their next KoW ks.

I think that Vanguard has a good place in giving more options than Frostgrave, being less open ended than ASoBaH, and having tighter rules than both. It depends on what you are going for of course. I am personally just in it because we finally get some hard plastic Nighstalkers.

>I think the generic fantasy skirmish campaign genre is a little overdone.
Yeah that's another thing about Mantic. Generic.

Nobody buys into their games for the backstory or writing. People only buy it for the models or the rules.
I think the background is like the glue that keeps a community together/going. You can only discuss the rules or models that much.

To be fair, the background for Dreadball is fairly well fleshed out and interesting, there's a ton of space for 'your dudes' and the rules are great.

I love Dreadball though, so maybe I'm a little biased.

agreed. the only substitute for built in settting/background is really developing your own narrative for the game. even then, background matters; i'd rather play Mordheim over Frostgrave or Song of Blades and Heroes, but even Frostgrave has more setting than SoBaH.

The new warpath stuff also came with a big fluff book and it's not half bad, honestly.

There was also a free novel with the KS pledge but I never read it.

say that to my face outside gundabad see what happens

Warpath/Dreadball's setting is actually decent though. Kings of War's setting is generic, but hey put actual effort into Warpath's and made it something that isn't just a 40K knock off. Kings of War is more of a your dudes deal like Frostgrave than anything.

They did a lot of KoW's setting with the summer campaign, and have promised a setting book in the future. It isn't all that bad. Plenty of games can go without too much in the way of a background as with Frostgrave.

Akkad's head isn't on his chest. He also doesn't look as lanky, but may be down to the pose.

Never thought I'd have a Sisters of Battle army. Glad I started playing Epic for that reason alone.
Now to get them painted up.


Joan of Arc
I really don't get why they didn't just call it Jeanne D'Arc. Localizing names is cancerous and localizing it into the language of the warm beer drinkers that tortured and killed the person in question is just plain wrong.

French beer is undrinkable swill.

as britbong I keked.

I mean, she was a witch.

See, this is why the magical community in the UK has to segregate themselves into magic ghettos hidden in train stations.

It kills me when I bring my painted minis, and the other players don't even have primer on theirs. Now, this is not to say that I am some paintfag purist that refuses to play with - or otherwise looks down on - people that don't paint their minis. Rather, I wait in tortured anticipation for them to clunk their minis into mine on the table, roughly knock mine down, manhandle them in some way, or some other form of rough handling that risks parts breaking off or chipping the paint. Or touch them with grease-soaked fingers fresh from eating something.

I have asked others to be careful when handling my stuff on occasion, and I have been told more than once that I "should pin [my] stuff if I was so worried about it breaking," and in one exceptional case some colossal faggot told me I shouldn't bother painting my stuff if I was so worried about him fucking up the paint job.

My ass would always clench when someone would knock over my metal minis into the table, back when those were mostly what I played with. Plastic is better, but is still a problem. I haven't even brought my resins out except for a few select friends I know I can trust to not break them in some way.

Hell, even Fate/Stay Night gets it right

What games on the market would let give me a Warmahordes esque experience so that I can get my fix?

If I lived in america I would get it, sucks that custums in my country sucks so bad

>Either go in on KoW: Vanguard kickstarter
>Wait for the heavy gear kickstarter
>Actually save my money and build the shit in my backlog

Fuck my life.

You know that you want Ronnie the Bard man.

I wanted to do Vangaurd for at least the rules, but I can wait. I'll be throwing in for my PRDF with Heavy Gear and attempt to work on my backlog while I wait for it to arrive.

And maybe buy some BMG stuff. Or work on my KoW. Fucking christ I'm so behind...

No offense to the heavy gear lads but this looks like a turd. Hope the final model is better.

Anyone have a pdf scan of Dragon Rage?

I'm waiting to see the full model before passing judgement myself. See it from a few other angles.


Godslayer plays very similarly to Warmahordes.

looking good.

I've unfortunately not painted any of my Epic minis in several weeks. Been spending all my off time playing video games instead...

>Now, this is not to say that I am some paintfag purist that refuses to play with - or otherwise looks down on - people that don't paint their minis
Non-painters SHOULD be shunned, user.

I know that feeling. My painting desk is all set up ready for me to get started in an instant, but instead I get home and just sit in bed with the laptop because it's less effort.

Absolutely. Non-painters have no place in the hobby. And don't even get started by trying to call me an elitist, like it's a bad thing.
I'm more than happy to see a few colors, a wash and maybe a detail or two, but plain primer or bare plastic is pig disgusting.

I sincerely prefer minis with no primer than an entire army with only black primer, so you don't even see the detail of the minis (!).

But yeah, I really don't understand the players who hate the hobby aspect of the game. Usually small tournaments at the shop are the worst, at least here in Europe. Minis borrowed from friends or half assembled, urgh.

What about bare plastic with random splotches of primary colour enamels?

Are you a kid that started last week?

>If I lived in america I would get it

>I really don't get why they didn't just call it Jeanne D'Arc. Localizing names is cancerous and localizing it into the language of the warm beer drinkers that tortured and killed the person in question is just plain wrong.
I'm guessing it was a marketing decision. Wargames on KS have traditionally gotten a large share of their backing from US and UK if you look at statistics.

>Yeah that's another thing about Mantic. Generic.
That's literally their guiding philosophy. It's right on their front page - affordable minis compatible with all popular gaming systems.

It's also a bit of "Alessio wanted to take another stab at WHFB and hopefully get it right this time."

They've been trying to carve out a niche of their own with 2.0, though. I can see a Might and Magic Style world become pretty cool if they try earnestly and keep going for a few more years.

it's fun that you say that, because the judgment was broken and she was made a catholic saint.

Typical papists, making a witch a saint.


I like the new direction Mantic's demons are going in. Pic related at least looks better than their older Flamebearers.

It's cool and all but goddamn that's even more of a mirror sculpt than the stuff people made fun of GW for.

Is this the final render though? Cause you can pose the models in Zbrush without too much hassle. So if it's a WIP shot that doesn't necessarily mean too much.

They already said that it wasn't the final render or pose. Hence a few of the renders not even having weapons.

Warlord released the first bounty hunter for GoA.

I'm not sure about this one. I get that they trying to emphasize that it is an alien, but the sculpt is messy and the lose makes it look more like he is limping than anything.

I've spent a while looking at the picture and I think I don't like the paintjob.
It also looks quite a bit different than I expected from the initial render. But I kind of like it, I just think it would benefit from a more conservative paintjob.
I'd paint it like a giant ant or something like that.