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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Originally, there's only 3 healers left, all independent golcanda seekers and the Sabbat has a small amount of warriors fighting for them.
>5th edition cliffnotes
>New Geist preview
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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>makes a new thread because (i can only assume) he is a masochist or a sadist
>doesn't even provide a question and instead answers some random question
Never until now did I think you were a fag, fagness.
Leave the faggot alone.
>guy is literally calls himself a fag
>makes faggy threads all the time
>does something faggy
>'wow dude, that sure was fucking gay'
Are devils/demons that infernalists/demonologists, thralls deal with the Earthbounds?
Do the right thing. Delete the thread.
Sometimes. They can also be conceptual entities from the High Umbra, aspects of the Wyrm, that sort of thing. There's varying types of infernalism; it's not a specific thing, but rather something very broad with numerous possibilities, though all typically lead to the same bloody end.
Though no, they wouldn't be Thralls in most cases. Only mortals can be Thralls. So Baali and the sort aren't that in the mechanical sense, but they are servants.
What does the OPP forums think of us, you think?
I don't know user. Why don't you go ask them?
By making a pointless thread? No. I don't think I will.
Not very highly. You can see that when they come over here to crosspost.
Then I guess you'll never know. And if it'd be a "pointless" discussion there then it's a pointless discussion here. No use in lingering on it.
Keep your weeb shit out of this place
Any tips on playing a woof in 2e? I want to play sort of a closet sociopath character. Intelligent and sociable among normal humans but enjoys nothing more than murderfucking everything on the hunt.
>Intelligent and sociable among normal humans but enjoys nothing more than murderfucking everything on the hunt.
So a werewolf?
Fair point. I was thinking more like Hannibal Lecter? Except instead of being a serial killer he's a woof.
Iirc the social one was the half-moon auspice, which might work even better because of it's themes of duality.
Idea for a Changeling NPC: an ancient and legendary Wizened Maker of the Autumn Court who is like a combination of Willy Wonka and Jack Skellington. He (if it is indeed a singular entity with a discernible gender) is never seen personally, but you see mysterious people in bright costumes adverstising strange new amusement parks and other attractions with his name on the flyers. Not just anyone seems to find his wondrous and fearsome inventions: they usually appear through one way or another to people with too much curiosity and not enough responsibility, especially regarding magic. And then they disappear as if they were never there. The people who are willing to speak of this Toymaker report everything from fate-bending puzzleboxes to clockwork mazes holding cursed treasures. The only pattern to his creations seems to be a desire to teach people to develop the proper respect for magic, and reward those who pass his tests. His motto, often seen in advertisements for his attractions, is as follows:
"Let he who is without fear press the first button!"
Elodoth, Iron-Master. Criminal Psychiatrist that like to take justice into his own hands?
Cool stuff. I like it.
Yeah that could work.
Why did Forsaken get rid of Lupus and Metis?
Having werewolves be a spirit/human hybrid thing probably made Lupus no longer thematically appropriate. It's all Father Wolf and Luna now in their creation, rather than Gaia and her Furry Force out to yiff the Wyrm and those dirty corporations who are being all corporate.
Metis probably didn't fit either, and the replacement murder-ghost baby was worse and I'm glad they fucking ditched that bad idea a female baby in China.
Lupus = Urhan
And in 1e the Metis's equivalent were basically the Unihar, horrible Spirit Baby monsters. Wolf Spirits with human intelligence.
They were ditched as a concept in 2e.
I was under the impression that Forsaken werewolves were never human. They don't have souls, which is kind of the big sign of humanity.
I meant Lupus as in wolf-born werewolves.
Because they don't want people to think fucking animals is cool.
So, what are we fighting about now?
Are you talking about Lupus themselves or how Lupus are made? Because with the latter I see what you mean.
Should salami be allowed in a 'proper' cuban sandwich?
You can't really have one without the other. Lupus = dog-fucking.
Can't lupus make more of themself with wolf kinfolk?
It's not really bestiality if both of them were originally wolfs.
kill me
Beast is terrible and you should feel terrible.
You're adorable.
Iirc one of the devs said wolf born Uratha are a thing that happens. It probably won't make it into a book though.
So I am putting together a Corax, and I had a question that I can't find the answer to online.
Corax get +1 dodge but dodge is no longer a skill, does this just add an extra dice to athletics checks to dodge? Is it supposed to be +1 athletics? or does it do nothing for some reason?
For WW20, I just noticed I forgot to mention that.
Bad dog.
Mentioned wanting to run C20 last thread, i want to run my chronicle idea by y'all to see if it seems interesting.
So the motley would be on a road trip across the continental United States, visiting all the tourist traps, natural wonders, and Freeholds that dot the US. Theyd pull in to a beach town that pulls double duty as a fishing village and a tourist town with its beachfront campgrounds, film festival, and other summer attractions.
The plot would kick off with the quickstart quest in "Yours to Keep" and then go on to the original bit. The original bit is this;
For some reason, a lot more thallain have been sighted in California, and have been causing trouble up and down the west coast for Changelings and normies alike. After investigating and thwarting a plot against the town the motleys residing in, they encounter a bleeding rift between the dreaming and the normal world along with berserk nightmarish chimera.
The plot would be the motley stopping the not!Oblivion Crisis in California and being knighted as Knights Errant as they continue their adventures across the US and help patch the holes in the dreaming.
What do y'all think?
I am... Dracula.
*disintegrates into dust*
Which single owod book is your favorite? Be it a core rulebook, a clan/tribe etc book or just an adventure. I'm curious about what is considered "best of best" in owod printing line.
personally Order of Hermes Revised Edition is my favorite.
Vampfags aren't supposed to like anything Mage.
Go away Dracula. We don't want V5
No changeling love?
No feedback?
It does sounds interesting but I don't know much about CtD to give any constructive feedback.
I did american roadtrip in my vtr/mtaw crossover tho
Feedback so far has been "only 14 ways to wank each other? there use to be 40"
He is talking about dreaming not lost.
Wrong Changeling.
As someone who owns a copy of 1e he's not that far off. Phil Brucato wrote a lot of the fluff alongide some other dudes. He made it an ERP game almost, but it was salvaged by the additional supplements, the short lived 2nd ed, and of course the 20th anniversary edition.
So would this pitch work on a bunch of dudes who usually play D&D, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, and Edge of The Empire?
Trying to be less Life is Strange, and more Grimm mixed with Del Toro's foray into fairy tales. But you know. Noblebright.
Sidenote; look at this art. Does this look like what a Changeling ought to?
I mean look at this fanart, this is Changeling The Dreaming. Not the wallpaper art.
So, who else has seen the boggan symbol as a strange face instead of a bee?
Dunno second gal on the right looks changeling alright but rest is preety bland. Including Chris Hemsworth in the middle
That's a bee? Looks like a muppet nerd.
ok, but can you tell half of them apart? Because the less obvious ones all look like Elves. Which is not what they're supposed to look like.
It does look like Grover from the muppets if he had jaundice
Yeah this art is kinda bland and uninspired. Noticed they all look the same. Is the rest of the C20 art like this?
Boggan, Clurichaun, Eshu, ?, Selkie, Redcap, Nocker, Sidhe, Satyr, Kender, ?, Sluagh, Troll
No. Which is odd. This is just the splat art in the character creation section, there's super inspired and awesome art in another section of the book (pictured here)
Right, Right, Right, Piskie, Wrong (Pooka), Right, Right, Right (Arcadian Sidhe), Right, Wrong (Selkie), Autumnal Sidhe, right, right.
Tell me that this art aint better for the splat things and get the point of the characters across better.
Did not know Iggy Pop was a changeling(bottom left) thou I'm not surpraised at all
1st edition had clearly the best splat pictures, but even 2nd edition is better than that.
Why is the troll blushing? Because of the flashing redcap?
hell this author even did art for the thallain (granted it's not as organized and harder to pinpoint when reading about them) i made this composite of all four bits of art together in gimp.
That man? He had a lust for life that no mere mortal could
Fuck yeah they did. The main artist was the dude who did the art for the Spiderwick Chronicles, Tony Ditellirezi
so bruja are sjw now?
They've always been contrarian malcontents so yeah, that's probably what they would be in the modern day.
Didin't they became like this after Ventrue turned Carthage into the parking lot?
>contrarian malcontents
>not professional shitposters on imageboards
On a different note, when will V5 be finished? I've been reading through the pre-alpha rules and they look promising
No that would be Nosferatu.
How were Nosferatu shitposting in Dark Ages?
>I've been reading through the pre-alpha rules and they look promising
That's literally the first time I've ever heard anyone say this about V5.
Probably the same way Luther did.
I've only played the anniversary edition and it seemed like a pain in the ass to gamemaster. This one seems easier because they've simplified how skill checks work
Have you read translated wall graffiti from ancient Greece and shit? It was pretty much shitposting.
Here I found it:
Have a look at CofD.
What does it change mechanics wise?
I kinda like the metaplot from wod
Don't, you'll get them started again.
Mechanics wise it's a lot more streamlined. Only the staunchest of oWoDfags deny that pretty much every CofD far outstrips oWoD in terms of mechanics. If you like the old fluff for Vampire there's a translation guide to help you merge Requiem's system with Masquerade's fluff.
Although if you ask me Vampire is pretty overrated, period.
>Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
Clearly a toreador
>I made bread
Clearly a werewolf
Why is God such a douchebag in OWoD?
>engineer unwinnable situation where the Fallen have to disobey the rules one way or another
>put them in super sensory deprivation for it forever
>turns out this all broke the universe, but instead of fixing it, just leave
>or commit suicide and shatter into Avatars, maybe
>millions of years later, all the systems your creations set up are destroying themselves
>also the Fallen have a way out now and millennia of torture have turned them into monsters that want to help wreck everything
>apparently this is just as keikaku?
Could you give me some examples for mechanics they changed?
Fixed target numbers, modifiers affect the dice pool instead.
Far less rolling in combat (one or two rolls instead of four).
Backgrounds are just merits.
Supernatural templates that can be applied to mortals.
All games use the same abilities.
>Although if you ask me Vampire is pretty overrated, period.
Not the OP thou I for one appreciate vampire for cloak&dagger/organized crime game and this is what I use it for.
Same as new Demon is a really great spy game
>All games use the same abilities.
You mean skills?
Alright that does seem vastly superior thanks man. Do i play with the requiem 1 or 2 rules
2e. Always 2e for whatever game has it.
2e has far better rules.
>cloak&dagger/organized crime game
That can be pretty much every splat though.
>Same as new Demon is a really great spy game
I feel like it really messes up on the actual 'Demon' side of the game, though.
>rivet gun
Are you fucking serious?
Ech in theory but vamp for me has the most feel for it when you think clans/covenants/sects are down to it just huge crime syndicates and every member is coke addict that also gets superpowers from it
Does it really tho? If it walks like a duck....
I might enjoy it more because I hated the christfagnes of owod but imho both "gnostic" demons of DtD and demon-demons of Inferno are better than fallen
I don't mind the biotechnological stuff, it's just that the lore spends half its time telling you that the God Machine and its angels/demons possess technology that is indistinguishable from magic, and then all the demon form stuff is utterly disappointing.
Also there's very little attempt to make the cyborgs of DtD feel like demons.
I don't mind, honestly. It's better than a reskinned Fallen, which I never liked anyway.
See for me it is just a costume. At the core what makes the demon a demon? Horns on his head? Maybe a pitchfork would do it. Or the fact that it opposes a god and barters with humans for their souls
I wasn't really a fan of Fallen either. I just feel like at some point in development the team of Descent the team lost track of what they were doing.
Sure. I just find many of the tools you're given by Descent to pull off a convincing demon lacking. Hell, I don't even think they pull off a convincing super machine very well.
>hey want to play a game where you're a demon?
>here, have biotechnological angels made by a machine god!
>yeah cool okay let's see what we can do
>ah yes, for your magnificent demon powers, you may have a rivet gun
>or, if you want to be a classic infernal demon, you may produce small bursts of flame equivalent to that of a lighter!
>oh and your hands can be knives! with the incredible Clarke's Third Law technology of the God-Machine, even making knives is possible!
At least Embeds and Exploits are cool enough that you never ever have to use the dumb demon form stuff.
This. At least with Fallen you can simulate some of the classic demon powers. Descent is so focused on being different that it forgets its demons are supposed to be things normal humans can mistake for actual demons.
What lighters can rain napalm in a 5 yard radius?