Pathfinder General /pfg/
Leak Day Edition
What are you most excited about in this month's leaks? What are you most disappointed by (besides the Shifter)?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Leak Day Edition
What are you most excited about in this month's leaks? What are you most disappointed by (besides the Shifter)?
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that construct brawler is the most disappointing thing
Ima fix Gallows
Why is that image the OP.
I thought we could only go up from anime bullshit.
Post character concepts you haven't found a good game for yet.
how that
>This image
>[braid tugging intensifies]
Blood and ashes!
>That image
>Her face screams "I need an adult"
I approve.
/pfg/ logic
Heartfelt attempts at opening up to someone romantically: EWWW STOP BULLYING ME NERD
Actual sexual assault: Oh nooo~ "Please" "don't" bully my poor little slutholes with your girlcock senpai~! Tee-hee-hee!
>not wanting your sluthole bullied by girkcock
>not wanting to star in from guillotine to girldick
what are you gay?
Apparently so, if "gay" is used by /pfg/ to mean "not into futa doms who want you to rebuild your whole life around them."
>not a sucktard for the bossdick
something something stale memes and rude insinuations about the size of your genitals
So... where are the games?
Reading through the entirety of Ultimate Wilderness, and apart from the Shifter the new stuff for the races and a good chunk of the archetypes look decent. Of course that's after a first reading so there's plenty of time for the impression to turn sour, but who knows.
Oh-hai Sleep.
>dat filename
I'm pretty sure that it was obvious that was never a serious application.
>Fractured Mind Spiritualist - Former violinist who fell into a slump, now haunted by a literal embodiment of his own despair hanging out in his head. Wants to travel to regain his creative spirit and purge himself of the affliction.
>Mesmerist on the young side from a broken family. Likes playing matchmaker and generally pushing people into thinking the way he believes is best for them in a misguided attempt to make the world a better place.
>Neutral Good Devolutionist Druid who believes turning the wicked into mindless animals and letting them return to nature is the ultimate redemption for them.
>Strange Magic Herbalist Gardener who doesn't have long to live and wants to collect specimens around the world for the "perfect garden" he intends to take his own life in.
>Shota Serial Killer Vigilante
>literally anything from Gonzo
I still want to play a Fey Pact Avowed yokai where the pact represents their true nature instead of power gifted to them (and also represents them occasionally hulking out and turning into a big fuckoff monster).
Homebrew Shifter
gridlock's dead
Does detect/smite evil work against tieflings even if said tiefling is good? I mean, they carry ideas and concepts of evil within their veins. They speak and write words of evil inherent tongue, sometimes even engraved on their skin, which they don't have to learn at all, they just know it naturally.
Alright, to better clarify this. I'm just unhappy with my own work with Gallows and I think it was going to be a fairly weak campaign going off of my pitch. I don't much know what I want from the game right now (besides the idea that I wanted to create something good for /pfg/ to play in) so I'm going back to the drawing board for now.
A game will be hosted! It just needs some desperate retooling and a revaluation of what the vision even was in the first place.
The GM is changing some of it, so he probably just took it down to prevent anyone else from applying while he makes changes.
Yeah, I know.
I want to play a weeb tiefling swordswoman, but I have no idea for things more than that!
titan mauler with long arms trait for megasword
Pimp lawyer bard.
For what it's worth, the idea around being a prison guard for a super dangerous prison was enticing. Will the new game you host be incredibly different or will you be looking for the same general tone and idea?
Yeah, I should have said that the link was dead, not the game, my bad.
Anything you wanna throw at us for workshopping?
I was thinking more of ideas for the characters backstory and stuff, sorry about the confusion. The build was either Brutal Slayer Bushi Stalker or Mercurial Duelist Vigilante, depending on PoW being allowed.
Cocaine addicted paladin.
It works because he cannot get really addicted to (being immune to diseases) it so its just psychological addiction.
I dunno, looks alright to me.
Martial Flexibility can eat dicks. Gimmie my Bionic Commando.
I aim to make the tone more colorful and less dreary/famished. Looking forwards I believed that the idea of a prison guard focused game would soon either become formulaic (riots/dealing with powerful prisoners can only happen so many times before it gets boring) or misleading if the labyrinth was only a fraction of the campaign.
The next pitch will involve you starting as prisoners of the Labyrinth (unjustly or justly accused at your whim) who are more or less planted as spies amongst inmates in exchange for their lives. But I plan to explain more of the GRAND PLAN of the campaign more than the start when I repost it!
Did you read Oathbringer too?
I'm concerned that it's still Prisoner Simulator 2017 tho
No. Should I?
What is it about the idea of a big prison that attracts you so much? You seem to be predicating most of the game around it, yet it seems to me to be the weakest and most limiting facet.
Not particularly, but there is a drug addict paladin. It'll take you way too long for way too little of that though, so you're probably better off not.
Don't worry guys i'm not mede but I -am- having a panic attack
More or less it's the idea of both good and evil folk being more or less forced to work together on equal grounds for survival. Especially during a riot scenario.
And I like the idea of someone who was never planning on being an adventurer more or less becoming one out of necessity.
Here, look at this until it stops.
Fair enough, but I think you could arrive at these themes through methods other than something so specific as "giant prison", which really stifles creativity on both the player level and the GM level.
>And I like the idea of someone who was never planning on being an adventurer more or less becoming one out of necessity.
This in particular can be a very broad idea, as many, many, many adventurers do so out of necessity. I also don't see this as being coherent with your new "you start as prisoners" concept, but that is perhaps not a constructive line of thinking to explore.
Well, I'm pretty sure that's a rat.
It is indeed a rat.
how the fuck do you even tell
what does this mean about tone
won't anime girls be hilariously out of place there even with an anime filter
also think about using a setting other than Golarion
Rats are longer and more arrowlike, mice are rounder and fatter.
Shape of the snout, ears, tail, and feet.
rats are bigger
>I want you all to be adventurers!
>but you're gonna be stuck as spies in prison
whatever, you retards are desperate for a game.
not desperate enough to play with someone acting like you
give better premise
>thinking thats mede
goddamn you are fucking retarded
>he took the bait
thanks for the (you) sucker
>a handful of thirsty yards is all of pfg
Evidently not, considering all the current games have very few applications (and none from anyone of importance).
I want to play a tiefling who surrendered to its evil nature because a Paladin used Detect/Smite evil against her little sister.
inb4 desperate for a """"good"""" game
Unless his little sister was an evil creature of at least 4 HD or an Evil Cleric, it wouldn't have mattered.
Learn 2 Mechanics.
What's Smaug's alignment?
CE, he's a red dragon.
Tieflings are literally made of evil. It is not just blood that runs in their veins, it's ideas and concepts of evil. Their dark tongues and written words also carry all the malice and evil of the Lower Planes. Even if they are personally good, their body is tainted by evil.
Ow. The Edge.
That's not true in PF in game terms a tiefling would not ping as evil in any circumstance a human wouldn't.
No they aren't retard
Unless that was a Paladin from the Worldwound (and even that's stretching it if the sister was a child) that still falls dangerously close to the "lol you're born evil" trope that Pathfinder as a system often tries to avoid nowadays.
No edge. That's literally how it is written in Blood of Fiends. They are planetouched outsiders.
A post this stupid could only come from IKiD.
Children born of these unions carry the blood of fiends in their veins, and are irredeemably marked. This first generation consists of true half-fiends—half mortal, half outsider—while their own children may be fiendish-looking tieflings or appear totally normal. Regardless, these latter generations carry an invisible power within their veins. This outsider blood is more than a transport fluid; it contains ideas and concepts, the very evil nature that defines fiendish outsiders. Translated into mortal form, the blood might manifest visibly as hooves, horns, an uncanny hue to the skin, or any number of other unnerving variations. Sometimes this blood lies dormant for generations or displays its presence in subtle ways that only hint at its power.
go away fag
Tieflings are born knowing either Infernal or Abyssal as a language, usually depending on their heritage. The language appears to be written into the fibers of their being, and though they may not recognize that they speak and understand the tongue, exposure to it reveals the knowledge of the words in their hearts. They respond instinctively to the words, and though they might not be able to read the symbols, they feel the truth of them.
But it'd not, though.
They have no alignment subtype, and therefore don't naturally detect as anything.
I think you're conflating flavor for mechanics.
Paladins can't smite people just because they're related to someone evil. They need to either be evil themselves, have the evil subtype, or be undead. Being a tiefling isn't enough.
let's just shitpost about apps or something
I'm working on a chainsaw weapon, I was thinking to stat it like this :
1d4 x2 S | On hit, can reroll for 1d2 damage, each time damage is inflicted, you can reroll for hit with a -2 penalty cumulated each time. | Disarming
Don't look at me, I think a chainsaw would do a lot more damage than that.
Well, it would be mostly a side reward for completing a non obligatory puzzle. I know it would do more damage, but since it'll apply on hit effect for each successful hit, I prefered to lowet extremely its damages.
Chainsaws are already started.
Since Gallows is getting an overhaul, Wizard Tower apps would be the next best thing to shitpost about.
Really? I was mostly looking through the Ultimate Equipment book and I could'nt find anything.
>making something other than an edgelordy noble with a nodachi
I'm not sure this is much better though...
... Wow.
Technology Guide.
ugh, looks like Rory applied too
that guy isn't Rory. I can confirm that.